Why has this message board got so personal to the left?

Vicky Weaver had her baby in her arms when she was shot and killed by a FBI sniper.

Sammy Weaver, 14, watched a camo clad figure shoot and kill his dog before he fired at the trespasser. He was shot in the back as ran back to his house by a US Marshall.

Great, two less Nazi assholes in the world.

Just not seeing this as a bad thing. Why the FBI didn't double tap them all like zombies is a good question, though.

Gee, that's pretty much the way I feel when a liberal or one of their drug addled foot soldiers gets taken out. That's what makes this a civil war isn't it? You are joyful when an enemy is removed from the field of battle. It's also why there's no national outcry over the murder rate in our cities. It's just the trash taking each other out to the dumpster.

Your opinion should give you a whole new understanding of why the man who took out George Tiller is a national hero to some.

If you want to claim Randy Weaver and his family of Nazis on your side in this Civil War, youare welcome to them.

i think it shows how degenerate your side has become. Kind of when a doctor who specializes in saving women's lives is killed because you mistake spooge for people.

So the best you can say about Barack Obama's time in office is that "things have not gotten a lot better under Obama...but they haven't gotten worse"? So tell me why we reelected someone that mediocre? To prove that we're not racists?

No, to prevent the Weird Mormon Robot from crashing us back into the ditch.

The problem was, Romney was advocating all the same things that got us into the mess- deregulate the banks, give the rich more tax cuts, find another bunch of brown people to go to war with in the Middle East. Like we didn't learn a fucking thing from the Bush years.

Now, the GOP could have nominated someone with ideas and a proven track record... but you nominated Romney instead.
Again... When Bush became President... we had a 400 Billion surplus, we had 3% unemployment, we had peace, we had houses that were valuable and full 401K accounts.

And by the time he left, we had two recessions, two wars, a trillion dollar deficit, 4 trillion more in debts, busted 401K's, underwater mortgages, and pretty much epic fail.

Not saying all these things were Bush's fault, but they happened on his watch. But he was white, and you guys all supported him. Shit, I supported him, what was I thinking.

Yeah, things have not gotten a lot better under Obama, mostly because there are people who don't want them to get better. But they haven't gotten worse.

Again, when Bush became president the surplus did not exist. If we had kept up the Clinton era spending, which you now call austerity measures, we would have ended up with a surplus eventually.

(Yes, I know Bush said there was a surplus, he lied.)

Recessions happen. To prove that we can point to the fact that we are about to start a recession even though the great and wonderful Obama, the man who never does anything wrong, is currently president. Not sure how you are going to deal with that, but I don't expect it to be his fault.

Maybe you should get over the fact that Obama is black and start thinking about why you feel a need to point that out every time post. Then you can grow up and stop taking it personally when someone points out that he is causing problems. Even if I am a racist that does not make you one, the only way you can be one is by being one yourself.

You morons have been "predicting" a recession for three years now. I'll take it seriously when it happens.

Sorry, man, we had it good, and Bush fucked it up. And the GOP didn't learn a fucking thing from it. In fact, the sad thing is, because of the stupidity of midterms, the GOP figured, the only problem with Bush was he wasn't enough of an asshole. Well, let's fix that. We'll nominated a guy who who such an asshole, he likes to fire people!
Vicky Weaver had her baby in her arms when she was shot and killed by a FBI sniper.

Sammy Weaver, 14, watched a camo clad figure shoot and kill his dog before he fired at the trespasser. He was shot in the back as ran back to his house by a US Marshall.

Great, two less Nazi assholes in the world.

Just not seeing this as a bad thing. Why the FBI didn't double tap them all like zombies is a good question, though.

If I respond to this with an insult would that violate the rules? How about if I point out that this is one of the things that is wrong with this country?

Anyone who would support the US government killing children is beyond reprehensible, and absolute proof that to many people on both sides take this personally.

Sammy Weaver was raised to be a psychopath. He shot at a federal officer executing a lawful warrant. If he had lived, he'd be a 30-something swastika tatooed felon sodomizing some poor kid who got busted smoking pot. So, no, I'm not going to feel sad his career of crime ended early.

