"why French Kids Don't Have Adhd"


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
"French children don't need medications to control their behavior.

In the United States, at least 9% of school-aged children have been diagnosed with ADHD, and are taking pharmaceutical medications. In France, the percentage of kids diagnosed and medicated for ADHD is less than .5%. How come the epidemic of ADHD—which has become firmly established in the United States—has almost completely passed over children in France?

Is ADHD a biological-neurological disorder? Surprisingly, the answer to this question depends on whether you live in France or in the United States. In the United States, child psychiatrists consider ADHD to be a biological disorder with biological causes. The preferred treatment is also biological--psycho stimulant medications such as Ritalin and Adderall.

French child psychiatrists, on the other hand, view ADHD as a medical condition that has psycho-social and situational causes. Instead of treating children's focusing and behavioral problems with drugs, French doctors prefer to look for the underlying issue that is causing the child distress—not in the child's brain but in the child's social context."

rest here,
Why French Kids Don t Have ADHD Psychology Today
ADHD is a make believe *disorder* that progressives came up with to hide the fact that the parenting and education framework they have carefully put into place over the last 40 years or so is an abyssmal failure, and the result of a depraved lifestyle and self-centered parenting, combined with lazy, stupid teachers, are kids that are out of control and teachers that scream for them to be doped.

Exercise Is ADHD Medication - The Atlantic
...Because if you wait until people are adults, treating their conditions which were formed in childhood is too late.
The vast majority of kids in the U.S. who are diagnosed with ADHD are boys. They are given this diagnosis because they are active and don't act like girls. So, they are drugged into being more placid, largely for the convenience of the public school system.
Amusing fiction.

With just a little bit of critical though, a person could question why it is that in thousands of cases of ADHD where there is more than just a single sibling, there is often a case of more than half the children being completely free of the symptoms, even though all of them have the exact same social and environmental context.

If you want to be phrench, just come out and say so. After all, the stigma is almost gone now.
Point of the article is to illustrate the differnt MOs of US vs non-US psychology. In the US, we treat via meds, elsewhere, they treat the underlying causes which usually doesn't involve medication. But because pharmaceutical companies have unprecedented power in the US, too often, drug therapy is the way we'll treat things. Asia, Europe, others treat via prevention (as with avoiding getting sick in the first place, or by treating psychological problems with talk-therapy, whereas in the US we treat things via magic pills.)
I've worked with different disorders my entire career. If a kid truly has ADHD, I've come to find that it's severe to the point that no one in his life is asking themselves whether they have it. I hope that makes sense.

Meaning that if you're a parent and you sit back and wonder about your kid "does he have ADHD?" Then odds are it's perfectly manageable without medication. Let them grow into who they are without anything messing with their brain.

If you have a child that is all over the place to the point where it's COMPLETELY unmanageable then that's when you should consider medication.

It's kind of hard to explain what I'm talking about other than in person but I've worked with plenty of kids with actual ADHD and they cannot stay focused on a single topic for more than a couple of minutes, and they'll run through dozens of topics bouncing back and forth without any seeming function to their behavior. So if you're child can play a single video game for an extended period of time, read a book for an extended period of time, or sit through dinner then odds are they don't need any medication.
Secondly, if the first option you're family doctor presents to you is some type of medication then I'd consider looking for a new family doctor.
ADHD is a make believe *disorder* that progressives came up with to hide the fact that the parenting and education framework they have carefully put into place over the last 40 years or so is an abyssmal failure, and the result of a depraved lifestyle and self-centered parenting, combined with lazy, stupid teachers, are kids that are out of control and teachers that scream for them to be doped.

Exercise Is ADHD Medication - The Atlantic

How I can agree and disagree so strongly with one post.

It's not a "progressive" make believe disorder, it is a modern make believe disorder.

Kids used to have to work (chores at home, on the farm, sometimes actual paying jobs to help out). And even when they weren't working, their pursuits were largely active and physical (running and playing outside). Nutrition wasn't always that great, and there weren't electronics and lights to keep kids up at night, so they didn't have an overabundance of food-supplied energy, and they got plenty of sleep.

Now, kids get more calories than ever, are more sedentary than ever, and by and large don't get enough sleep. Their bodies are telling them to burn off energy, and their minds are not always rested enough to choose the right ways and times to do that. Factor in parents who don't encourage (or even limit) physical activity, and schools that think they need to cut recess time in order to cram in more reading (something that backfires as a teacher tries to settle a bunch of kids who need desperately to MOVE).

So....the part I agree with is your link. Yes, exercise IS ADHD Medication.
Ya, imagine the behavioural scientists focusing on children before they become crazy adults.

So you're a behavioural scientist, then? :laugh:

I am. Understanding why people do the things they do has always been my primary interest. And after majoring in psychology I got to working out figuring why people become hyper-violent. Other psychological issues are peripheral interests. But violence is number one since it seems to me the more important area of study.
It's a progressive make believe disorder, one of many little avenues they have made use of to criminalize/marginalize/institutionalize those who step outside of the pro-homo, anti-male, statist mold.

Your kid doesn't like to sing kumbaya and dance around in a tutu? He throws things and makes spitwads in class?


Single mom who works full time isn't able to sit down with her kid and help him with his homework, and he's nodding off in class because he stayed up late playing on the ps3 while she was at work?


That's progressivism.
Ya, imagine the behavioural scientists focusing on children before they become crazy adults.

So you're a behavioural scientist, then? :laugh:

I am. Understanding why people do the things they do has always been my primary interest. And after majoring in psychology I got to working out figuring why people become hyper-violent. Other psychological issues are peripheral interests. But violence is number one since it seems to me the more important area of study.

Majoring in psychology, lololol...

Yeah you bet. As if we didn't need more evidence that psych majors are fucking psychotic perverts.
It's a progressive make believe disorder, one of many little avenues they have made use of to criminalize/marginalize/institutionalize those who step outside of the pro-homo, anti-male, statist mold.

Your kid doesn't like to sing kumbaya and dance around in a tutu? He throws things and makes spitwads in class?


Single mom who works full time isn't able to sit down with her kid and help him with his homework, and he's nodding off in class because he stayed up late playing on the ps3 while she was at work?


That's progressivism.

Such bullshit.

Try having a clue the next time you want to discuss children, education, or any topic.
Ya, imagine the behavioural scientists focusing on children before they become crazy adults.

dr. ivan shartlov said:
So you're a behavioural scientist, then? :laugh:

delta4embassy said:
I am. Understanding why people do the things they do has always been my primary interest. And after majoring in psychology I got to working out figuring why people become hyper-violent. Other psychological issues are peripheral interests. But violence is number one since it seems to me the more important area of study.

Right, Delta. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.

I especially love the methodologies you're undertaking in these two threads:

Does Pornography Harm Children Who View It US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Effects on children seeing their parents nude having sex et al. US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
I try to never recommend medication... but koshergrl could use some. Maybe one of these:

Ya, imagine the behavioural scientists focusing on children before they become crazy adults.

dr. ivan shartlov said:
So you're a behavioural scientist, then? :laugh:

delta4embassy said:
I am. Understanding why people do the things they do has always been my primary interest. And after majoring in psychology I got to working out figuring why people become hyper-violent. Other psychological issues are peripheral interests. But violence is number one since it seems to me the more important area of study.

Right, Delta. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.

I especially love the methodologies you're undertaking in these two threads:

Does Pornography Harm Children Who View It US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Effects on children seeing their parents nude having sex et al. US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Why you're not a scientist and I am I guess.

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