Why has this message board got so personal to the left?

Vicky Weaver had her baby in her arms when she was shot and killed by a FBI sniper.

Sammy Weaver, 14, watched a camo clad figure shoot and kill his dog before he fired at the trespasser. He was shot in the back as ran back to his house by a US Marshall.

Great, two less Nazi assholes in the world.

Just not seeing this as a bad thing. Why the FBI didn't double tap them all like zombies is a good question, though.

Gee, that's pretty much the way I feel when a liberal or one of their drug addled foot soldiers gets taken out. That's what makes this a civil war isn't it? You are joyful when an enemy is removed from the field of battle. It's also why there's no national outcry over the murder rate in our cities. It's just the trash taking each other out to the dumpster.

Your opinion should give you a whole new understanding of why the man who took out George Tiller is a national hero to some.


JRK starts another troll thread and then abandons it when he gets called out,

and yet he wonders why so many liberals around here think he's an asshole.

how come you don't say that to Dean or Dudley when they do the same thing?....just wondering....

They didn't author this thread.

But thanks for acknowledging that you consider JRK as big an asshole as you do Dean and Dudley.
In order to prove that there was an increase in conspiracy theories about the left you would have to ignore half the actual conspiracy theories in existence. I guess you could actually believe that Bush was in on 9/11, thus relieving you of the necessity that the left is as wacky as the right.

What I want you to prove is that you are the sane person in this conversation by admitting that thinking conspiracy theories are partisan is a conspiracy theory.

First of all the 9/11 truthers have never been limited to leftists.

Second of all, how many recent truly leftwing conspiracy theories can you name?

Bush lied about WMDs.
The Jewish lobby intimidates Congress.
Fox News hates Obama because he is black.
Republican war on women.
Romney wants to ban abortion.

Shall I go on, or do you get the fucking point?

Bush did lie about the WMD's. There is a very powerful pro-Israeli lobby. I don't know what you're talking about w/ Fox. There is a Republican war on women. Romney did express support for a personhood amendment which is a ban on abortion.
JRK starts another troll thread and then abandons it when he gets called out,

and yet he wonders why so many liberals around here think he's an asshole.

how come you don't say that to Dean or Dudley when they do the same thing?....just wondering....

They didn't author this thread.

But thanks for acknowledging that you consider JRK as big an asshole as you do Dean and Dudley.

if he is blaming Liberals for all the ill's of the Country....then yea is just as bad....but i will be expecting you to say the same to Dean and Dudley when they are doing the same thing when you are in their threads instead of agreeing with them.....
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I wonder if the right would hate Obama less if he were 100% white?

They certainly wouldn't hate him less if he were 100% black.

I think Obama is a basically good guy who is in over his head, but Romney would have been a vastly worse choice. He'd have had us in Civil War in 8 years.

You are the one that brings up skin color. I doubt very seriously that you would understand that O is incompetent and it has nothing to do with skin color.

Again... When Bush became President... we had a 400 Billion surplus, we had 3% unemployment, we had peace, we had houses that were valuable and full 401K accounts.

And by the time he left, we had two recessions, two wars, a trillion dollar deficit, 4 trillion more in debts, busted 401K's, underwater mortgages, and pretty much epic fail.

Not saying all these things were Bush's fault, but they happened on his watch. But he was white, and you guys all supported him. Shit, I supported him, what was I thinking.

Yeah, things have not gotten a lot better under Obama, mostly because there are people who don't want them to get better. But they haven't gotten worse.

So the best you can say about Barack Obama's time in office is that "things have not gotten a lot better under Obama...but they haven't gotten worse"? So tell me why we reelected someone that mediocre? To prove that we're not racists?
Prove what?

That there has been a large increase in conspiracy theories, concerning leaders on the left, from the right in the past few years, and a corresponding increase in accusations based on said conspiracy theories?

One only needs to look at the posts on this board to see the truth.

Do you feel that I need to re-post all the conspiracy theories that have been posted over the last few years by members of the right to prove this?

Because that would take a very, very long time.

In order to prove that there was an increase in conspiracy theories about the left you would have to ignore half the actual conspiracy theories in existence. I guess you could actually believe that Bush was in on 9/11, thus relieving you of the necessity that the left is as wacky as the right.

What I want you to prove is that you are the sane person in this conversation by admitting that thinking conspiracy theories are partisan is a conspiracy theory.

What percent of the birthers were/are Democrats/liberals?

What percent of your brain works?

Hillary is the one that started the birther shit, so pretending that it all came from the right just proves you are part of the problem. Maybe you should go back and read the OP and think about why you take this personally.

The entire point is that taking things personally is wrong.
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Prove what?

That there has been a large increase in conspiracy theories, concerning leaders on the left, from the right in the past few years, and a corresponding increase in accusations based on said conspiracy theories?

