Why has this message board got so personal to the left?

I think the libs are feeling a little remorse
They got what they wanted

Every post I have posted with factual info within is met with anger in just a few threads

BHO is a failure
the country is in a mess
and they know it

Its not rocket science

I feel sorry for this country
Its future
and those who allowed it to happen who will have to deal with it
hate never fixed anything and the hate for W still drives there entire agenda
Its nuts

we are 4 million jobs short of where we were in 07
the debt has doubled in 4 years
the GDP is going south

And there talking about Amnesty
it is nuts

Is English your second language?

That was English?
I think the libs are feeling a little remorse
They got what they wanted

Every post I have posted with factual info within is met with anger in just a few threads

BHO is a failure
the country is in a mess
and they know it

Its not rocket science

I feel sorry for this country
Its future
and those who allowed it to happen who will have to deal with it
hate never fixed anything and the hate for W still drives there entire agenda
Its nuts

we are 4 million jobs short of where we were in 07
the debt has doubled in 4 years
the GDP is going south

And there talking about Amnesty
it is nuts

Is English your second language?

That was English?

Of course it was, 2nd grade English!
In order to prove that there was an increase in conspiracy theories about the left you would have to ignore half the actual conspiracy theories in existence. I guess you could actually believe that Bush was in on 9/11, thus relieving you of the necessity that the left is as wacky as the right.

What I want you to prove is that you are the sane person in this conversation by admitting that thinking conspiracy theories are partisan is a conspiracy theory.

First of all the 9/11 truthers have never been limited to leftists.

Second of all, how many recent truly leftwing conspiracy theories can you name?

Bush lied about WMDs.
The Jewish lobby intimidates Congress.
Fox News hates Obama because he is black.
Republican war on women.
Romney wants to ban abortion.

Shall I go on, or do you get the fucking point?

you obviously dont get the point.
The only minority left in this great nation is the white male
either way
I thought BHO was 1/2 white anyway

And yes your spot on
as hard as BHO is trying he cannot change the greatness that once was over night

I wonder if the right would hate Obama less if he were 100% white?

They certainly wouldn't hate him less if he were 100% black.

I think Obama is a basically good guy who is in over his head, but Romney would have been a vastly worse choice. He'd have had us in Civil War in 8 years.

You are the one that brings up skin color. I doubt very seriously that you would understand that O is incompetent and it has nothing to do with skin color.

Again... When Bush became President... we had a 400 Billion surplus, we had 3% unemployment, we had peace, we had houses that were valuable and full 401K accounts.

And by the time he left, we had two recessions, two wars, a trillion dollar deficit, 4 trillion more in debts, busted 401K's, underwater mortgages, and pretty much epic fail.

Not saying all these things were Bush's fault, but they happened on his watch. But he was white, and you guys all supported him. Shit, I supported him, what was I thinking.

Yeah, things have not gotten a lot better under Obama, mostly because there are people who don't want them to get better. But they haven't gotten worse.
You will execute our children and spouses like Weaver.... only to be set free on all charges ?

they will if you teach them to point guns at people.

Vicky Weaver had her baby in her arms when she was shot and killed by a FBI sniper.

Sammy Weaver, 14, watched a camo clad figure shoot and kill his dog before he fired at the trespasser. He was shot in the back as ran back to his house by a US Marshall.

Great, two less Nazi assholes in the world.

Just not seeing this as a bad thing. Why the FBI didn't double tap them all like zombies is a good question, though.
You must be a racist. Obama is great. The country is doing great. Obama can't fix 232 years of mistakes in 4 years.....

The only minority left in this great nation is the white male
either way
I thought BHO was 1/2 white anyway

And yes your spot on
as hard as BHO is trying he cannot change the greatness that once was over night

Please. Not according to "the one drop rule" which was instituted by whites to prevent mulattos from taking advantage of "white privilege".
Learn the difference between "your" and "you're". America is being restored to greatness after it was decimated under Bush/Cheney.

Obama certainly has taken advantage of the one drop rule for affirmative action purposes
If in 1940 Obama was alive and tried to drink from a whites only drinking fountain he would have been drug behind a truck.

That means hes allowed to claim hes black.

racism is killing the republican party.
If in 1940 Obama was alive and tried to drink from a whites only drinking fountain he would have been drug behind a truck.

That means hes allowed to claim hes black.

racism is killing the republican party.

Even in 1960 when his Black father married his white mother, the father would have been murdered in much of America
If in 1940 Obama was alive and tried to drink from a whites only drinking fountain he would have been drug behind a truck.

That means hes allowed to claim hes black.

racism is killing the republican party.

Even in 1960 when his Black father married his white mother, the father would have been murdered in much of America

If in 1940 Obama was alive and tried to drink from a whites only drinking fountain he would have been drug behind a truck.

That means hes allowed to claim hes black.

racism is killing the republican party.

