Why gay marriage is wrong!

10 Reasons Why Gay Marriage Is Wrong
We don't need bias here but does anybody have any weighty argument for homosexual marriage?
Without words about choice and freedom of love please.
Why gay marriage is good and why it is becoming legal so fast?

Specifically? It helps children of same sex couples. It helps same sex couples. It helps encourage monogamy, which strengthen society. Just off the top of my head.
Paul never even met Jesus. His authority to preach came from the Apostles, not Jesus.

Paul was a man, inspired by Jesus, but he was not with Jesus like the Apostles.
Paul's authority came from Christ. Same as the other apostles. He even corrected Peter about some false teachings he was spouting. Paul was their equal in every way.
But America is not a Christian theocracy.

If you want religion to write laws for society, try Sharia.
Your reply has nothing to do do with what I posted. Are you lost? Wrong thread, maybe?
Referring to Biblical passages nod debating the fine points of dogma has nothing at all to do with marriage equality.

By the way, precisely where in Scripture did Christ or His apostles ever say 'all that stuff about loving your neighbor and casting the first stone goes for everyone except Gays?
You still don't get it. Most Christians really dont care if someone is gay or not. We simply want them to keep it in the bedroom where it belongs, and not intrude in our lives. What's so hard about that?
wouldn't it be nice if heteros would do the same thing, eh?
Specifically? It helps children of same sex couples. It helps same sex couples. It helps encourage monogamy, which strengthen society. Just off the top of my head.
But America is not a Christian theocracy.

If you want religion to write laws for society, try Sharia.
Your reply has nothing to do do with what I posted. Are you lost? Wrong thread, maybe?
Referring to Biblical passages nod debating the fine points of dogma has nothing at all to do with marriage equality.

By the way, precisely where in Scripture did Christ or His apostles ever say 'all that stuff about loving your neighbor and casting the first stone goes for everyone except Gays?
You still don't get it. Most Christians really dont care if someone is gay or not. We simply want them to keep it in the bedroom where it belongs, and not intrude in our lives. What's so hard about that?
If heterosexuals got that message too...
Lol! Have you ever seen a hetero pride parade? Have you ever seen a heterosexual throwing their sexual orientation in someone's face? Have you ever seen them do anything that gays do?
Yes I have...quite a few...and lots of hetero sex in our faces on TV, movies, commercials, holding hands and even kissing in public, bragging about their conquests, their spouses at work and in social situations, etc.
Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.
Perhaps in the context of some religions' dogma.

In fact, Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman... in every context, from the nature of human physiology, to the spiritual context which recognizes the truth intrinsic to the laws of nature, which designed human physiology, OKA: Reality.

Law is only valid where the Law is serves justice. Law can only serve justice when it serves truth. There is no potential for truth in the promotion of deviancy; as deviancy is perversion and perversion rests entirely in deceit.
Again, you sure want to convince someone......someone....over and over....maybe yourself?
Who does it harm? For that matter why is the government a part of marriage anyway.
This is the crux of the biscuit.

Indeed it is... and the accepting of deceit as truth, axiomatic injures everyone that is exposed to it, as when people believe that something which is false, is true, that dis-information prevents them from being able to make sound decisions.

And when a person makes poor decisions, their viability is set at risk... and when a persons viability is damaged, they become a burden to everyone around them; which sets the viability of THOSE people at risk... and so it goes until one day, ya look around and your would-be president is licensing the nation governed by a mass-murdering cult to secure nuclear weapons and men are demanding as a RIGHT, the means to marry one another... at which time, you're pretty much screwed.

Thus we can know that the problem is not some deviation from the physical laws of nature, but a deviation from sound reasoning, a perversion of the human intellect... OKA: Old Fashion EVIL.
That post is insane.
Who does it harm? For that matter why is the government a part of marriage anyway.
This is the crux of the biscuit. If government was not so deeply embedded in marriage in America, same sex marriages would be a completely moot issue.

