Why gay marriage is wrong!


Know this: your premise that homosexuality is a "mental disease that presents as sexual deviancy" has been rejected as groundless. Psychiatry rejects it. Individuals with personal but not sexual relationships with homosexuals reject it. A growing majority of American society rejects it. Your premise fails to hold water and therefore will be rejected.

It flies against the basic tenets of Americanism which holds that all men are created equal and have the inalienable rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Homosexuals have proven themselves to be responsible, sober, loyal and beneficial citizens. And, as such, should never bear the repression, subjugation and vitriol espoused by you and whatever few followers of your peculiar beliefs under law, commerce, and opportunity you would impose.

Our civic morality has evolved from times during which 'the other', no matter who that 'other' might be are accepted and welcomed as they bring their talents and gifts to society. There is no sound, rational and reasoned purpose to further repress homosexuals under law, commerce or civic comportment.

Excellent post and I would add only one point -

Its no one's business except the consenting adults who are getting married.

Wish them well and get back to your own life.
Meh. Most Americans are over gay marriage now, especially in my own state.

Only the bible belt that gets all wound up over it, as in the hypocritical bible belt that places brothels near churches - so they can sin and then ask for forgiveness without walking far.

Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman. And this without regard to where you happen to be standing, assuming that you're standing upon earth, of course.
Looked at Maryland laws lately? Maryland voted with a firm majority to allow same-sex marriage, but according to your logic millions of voters don't exist - if they don't vote the way you want them too, lol.

If Maryland law said that you can step off the edge of a 20 story building and flap your arms that you will fly... do you actually believe that the FORCE OF LAW would IN ANY WAY ALTER THE LAWS OF NATURE?

The same principle applies to the laws of nature regarding human behavior.

Therefore: Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.
If you really believed in the 'laws of nature', then you would realize that bisexuality and homosexual behavior is quite normal in nature. Though doubt you believe in evolution, let alone that the world is billions of years old.

Secondly, human beings are given the ability to think critically and can resist certain instinctional reactions, so the notion that we are the sum of our programming is nonsense - we are individuals not a hive mind.
This should be filed under Religion.

Christianity does not want gays because of the raptures. Yet some other Religions don't care about gay marriage.


Learn anything? I know most of you think there are new laws being made to allow gay marriage because you don't know politics. When in fact, it is just America waking up and realizing we make mistakes and made some. We CAN NOT force people to be Christian and even the Bible teaches FREE WILL.

If you haven't learned anything yet, you are probably a Fox News Junkie.
Approximately half of the mainline Protestants and Catholics support gay marriage which shouldn't be surprising since Christ had essential nothing to say about homosexuality. Yet Evangelicals, who are largely anti-gay have nothing in the new testament to support their belief.

Christ never mentioned pedophiles or even murder for that matter and the New Testament is clear homosexuality is a sin

The New Testament barely mentions homosexuality- and that only if you agree with the rather questionable translations of the KJV. And not as a 'sin'- but as 'wrong'

KJV (King James Version 1611): For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature. And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meet

Now remarrying after a divorce unless your wife was unfaithful- definite sin:

Jesus replied, “Moses permitted you to divorce your wives because your hearts were hard. But it was not this way from the beginning. 9 I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery.
Acceptance of divorce and rejection of gay marriage illustrates the hypocrisy of most Christians today. It's almost unbelievable that a merchant would refuse to serve a gay couple on religious grounds yet have no problem serving divorced couples.
This should be filed under Religion.

Christianity does not want gays because of the raptures. Yet some other Religions don't care about gay marriage.


Learn anything? I know most of you think there are new laws being made to allow gay marriage because you don't know politics. When in fact, it is just America waking up and realizing we make mistakes and made some. We CAN NOT force people to be Christian and even the Bible teaches FREE WILL.

If you haven't learned anything yet, you are probably a Fox News Junkie.
Approximately half of the mainline Protestants and Catholics support gay marriage which shouldn't be surprising since Christ had essential nothing to say about homosexuality. Yet Evangelicals, who are largely anti-gay have nothing in the new testament to support their belief.

