Why gay marriage is wrong!

Why are they fighting if rights are whatever the government says they are? What is it you libturds say "just accept reality?"

What is it you Conservative bigot assholes say? Oh yes- "we want to be able to beat homosexuals back into the closet like the good old days'.

Too late for you- soon your kind will be looked at in the same way as we look at those who said we should be discriminating against blacks and jews.

Hmmmm, no, they don't say that. You see, I posted something turds like you actually say. You made something up for conservatives to say. That's so beautifully liberal!

No one is buying the comparison between queer "rights" and blacks achieving equal rights, especially not blacks, and all the anti-Semites in this forum are liberals.
civil rights are civil rights and are not exclusive to race. But it takes higher level thinking skills to see that.....so, you're doomed.

Civil rights are fictions invented by politicians. There is no right to force someone to serve you.

Well, there you have it.

Have what?
In typical liberal fashion, you accuse me of supporting slavery. People wonder why I don't treat liberals with respect. You just made the answer apparent. It's because you're all a bunch of sleazy ignominious scumbags.

Civil rights are a fiction. Natural rights are something real.

Now try and twist that into some kind of defence for slavery, you scum sucking asshole.

It is an overwhelming coincidence that the region with the most disdain for marriage equality is the same region with a history of disdain for race equality.

I wouldn't say it's 'liberal' to state the south has a history of being against equality (unless by 'liberal', you mean 'correct' :wink_2:)
Why are they fighting if rights are whatever the government says they are? What is it you libturds say "just accept reality?"

What is it you Conservative bigot assholes say? Oh yes- "we want to be able to beat homosexuals back into the closet like the good old days'.

Too late for you- soon your kind will be looked at in the same way as we look at those who said we should be discriminating against blacks and jews.
In the states that have it already, it hasn't been anything but positive. But straggler states take a while, just like those states in the South that only gave blacks the right to vote a few decades or so ago. ;)

Yes yes...

And all chronic pot smokers are high functioning executives bringin' in the big bucks. Get serious...

The problems that result from lowering standards are long term and catastrophic to the integrity that the standards were designed to sustain. No exceptions.

Of course you're free to post whatever exceptions you know to exist.
What's this issue with pot, it isn't any worse for you than smoking poisonous substances into your lungs, or chronic alcoholism, which are ironically quite legal.

You can slowly poison yourself, own a gun, and drink yourself to oblivion, but somehow 'weed' is too dangerous.

What standards are dropping? I don't see how the same-sex marriage drops anything, besides a few laws that don't fit the times.
Pot is way worse than smoking tobacco or drinking. Just smoking a few joints a week can lower your IQ by several points. That's in addition to the other harmful effects.

How many people die from smoking pot each year?
How many people die from drinking alcohol each year?
How many people die from smoking cigarettes each year?

'way worse' as in almost zero deaths versus thousands of deaths.
Hmmmm, no, they don't say that. You see, I posted something turds like you actually say. You made something up for conservatives to say. That's so beautifully liberal!

No one is buying the comparison between queer "rights" and blacks achieving equal rights, especially not blacks, and all the anti-Semites in this forum are liberals.
civil rights are civil rights and are not exclusive to race. But it takes higher level thinking skills to see that.....so, you're doomed.

Civil rights are fictions invented by politicians. There is no right to force someone to serve you.

Well, there you have it.
'We', as in northerners (and descendents), took their slaves and freed them. Some slavers and their descendents have been butthurt ever since, and still want their 'dixyland'. ;)

Civil rights are a fiction. Natural rights are something real.


Prove Natural Rights are real.
People fought against slavery (Heard of the Abolitionist Movement?)...just like people are fighting today against the anti-gay marriage laws. :D

Why are they fighting if rights are whatever the government says they are? What is it you libturds say "just accept reality?"

What is it you Conservative bigot assholes say? Oh yes- "we want to be able to beat homosexuals back into the closet like the good old days'.

Too late for you- soon your kind will be looked at in the same way as we look at those who said we should be discriminating against blacks and jews.

