Why has this message board got so personal to the left?

Produce the documentation for such a nonsensical assertion. I'll wait. I'm a staunch liberal Democrat who first supported Hilary, before Barack Obama, that what you have stated is a bald faced lie. Liar.

here ya go--------http://newsblaze.com/story/20091007152137lill.nb/topstory.html

read it and then you can admit that you were wrong.

Are you insane???? A story from a right wing (nut job) blog, posing as a news source?????
About NewsBlaze
NewsBlaze Pty Ltd. is an Australian Proprietary Limited Company, that controls NewsBlaze.com, an independent online newspaper.

The Publisher and Editor-in-Chief of the NewsBlaze news organization is Alan Gray.

NewsBlaze also has a senior editor, a copy editor and 100 active writers, plus 300 others registered, who write occasionally. There are also hundreds of other contributors, some whose work is also seen in other publications.
It's not even an American entity. Nor is it a notable or respected "mainstream" news source. Find a link that is accepted as "mainstream", and I'll give it some attention...otherwise, I'm dismissing it as "propaganda", nothing more, nothing less.

Some people just insist on having their noses rubbed in the truth. Go ahead and call this a right wing site.

Obama citizenship denial - RationalWiki

Or this.


Berg he was never a member of Clinton's team.

Flat out lie, Redfish. Tie Berg and Clinton together. You can't.

do you deny that Berg was a clinton supporter? prove that hillary condemned him or tried to discredit him? you can't because she supported what he was doing but had to be subtle about it in case he won the primaries.

its called politics, destroy your opponent and then claim to be his friend when he wins. the clintons hate obama intensely.
Bush lied about WMDs.
The Jewish lobby intimidates Congress.
Fox News hates Obama because he is black.
Republican war on women.
Romney wants to ban abortion.

Shall I go on, or do you get the fucking point?

Bush did lie about the WMD's. There is a very powerful pro-Israeli lobby. I don't know what you're talking about w/ Fox. There is a Republican war on women. Romney did express support for a personhood amendment which is a ban on abortion.

By declaring that Bush lied you make yourself one of the fringe nutcases no sane person should take seriously.

Thanks for proving the OP. You take this personally when you shouldn't.

Not only did President Bush and several members of his administration lie about the existance of WMD in Iraq but then lied about lying about them. Good thing we have it all taped.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YPJCPcYCupY]WMD LIES - Bush Cheney Rumsfeld - THE ULTIMATE CLIP (Edited) - YouTube[/ame]

Berg he was never a member of Clinton's team.

Flat out lie, Redfish. Tie Berg and Clinton together. You can't.

do you deny that Berg was a clinton supporter? prove that hillary condemned him or tried to discredit him? you can't because she supported what he was doing but had to be subtle about it in case he won the primaries.

its called politics, destroy your opponent and then claim to be his friend when he wins. the clintons hate obama intensely.

Yes they do. Almost as much as they hate Bill Richardson.
Bush did lie about the WMD's. There is a very powerful pro-Israeli lobby. I don't know what you're talking about w/ Fox. There is a Republican war on women. Romney did express support for a personhood amendment which is a ban on abortion.

By declaring that Bush lied you make yourself one of the fringe nutcases no sane person should take seriously.

Thanks for proving the OP. You take this personally when you shouldn't.

Not only did President Bush and several members of his administration lie about the existance of WMD in Iraq but then lied about lying about them. Good thing we have it all taped.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YPJCPcYCupY"]WMD LIES - Bush Cheney Rumsfeld - THE ULTIMATE CLIP (Edited) - YouTube[/ame]

Did Clinton lie?
Bush did lie about the WMD's. There is a very powerful pro-Israeli lobby. I don't know what you're talking about w/ Fox. There is a Republican war on women. Romney did express support for a personhood amendment which is a ban on abortion.

By declaring that Bush lied you make yourself one of the fringe nutcases no sane person should take seriously.

Thanks for proving the OP. You take this personally when you shouldn't.

Not only did President Bush and several members of his administration lie about the existance of WMD in Iraq but then lied about lying about them. Good thing we have it all taped.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YPJCPcYCupY]WMD LIES - Bush Cheney Rumsfeld - THE ULTIMATE CLIP (Edited) - YouTube[/ame]

off topic, but since you brought it up. Bush only repeated what everyone in the world believed, the UN, EU, UK, Germany, Spain, Japan, China, Russia, Italy, France. Saddam fooled everyone-----------or he had WMDs and they are now in the hands of Assad in Syria.

stating what everyone believes to be true is not lying.
By declaring that Bush lied you make yourself one of the fringe nutcases no sane person should take seriously.

Thanks for proving the OP. You take this personally when you shouldn't.