You won't hear too many anti-gays screaming for government to get out of their marriages, though. They enjoy all those cash and prizes they get from the government, and they do not want to share. In fact, they literally want gays to go to hell before they will share those government gifts.
They were offered a civil union, with the same benefits as married couples. They turned it Down. So what is this controversy really about?
No, it was the RW in states that turned civil unions down....don't lie.
Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.
Perhaps in the context of some religions' dogma.

In fact, in every context, from the nature of human physiology, to the spiritual context which recognizes the truth intrinsic to the laws of nature, OKA: Reality.

There is no marriage in nature. We made it up. And it is whatever we say it is.

Sometimes it one man and one woman. Sometimes in one man and many woman. Sometimes its one man and one man. Sometimes its one woman and one woman.

It all depends on how we choose to define it.

Remember, your subjective personal opinions aren't 'reality'. They're just your opinions.
So, according to you, someone could marry their dog. Got it. You're a pervert.
How very sad to see that you are incapable of distinguishing between a marriage contract between consenting law-abiding, tax-paying citizens....and between a human and an animal that is NOT a citizen, nor capable of consenting.
Who does it harm? For that matter why is the government a part of marriage anyway.
This is the crux of the biscuit.

Indeed it is... and the accepting of deceit as truth, axiomatic injures everyone that is exposed to it, as when people believe that something which is false, is true, that dis-information prevents them from being able to make sound decisions.

Given that marriage is whatever we agree it is, same sex marriage is as 'true' as opposite sex marriage if we agree it is. Marriage is wholly our invention.
So go marry your dog, already.

Wow- the stock Conservative answer: allowing two humans to marry is just the same as marrying an animal.
Kind of creepy that they cannot distinguish the clear difference, isn't it. Might want to keep them away from the livestock.
And they want homosexuals to 'go away.'

Most on the social right hostile to gay Americans want to return to a time when homosexuals were forced to live in the shadows of society, forced to conceal who they really are, and subject to hostility, ridicule, and derision – in essence made to live like pariahs, and compelled to be invisible to the rest of society as a consequence of the fear gay Americans experienced resulting from that hostility, ridicule, and derision.


Absolute NONSENSE.

No one gives a red rats ass what you idiots do... as long as what you do does not fuck up their lives.

And we did not put homosexuals in the closet. Homosexuals put THEMSELVES in the closet.

And they did so because it turns out that homosexuals are INCAPABLE OF NOT FUCKING UP OTHER PEOPLE'S LIVES... and when one is incapable of not fucking up the lives of other people... they tend to get their ASS BEAT!

And ... people who tend to fuck up other people's life, who tend to get their ass beat, tend... after a period of learning the above natural formula, to avoid getting their ass beat by staying in the closet. (It's a time tested formula... with an extremely high efficacy rate.)

What YOU want it A RIGHT TO FUCK UP OTHER PEOPLE'S LIVES... which is about to get your ass beat, which will send you scurrying to the closet.

(See how that works?)
lol. I just remembered who you remind me of. That guy that does the direct TV commercials. When you have cable tv, you...
Your reply has nothing to do do with what I posted. Are you lost? Wrong thread, maybe?
Referring to Biblical passages nod debating the fine points of dogma has nothing at all to do with marriage equality.

By the way, precisely where in Scripture did Christ or His apostles ever say 'all that stuff about loving your neighbor and casting the first stone goes for everyone except Gays?
You still don't get it. Most Christians really dont care if someone is gay or not. We simply want them to keep it in the bedroom where it belongs, and not intrude in our lives. What's so hard about that?
If heterosexuals got that message too...
Lol! Have you ever seen a hetero pride parade? Have you ever seen a heterosexual throwing their sexual orientation in someone's face? Have you ever seen them do anything that gays do?
Yes I have...quite a few...and lots of hetero sex in our faces on TV, movies, commercials, holding hands and even kissing in public, bragging about their conquests, their spouses at work and in social situations, etc.