Even in 1960 when his Black father married his white mother, the father would have been murdered in much of America


I've been throughout Virginia in 1960 and it isn't a stretch to say the Obamas wouldn't have fared well in many parts of that state at that time.
You must be a racist. Obama is great. The country is doing great. Obama can't fix 232 years of mistakes in 4 years.....

The only minority left in this great nation is the white male
either way
I thought BHO was 1/2 white anyway

And yes your spot on
as hard as BHO is trying he cannot change the greatness that once was over night

I wonder if the right would hate Obama less if he were 100% white?

They certainly wouldn't hate him less if he were 100% black.

I think Obama is a basically good guy who is in over his head, but Romney would have been a vastly worse choice. He'd have had us in Civil War in 8 years.

You sounded rational until you brought Romney into it... Then you went straight back to loony speak.
If in 1940 Obama was alive and tried to drink from a whites only drinking fountain he would have been drug behind a truck.

That means hes allowed to claim hes black.

racism is killing the republican party.

Even in 1960 when his Black father married his white mother, the father would have been murdered in much of America

yeap, some of those people who would have murdered him still are voting.
obama was not overwhelmingly elected. In 2012 he was elected with fewer votes than in 2008. He was elected with a bare majority of 1%. That's the people who voted. More people didn't vote for obama than voted for him. To democrats it's an overwhelming majority. They are motivated by feelings and that makes them feel good. The reality is, obama won election by such a small number that those who still oppose him are enough to make the country ungovernable.

Neither election was even close

America has spoken

It prefers a Kenyan over the best candidate Republicans have to offer

You can FEEL that way, but it's not true, nor was it ever true. Which is why even his pretend leadership is ineffective.

Obama own with 51 to 47 % that's after republicans did their restrict the vote crap, also not only did they not win the senate(they should have picked up seats) they lost a seat, in the house they lost the popular vote by a million votes but still maintained the majority cause of the 2010 jerrymandering and the fact that not enough seats were up to allow a majority switch. So all in all, you can stay in that bubble but the republicans got their asses handed to them.
I wonder if the right would hate Obama less if he were 100% white?

They certainly wouldn't hate him less if he were 100% black.

I think Obama is a basically good guy who is in over his head, but Romney would have been a vastly worse choice. He'd have had us in Civil War in 8 years.

You are the one that brings up skin color. I doubt very seriously that you would understand that O is incompetent and it has nothing to do with skin color.

Again... When Bush became President... we had a 400 Billion surplus, we had 3% unemployment, we had peace, we had houses that were valuable and full 401K accounts.

And by the time he left, we had two recessions, two wars, a trillion dollar deficit, 4 trillion more in debts, busted 401K's, underwater mortgages, and pretty much epic fail.

Not saying all these things were Bush's fault, but they happened on his watch. But he was white, and you guys all supported him. Shit, I supported him, what was I thinking.

Yeah, things have not gotten a lot better under Obama, mostly because there are people who don't want them to get better. But they haven't gotten worse.

Awesome post!!!!!!!
they will if you teach them to point guns at people.

Vicky Weaver had her baby in her arms when she was shot and killed by a FBI sniper.

Sammy Weaver, 14, watched a camo clad figure shoot and kill his dog before he fired at the trespasser. He was shot in the back as ran back to his house by a US Marshall.

Great, two less Nazi assholes in the world.

Just not seeing this as a bad thing. Why the FBI didn't double tap them all like zombies is a good question, though.

Gee, that's pretty much the way I feel when a liberal or one of their drug addled foot soldiers gets taken out. That's what makes this a civil war isn't it? You are joyful when an enemy is removed from the field of battle. It's also why there's no national outcry over the murder rate in our cities. It's just the trash taking each other out to the dumpster.

Your opinion should give you a whole new understanding of why the man who took out George Tiller is a national hero to some.
12.3 million unemployed
And are you comparing that to the 12.1 million when Obama took office or the 15.4 million in Oct 2009?

2.4 million that have stopped looking for work
That's 2.4 million willing and able who stopped looking in the last year, 1.6 million of whom stopped looking for personal reasons (not because they didn't think they'd find work) and 0.8 million Discouraged. Again, are you comparing that to the 2.1 million total marginally attached and 0.7 million Discouraged when Obama took office, or the 2.8 million (1 million discouraged) from Jan 2011 or the 2.6 million marginally attached (1.3 million Discouraged) from Dec 2010?

8 million part time who cannot find full time work
No, it's only 2.6 million who can't find full time work. The rest is 5.1 million working part time due to slow business and the remainder of the 8 million is reason unkown.

That's almost 23 million there Jim.
Sure. And you can add in all other kinds of people not working to make the number scarier. What exactly are you trying to measure?

7.9% unemployment rate and that's after they massaged the number as much as they can. What do you think the real number is Jim? 12-14 percent?
How do you think they "massage" the number? And how would you determine the "real number?" Even if you add in everyone who says they want to work, regardless of whether they could actually take a job or how long since they've looked, that would only bring it up to 11.7%
Liberals are still angry because even though Obama won, even they understand that Obama's second term is merely Bush's fourth term.

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