Christ never mentioned pedophiles or even murder for that matter and the New Testament is clear homosexuality is a sin

The New Testament barely mentions homosexuality- and that only if you agree with the rather questionable translations of the KJV. And not as a 'sin'- but as 'wrong'

KJV (King James Version 1611): For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature. And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meet

Now remarrying after a divorce unless your wife was unfaithful- definite sin:

Jesus replied, “Moses permitted you to divorce your wives because your hearts were hard. But it was not this way from the beginning. 9 I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery.
Acceptance of divorce and rejection of gay marriage illustrates the hypocrisy of most Christians today. It's almost unbelievable that a merchant would refuse to serve a gay couple on religious grounds yet have no problem serving divorced couples.

Cafeteria christians.
Meh. Most Americans are over gay marriage now, especially in my own state.

Only the bible belt that gets all wound up over it, as in the hypocritical bible belt that places brothels near churches - so they can sin and then ask for forgiveness without walking far.

Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman. And this without regard to where you happen to be standing, assuming that you're standing upon earth, of course.
Looked at Maryland laws lately? Maryland voted with a firm majority to allow same-sex marriage, but according to your logic millions of voters don't exist - if they don't vote the way you want them too, lol.

If Maryland law said that you can step off the edge of a 20 story building and flap your arms that you will fly... do you actually believe that the FORCE OF LAW would IN ANY WAY ALTER THE LAWS OF NATURE?

The same principle applies to the laws of nature regarding human behavior.

Therefore: Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.
If you really believed in the 'laws of nature', then you would realize that bisexuality and homosexual behavior is quite normal in nature. Though doubt you believe in evolution, let alone that the world is billions of years old.

Secondly, human beings are given the ability to think critically and can resist certain instinctional reactions, so the notion that we are the sum of our programming is nonsense - we are individuals not a hive mind.
Homosexual and bisexual behavior has been observed in more than 1500 species.
10 Reasons Why Gay Marriage Is Wrong
We don't need bias here but does anybody have any weighty argument for homosexual marriage?
Without words about choice and freedom of love please.
Why gay marriage is good and why it is becoming legal so fast?

Specifically? It helps children of same sex couples. It helps same sex couples. It helps encourage monogamy, which strengthen society. Just off the top of my head.
Paul never even met Jesus. His authority to preach came from the Apostles, not Jesus.

Paul was a man, inspired by Jesus, but he was not with Jesus like the Apostles.
Paul's authority came from Christ. Same as the other apostles. He even corrected Peter about some false teachings he was spouting. Paul was their equal in every way.
But America is not a Christian theocracy.

If you want religion to write laws for society, try Sharia.
Your reply has nothing to do do with what I posted. Are you lost? Wrong thread, maybe?
Referring to Biblical passages nod debating the fine points of dogma has nothing at all to do with marriage equality.

By the way, precisely where in Scripture did Christ or His apostles ever say 'all that stuff about loving your neighbor and casting the first stone goes for everyone except Gays?
You still don't get it. Most Christians really dont care if someone is gay or not. We simply want them to keep it in the bedroom where it belongs, and not intrude in our lives. What's so hard about that?
In other words they want to pretend homosexuality doesn't exist.
Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.
Perhaps in the context of some religions' dogma.

In fact, Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman... in every context, from the nature of human physiology, to the spiritual context which recognizes the truth intrinsic to the laws of nature, which designed human physiology, OKA: Reality.

Law is only valid where the Law is serves justice. Law can only serve justice when it serves truth. There is no potential for truth in the promotion of deviancy; as deviancy is perversion and perversion rests entirely in deceit.
Hiding the truth of who you are is lying.
i am waiting for you to tell us what sexual deviancy caused Ebola. I'm sure that I won't have to wait very long for your answer.

GREAT! And I am still waiting on YOU to explain how sexual deviancy stops tooth decay.

It is perfectly reasonable to call out a poster who blames the AIDS epidemic on sexual deviancy, and ask him which deviancy causes Ebola. If you want talk about tooth decay, be my guest, but it is your responsibility to relate it to some sexual deviancy, not mine.I do not recognize gay sex as deviant. It is only deviate to those who don't practice it. Heterosexual sex is deviant to those that are gay. Of course, if one wishes to blame all sexually transmitted diseases on sexual deviancy, then damned near every 20 something kid in America is deviant...especially in the military, where they hand out condemns for free before each pass to town. I, personally, made sure that my daughter protected herself from STD by making sure she had condoms before she ever needed them. I never considered her deviant, but I am worldly enough to know that the Right condemns everyone but their own lily white selves for all sorts of deviancy.
10 Reasons Why Gay Marriage Is Wrong
We don't need bias here but does anybody have any weighty argument for homosexual marriage?
Without words about choice and freedom of love please.
Why gay marriage is good and why it is becoming legal so fast?