What I do wonder is why the right wing (or the crazy part of it) want to elevate Randy Weaver (a Nazi) and David Koresh (a child-molesting cultist) into folk heroes because they shot it out with the government.

They're great object lessons, but not good role models.
I think the libs are feeling a little remorse
They got what they wanted

Every post I have posted with factual info within is met with anger in just a few threads

BHO is a failure
the country is in a mess
and they know it

Its not rocket science

I feel sorry for this country
Its future
and those who allowed it to happen who will have to deal with it
hate never fixed anything and the hate for W still drives there entire agenda
Its nuts

we are 4 million jobs short of where we were in 07
the debt has doubled in 4 years
the GDP is going south

And there talking about Amnesty
it is nuts

I'm not a lib, but I'm also not feeling any remorse, and I did vote for Obama. We do have a number of problems going on in our economy right now. The thing is that most of you really do not understand what has driven the downturn. You talk about the fact that we have lost 4 million jobs since 2007, but you don't think about the fact that since 2007, 22 million have retired. Now, the problem with the mass exodus from the workforce by the baby boomers, is not just that they are leaving the workforce but that they have stopped buying things. The baby boomers drove this economy with their spending for at least twenty to thirty years, and now they have stopped buying. The problem is that because they stopped buying, there is not demand for more products, and therefore companies are not replacing all these people.

We are in a vicious economic downturn that has been created out of circumstance more than anything else, and truthfully, I'm not certain that there is a real easy fix. What I do know is that the economy will eventually take off again, but it's not going to happen right away. Those in Generation X number around 41 million. They are pretty well into life and already own homes if they are going to. They have their families and are now starting to think about retirement, although they still have a long way to go. It is their kids and some of the late Boomer's kids, who are now in their early 20's to early 30's who are going to make the economy boom again. It's just a matter of a few more years, probably eight or so before we see a massive growth cycle again. You see, there are 71 million in the Y Generation, and when that 71 million start having kids in big numbers, and they start buying houses, things will boom again, and they will. Once business sees that demand is there, they will start hiring and producing again.

For now, we just need to ride out the storm.

There is actually a really simple fix to the economic problems we have right now, return to the Clinton era spending levels.

Simple solutions for simple people.

Fuck, you're such a moron.
It's personal on both sides. People cant seem to practice virtue despite differences. it's sad.

What I see happening to this country is sheer evil. Both sides?! Virtue doesn't compromise or make nice with evil. Virtue confronts it.

The radical right is as every bit as evil as the radical left. The Inquisitor had far less virtue than his victim, whether a relapsed Jew or an atheist or a Moor or any form of heretic.

Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. What?
What I see happening to this country is sheer evil. Both sides?! Virtue doesn't compromise or make nice with evil. Virtue confronts it.

The radical right is as every bit as evil as the radical left. The Inquisitor had far less virtue than his victim, whether a relapsed Jew or an atheist or a Moor or any form of heretic.

Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. What?

M. D. is turning his eye from far right evil again.
OK, back to topic. why do those on the left always revert to personal attacks against anyone that does not buy into their obama-love and left wing ideology?

Personally I think its because they know that when both sides are given equal time, they will always lose because their ideas are not based on logic but on emotion.

liberals just feeeeeeeeel certain ways. they can't explain why, but they just feeeeeeeeeel that they know what is right for everyone. anyone who does share their feeeeeeeeeelings is to be destroyed by lies and innuendo.
OK, back to topic. why do those on the left always revert to personal attacks against anyone that does not buy into their obama-love and left wing ideology?

Personally I think its because they know that when both sides are given equal time, they will always lose because their ideas are not based on logic but on emotion.

liberals just feeeeeeeeel certain ways. they can't explain why, but they just feeeeeeeeeel that they know what is right for everyone. anyone who does share their feeeeeeeeeelings is to be destroyed by lies and innuendo.

