Why Has the World 'Surrendered' 'OWNERSHIP' of Rainbows to Homsexuals?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Doctor arrested for flying rainbow flag in Saudi Arabia says he had no idea it represented gay pride
A doctor who hoisted a rainbow flag has been arrested

Appeasement and conceding anything to any 1 group just leads to trouble and pain....just ask the doctor in Saudi Arabia who was arrested for breaking the law against homosexuality after buying the flag online for his children, who thought the colors were pretty.

"He said that he bought the offending flag online after one of his children found the colours pretty."

The doctor reportedly likes rainbows and all the colors and seriously did NOT know that rainbows are officially 'owned' by the homosexual community as a LGBT-supporting symbol.

He has since been bailed out of jail, and the flag has been taken down.

Damn you, LGBT community, for daring to claim ownership of rainbows and all things 'rainbows'. You nearly get a man killed because is kids thought the colors of a rainbow were pretty!

NO MORE! I call for the liberation of rainbows and all things 'rainbow' - ACTUAL rainbows, rainbow flags, rainbow T-Shirts, rainbow stickers, The Wizard of oz....

...and after that is accomplished, UNICORNS ARE NEXT!

Curious as to why you never hear the LGBT community talk about the many countries that ban, exile or kill gays. But you always hear about the baker exercising his religious freedom.
Someday in the future, when sanity has returned to mankind.

The homo Rainbow flag will be seen as a symbol of hate and oppression towards normal people. ...... :cool:
People talk about violence at Trump rallies.

Wonder what would happen if I went to San Franciscos Gay Pride parade and began burning rainbow flags and having posters of Arabs throwing gays off tall buildings praising the act?? Chanting "AIDS needs to kill more gays" as I do it.

Somehow I think I'd be met with more than "Oh that's his right to protest".

And guess what....I'D DESERVE WHATEVER I GOT because with a right to protest comes a responsibility not to be a moron trying to provoke a fight. And that's exactly what I'd be....just like the Trump rally crashers.
Curious as to why you never hear the LGBT community talk about the many countries that ban, exile or kill gays. But you always hear about the baker exercising his religious freedom.
Once you realize the war is against whites and Christians, it will all make sense. That is why the violence of BLM is never condemned.
Curious as to why you never hear the LGBT community talk about the many countries that ban, exile or kill gays. But you always hear about the baker exercising his religious freedom.
Once you realize the war is against whites and Christians, it will all make sense. That is why the violence of BLM is never condemned.

That's exactly right. It's got nothing to do with pro-gay. It's all a combine movement against white Christian conservatives. The gays are just one more of their useful idiots.
This is the shit white people complain about. Why do they get to make refracted light their symbol? Waa
The word "gay" has also been usurped. There was a time when that word just meant "happy." I wonder when this happened. I have a book from 1983 that still uses the word "gay" as an adjective for "joyful."
Doctor arrested for flying rainbow flag in Saudi Arabia says he had no idea it represented gay pride
A doctor who hoisted a rainbow flag has been arrested

Appeasement and conceding anything to any 1 group just leads to trouble and pain....just ask the doctor in Saudi Arabia who was arrested for breaking the law against homosexuality after buying the flag online for his children, who thought the colors were pretty.

"He said that he bought the offending flag online after one of his children found the colours pretty."

The doctor reportedly likes rainbows and all the colors and seriously did NOT know that rainbows are officially 'owned' by the homosexual community as a LGBT-supporting symbol.

He has since been bailed out of jail, and the flag has been taken down.

Damn you, LGBT community, for daring to claim ownership of rainbows and all things 'rainbows'. You nearly get a man killed because is kids thought the colors of a rainbow were pretty!

NO MORE! I call for the liberation of rainbows and all things 'rainbow' - ACTUAL rainbows, rainbow flags, rainbow T-Shirts, rainbow stickers, The Wizard of oz....

...and after that is accomplished, UNICORNS ARE NEXT!


You're blaming the LGBT community.....for what Saudi Arabia did?

Skylar, thank you and Closed Caption for demonstrating how Liberals have absolutely NO - ZERO - sense of humor. I thought the comment about the unicorn would surely have given it away....

Lighten up, man, or you're going to have a stroke. :p

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