Why gay marriage is wrong!

If heterosexuals got that message too...
Lol! Have you ever seen a hetero pride parade? Have you ever seen a heterosexual throwing their sexual orientation in someone's face? Have you ever seen them do anything that gays do?
Yes I have...quite a few...and lots of hetero sex in our faces on TV, movies, commercials, holding hands and even kissing in public, bragging about their conquests, their spouses at work and in social situations, etc.

Then don't watch hetero movies or TV. Also don't hang out with heteros.
Oh...I'm tolerant. They don't scare me like homosexuals seem to scare you.

Who's scared of you? Not wanting to observe your disgusting sexual aberrations doesn't equate to "Fear."
So, you are not made of as stern a stuff as I am. I can put up with your disgusting sexual aberrations on TV and movies all the time (tho I may not like them) but you cry about a few gays getting married or holding hands. You're a wimp.
Yes I have...quite a few...and lots of hetero sex in our faces on TV, movies, commercials, holding hands and even kissing in public, bragging about their conquests, their spouses at work and in social situations, etc.

Then don't watch hetero movies or TV. Also don't hang out with heteros.
Oh...I'm tolerant. They don't scare me like homosexuals seem to scare you.
It is just a progression from anti-communist hysteria, so the reality probably doesn't matter now - any more than it did in the 50s-60s.

I love the idiot theories turds like you come up with to explain American responding normally to liberal idiot schemes.
The 'normal' response of the modern Conservative is to fear. Fear the immigrant, fear the Muslim, fear the Homosexual, fear the worker. All your politics are driven by fear. All your solutions are wrapped in fear. The contemporary Conservative's world is one in which the sky is in constant danger of falling, everyone other than those who have imbibed in the Conservative Kool-Aide is to be suspected of bringing the downfall of civilization and no one(not government, not "the other", not anything) is to be respected, let alone trusted.

By what authority do you condemn your fellow citizens to continued repression? Your own paranoia, or do you hold some civic purpose to continue to be intolerant?
I put the truly paranoid here on ignore, and only read their posts when I am curious enough to.

Fear has been a mainstay in US politics, beginning with witches in Salem, then paranoia about Japanese/German Americans, then communists, and now homosexuals/muslims/immigrants.
Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.
Perhaps in the context of some religions' dogma.

In fact, Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman... in every context, from the nature of human physiology, to the spiritual context which recognizes the truth intrinsic to the laws of nature, which designed human physiology, OKA: Reality.

Law is only valid where the Law is serves justice. Law can only serve justice when it serves truth. There is no potential for truth in the promotion of deviancy; as deviancy is perversion and perversion rests entirely in deceit.
Hiding the truth of who you are is lying.

Who you are is WHAT YOU DO ... not what you crave.

Just because something pops into one's head, does not mean that one is obliged to pursue such. FYI: That's the difference between an average person and Jeffery Dahmer.

The average person gets a flicker of some twisted shit and says "WTF was THAT?", shakes it off and moves on. Where Jeffery Dahmer says: "Eww... that's a cool idea, let's entertain that for a moment...", and the next thing he knows, he's packin' the freezer.
So you see a relationship between a serial killer and a homosexual? Now that's real homophobia.
Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.
Perhaps in the context of some religions' dogma.

In fact, Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman... in every context, from the nature of human physiology, to the spiritual context which recognizes the truth intrinsic to the laws of nature, which designed human physiology, OKA: Reality.

Law is only valid where the Law is serves justice. Law can only serve justice when it serves truth. There is no potential for truth in the promotion of deviancy; as deviancy is perversion and perversion rests entirely in deceit.
Hiding the truth of who you are is lying.

Who you are is WHAT YOU DO ... not what you crave.

Just because something pops into one's head, does not mean that one is obliged to pursue such. FYI: That's the difference between an average person and Jeffery Dahmer.

The average person gets a flicker of some twisted shit and says "WTF was THAT?", shakes it off and moves on. Where Jeffery Dahmer says: "Eww... that's a cool idea, let's entertain that for a moment...", and the next thing he knows, he's packin' the freezer.
So you see a relationship between a serial killer and a homosexual? Now that's real homophobia.