Wanna tell me why you should have freedom of speech - without resorting to arguments based on freedom and choice? Thanks.
10 Reasons Why Gay Marriage Is Wrong
We don't need bias here but does anybody have any weighty argument for homosexual marriage?
Without words about choice and freedom of love please.
Why gay marriage is good and why it is becoming legal so fast?

Specifically? It helps children of same sex couples. It helps same sex couples. It helps encourage monogamy, which strengthen society. Just off the top of my head.
Paul's authority came from Christ. Same as the other apostles. He even corrected Peter about some false teachings he was spouting. Paul was their equal in every way.
But America is not a Christian theocracy.

If you want religion to write laws for society, try Sharia.
Your reply has nothing to do do with what I posted. Are you lost? Wrong thread, maybe?
Referring to Biblical passages nod debating the fine points of dogma has nothing at all to do with marriage equality.

By the way, precisely where in Scripture did Christ or His apostles ever say 'all that stuff about loving your neighbor and casting the first stone goes for everyone except Gays?
You still don't get it. Most Christians really dont care if someone is gay or not. We simply want them to keep it in the bedroom where it belongs, and not intrude in our lives. What's so hard about that?
In other words they want to pretend homosexuality doesn't exist.
And they want homosexuals to 'go away.'

Most on the social right hostile to gay Americans want to return to a time when homosexuals were forced to live in the shadows of society, forced to conceal who they really are, and subject to hostility, ridicule, and derision – in essence made to live like pariahs, and compelled to be invisible to the rest of society as a consequence of the fear gay Americans experienced resulting from that hostility, ridicule, and derision.
Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.
Perhaps in the context of some religions' dogma.

In fact, Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman... in every context, from the nature of human physiology, to the spiritual context which recognizes the truth intrinsic to the laws of nature, which designed human physiology, OKA: Reality.

Law is only valid where the Law is serves justice. Law can only serve justice when it serves truth. There is no potential for truth in the promotion of deviancy; as deviancy is perversion and perversion rests entirely in deceit.
Hiding the truth of who you are is lying.

Who you are is WHAT YOU DO ... not what you crave.

Just because something pops into one's head, does not mean that one is obliged to pursue such. FYI: That's the difference between an average person and Jeffery Dahmer.

The average person gets a flicker of some twisted shit and says "WTF was THAT?", shakes it off and moves on. Where Jeffery Dahmer says: "Eww... that's a cool idea, let's entertain that for a moment...", and the next thing he knows, he's packin' the freezer.
This should be filed under Religion.

Christianity does not want gays because of the raptures. Yet some other Religions don't care about gay marriage.


Learn anything? I know most of you think there are new laws being made to allow gay marriage because you don't know politics. When in fact, it is just America waking up and realizing we make mistakes and made some. We CAN NOT force people to be Christian and even the Bible teaches FREE WILL.

If you haven't learned anything yet, you are probably a Fox News Junkie.
Approximately half of the mainline Protestants and Catholics support gay marriage which shouldn't be surprising since Christ had essential nothing to say about homosexuality. Yet Evangelicals, who are largely anti-gay have nothing in the new testament to support their belief.

Christ never mentioned pedophiles or even murder for that matter and the New Testament is clear homosexuality is a sin
That's nice for you...but don't push your religion on our laws.
Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.
Perhaps in the context of some religions' dogma.

In fact, Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman... in every context, from the nature of human physiology, to the spiritual context which recognizes the truth intrinsic to the laws of nature, which designed human physiology, OKA: Reality.

Law is only valid where the Law is serves justice. Law can only serve justice when it serves truth. There is no potential for truth in the promotion of deviancy; as deviancy is perversion and perversion rests entirely in deceit.
Hiding the truth of who you are is lying.

Who you are is WHAT YOU DO ... not what you crave.

Just because something pops into one's head, does not mean that one is obliged to pursue such. FYI: That's the difference between an average person and Jeffery Dahmer.

The average person gets a flicker of some twisted shit and says "WTF was THAT?", shakes it off and moves on. Where Jeffery Dahmer says: "Eww... that's a cool idea, let's entertain that for a moment...", and the next thing he knows, he's packin' the freezer.
Are you having problems distinguishing between what consenting adults do that hurts no one else.......and a serial murderer?
And they want homosexuals to 'go away.'