No one is buying the comparison between queer "rights" and blacks achieving equal rights, especially not blacks, and all the anti-Semites in this forum are liberals.

Bigots like yourself hate having your bigotry compared to other bigots- whether you are bigots because of race, religion, or sexual identity- you are all bigots- and you are no different from the bigots who wanted to deny blacks or Jews or Catholics or Poles or Chinese equal rights.

The same bigots- different group for you to hate.

Sorry, but discrimination against blacks has no relation to the natural revulsion people experience in the presence of homosexual behavior. That feeling is as natural as the revulsion I experience when eating broccoli.

LOL.....thats what all the bigots say.

Bigots like yourself hate having your bigotry compared to other bigots- whether you are bigots because of race, religion, or sexual identity- you are all bigots- and you are no different from the bigots who wanted to deny blacks or Jews or Catholics or Poles or Chinese equal rights.

The same bigots- different group for you to hate.
Why are they fighting if rights are whatever the government says they are? What is it you libturds say "just accept reality?"

What is it you Conservative bigot assholes say? Oh yes- "we want to be able to beat homosexuals back into the closet like the good old days'.

Too late for you- soon your kind will be looked at in the same way as we look at those who said we should be discriminating against blacks and jews.
In the states that have it already, it hasn't been anything but positive. But straggler states take a while, just like those states in the South that only gave blacks the right to vote a few decades or so ago. ;)

Yes yes...

And all chronic pot smokers are high functioning executives bringin' in the big bucks. Get serious...

The problems that result from lowering standards are long term and catastrophic to the integrity that the standards were designed to sustain. No exceptions.

Of course you're free to post whatever exceptions you know to exist.
What's this issue with pot, it isn't any worse for you than smoking poisonous substances into your lungs, or chronic alcoholism, which are ironically quite legal.

You can slowly poison yourself, own a gun, and drink yourself to oblivion, but somehow 'weed' is too dangerous.

What standards are dropping? I don't see how the same-sex marriage drops anything, besides a few laws that don't fit the times.
Pot is way worse than smoking tobacco or drinking. Just smoking a few joints a week can lower your IQ by several points. That's in addition to the other harmful effects.
Why are they fighting if rights are whatever the government says they are? What is it you libturds say "just accept reality?"

What is it you Conservative bigot assholes say? Oh yes- "we want to be able to beat homosexuals back into the closet like the good old days'.

Too late for you- soon your kind will be looked at in the same way as we look at those who said we should be discriminating against blacks and jews.
In the states that have it already, it hasn't been anything but positive. But straggler states take a while, just like those states in the South that only gave blacks the right to vote a few decades or so ago. ;)

Yes yes...

And all chronic pot smokers are high functioning executives bringin' in the big bucks. Get serious...

The problems that result from lowering standards are long term and catastrophic to the integrity that the standards were designed to sustain. No exceptions.

Of course you're free to post whatever exceptions you know to exist.
What's this issue with pot, it isn't any worse for you than smoking poisonous substances into your lungs, or chronic alcoholism, which are ironically quite legal.

You can slowly poison yourself, own a gun, and drink yourself to oblivion, but somehow 'weed' is too dangerous.

What standards are dropping? I don't see how the same-sex marriage drops anything, besides a few laws that don't fit the times.
Pot is way worse than smoking tobacco or drinking. Just smoking a few joints a week can lower your IQ by several points. That's in addition to the other harmful effects.
I have known people that have smoked pot for years, even decades, and they are still here and aren't walking vegetables. In difference to smoking tobacco, where most of the people I knew did it either died from cancer or suffered breathing problems.
What is it you Conservative bigot assholes say? Oh yes- "we want to be able to beat homosexuals back into the closet like the good old days'.

Too late for you- soon your kind will be looked at in the same way as we look at those who said we should be discriminating against blacks and jews.
In the states that have it already, it hasn't been anything but positive. But straggler states take a while, just like those states in the South that only gave blacks the right to vote a few decades or so ago. ;)

Yes yes...

And all chronic pot smokers are high functioning executives bringin' in the big bucks. Get serious...