Absolutely... Both the serial killer and the homosexual demonstrate that they've little means to turn their minds from destructive impulses an cravings... Which for those keeping score is the definition of mental disorder.

Does that help?
Then don't watch hetero movies or TV. Also don't hang out with heteros.
Oh...I'm tolerant. They don't scare me like homosexuals seem to scare you.
It is just a progression from anti-communist hysteria, so the reality probably doesn't matter now - any more than it did in the 50s-60s.

I love the idiot theories turds like you come up with to explain American responding normally to liberal idiot schemes.
The 'normal' response of the modern Conservative is to fear. Fear the immigrant, fear the Muslim, fear the Homosexual, fear the worker. All your politics are driven by fear. All your solutions are wrapped in fear. The contemporary Conservative's world is one in which the sky is in constant danger of falling, everyone other than those who have imbibed in the Conservative Kool-Aide is to be suspected of bringing the downfall of civilization and no one(not government, not "the other", not anything) is to be respected, let alone trusted.

By what authority do you condemn your fellow citizens to continued repression? Your own paranoia, or do you hold some civic purpose to continue to be intolerant?
I put the truly paranoid here on ignore, and only read their posts when I am curious enough to.

Fear has been a mainstay in US politics, beginning with witches in Salem, then paranoia about Japanese/German Americans, then communists, and now homosexuals/muslims/immigrants.
It's natural to for people to fear the unknown but with knowledge, the unknown becomes known. The problem is that some people are just closed minded. Anything that is not "normal" in their view should rejected.
Then don't watch hetero movies or TV. Also don't hang out with heteros.
Oh...I'm tolerant. They don't scare me like homosexuals seem to scare you.
It is just a progression from anti-communist hysteria, so the reality probably doesn't matter now - any more than it did in the 50s-60s.

I love the idiot theories turds like you come up with to explain American responding normally to liberal idiot schemes.
The 'normal' response of the modern Conservative is to fear. Fear the immigrant, fear the Muslim, fear the Homosexual, fear the worker. All your politics are driven by fear. All your solutions are wrapped in fear. The contemporary Conservative's world is one in which the sky is in constant danger of falling, everyone other than those who have imbibed in the Conservative Kool-Aide is to be suspected of bringing the downfall of civilization and no one(not government, not "the other", not anything) is to be respected, let alone trusted.

By what authority do you condemn your fellow citizens to continued repression? Your own paranoia, or do you hold some civic purpose to continue to be intolerant?
I put the truly paranoid here on ignore, and only read their posts when I am curious enough to.

Fear has been a mainstay in US politics, beginning with witches in Salem, then paranoia about Japanese/German Americans, then communists, and now homosexuals/muslims/immigrants.



And the aforementioned mental disorder jumps up to offer yet ANOTHER demonstration.
Oh...I'm tolerant. They don't scare me like homosexuals seem to scare you.
It is just a progression from anti-communist hysteria, so the reality probably doesn't matter now - any more than it did in the 50s-60s.

I love the idiot theories turds like you come up with to explain American responding normally to liberal idiot schemes.
The 'normal' response of the modern Conservative is to fear. Fear the immigrant, fear the Muslim, fear the Homosexual, fear the worker. All your politics are driven by fear. All your solutions are wrapped in fear. The contemporary Conservative's world is one in which the sky is in constant danger of falling, everyone other than those who have imbibed in the Conservative Kool-Aide is to be suspected of bringing the downfall of civilization and no one(not government, not "the other", not anything) is to be respected, let alone trusted.

By what authority do you condemn your fellow citizens to continued repression? Your own paranoia, or do you hold some civic purpose to continue to be intolerant?
I put the truly paranoid here on ignore, and only read their posts when I am curious enough to.

Fear has been a mainstay in US politics, beginning with witches in Salem, then paranoia about Japanese/German Americans, then communists, and now homosexuals/muslims/immigrants.
It's natural to for people to fear the unknown but with knowledge, the unknown becomes known. The problem is that some people are just closed minded. Anything that is not "normal" in their view should rejected.

For example... Despite 20,000 years of human history, and the incontrovertible evidence regarding the human physiological standard, some people still believe that their cravings to deviate from that standard are sufficient justification to do so... And to encourage others to do so.

