Why has the focus of the last 2 republican presidential campaigns been about their VP

The left can't focus on issues so the conversation is diverted. But I have no problem talking about Ryan. I honestly wish he was at the top of the ticket
Seems kind of strange...

Probably because their presidential candidates are so appallingly bad. Or in McCain's case, probably insurance that nobody would try to assassinate him, because to replace him with Palin would be unthinkable.
Because they can't defend their own policies or the President's failures. They must attack instead of running on records. And the MSM helps by redirecting the focus to Palin/Ryan. That was easy. :D
If you had to justify John Edwards and Joe Biden wouldn't you want the public to focus on Governor Palin and Paul Ryan instead?
Whatever it takes to get the idiotic public's attention span away from Barry Soetoro's failed Presidency.
Liberals are always trying to find new ways to win the election.

They wanted Palin all over the TV because they felt they could shame her on front of the voters.

Now they fear Ryan and they want him pushed into a corner and told he is irrelevant in the debates.

I doubt the news networks are going to run to Ryan like they did wit Palin to give him a spotlight to rip them to pieces. It would be like Sununu ripping that msnbc piece of shit about a month ago over her lies about Romney.
We were told Sarah Palin was more qualified than Obama because of her 'executive experience'.

We are told Mitt Romney is more qualified than Obama because Obama's never built/run a business in the private sector.

Now the GOP nominates Paul Ryan for VP, who has no executive experience nor has he ever run a business,

and suddenly he's the smartest most qualified guy in the room.

Conservatives are idiots.
Seems kind of strange...

The VP is just one heartbeat away from being the most powerful man on Earth.
I just wish that Obama would have thought about that when he chose Biden.

Ryan has been in DC for over a decade and is the #1 person in Congress working the budget, which is the #1 issue in this country next to the economy.

Obamination had been a community organizer and state politician before he saw an opening in DC. He did nothing in the Senate but realize his black skin made him qualified to beat a white Republican. His resume is a joke compared to Romney or Ryan, your pick.

We were told Sarah Palin was more qualified than Obama because of her 'executive experience'.

We are told Mitt Romney is more qualified than Obama because Obama's never built/run a business in the private sector.

Now the GOP nominates Paul Ryan for VP, who has no executive experience nor has he ever run a business,

and suddenly he's the smartest most qualified guy in the room.

Conservatives are idiots.

Ryan has been in DC for over a decade and is the #1 person in Congress working the budget, which is the #1 issue in this country next to the economy.

Obamination had been a community organizer and state politician before he saw an opening in DC. He did nothing in the Senate but realize his black skin made him qualified to beat a white Republican. His resume is a joke compared to Romney or Ryan, your pick.

We were told Sarah Palin was more qualified than Obama because of her 'executive experience'.

We are told Mitt Romney is more qualified than Obama because Obama's never built/run a business in the private sector.

Now the GOP nominates Paul Ryan for VP, who has no executive experience nor has he ever run a business,

and suddenly he's the smartest most qualified guy in the room.

Conservatives are idiots.

But, but, but....this election is all about a woman's vagina. :D

Ryan has been in DC for over a decade and is the #1 person in Congress working the budget, which is the #1 issue in this country next to the economy.

So why is his budget such a fucking joke? If by some stroke of lightning, Romney wins and has an unfortunate demise, do you really think that Ryan would govern with his own budget?
Seems kind of strange...

Sadly, sometimes presidents die in office. Dan Quayle and Sarah Palin and Paul Ryan don't seem up for the job of actually making a decision.

But, Biden is the gold standard for a VP? :lol:

Light years ahead of Quayle, Palin, and Ryan. He may not have the silver tongue of Obama or Clinton, but he at least has a real clue on foreign policy and keeping our nation safe.

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