Then don't watch hetero movies or TV. Also don't hang out with heteros.
Referring to Biblical passages nod debating the fine points of dogma has nothing at all to do with marriage equality.

By the way, precisely where in Scripture did Christ or His apostles ever say 'all that stuff about loving your neighbor and casting the first stone goes for everyone except Gays?
You still don't get it. Most Christians really dont care if someone is gay or not. We simply want them to keep it in the bedroom where it belongs, and not intrude in our lives. What's so hard about that?
If heterosexuals got that message too...
Lol! Have you ever seen a hetero pride parade? Have you ever seen a heterosexual throwing their sexual orientation in someone's face? Have you ever seen them do anything that gays do?
Yes I have...quite a few...and lots of hetero sex in our faces on TV, movies, commercials, holding hands and even kissing in public, bragging about their conquests, their spouses at work and in social situations, etc.

Then don't watch hetero movies or TV. Also don't hang out with heteros.
Was I talking to You? I think I was not.

“They were offered a civil union, with the same benefits as married couples. They turned it Down. So what is this controversy really about?”

Again, what you advocate is segregation...

Again you fabricate a correlation that otherwise does not exist.

Racial Segregation is wrong, because it prejudges people based upon their outward appearance.

Segregating people based upon destructive, abnormal behavior is simply sound cultural policy, with thousands of years of precedence. Such removes counter-productive influences which influence others to make unsound decisions.

There's thousands of years of precedence on using race or outward appearance as the basis of prejudice. Yet you dismiss it as wrong. So its clearly not the antiquity of the justification that is your basis. But your agreement or disagreement with the justification.

Which is subjective personal opinion.

There's nothing inherently wrong with same sex unions. Its like eating a cheeseburger or doing work on Sunday.......an act that is 'wrong' because we think it is. And with marriage being nothing more than our invention, it is subject to the same standards. There's nothing inherent to it. Its a matter of what we decide it is.

And in 37 of 50 States, we've decided that it includes same sex unions.

Remember, there is no marriage in nature. There's fucking. Which isn't the same thing.
No civilization should condone sexual deviancy. It is ultimately destructive to society. Look at our AIDS ecademic. Who was mostly responsible for the spread of this disease? It was homosexusls, bisexuals and to a lesser extent straights who had unprotected sex with multiple partners. These are all sexually deviant, or immoral behaviors. And that is exactly the reason AIDS became an epidemic. And all the behaviors I mentioned are condemned in the Bible. Maybe we, as a society, should start paying attention to what it says.
So...you'd think you'd want to encourage the monogamy of marriage, eh?
It is ultimately destructive to society.

How? Gay guys hold hands and....what? How is society 'destroyed'?

Look at our AIDS ecademic.

Most AIDS suffers are straight. And of course, there's almost no HIV among lesbians. If the threat is inherent to same sex unions, wouldn't it be ANY same sex union?

There's nothing inherently wrong with same sex couples. Why then would we exclude them from marriage? It makes no sense.

And if you were genuinely concerned about multiple sex partners and the spreading of AIDS, wouldn't the monogamy of marriage be something you'd *encourage* rather than oppose?

You are a ignorant fool!

  • In 2010, gay men and other men who have sex with men (MSM) accounted for 78% of new HIV infections among men and 63% of all new infections although they comprise only 4% of the U.S. male population.

  • Then you have bisexuals, who spread it to the heterosexual community. AIDS is a homosexual disease. They own it, lock, stock and barrel. If it wasn't for sexual immorality, AIDS wouldn't be a problem. That is a cold hard fact.
So you want to a) discourage monogamy? and b) keep gays on the down low so they pretend marry straight and bring HIV home?
Meh. Most Americans are over gay marriage now, especially in my own state.

Only the bible belt that gets all wound up over it, as in the hypocritical bible belt that places brothels near churches - so they can sin and then ask for forgiveness without walking far.

Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman. And this without regard to where you happen to be standing, assuming that you're standing upon earth, of course.