LOL! But hey, such is the nature of delusion and the delusional have always been with us.
Lol! Have you ever seen a hetero pride parade? Have you ever seen a heterosexual throwing their sexual orientation in someone's face? Have you ever seen them do anything that gays do?
Yes I have...quite a few...and lots of hetero sex in our faces on TV, movies, commercials, holding hands and even kissing in public, bragging about their conquests, their spouses at work and in social situations, etc.

Then don't watch hetero movies or TV. Also don't hang out with heteros.
Oh...I'm tolerant. They don't scare me like homosexuals seem to scare you.

Who's scared of you? Not wanting to observe your disgusting sexual aberrations doesn't equate to "Fear."
So, you are not made of as stern a stuff as I am. I can put up with your disgusting sexual aberrations on TV and movies all the time (tho I may not like them) but you cry about a few gays getting married or holding hands. You're a wimp.

I'll bet you think photosynthesis is a disgusting aberration as well.

No matter how long the queers whine about it, normal people are never going to respond to homosexuality as healthy well adjusted behavior.
Then don't watch hetero movies or TV. Also don't hang out with heteros.
Oh...I'm tolerant. They don't scare me like homosexuals seem to scare you.
It is just a progression from anti-communist hysteria, so the reality probably doesn't matter now - any more than it did in the 50s-60s.

I love the idiot theories turds like you come up with to explain American responding normally to liberal idiot schemes.
The 'normal' response of the modern Conservative is to fear. Fear the immigrant, fear the Muslim, fear the Homosexual, fear the worker. All your politics are driven by fear. All your solutions are wrapped in fear. The contemporary Conservative's world is one in which the sky is in constant danger of falling, everyone other than those who have imbibed in the Conservative Kool-Aide is to be suspected of bringing the downfall of civilization and no one(not government, not "the other", not anything) is to be respected, let alone trusted.

By what authority do you condemn your fellow citizens to continued repression? Your own paranoia, or do you hold some civic purpose to continue to be intolerant?
I put the truly paranoid here on ignore, and only read their posts when I am curious enough to.

Fear has been a mainstay in US politics, beginning with witches in Salem, then paranoia about Japanese/German Americans, then communists, and now homosexuals/muslims/immigrants.

Sleazy propagandists like you simply label any disagreement with your schemes as "fear." It's simply a way to label your opposition as mentally unbalanced in some way. The sad part is that so many people are suckered by this technique.
Why exactly should the government be allowed to tell any two consenting adults they can't be married? Isn't this America?

Perhaps in the context of some religions' dogma.

In fact, Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman... in every context, from the nature of human physiology, to the spiritual context which recognizes the truth intrinsic to the laws of nature, which designed human physiology, OKA: Reality.

Law is only valid where the Law is serves justice. Law can only serve justice when it serves truth. There is no potential for truth in the promotion of deviancy; as deviancy is perversion and perversion rests entirely in deceit.
Hiding the truth of who you are is lying.

Who you are is WHAT YOU DO ... not what you crave.

Just because something pops into one's head, does not mean that one is obliged to pursue such. FYI: That's the difference between an average person and Jeffery Dahmer.

The average person gets a flicker of some twisted shit and says "WTF was THAT?", shakes it off and moves on. Where Jeffery Dahmer says: "Eww... that's a cool idea, let's entertain that for a moment...", and the next thing he knows, he's packin' the freezer.
So you see a relationship between a serial killer and a homosexual? Now that's real homophobia.

Absolutely... Both the serial killer and the homosexual demonstrate that they've little means to turn their minds from destructive impulses an cravings... Which for those keeping score is the definition of mental disorder.

Does that help?
Homosexuality is neither destructive to the individual nor society where the actions of a serial killer is destructive to both. However, some peoples reaction to homosexuality is destructive.

Your idea that homosexuals have some kind of uncontrollable desire for those of the same sex indicates you have absolutely no knowledge of homosexuality. As with any group of people, the sexual behavior of gays and lesbians varies tremendously from person to person, with some being very sexually active and others being almost completely celibate. In common with all human beings, gay people have sexual desire. The idea that homosexual desire is inherently more "sexual" or more "hedonistic" than heterosexual desire is ludicrous.
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Meh. Most Americans are over gay marriage now, especially in my own state.