That's pretty accurate. :clap2:
Some on the left personally attack the other side, but we have found the reactionary far right does it far more often. Why? The far right cannot defend their position.

We will now wait for the whinging and pinging by the far right.
Some on the left personally attack the other side, but we have found the reactionary far right does it far more often. Why? The far right cannot defend their position.

We will now wait for the whinging and pinging by the far right.

Speaking in third person now, ey?
the deficit is at a five year low cons
That's a good one. Kind of reminds me of the store owner who jacks up the price of a $40 item $20, then a few weeks later knocks off $6 and claims he cut the price by 10%.
Again... When Bush became President... we had a 400 Billion surplus, we had 3% unemployment, we had peace, we had houses that were valuable and full 401K accounts.

And by the time he left, we had two recessions, two wars, a trillion dollar deficit, 4 trillion more in debts, busted 401K's, underwater mortgages, and pretty much epic fail.

Not saying all these things were Bush's fault, but they happened on his watch. But he was white, and you guys all supported him. Shit, I supported him, what was I thinking.

Yeah, things have not gotten a lot better under Obama, mostly because there are people who don't want them to get better. But they haven't gotten worse.

Again, when Bush became president the surplus did not exist. If we had kept up the Clinton era spending, which you now call austerity measures, we would have ended up with a surplus eventually.

(Yes, I know Bush said there was a surplus, he lied.)

Recessions happen. To prove that we can point to the fact that we are about to start a recession even though the great and wonderful Obama, the man who never does anything wrong, is currently president. Not sure how you are going to deal with that, but I don't expect it to be his fault.

Maybe you should get over the fact that Obama is black and start thinking about why you feel a need to point that out every time post. Then you can grow up and stop taking it personally when someone points out that he is causing problems. Even if I am a racist that does not make you one, the only way you can be one is by being one yourself.

You morons have been "predicting" a recession for three years now. I'll take it seriously when it happens.

Sorry, man, we had it good, and Bush fucked it up. And the GOP didn't learn a fucking thing from it. In fact, the sad thing is, because of the stupidity of midterms, the GOP figured, the only problem with Bush was he wasn't enough of an asshole. Well, let's fix that. We'll nominated a guy who who such an asshole, he likes to fire people!

They've learned to cheat at the voting booth a little better however Florida officials got a surprise finding Democratic resolve standing in those lines.

Bush did fuck things up, we've got to start thining about 2016 now so they don't take us in the wrong direction again.
Some on the left personally attack the other side, but we have found the reactionary far right does it far more often. Why? The far right cannot defend their position.

We will now wait for the whinging and pinging by the far right.

We also know the far right disdains education, so they're very limited in their ability to defend their positions.
Some on the left personally attack the other side, but we have found the reactionary far right does it far more often. Why? The far right cannot defend their position.

We will now wait for the whinging and pinging by the far right.

We also know the far right disdains education, so they're very limited in their ability to defend their positions.

Conservatives "disdain" education? Really? Funny but the majority of Republicans I've come in contact with down here in South West Florida not only went to college but most have advanced degrees. I think you've mistaken their disdain of liberal educators with a disdain for education itself.
OK, back to topic. why do those on the left always revert to personal attacks against anyone that does not buy into their obama-love and left wing ideology?

Personally I think its because they know that when both sides are given equal time, they will always lose because their ideas are not based on logic but on emotion.

liberals just feeeeeeeeel certain ways. they can't explain why, but they just feeeeeeeeeel that they know what is right for everyone. anyone who does share their feeeeeeeeeelings is to be destroyed by lies and innuendo.

Back in the day you had the blue dog democrat
With some legislation especially when it came to budgets and so forth there was some you could count on

Libs today are 100% brain washed or to ashamed to admit how far of track there agenda is
When GWB was president we were within about 200 billion of a balanced budget with the income we had in 07 vs expenses
The main stream as well as Liberal NE Dems became desperate to re gain power after 2000
The more lies that were told, the more radical they became
Now it is to a point they see no wrong in the mess this country is really in

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