One only needs to look at the posts on this board to see the truth.

Do you feel that I need to re-post all the conspiracy theories that have been posted over the last few years by members of the right to prove this?

Because that would take a very, very long time.

In order to prove that there was an increase in conspiracy theories about the left you would have to ignore half the actual conspiracy theories in existence. I guess you could actually believe that Bush was in on 9/11, thus relieving you of the necessity that the left is as wacky as the right.

What I want you to prove is that you are the sane person in this conversation by admitting that thinking conspiracy theories are partisan is a conspiracy theory.

First of all the 9/11 truthers have never been limited to leftists.

Second of all, how many recent truly leftwing conspiracy theories can you name?

Not all birthers are right wingers, what difference does it make? In fact, birtherism started on the left, but all birthers are automatically declared to be right wing nuts now, and the press ignores the fact that Hillary is the one that started it. The entire fracking point I am making is that conspiracy theories are only political if you aren't smart enough to understand that people who believe in them are nuts. Taking insults from crazy people personally is, for lack of a better term, bat shit crazy.
I've been throughout Virginia in 1960 and it isn't a stretch to say the Obamas wouldn't have fared well in many parts of that state at that time.

Ask the Lovings how they were treated by the State of Virginia

The Supreme Court case was some years after 1960, in 1967. They didn't kill him and only threw him in prison. Loving must have lived in a more civilized part of the state.

perhaps you can link us to all the killings
First of all the 9/11 truthers have never been limited to leftists.

Second of all, how many recent truly leftwing conspiracy theories can you name?

Bush lied about WMDs.
The Jewish lobby intimidates Congress.
Fox News hates Obama because he is black.
Republican war on women.
Romney wants to ban abortion.

Shall I go on, or do you get the fucking point?

you obviously dont get the point.

The obvious thing is that the point sailed right over your head.

I was asked a question, I answered. You are one of the crazy nuts that proves my point that there are crazy people all over the place, and blaming the crazy people for the problems is not rational. Politics is not supposed to be personal any more than science is.
I wonder if the right would hate Obama less if he were 100% white?

They certainly wouldn't hate him less if he were 100% black.

I think Obama is a basically good guy who is in over his head, but Romney would have been a vastly worse choice. He'd have had us in Civil War in 8 years.

You are the one that brings up skin color. I doubt very seriously that you would understand that O is incompetent and it has nothing to do with skin color.

Again... When Bush became President... we had a 400 Billion surplus, we had 3% unemployment, we had peace, we had houses that were valuable and full 401K accounts.

And by the time he left, we had two recessions, two wars, a trillion dollar deficit, 4 trillion more in debts, busted 401K's, underwater mortgages, and pretty much epic fail.

Not saying all these things were Bush's fault, but they happened on his watch. But he was white, and you guys all supported him. Shit, I supported him, what was I thinking.

Yeah, things have not gotten a lot better under Obama, mostly because there are people who don't want them to get better. But they haven't gotten worse.

Again, when Bush became president the surplus did not exist. If we had kept up the Clinton era spending, which you now call austerity measures, we would have ended up with a surplus eventually.

(Yes, I know Bush said there was a surplus, he lied.)

Recessions happen. To prove that we can point to the fact that we are about to start a recession even though the great and wonderful Obama, the man who never does anything wrong, is currently president. Not sure how you are going to deal with that, but I don't expect it to be his fault.

Maybe you should get over the fact that Obama is black and start thinking about why you feel a need to point that out every time post. Then you can grow up and stop taking it personally when someone points out that he is causing problems. Even if I am a racist that does not make you one, the only way you can be one is by being one yourself.
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they will if you teach them to point guns at people.

Vicky Weaver had her baby in her arms when she was shot and killed by a FBI sniper.

Sammy Weaver, 14, watched a camo clad figure shoot and kill his dog before he fired at the trespasser. He was shot in the back as ran back to his house by a US Marshall.

Great, two less Nazi assholes in the world.

Just not seeing this as a bad thing. Why the FBI didn't double tap them all like zombies is a good question, though.

If I respond to this with an insult would that violate the rules? How about if I point out that this is one of the things that is wrong with this country?

Anyone who would support the US government killing children is beyond reprehensible, and absolute proof that to many people on both sides take this personally.
Ask the Lovings how they were treated by the State of Virginia

The Supreme Court case was some years after 1960, in 1967. They didn't kill him and only threw him in prison. Loving must have lived in a more civilized part of the state.

perhaps you can link us to all the killings

Just how is it possible to link someone to all the killings for any reason?

I'm sure someone was killed over taking the last donut, so find a link for that!
In order to prove that there was an increase in conspiracy theories about the left you would have to ignore half the actual conspiracy theories in existence. I guess you could actually believe that Bush was in on 9/11, thus relieving you of the necessity that the left is as wacky as the right.