The problems that result from lowering standards are long term and catastrophic to the integrity that the standards were designed to sustain. No exceptions.

Of course you're free to post whatever exceptions you know to exist.
What's this issue with pot, it isn't any worse for you than smoking poisonous substances into your lungs, or chronic alcoholism, which are ironically quite legal.

You can slowly poison yourself, own a gun, and drink yourself to oblivion, but somehow 'weed' is too dangerous.

What standards are dropping? I don't see how the same-sex marriage drops anything, besides a few laws that don't fit the times.
Pot is way worse than smoking tobacco or drinking. Just smoking a few joints a week can lower your IQ by several points. That's in addition to the other harmful effects.
What is it you Conservative bigot assholes say? Oh yes- "we want to be able to beat homosexuals back into the closet like the good old days'.

Too late for you- soon your kind will be looked at in the same way as we look at those who said we should be discriminating against blacks and jews.
In the states that have it already, it hasn't been anything but positive. But straggler states take a while, just like those states in the South that only gave blacks the right to vote a few decades or so ago. ;)

Yes yes...

And all chronic pot smokers are high functioning executives bringin' in the big bucks. Get serious...

The problems that result from lowering standards are long term and catastrophic to the integrity that the standards were designed to sustain. No exceptions.

Of course you're free to post whatever exceptions you know to exist.
What's this issue with pot, it isn't any worse for you than smoking poisonous substances into your lungs, or chronic alcoholism, which are ironically quite legal.

You can slowly poison yourself, own a gun, and drink yourself to oblivion, but somehow 'weed' is too dangerous.

What standards are dropping? I don't see how the same-sex marriage drops anything, besides a few laws that don't fit the times.
Pot is way worse than smoking tobacco or drinking. Just smoking a few joints a week can lower your IQ by several points. That's in addition to the other harmful effects.
I have known people that have smoked pot for years, even decades, and they are still here and aren't walking vegetables. In difference to smoking tobacco, where most of the people I knew did it either died from cancer or suffered breathing problems.
Do you smoke pot?
In typical liberal fashion, you accuse me of supporting slavery. People wonder why I don't treat liberals with respect. You just made the answer apparent. It's because you're all a bunch of sleazy ignominious scumbags.

Civil rights are a fiction. Natural rights are something real.

Now try and twist that into some kind of defence for slavery, you scum sucking asshole.

It is an overwhelming coincidence that the region with the most disdain for marriage equality is the same region with a history of disdain for race equality.

I wouldn't say it's 'liberal' to state the south has a history of being against equality (unless by 'liberal', you mean 'correct' :wink_2:)
What's sad is well, is when they try to engage in revisionist history - and claim everything from winning the civil war to having a right to secede back then. Some sure hate Lincoln though, and rave on and on about such an 'evil tyrant' he was.
In the states that have it already, it hasn't been anything but positive. But straggler states take a while, just like those states in the South that only gave blacks the right to vote a few decades or so ago. ;)

Yes yes...

And all chronic pot smokers are high functioning executives bringin' in the big bucks. Get serious...

The problems that result from lowering standards are long term and catastrophic to the integrity that the standards were designed to sustain. No exceptions.

Of course you're free to post whatever exceptions you know to exist.
What's this issue with pot, it isn't any worse for you than smoking poisonous substances into your lungs, or chronic alcoholism, which are ironically quite legal.

You can slowly poison yourself, own a gun, and drink yourself to oblivion, but somehow 'weed' is too dangerous.

What standards are dropping? I don't see how the same-sex marriage drops anything, besides a few laws that don't fit the times.
Pot is way worse than smoking tobacco or drinking. Just smoking a few joints a week can lower your IQ by several points. That's in addition to the other harmful effects.
In the states that have it already, it hasn't been anything but positive. But straggler states take a while, just like those states in the South that only gave blacks the right to vote a few decades or so ago. ;)

Yes yes...

And all chronic pot smokers are high functioning executives bringin' in the big bucks. Get serious...