Not only did President Bush and several members of his administration lie about the existance of WMD in Iraq but then lied about lying about them. Good thing we have it all taped.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YPJCPcYCupY]WMD LIES - Bush Cheney Rumsfeld - THE ULTIMATE CLIP (Edited) - YouTube[/ame]

off topic, but since you brought it up. Bush only repeated what everyone in the world believed, the UN, EU, UK, Germany, Spain, Japan, China, Russia, Italy, France. Saddam fooled everyone-----------or he had WMDs and they are now in the hands of Assad in Syria.

stating what everyone believes to be true is not lying.

Bush cherry picked what he wanted.

Prior to the US invasion of Iraq, German Intelligence (the BND) provided one informant to the CIA, that informant's code name was curveball; recently his real name was reviled to be Rafid Ahmed Alwan. German Intelligence informed the CIA that they did not believe curveball's claims of Nuclear and Biological mobile weapons laboratories however; as allies do, the Germans handed curveball over to the US. The CIA fully vetted what curveball told them and concluded that "we believe that curveball is just telling us what we want to here". The Bush administration omitted the fact that our own CIA, as well as German Intelligence, did not believe curveball when Bush submitted the case for war to the US Congress. The Bush administration also omitted the fact all the intelligence concerning mobile weapons laboratories was from one sole source without any corroboration. Colin Powell's presentation to the United Nations concerning Iraq's mobile weapons laboratories was also based solely on the statements of curveball. Germany was angered by the Bush Administration's omissions, and although they did fight with the US in Afghanistan, Germany refused to invade Iraq.

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French Intelligence had an informant who was a member of Saddam's cabinet, Naji Sabri, Iraq's foreign minister. Sabri told French Intelligence that Saddam had no significant, active biological weapons program. When Sabri spoke to the CIA he was asked if Saddam acquired enriched uranium could he build a nuclear bomb in "several months to a year."? Sabri stated that Saddam to a great extent wanted a nuclear bomb, but would not be able to build a nuclear device that quickly, he would require much more time.

Iraqi Official, Paid by C.I.A., Gave Account of Weapons - New York Times

Berg he was never a member of Clinton's team.

Flat out lie, Redfish. Tie Berg and Clinton together. You can't.

do you deny that Berg was a clinton supporter? prove that hillary condemned him or tried to discredit him? you can't because she supported what he was doing but had to be subtle about it in case he won the primaries.

its called politics, destroy your opponent and then claim to be his friend when he wins. the clintons hate obama intensely.

You, not me, have to prove that Berg was a Clinton supporter and working for Clinton's team.

You have not done that.

Do you understand how this works? You make the allegation, you prove it, not me.
Bush lied about WMDs.
The Jewish lobby intimidates Congress.
Fox News hates Obama because he is black.
Republican war on women.
Romney wants to ban abortion.

Shall I go on, or do you get the fucking point?

Bush did lie about the WMD's. There is a very powerful pro-Israeli lobby. I don't know what you're talking about w/ Fox. There is a Republican war on women. Romney did express support for a personhood amendment which is a ban on abortion.

By declaring that Bush lied you make yourself one of the fringe nutcases no sane person should take seriously.

Thanks for proving the OP. You take this personally when you shouldn't.

Bush sent Colin Powell to the UN with fake pictures of WMD's that did not exist. That is the first example of Bush lying.
What percent of your brain works?

Hillary is the one that started the birther shit, so pretending that it all came from the right just proves you are part of the problem. Maybe you should go back and read the OP and think about why you take this personally.

The entire point is that taking things personally is wrong.

Why do you have to lie? Hilary did no such thing. If there was any "there" there, she would have capitalized on it, first and foremost. You have certified your lack of credibility with that one.

sorry, but you are wrong. in the 08 primary it was the Hillary camp that started the birther stuff. then obozo promised her the secstate job and they shut it down.


that itself is a rightwing conspiracy theory inside a rightwing conspiracy theory.

Bush sent Colin Powell to the UN with fake pictures of WMD's that did not exist. That is the first example of Bush lying.

Yeah--- that was so sad! Colin Powell admitted they had fooled him in his book. That was when I realized that Powell was just not smart enough to be president.

And of course he was supposed to be the author of the Powell Doctrine ------ but the war in Iraq was waged completely at odds to anything in that doctrine while Powell was SecDefense.

This was just sorry. They used Powell. Rumsfeld and Cheney, I suppose. I had the feeling Bush himself was pretty much out of the loop and those two were running the whole failed show.
Well, let's see, they claim to have killed him, but buried him immediately, in the ocean where no one could verify that he was dead. Why, out of respect to some Islamic tradition? Why not just bring the damn body back for an autopsy? Something to hide? Maybe if Obama didn't do everything with such secrecy, he would be trusted more.