Most on the social right hostile to gay Americans want to return to a time when homosexuals were forced to live in the shadows of society, forced to conceal who they really are, and subject to hostility, ridicule, and derision – in essence made to live like pariahs, and compelled to be invisible to the rest of society as a consequence of the fear gay Americans experienced resulting from that hostility, ridicule, and derision.


Absolute NONSENSE.

No one gives a red rats ass what you idiots do... as long as what you do does not fuck up their lives.

And we did not put homosexuals in the closet. Homosexuals put THEMSELVES in the closet.

And they did so because it turns out that homosexuals are INCAPABLE OF NOT FUCKING UP OTHER PEOPLE'S LIVES... and when one is incapable of not fucking up the lives of other people... they tend to get their ASS BEAT!

And ... people who tend to fuck up other people's life, who tend to get their ass beat, tend... after a period of learning the above natural formula, to avoid getting their ass beat by staying in the closet. (It's a time tested formula... with an extremely high efficacy rate.)

What YOU want it A RIGHT TO FUCK UP OTHER PEOPLE'S LIVES... which is about to get your ass beat, which will send you scurrying to the closet.

(See how that works?)
Just like blacks can marry blacks, and whites can marry whites.....no discrimination there either.

No comparison there, but hey...
Actually that is EXACTLY the comparison that was used by Virginia in Loving v. Virginia.
The Bible has been used to justify slavery, genocide, child abuse, and all manner of inhumanity. Using the Bible to deny gays the right to marry is to be expected. However, real Christians don't do this. Christ taught love and tolerance not hate and bigotry.
Jesus also told us to boldly proclaim the Gospel. And the Gospels condemn homosexual behavior. If you believe otherwise, it would lead me to doubt that you are a Christian.
Oh? Where is homosexual behavior even mentioned in the Gospels? Chapter and verse, please.
No comparison there, but hey...
Actually that is EXACTLY the comparison that was used by Virginia in Loving v. Virginia.
The Bible has been used to justify slavery, genocide, child abuse, and all manner of inhumanity. Using the Bible to deny gays the right to marry is to be expected. However, real Christians don't do this. Christ taught love and tolerance not hate and bigotry.
Jesus also told us to boldly proclaim the Gospel. And the Gospels condemn homosexual behavior. If you believe otherwise, it would lead me to doubt that you are a Christian.
Christ had nothing to say about homosexuality. What Christians site as Christ's condemned homosexuality are the writing of Paul.

So the condemnation of homosexuality is now a basic tenet of Christianity? I think you will find many Christian denominations would disagree with your statements.
Paul was an apostle of Christ. He was called directly by Christ, and spoke with the authority of Christ. Don't you know anything?
Just like L. Ron Hubbard? Just like Muhammed?
Paul never even met Jesus. His authority to preach came from the Apostles, not Jesus.

Paul was a man, inspired by Jesus, but he was not with Jesus like the Apostles.
Paul's authority came from Christ. Same as the other apostles. He even corrected Peter about some false teachings he was spouting. Paul was their equal in every way.
But America is not a Christian theocracy.

If you want religion to write laws for society, try Sharia.
That's what they are pushing for now.
And they want homosexuals to 'go away.'

Most on the social right hostile to gay Americans want to return to a time when homosexuals were forced to live in the shadows of society, forced to conceal who they really are, and subject to hostility, ridicule, and derision – in essence made to live like pariahs, and compelled to be invisible to the rest of society as a consequence of the fear gay Americans experienced resulting from that hostility, ridicule, and derision.


Absolute NONSENSE.

No one gives a red rats ass what you idiots do... as long as what you do does not fuck up their lives.

And we did not put homosexuals in the closet. Homosexuals put THEMSELVES in the closet.

And they did so because it turns out that homosexuals are INCAPABLE OF NOT FUCKING UP OTHER PEOPLE'S LIVES... and when one is incapable of not fucking up the lives of other people... they tend to get their ASS BEAT!

And ... people who tend to fuck up other people's life, who tend to get their ass beat, tend..
. after a period of learning the above natural formula, to avoid getting their ass beat by staying in the closet. (It's a time tested formula... with an extremely high efficacy rate.)

What YOU want it A RIGHT TO FUCK UP OTHER PEOPLE'S LIVES... which is about to get your ass beat, which will send you scurrying to the closet.

(See how that works?)
See how it works? You think that it's a gay person's fault for getting beat up. It would be funny if it wasn't so twisted on your part. The kinds of evils you support against your fellow, gay, citizens is creepy.

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