The problems that result from lowering standards are long term and catastrophic to the integrity that the standards were designed to sustain. No exceptions.

Of course you're free to post whatever exceptions you know to exist.
What's this issue with pot, it isn't any worse for you than smoking poisonous substances into your lungs, or chronic alcoholism, which are ironically quite legal.

You can slowly poison yourself, own a gun, and drink yourself to oblivion, but somehow 'weed' is too dangerous.

What standards are dropping? I don't see how the same-sex marriage drops anything, besides a few laws that don't fit the times.
Pot is way worse than smoking tobacco or drinking. Just smoking a few joints a week can lower your IQ by several points. That's in addition to the other harmful effects.
I have known people that have smoked pot for years, even decades, and they are still here and aren't walking vegetables. In difference to smoking tobacco, where most of the people I knew did it either died from cancer or suffered breathing problems.
Do you smoke pot?
Nope. I rarely drink, never smoke anything, and I don't have any criminal convictions.
Why are they fighting if rights are whatever the government says they are? What is it you libturds say "just accept reality?"

What is it you Conservative bigot assholes say? Oh yes- "we want to be able to beat homosexuals back into the closet like the good old days'.

Too late for you- soon your kind will be looked at in the same way as we look at those who said we should be discriminating against blacks and jews.

No one is buying the comparison between queer "rights" and blacks achieving equal rights, especially not blacks, and all the anti-Semites in this forum are liberals.

Bigots like yourself hate having your bigotry compared to other bigots- whether you are bigots because of race, religion, or sexual identity- you are all bigots- and you are no different from the bigots who wanted to deny blacks or Jews or Catholics or Poles or Chinese equal rights.

The same bigots- different group for you to hate.

Sorry, but discrimination against blacks has no relation to the natural revulsion people experience in the presence of homosexual behavior. That feeling is as natural as the revulsion I experience when eating broccoli.

LOL.....thats what all the bigots say.

Bigots like yourself hate having your bigotry compared to other bigots- whether you are bigots because of race, religion, or sexual identity- you are all bigots- and you are no different from the bigots who wanted to deny blacks or Jews or Catholics or Poles or Chinese equal rights.

The same bigots- different group for you to hate.
I only feel revulsion from combining boiled spinach with cheese, as I can't stand the smell coupled with the slimy cheese.

Though I doubt he has seen the reaction and disdain that inter-racial couples still get, despite being heterosexual.

As people get used to seeing gay people kiss, and showing their faces, the negative reactions will decline - but it is going to take a long while.
What is it you Conservative bigot assholes say? Oh yes- "we want to be able to beat homosexuals back into the closet like the good old days'.

Too late for you- soon your kind will be looked at in the same way as we look at those who said we should be discriminating against blacks and jews.

No one is buying the comparison between queer "rights" and blacks achieving equal rights, especially not blacks, and all the anti-Semites in this forum are liberals.

Bigots like yourself hate having your bigotry compared to other bigots- whether you are bigots because of race, religion, or sexual identity- you are all bigots- and you are no different from the bigots who wanted to deny blacks or Jews or Catholics or Poles or Chinese equal rights.

The same bigots- different group for you to hate.

Sorry, but discrimination against blacks has no relation to the natural revulsion people experience in the presence of homosexual behavior. That feeling is as natural as the revulsion I experience when eating broccoli.

LOL.....thats what all the bigots say.

Bigots like yourself hate having your bigotry compared to other bigots- whether you are bigots because of race, religion, or sexual identity- you are all bigots- and you are no different from the bigots who wanted to deny blacks or Jews or Catholics or Poles or Chinese equal rights.

The same bigots- different group for you to hate.
I only feel revulsion from combining boiled spinach with cheese, as I can't stand the smell coupled with the slimy cheese.

Though I doubt he has seen the reaction and disdain that inter-racial couples still get, despite being heterosexual.

As people get used to seeing gay people kiss, and showing their faces, the negative reactions will decline - but it is going to take a long while.
That's like saying that one can get used to the taste of broccoli. Never happen.
No one is buying the comparison between queer "rights" and blacks achieving equal rights, especially not blacks, and all the anti-Semites in this forum are liberals.