Because wherever you bring his body becomes a target for a major terrorist attack?

Or maybe he's not dead, but being continuously tortured in a CIA cell somewhere... Just deserts I'd say.

But no, I'm sure it's just part of a giant conspiracy to fake his death by hundreds of military and civilian personnel, for no apparent reason. That makes much more sense...

Makes about as much sense as George Bush blowing up the Twin Towers.

Muslims think it's disgraceful to keep bodies around and not promptly bury them. Burial at sea is permissible and it isn't like you can visit the grave.
Yeah, well it's pretty disgraceful to slaughter 3,000 innocent people too. Who cares about their perverted religion? And since when does a mass murdering terrorist deserve any respect? We should have cut off his fucking head and put it on a stick. That's what they would do to us.
Bush did lie about the WMD's. There is a very powerful pro-Israeli lobby. I don't know what you're talking about w/ Fox. There is a Republican war on women. Romney did express support for a personhood amendment which is a ban on abortion.

By declaring that Bush lied you make yourself one of the fringe nutcases no sane person should take seriously.

Thanks for proving the OP. You take this personally when you shouldn't.

Bush sent Colin Powell to the UN with fake pictures of WMD's that did not exist. That is the first example of Bush lying.

Colin Powell did not have pictures of WMDs, he had pictures of Iraq moving trucks out of facilities ahead of UN investigations. The official position of the Obama administration is that Iraq moved there WMDs into Syria before the war. If Bush lied, Obama is covering for him.
By declaring that Bush lied you make yourself one of the fringe nutcases no sane person should take seriously.

Thanks for proving the OP. You take this personally when you shouldn't.

Bush sent Colin Powell to the UN with fake pictures of WMD's that did not exist. That is the first example of Bush lying.

Colin Powell did not have pictures of WMDs, he had pictures of Iraq moving trucks out of facilities ahead of UN investigations. The official position of the Obama administration is that Iraq moved there WMDs into Syria before the war. If Bush lied, Obama is covering for him.

Link, which you can't provide.
It's personal on both sides. People cant seem to practice virtue despite differences. it's sad.

What I see happening to this country is sheer evil. Both sides?! Virtue doesn't compromise or make nice with evil. Virtue confronts it.
do you deny that Berg was a clinton supporter? prove that hillary condemned him or tried to discredit him? you can't because she supported what he was doing but had to be subtle about it in case he won the primaries.

its called politics, destroy your opponent and then claim to be his friend when he wins. the clintons hate obama intensely.

Do you have any proof at all that Berg worked for the Clinton campaign?

Do you understand that Mr Berg didn't even bring his suit against Mr Obama until August 21st, 2008? 3 days prior to the DNC and long after Ms Clinton had already dropped out of the race?

Why would Hillary Clinton have bothered to condemn him when the Supreme Court completely dismissed his claim, and he was never part of her campaign?
It's personal on both sides. People cant seem to practice virtue despite differences. it's sad.

What I see happening to this country is sheer evil. Both sides?! Virtue doesn't compromise or make nice with evil. Virtue confronts it.

The radical right is as every bit as evil as the radical left. The Inquisitor had far less virtue than his victim, whether a relapsed Jew or an atheist or a Moor or any form of heretic.
do you deny that Berg was a clinton supporter? prove that hillary condemned him or tried to discredit him? you can't because she supported what he was doing but had to be subtle about it in case he won the primaries.

its called politics, destroy your opponent and then claim to be his friend when he wins. the clintons hate obama intensely.

Do you have any proof at all that Berg worked for the Clinton campaign?

Do you understand that Mr Berg didn't even bring his suit against Mr Obama until August 21st, 2008? 3 days prior to the DNC and long after Ms Clinton had already dropped out of the race?

Why would Hillary Clinton have bothered to condemn him when the Supreme Court completely dismissed his claim, and he was never part of her campaign?

Exactly. This is why Redfish proclaims but will not build an affirmative case for his point.
I remember when I first joined, the board was a haven for bush loving war mongers who drank oil farted facisum and regularly whore white gowns, what happened man!!!
By declaring that Bush lied you make yourself one of the fringe nutcases no sane person should take seriously.

Thanks for proving the OP. You take this personally when you shouldn't.

Bush sent Colin Powell to the UN with fake pictures of WMD's that did not exist. That is the first example of Bush lying.

Colin Powell did not have pictures of WMDs, he had pictures of Iraq moving trucks out of facilities ahead of UN investigations. The official position of the Obama administration is that Iraq moved there WMDs into Syria before the war. If Bush lied, Obama is covering for him.
Obama Administration: We?ve Lost Track of Syria?s Chemical Weapons (Video) | The Gateway Pundit

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