Why has Obama not done anything about Baltimore riots

I'm all for Revolution. But these rioters really are pitiful. They're just too damn ignorant to be Revolutionaries. Burning liquor stores, auto parts stores, and nursing homes only hurts themselves and their Community.

It doesn't hurt the Police in any way. Most of them don't live in that miserable shithole. They'll be returning to their safe comfy homes tonight. So they're pretty much laughing at these rioters. If they wanted to show the Police, they've failed miserably at that. The Police are just glad they don't have to live there.

Blacks that riot historically have never been very smart.

They always burn down their own neighborhoods.

90% of the homicides in Baltimore are Black on Black crime but when a Black guy dies in the hands of the police they loot the local liquor store.

Inner city Baltimore went heavily for Obama in 2008 and 2012. That just shows the level of intelligence.
Has the fed swooped in to do their investigation on if these police officers violated civil rights?
Flash, that made no real point. That blacks are dumb? No dumber than poor whites who make and sell and buy meth.
Flash, that made no real point. That blacks are dumb? No dumber than poor whites who make and sell and buy meth.

My point that you missed was that Blacks are dumbshits for burning down their own neighborhoods. They do it quite often. I don't see very many Whites, Asians or even Hispanics doing the same thing.

Looters don't loot for protest, they loot for profit.

The illegal drug business encompasses all races.
I don't see other groups llve in the same type of backgrounds per capita to blacks, and that is because they did not have a history here in America of slavery. Obama would agree with you that looters loot, and the ignorant like you ignorante.
Why has Obama not addressed the rioting in Baltimore? Please respond
Umm because it is not a federal issue.

Showing your stupidity again, huh?

Neither was St Skittles of Dead Urchin.

Neither was Ferguson.

What's going on here is really simple, people. (not you, you're not one of us, you're a dimocrap)

The Elizabeth Warren arm of the dimocrap scum party is getting the terrorist arm of the dimocrap scum party (they have ALWAYS had a terror arm) worked up.

These are many of the same people that showed up in Florida for St Skittles of Dead Urchin, in Ferguson and yes, in the Occupy (bowel) Movement.

This isn't a spontaneous protest. This isn't about petitioning the government over legitimate concerns.....

This is about the scum of the earth dimocrap party motivating its base and frightening people.

It's like a famous communist scumbag once said, "Sometimes you have to kill a few chickens to scare the monkeys'

That's what dimocrap scum are doing -- In part
It's not a federal issue.
He needs to tell his Bros to behave

Well, if you're white and thus my "bro"....

I'm telling you to stop acting like such a fucking racist pig and making the rest of us look bad.

Try to act like an educated, employed, and compassionate white person -- and not a fucking KKK pinhead.
I'm all for Revolution. But these rioters really are pitiful. They're just too damn ignorant to be Revolutionaries. Burning liquor stores, auto parts stores, and nursing homes only hurts themselves and their Community.

It doesn't hurt the Police in any way. Most of them don't live in that miserable shithole. They'll be returning to their safe comfy homes tonight. So they're pretty much laughing at these rioters. If they wanted to show the Police, they've failed miserably at that. The Police are just glad they don't have to live there.

Blacks that riot historically have never been very smart.

They always burn down their own neighborhoods.

90% of the homicides in Baltimore are Black on Black crime but when a Black guy dies in the hands of the police they loot the local liquor store.

Inner city Baltimore went heavily for Obama in 2008 and 2012. That just shows the level of intelligence.

Yeah, you have to have a decent level of intelligence to be a Revolutionary. The idea is to protest and make a point with the Police. Burning liquor stores and community centers won't accomplish that. Most of the Police observing the riot, don't live in that hellhole. They return to their safe peaceful communities every night. So looting your own community isn't gonna bother them one bit.

The rioters only embarrassed themselves and their race. They only reinforced stereotypes like 'Black People are violent and love to steal.' They didn't harm the Police at all. If they ever wanna make a point and show the Police, they'll have to become much more intelligent about it. Being a Revolutionary ain't easy. It takes brains and guts. Burning a liquor store just ain't gonna cut it.

Another wonderful Democrat success story

16% of Baltimore Public School 8th graders Proficient in Reading

"The education system has failed them."

That is part of the explanation that Billy Murphy, a lawyer representing the family of Freddie Gray — who died after his spine was severed while in police custody — gave CNN's Wolf Blitzer for why some young men in Baltimore rioted on Monday afternoon after Gray's funeral.

"These kids have had bad experiences in school," Murphy said...

Give Every Child in Baltimore a 17 329 School-Choice Voucher CNS News
Big lesson learned here...

You can't conduct a Revolution and show Police, if you're unintelligent. Burning liquors stores and community centers isn't showing the Police anything. It only shows lazy ignorance. Get educated African Americans. Only then can you have your Revolution.
And then there's this...

This can only happen in a Democrat-run Shithole...

White Sox-Orioles game will be played Wednesday, closed to public

The Orioles and White Sox will play Wednesday at Camden Yards in a game that will be closed to the public.

The revised plan was announced Tuesday after widespread public unrest in Baltimore forced a postponement of a White Sox-Orioles game for the second consecutive day. The Orioles said they made the decision after consulting with Major League Baseball as well as city and local officials...

Baltimore Orioles-Chicago White Sox series finale will be played Wednesday closed to public
Maybe they can learn something from the ballgame!

Just close Baltimore to the public and see how peaceful it becomes.
Maybe they can learn something from the ballgame!

Just close Baltimore to the public and see how peaceful it becomes.

Sadly, it is probably time to write off another Democrat-run City. I don't think Baltimore can recover from 50yrs of awful Democrat destruction. Another once great American city written off. Thanks a lot Democrats.

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