Only the bible belt that gets all wound up over it, as in the hypocritical bible belt that places brothels near churches - so they can sin and then ask for forgiveness without walking far.

Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman. And this without regard to where you happen to be standing, assuming that you're standing upon earth, of course.

Says you. Our laws say differently. You keep telling yourself that same sex marriage isn't marriage. And gays will continue to gain legal recognition for their marriages.

Looks like we have a perfect win-win scenario here.
Slavery used to be legal too. I suppose, if you were alive then, you would have no problem with it. Right?
People fought against slavery (Heard of the Abolitionist Movement?)...just like people are fighting today against the anti-gay marriage laws. :D

Why are they fighting if rights are whatever the government says they are? What is it you libturds say "just accept reality?"
In fact, Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman... in every context, from the nature of human physiology, to the spiritual context which recognizes the truth intrinsic to the laws of nature, which designed human physiology, OKA: Reality.

Law is only valid where the Law is serves justice. Law can only serve justice when it serves truth. There is no potential for truth in the promotion of deviancy; as deviancy is perversion and perversion rests entirely in deceit.
Hiding the truth of who you are is lying.

Who you are is WHAT YOU DO ... not what you crave.

Just because something pops into one's head, does not mean that one is obliged to pursue such. FYI: That's the difference between an average person and Jeffery Dahmer.

The average person gets a flicker of some twisted shit and says "WTF was THAT?", shakes it off and moves on. Where Jeffery Dahmer says: "Eww... that's a cool idea, let's entertain that for a moment...", and the next thing he knows, he's packin' the freezer.
So you see a relationship between a serial killer and a homosexual? Now that's real homophobia.

Absolutely... Both the serial killer and the homosexual demonstrate that they've little means to turn their minds from destructive impulses an cravings... Which for those keeping score is the definition of mental disorder.

Does that help?
Homosexuality is neither destructive to the individual nor society where the actions of a serial killer is destructive to both.

Maybe we should flesh out the concept: Destructive, so we both understand what the word means. Because the concept I am conveying through the word is such that when I read the above sentence, you come off as crazy to me. So the problem MUST BE, that you think the word means something different from what I think it means.

To wit:

destructive: causing destruction or harm

Homosexuality is antithetical to human sexuality. Meaning that it deviates a full 180 degrees from the physiological design of human sexuality. Homosexuality says that this inversion is meaningless, which is irrefutably false based upon the incontrovertible standard that is: Human Sexual Physiology, wherein two distinct genders are specifically designed to interconnect, for fundamentally essential purposes; hence MEANING.

Ignoring the principles at the nucleus of your existence, axiomatically; at some level, jeopardizes one's existence and by that most base of all human traits predicated upon the potential for survival ... by definition: causes destruction or harm.

And that's not even REMOTELY debatable.

With your need TO debate it, notwithstanding.

“They were offered a civil union, with the same benefits as married couples. They turned it Down. So what is this controversy really about?”

Again, what you advocate is segregation...

Again you fabricate a correlation that otherwise does not exist.

Racial Segregation is wrong, because it prejudges people based upon their outward appearance.

Segregating people based upon destructive, abnormal behavior is simply sound cultural policy, with thousands of years of precedence. Such removes counter-productive influences which influence others to make unsound decisions.

There's thousands of years of precedence on using race or outward appearance as the basis of prejudice. Yet you dismiss it as wrong. So its clearly not the antiquity of the justification that is your basis. But your agreement or disagreement with the justification.

Which is subjective personal opinion.

There's nothing inherently wrong with same sex unions. Its like eating a cheeseburger or doing work on Sunday.......an act that is 'wrong' because we think it is. And with marriage being nothing more than our invention, it is subject to the same standards. There's nothing inherent to it. Its a matter of what we decide it is.

And in 37 of 50 States, we've decided that it includes same sex unions.

