Why has core America fallen so in love with Trumpology? Joe Rogan says “this is a fed up America”.

Yes, it's likely that's reality. Things may be slightly better if he gets a Republican Congress... or maybe not. To succeed, he's going to have to be a lot more proactive than last time around. Which means he'll be even more unpopular.
Many of Trump's problems are personal and haven't been overcome. He's still a bad judge of character. He's still a narcissist. He still let's his mouth run faster than his brain. He still never accepts responsibility for his actions. He's still a bad negotiator.
91 charges against him, two impeachments, he stole top secret documents, non-stop slandering by media, social media and academia etc etc…..With all that stacked against him he still leads in all the polls and he’s still loved by America’s Best…..WHY?

Because people still believe in superman, and have been conned into thinking he is superman.

There's no way to explain why someone who's spent as much as Trump has, assaulted our 2A, is now pro choice, tried to institute his own government ran healthcare system, force landlords to go without rent and suspended the debt ceiling (and raised it twice before)........ There's no way to explain why he's the GOP front runner, with that record.
If it were Romney or any other Republican with that record, they would've been as popular as Pence was. And already dropped out of the race.

It didn't help that the democrats have been making a martyr out of Trump since 2018.
What amuses me are the Trump haters who flimsily veil their hatred for him behind arguments against his "conservative" bona fides, then turn around and throw their support behind the kinds of squishy sellout assclowns who made him look like a good deal.

Trump isn't a conservative. He changed parties 5 times since he was 45 years old. Trump just loves the uneducated.
Trump isn't a conservative. He changed parties 5 times since he was 45 years old. Trump just loves the uneducated.
Is there any attempt at anything resembling point in that stream of consciousness?
Because people still believe in superman, and have been conned into thinking he is superman.

There's no way to explain why someone who's spent as much as Trump has, assaulted our 2A, is now pro choice, tried to institute his own government ran healthcare system, force landlords to go without rent and suspended the debt ceiling (and raised it twice before)........ There's no way to explain why he's the GOP front runner, with that record.
If it were Romney or any other Republican with that record, they would've been as popular as Pence was. And already dropped out of the race.

It didn't help that the democrats have been making a martyr out of Trump since 2018.
Being as all that is, aren't you just the least bit curious as to why the demoncrats and half the republicans are knocking themselves out to try and eliminate him?
Being as all that is, aren't you just the least bit curious as to why the demoncrats and half the republicans are knocking themselves out to try and eliminate him?

He's a dick. He would still be president today if he was even a little bit of a decent person.
He was also a major dick....A snob among snobs.

Still, the question remains unanswered.

He was a snob.

Can you imagine how much things might have been different for Trump today if he hadn't turned away those who came to him over an out of control authoritarian justice system?

He had to fall back on the tried and true (for him) name calling.
He was a snob.

Can you imagine how much things might have been different for Trump today if he hadn't turned away those who came to him over an out of control authoritarian justice system?

He had to fall back on the tried and true (for him) name calling.
He got 12 million more votes than in '16....Not only unprecedented, but throws cold water all over your "because he's a dick" argument.

Also, still not an answer to the question.
He got 12 million more votes than in '16....Not only unprecedented, but throws cold water all over your "because he's a dick" argument.

Also, still not an answer to the question.

Believe what you want.
Trump isn't a conservative. He changed parties 5 times since he was 45 years old. Trump just loves the uneducated.
Aren’t the “uneducated” blacks and mexicans? Don’t you demand that he loves blacks and mexicans?
91 charges against him, two impeachments, he stole top secret documents, non-stop slandering by media, social media and academia etc etc…..With all that stacked against him he still leads in all the polls and he’s still loved by America’s Best…..WHY?
because trump stands against most of what is wrong with this country. People are taking note of whats going on. If your an outsider and tryo to work in government the government will work over time to destroy you.
If you speak about non approved topics you will be silenced
If you say the govt is corrupt, you will be sued into bankruptcy
If you make a meme disparaging a democrat senior operative, you will be sent to prison
If you speak out against the govt, you will be deplatformed and silenced.

How long before cell phone companies begind denying people based on politics? Banks are doing it to gun shops.
How long before you cant get electricity at your house because the power company disagrees with what you said online?

Remember the argument used by the left - a company can discriminate based on politics. Thats the argument used for silencing millions on social media...

You can only silence people for so long, before they tweak out and become violent. And at the end of the day, that is the end goal.

The left is pushing hard for violence. Historically speaking, its the left that is much more violent, however at the first inkling of the Right protesting, the left hits the right with a sledge hammer. The left has declared all out war on the Right. And so far the Right has done nothing but stand there and take it.

I can only surmise that those on the Right enjoy the abuse, as they do nothing to stop it.
91 charges against him, two impeachments, he stole top secret documents, non-stop slandering by media, social media and academia etc etc…..With all that stacked against him he still leads in all the polls and he’s still loved by America’s Best…..WHY?

Trump supporters are ill informed?


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