Says you. Our laws say differently. You keep telling yourself that same sex marriage isn't marriage. And gays will continue to gain legal recognition for their marriages.

Looks like we have a perfect win-win scenario here.
Slavery used to be legal too. I suppose, if you were alive then, you would have no problem with it. Right?
People fought against slavery (Heard of the Abolitionist Movement?)...just like people are fighting today against the anti-gay marriage laws. :D
Again Reader, you're seeing in the would-be 'contributions' from the Advocacy to Normalize the Mental Disorder that presents as sexual deviancy, is the addled species of reasoning OKA: Relativism.

Relativism is the doctrine which holds that knowledge, truth, and morality exist only in relation to one's cultural, societal, historical and personal context, and, as such can never be the result of soundly reasoned absolutes.

It is through this perversion of reason wherein relativism axiomatically rejects the objectivity that is essential to truth.

And with truth being essential to trust and, both of those being critical to the establishment of a soundly reasoned morality, and because a soundly reasoned morality is essential to Justice... it becomes clear to reasonable people, that Relativism can never serve justice.

And it through that that you can understand why in the United States and throughout Western Civilization that justice is getting nearly impossible to find... and that is why those who CONFESSED to multiple FELONIES in national Television, wherein she admitted to abusing the power of the Executive Branch... to usurp the rights of innocent people to form effective political opposition to the Cult of Sexual Deviancy... is not at risk of any kind that she or her conspirators, will be prosecuted for those crimes....

And that is why we're here debating the LUNACY that people of the same gender are suitable for Marriage, which nature itself designed as the Joining of ONE MAN AND ONE WOMAN!

And that is why all over the Western World, "SCIENCE!" is 'informing' government that "Some Children may actually benefit from a loving sexual relationship with a caring adult'.

And RELATIVISM is why the would-be president of the US is working hard to license the most wicked, mass-murdering cult on earth, to build their own nuclear warhead... it is RAW, UNADULTERATED EVIL!

See how that works?
So...are you going to go off the deep end when Gay Marriage becomes legal throughout the U.S.?
Meh. Most Americans are over gay marriage now, especially in my own state.

Only the bible belt that gets all wound up over it, as in the hypocritical bible belt that places brothels near churches - so they can sin and then ask for forgiveness without walking far.

Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman. And this without regard to where you happen to be standing, assuming that you're standing upon earth, of course.

Says you. Our laws say differently. You keep telling yourself that same sex marriage isn't marriage. And gays will continue to gain legal recognition for their marriages.

Looks like we have a perfect win-win scenario here.
Slavery used to be legal too. I suppose, if you were alive then, you would have no problem with it. Right?

Actually, I think this is an interesting question.

We have slavery in modern-day America. We call it migrant workers but its pretty much slavery.

A related question - would "you" have been part of the Underground Railroad? Or how about the resistance during WWII?

What I think is that those who are favor of equality now would have been in favor of it then. And, of course, those who are against equality now would have always been against it.

Needless to say, there's the question of nature vs nurture, how you would likely have been raised in different times of our history but, given the givens, there have always been haters and RWs. At one time, they were called Democrats but now they're Republicans.

The OP is wrong. If the United States is what we say we are, marriage equality is not wrong. You're free to hold a different opinion but that's all it is - an opinion, and maybe you should move to Russia where they share your fear and hatred.
Points for Lincoln reference.
Referring to Biblical passages nod debating the fine points of dogma has nothing at all to do with marriage equality.

By the way, precisely where in Scripture did Christ or His apostles ever say 'all that stuff about loving your neighbor and casting the first stone goes for everyone except Gays?
You still don't get it. Most Christians really dont care if someone is gay or not. We simply want them to keep it in the bedroom where it belongs, and not intrude in our lives. What's so hard about that?
If heterosexuals got that message too...
Lol! Have you ever seen a hetero pride parade? Have you ever seen a heterosexual throwing their sexual orientation in someone's face? Have you ever seen them do anything that gays do?
Yes I have...quite a few...and lots of hetero sex in our faces on TV, movies, commercials, holding hands and even kissing in public, bragging about their conquests, their spouses at work and in social situations, etc.