Remember, there is no marriage in nature. There's fucking. Which isn't the same thing.
No civilization should condone sexual deviancy. It is ultimately destructive to society. Look at our AIDS ecademic. Who was mostly responsible for the spread of this disease? It was homosexusls, bisexuals and to a lesser extent straights who had unprotected sex with multiple partners. These are all sexually deviant, or immoral behaviors. And that is exactly the reason AIDS became an epidemic. And all the behaviors I mentioned are condemned in the Bible. Maybe we, as a society, should start paying attention to what it says.


So no nation should condone oral sex? Up until the last 20 years that was 'sexually deviant'. What about hand jobs?

You want to look at the AID's epidemic? Are you so ignorant that you believe that this is the first or even the worst sexual disease for humans?

Before there was AIDs there was syphilis- and syphilis was a killer- a slow disease that often lead to insanity. Commonly spread through houses of prostititution and with soldiers. The only reason syphilis is no longer a 'killer' is because we discovered anti-biotics. Syphilis was primarily spread through vaginal sex- so is vaginal sex a sexually deviant behavior then?

Maybe rather than focusing on what you believe the Bible forbids- you should focus on what Jesus says to do:

“Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?”

Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”
It is ultimately destructive to society.

How? Gay guys hold hands and....what? How is society 'destroyed'?

Look at our AIDS ecademic.

Most AIDS suffers are straight. And of course, there's almost no HIV among lesbians. If the threat is inherent to same sex unions, wouldn't it be ANY same sex union?

There's nothing inherently wrong with same sex couples. Why then would we exclude them from marriage? It makes no sense.

And if you were genuinely concerned about multiple sex partners and the spreading of AIDS, wouldn't the monogamy of marriage be something you'd *encourage* rather than oppose?

You are a ignorant fool!

  • In 2010, gay men and other men who have sex with men (MSM) accounted for 78% of new HIV infections among men and 63% of all new infections although they comprise only 4% of the U.S. male population.

  • Then you have bisexuals, who spread it to the heterosexual community. AIDS is a homosexual disease. They own it, lock, stock and barrel. If it wasn't for sexual immorality, AIDS wouldn't be a problem. That is a cold hard fact.

Actually just a lie.

But you knew that.
Perhaps in the context of some religions' dogma.

In fact, Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman... in every context, from the nature of human physiology, to the spiritual context which recognizes the truth intrinsic to the laws of nature, which designed human physiology, OKA: Reality.

Law is only valid where the Law is serves justice. Law can only serve justice when it serves truth. There is no potential for truth in the promotion of deviancy; as deviancy is perversion and perversion rests entirely in deceit.
Hiding the truth of who you are is lying.

Who you are is WHAT YOU DO ... not what you crave.

Just because something pops into one's head, does not mean that one is obliged to pursue such. FYI: That's the difference between an average person and Jeffery Dahmer.

The average person gets a flicker of some twisted shit and says "WTF was THAT?", shakes it off and moves on. Where Jeffery Dahmer says: "Eww... that's a cool idea, let's entertain that for a moment...", and the next thing he knows, he's packin' the freezer.
So you see a relationship between a serial killer and a homosexual? Now that's real homophobia.

Absolutely... Both the serial killer and the homosexual demonstrate that they've little means to turn their minds from destructive impulses an cravings... Which for those keeping score is the definition of mental disorder.

Does that help?
So...is it sad to see that you are one of those unfortunates who, somehow or another, were born without the ability to distinguish between consenting adults who harm no one, and a serial killer?
Yes I have...quite a few...and lots of hetero sex in our faces on TV, movies, commercials, holding hands and even kissing in public, bragging about their conquests, their spouses at work and in social situations, etc.

Then don't watch hetero movies or TV. Also don't hang out with heteros.
Oh...I'm tolerant. They don't scare me like homosexuals seem to scare you.

Who's scared of you? Not wanting to observe your disgusting sexual aberrations doesn't equate to "Fear."
So, you are not made of as stern a stuff as I am. I can put up with your disgusting sexual aberrations on TV and movies all the time (tho I may not like them) but you cry about a few gays getting married or holding hands. You're a wimp.

No matter how long the queers whine about it, normal people are never going to respond to homosexuality as healthy well adjusted behavior.

No matter how much homophobic bigots like yourself whine and try to spread hate, normal people are now treating homosexuals no different from heterosexuals.

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