Bigots like yourself hate having your bigotry compared to other bigots- whether you are bigots because of race, religion, or sexual identity- you are all bigots- and you are no different from the bigots who wanted to deny blacks or Jews or Catholics or Poles or Chinese equal rights.

The same bigots- different group for you to hate.

Sorry, but discrimination against blacks has no relation to the natural revulsion people experience in the presence of homosexual behavior. That feeling is as natural as the revulsion I experience when eating broccoli.

LOL.....thats what all the bigots say.

Bigots like yourself hate having your bigotry compared to other bigots- whether you are bigots because of race, religion, or sexual identity- you are all bigots- and you are no different from the bigots who wanted to deny blacks or Jews or Catholics or Poles or Chinese equal rights.

The same bigots- different group for you to hate.
I only feel revulsion from combining boiled spinach with cheese, as I can't stand the smell coupled with the slimy cheese.

Though I doubt he has seen the reaction and disdain that inter-racial couples still get, despite being heterosexual.

As people get used to seeing gay people kiss, and showing their faces, the negative reactions will decline - but it is going to take a long while.
That's like saying that one can get used to the taste of broccoli. Never happen.
I like broccoli, so I beg to differ, and I don't mind raw spinach.
What is it you Conservative bigot assholes say? Oh yes- "we want to be able to beat homosexuals back into the closet like the good old days'.

Too late for you- soon your kind will be looked at in the same way as we look at those who said we should be discriminating against blacks and jews.

Hmmmm, no, they don't say that. You see, I posted something turds like you actually say. You made something up for conservatives to say. That's so beautifully liberal!

No one is buying the comparison between queer "rights" and blacks achieving equal rights, especially not blacks, and all the anti-Semites in this forum are liberals.
civil rights are civil rights and are not exclusive to race. But it takes higher level thinking skills to see that.....so, you're doomed.

Civil rights are fictions invented by politicians. There is no right to force someone to serve you.

Well, there you have it.

Have what?
"Civil rights are fictions invented by politicians." - britpat9643
No one is buying the comparison between queer "rights" and blacks achieving equal rights, especially not blacks, and all the anti-Semites in this forum are liberals.

Bigots like yourself hate having your bigotry compared to other bigots- whether you are bigots because of race, religion, or sexual identity- you are all bigots- and you are no different from the bigots who wanted to deny blacks or Jews or Catholics or Poles or Chinese equal rights.

The same bigots- different group for you to hate.

Sorry, but discrimination against blacks has no relation to the natural revulsion people experience in the presence of homosexual behavior. That feeling is as natural as the revulsion I experience when eating broccoli.

LOL.....thats what all the bigots say.

Bigots like yourself hate having your bigotry compared to other bigots- whether you are bigots because of race, religion, or sexual identity- you are all bigots- and you are no different from the bigots who wanted to deny blacks or Jews or Catholics or Poles or Chinese equal rights.

The same bigots- different group for you to hate.
I only feel revulsion from combining boiled spinach with cheese, as I can't stand the smell coupled with the slimy cheese.

Though I doubt he has seen the reaction and disdain that inter-racial couples still get, despite being heterosexual.

As people get used to seeing gay people kiss, and showing their faces, the negative reactions will decline - but it is going to take a long while.
That's like saying that one can get used to the taste of broccoli. Never happen.

It's funny that you should be using such an analogy since so many of the anti gay bigots believe that being gay is a choice...
Bigots like yourself hate having your bigotry compared to other bigots- whether you are bigots because of race, religion, or sexual identity- you are all bigots- and you are no different from the bigots who wanted to deny blacks or Jews or Catholics or Poles or Chinese equal rights.

The same bigots- different group for you to hate.

Sorry, but discrimination against blacks has no relation to the natural revulsion people experience in the presence of homosexual behavior. That feeling is as natural as the revulsion I experience when eating broccoli.

LOL.....thats what all the bigots say.