What I want you to prove is that you are the sane person in this conversation by admitting that thinking conspiracy theories are partisan is a conspiracy theory.

What percent of the birthers were/are Democrats/liberals?

What percent of your brain works?

Hillary is the one that started the birther shit, so pretending that it all came from the right just proves you are part of the problem. Maybe you should go back and read the OP and think about why you take this personally.

The entire point is that taking things personally is wrong.

Hillary is a birther? Prove it or shut up.
If in 1940 Obama was alive and tried to drink from a whites only drinking fountain he would have been drug behind a truck.

That means hes allowed to claim hes black.

racism is killing the republican party.

What does this have to with the thread? Does TM have special privileges because she is obviously stupid?

Racism is not inherent in the Republican party despite the massive belief from the wacko conspiracy nuts on the left.

This is why intelligent people do not take politics personally. If I got upset every time someone called me a racists I would have blood pressure so high that I would have to live in the hospital.
First of all the 9/11 truthers have never been limited to leftists.

Second of all, how many recent truly leftwing conspiracy theories can you name?

Bush lied about WMDs.
The Jewish lobby intimidates Congress.
Fox News hates Obama because he is black.
Republican war on women.
Romney wants to ban abortion.

Shall I go on, or do you get the fucking point?

Bush did lie about the WMD's. There is a very powerful pro-Israeli lobby. I don't know what you're talking about w/ Fox. There is a Republican war on women. Romney did express support for a personhood amendment which is a ban on abortion.

By declaring that Bush lied you make yourself one of the fringe nutcases no sane person should take seriously.

Thanks for proving the OP. You take this personally when you shouldn't.
If in 1940 Obama was alive and tried to drink from a whites only drinking fountain he would have been drug behind a truck.

That means hes allowed to claim hes black.

racism is killing the republican party.

What does this have to with the thread? Does TM have special privileges because she is obviously stupid?

Racism is not inherent in the Republican party despite the massive belief from the wacko conspiracy nuts on the left.

This is why intelligent people do not take politics personally. If I got upset every time someone called me a racists I would have blood pressure so high that I would have to live in the hospital.

It's kind of racist to call all those Black people wacko conspiracy nuts. No wonder they don't want to be Republicans and now the Hispanics are flipping you the bird.
If in 1940 Obama was alive and tried to drink from a whites only drinking fountain he would have been drug behind a truck.

That means hes allowed to claim hes black.

racism is killing the republican party.

What does this have to with the thread? Does TM have special privileges because she is obviously stupid?

Racism is not inherent in the Republican party despite the massive belief from the wacko conspiracy nuts on the left.

This is why intelligent people do not take politics personally. If I got upset every time someone called me a racists I would have blood pressure so high that I would have to live in the hospital.

It's kind of racist to call all those Black people wacko conspiracy nuts. No wonder they don't want to be Republicans and now the Hispanics are flipping you the bird.

It is even more racist to think they believe in conspiracy theories because they are black. That does explain why you can't stand Alan West.

Tell me something, why do you take this personally?
I think the libs are feeling a little remorse
They got what they wanted

Every post I have posted with factual info within is met with anger in just a few threads

BHO is a failure
the country is in a mess
and they know it

Its not rocket science

I feel sorry for this country
Its future
and those who allowed it to happen who will have to deal with it
hate never fixed anything and the hate for W still drives there entire agenda
Its nuts

we are 4 million jobs short of where we were in 07
the debt has doubled in 4 years
the GDP is going south

And there talking about Amnesty
it is nuts

Just say no to drugs.

Apparently you have NOT.
I think the libs are feeling a little remorse
They got what they wanted

Every post I have posted with factual info within is met with anger in just a few threads

BHO is a failure
the country is in a mess
and they know it

Its not rocket science

I feel sorry for this country
Its future
and those who allowed it to happen who will have to deal with it
hate never fixed anything and the hate for W still drives there entire agenda
Its nuts

we are 4 million jobs short of where we were in 07
the debt has doubled in 4 years
the GDP is going south

And there talking about Amnesty
it is nuts

Just say no to drugs.

Apparently you have NOT.

Yes, I obviously have. 20 years ago.
If in 1940 Obama was alive and tried to drink from a whites only drinking fountain he would have been drug behind a truck.

That means hes allowed to claim hes black.

racism is killing the republican party.

What does this have to with the thread? Does TM have special privileges because she is obviously stupid?

Racism is not inherent in the Republican party despite the massive belief from the wacko conspiracy nuts on the left.

This is why intelligent people do not take politics personally. If I got upset every time someone called me a racists I would have blood pressure so high that I would have to live in the hospital.

To the bold: Apparently it is.
Lawrence Wilkerson says GOP is full of racists
Gen. Powell Cites GOP's 'Vein of Intolerance' in O'Reilly Interview


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