Then don't watch hetero movies or TV. Also don't hang out with heteros.
Oh...I'm tolerant. They don't scare me like homosexuals seem to scare you.
You still don't get it. Most Christians really dont care if someone is gay or not. We simply want them to keep it in the bedroom where it belongs, and not intrude in our lives. What's so hard about that?
If heterosexuals got that message too...
Lol! Have you ever seen a hetero pride parade? Have you ever seen a heterosexual throwing their sexual orientation in someone's face? Have you ever seen them do anything that gays do?
Yes I have...quite a few...and lots of hetero sex in our faces on TV, movies, commercials, holding hands and even kissing in public, bragging about their conquests, their spouses at work and in social situations, etc.

Then don't watch hetero movies or TV. Also don't hang out with heteros.
Oh...I'm tolerant. They don't scare me like homosexuals seem to scare you.
It is just a progression from anti-communist hysteria, so the reality probably doesn't matter now - any more than it did in the 50s-60s.


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You still don't get it. Most Christians really dont care if someone is gay or not. We simply want them to keep it in the bedroom where it belongs, and not intrude in our lives. What's so hard about that?
If heterosexuals got that message too...
Lol! Have you ever seen a hetero pride parade? Have you ever seen a heterosexual throwing their sexual orientation in someone's face? Have you ever seen them do anything that gays do?
Yes I have...quite a few...and lots of hetero sex in our faces on TV, movies, commercials, holding hands and even kissing in public, bragging about their conquests, their spouses at work and in social situations, etc.

Then don't watch hetero movies or TV. Also don't hang out with heteros.
Oh...I'm tolerant. They don't scare me like homosexuals seem to scare you.

Who's scared of you? Not wanting to observe your disgusting sexual aberrations doesn't equate to "Fear."
If heterosexuals got that message too...
Lol! Have you ever seen a hetero pride parade? Have you ever seen a heterosexual throwing their sexual orientation in someone's face? Have you ever seen them do anything that gays do?
Yes I have...quite a few...and lots of hetero sex in our faces on TV, movies, commercials, holding hands and even kissing in public, bragging about their conquests, their spouses at work and in social situations, etc.

Then don't watch hetero movies or TV. Also don't hang out with heteros.
Oh...I'm tolerant. They don't scare me like homosexuals seem to scare you.
It is just a progression from anti-communist hysteria, so the reality probably doesn't matter now - any more than it did in the 50s-60s.

I love the idiot theories turds like you come up with to explain American responding normally to liberal idiot schemes.
Lol! Have you ever seen a hetero pride parade? Have you ever seen a heterosexual throwing their sexual orientation in someone's face? Have you ever seen them do anything that gays do?
Yes I have...quite a few...and lots of hetero sex in our faces on TV, movies, commercials, holding hands and even kissing in public, bragging about their conquests, their spouses at work and in social situations, etc.

Then don't watch hetero movies or TV. Also don't hang out with heteros.
Oh...I'm tolerant. They don't scare me like homosexuals seem to scare you.
It is just a progression from anti-communist hysteria, so the reality probably doesn't matter now - any more than it did in the 50s-60s.

I love the idiot theories turds like you come up with to explain American responding normally to liberal idiot schemes.
The 'normal' response of the modern Conservative is to fear. Fear the immigrant, fear the Muslim, fear the Homosexual, fear the worker. All your politics are driven by fear. All your solutions are wrapped in fear. The contemporary Conservative's world is one in which the sky is in constant danger of falling, everyone other than those who have imbibed in the Conservative Kool-Aide is to be suspected of bringing the downfall of civilization and no one(not government, not "the other", not anything) is to be respected, let alone trusted.

By what authority do you condemn your fellow citizens to continued repression? Your own paranoia, or do you hold some civic purpose to continue to be intolerant?

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