Bigots like yourself hate having your bigotry compared to other bigots- whether you are bigots because of race, religion, or sexual identity- you are all bigots- and you are no different from the bigots who wanted to deny blacks or Jews or Catholics or Poles or Chinese equal rights.

The same bigots- different group for you to hate.
I only feel revulsion from combining boiled spinach with cheese, as I can't stand the smell coupled with the slimy cheese.

Though I doubt he has seen the reaction and disdain that inter-racial couples still get, despite being heterosexual.

As people get used to seeing gay people kiss, and showing their faces, the negative reactions will decline - but it is going to take a long while.
That's like saying that one can get used to the taste of broccoli. Never happen.

It's funny that you should be using such an analogy since so many of the anti gay bigots believe that being gay is a choice...
What's funny is how the chronic users of the word BIGOT are ignorant of the fact that the use of the word is by definition... Bigotry.
What is it you Conservative bigot assholes say? Oh yes- "we want to be able to beat homosexuals back into the closet like the good old days'.

Too late for you- soon your kind will be looked at in the same way as we look at those who said we should be discriminating against blacks and jews.

Hmmmm, no, they don't say that. You see, I posted something turds like you actually say. You made something up for conservatives to say. That's so beautifully liberal!

No one is buying the comparison between queer "rights" and blacks achieving equal rights, especially not blacks, and all the anti-Semites in this forum are liberals.
civil rights are civil rights and are not exclusive to race. But it takes higher level thinking skills to see that.....so, you're doomed.

Civil rights are fictions invented by politicians. There is no right to force someone to serve you.

Well, there you have it.
'We', as in northerners (and descendents), took their slaves and freed them. Some slavers and their descendents have been butthurt ever since, and still want their 'dixyland'. ;)
So you're a Christian?


That's weird.
"Ignoring the principles at the nucleus of your existence, axiomatically; at some level, jeopardizes one's existence..." (Keyes)

Well, we agree on something, at least. The above jibberish is totally meaningless, and, accordingly, not debateable.

OH! A concession from the sidelines... .

Dah... it ain't worth much, but the sentiment is worth noting.

Your sideline concession is duly noted and summarily accepted. :eusa_dance:

Keys, Have you ever had an original thought in your entire life? Geeze, guy, give the "Concession noted..." line a hiatus. All it demonstrates is that you simply can not think of any other way to bow out of a debate without losing face. In reality, we have all seen it so many hundreds of times and your face was lost many months ago..


The all too common side-line Re-concession.

Your side-line Re-concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
In typical liberal fashion, you accuse me of supporting slavery. People wonder why I don't treat liberals with respect. You just made the answer apparent. It's because you're all a bunch of sleazy ignominious scumbags.

Civil rights are a fiction. Natural rights are something real.

Now try and twist that into some kind of defence for slavery, you scum sucking asshole.

It is an overwhelming coincidence that the region with the most disdain for marriage equality is the same region with a history of disdain for race equality.

I wouldn't say it's 'liberal' to state the south has a history of being against equality (unless by 'liberal', you mean 'correct' :wink_2:)

Yet there's no coincidence at all that Christianity is from where the principle of race equality is founded and there you are... a proponent of unbridled evil claiming credit for the resolution of something you caused in the first place.
In typical liberal fashion, you accuse me of supporting slavery. People wonder why I don't treat liberals with respect. You just made the answer apparent. It's because you're all a bunch of sleazy ignominious scumbags.

Civil rights are a fiction. Natural rights are something real.

Now try and twist that into some kind of defence for slavery, you scum sucking asshole.

It is an overwhelming coincidence that the region with the most disdain for marriage equality is the same region with a history of disdain for race equality.

I wouldn't say it's 'liberal' to state the south has a history of being against equality (unless by 'liberal', you mean 'correct' :wink_2:)
What's sad is well, is when they try to engage in revisionist history - and claim everything from winning the civil war to having a right to secede back then. Some sure hate Lincoln though, and rave on and on about such an 'evil tyrant' he was.

Yeah, I know how much it sucks for liberals when people learn the facts and shake off the libturd propaganda.

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