Why has this message board got so personal to the left?

why must you on the left always bring up race? BTW obama is not a "black guy". he is a half breed.

It's never the left that brings up race. The left is over race. The right is obsessed with "race". It's very important to them. Not so much with the left. Thanks.

That's one of the more ignorant statements I've heard on here in quite some time, Poet. There are people on the Left who literally have made their living off bringing up "race". Jesse Jackson? Al Sharpton? Maxine Waters? How many times have people on this board IMMEDIATELY accused conservatives of racism simply because they thought President Obama's policies were badly thought out? It happens literally every DAY here! The Left is over race? Then why do they constantly play the race card every time this President gets into difficulty?

Yeah, old Poet is a funny guy! I like him, he makes me laugh :)
Conservatives "disdain" education? Really? Funny but the majority of Republicans I've come in contact with down here in South West Florida not only went to college but most have advanced degrees. I think you've mistaken their disdain of liberal educators with a disdain for education itself.

No, republicans celebrate ignorance while disdaining all things educated, even if they are themselves educated (Rick Santorum comes to mind.)

Obviously nothing but an attempt to play to the uneducated redneck base, but it is what it is.

I think that most conservatives are generally amused by liberals who think that THEY are smarter than those around them...all the while espousing policies that simply don't work. Have you ever noticed the almost "obsessive" need by liberals to cite studies that show liberals are more intelligent than conservatives? They cite studies such as that in a frantic effort to prove that they aren't stupid...even as they demand stupid policies.

Take the latest calls by liberals for bans on weapons. A logical person would look at the fact that Chicago has some of the toughest gun control laws in the nation...yet is the murder capital of America and ask themselves if more gun control laws are the answer if the criminals aren't obeying the ones already on the books? But not a liberal. Oh no...a liberal ignores the fact that people who have no problem with murder also have no problem with ignoring gun control laws. Why? Because "reality" doesn't line up with their "beliefs"...therefore reality is wrong. (eye roll)

I don't take anything seriously from a guy with a satanic icon. I usually wait for them to grow up before I find anything they have to say of interest.
The left comes up with personal attacks for the simple reason that they know their so-called "reasonable" responses are unworkable.

It is the same mentality that rejects any source from a so-called right wing or conservative source.

In the long run, there is nothing anyone can say that will ever change their minds.
obama was not overwhelmingly elected. In 2012 he was elected with fewer votes than in 2008. He was elected with a bare majority of 1%. That's the people who voted. More people didn't vote for obama than voted for him. To democrats it's an overwhelming majority. They are motivated by feelings and that makes them feel good. The reality is, obama won election by such a small number that those who still oppose him are enough to make the country ungovernable.

Yes, and Bush was not even elected by a majority of the popular vote and yet you all think he was wonderful. As another post says, the country is divided right down the middle and the elections will continue to be that way.
Any child shooting at feebs should be killed immediately, yes. They have been raised as drone feed and deserve nothing more.
drone feed ??? are you for drones killing Americans ??

If the "american" decides that his best interests are leaving the U.S.A., renouncing their citizenship, going overseas, and joining those that want to destroy this country, as well as giving instructions to someone known as the "underwear bomber" who tried to blow up a plane over the top of a major U.S. city (Detroit)?

I say they have given up on their rights as a U.S. citizen.

Wanna know what I think should happen?

If there is enough evidence (like there was for the last dirtbag I referenced), let the U.S. Senate hear the proof, as well as what happened (the evidence), and give a simple up or down vote.

If they think he's a terrorist, give them 30 days to surrender and come back to the U.S. for trial.

If they don't come back in 30 days? Tell them over the news channels that they are no longer citizens, and if found on the field of battle, they will be killed.

Traitors don't deserve to have the rights of this country. Take them out wherever possible if they are in a war zone.

They can't vote, but they still have a right to not get killed by the government just because somebody doesn't like their politics.

GDP dropped last quarter, if it doesn't hit positive numbers this quarter we will officially be in a recession. Guess what is happening unless Obama and the Republicans agree to more tax increases?

It dropped a fraction of .1 because Hurricane Sandy closed down the entire east cost for a month...

But I know you just have to beleive that we are going to all be punished for voting for the black guy.

Hurricane Sandy had a small impact on GDP, yet we still had negative GDP growth. Interesting argument if you are trying to convince me things are getting better.
It dropped a fraction of .1 because Hurricane Sandy closed down the entire east cost for a month...

But I know you just have to beleive that we are going to all be punished for voting for the black guy.

why must you on the left always bring up race? BTW obama is not a "black guy". he is a half breed.

It's never the left that brings up race. The left is over race. The right is obsessed with "race". It's very important to them. Not so much with the left. Thanks.

Rdean starts his thread with rants about the black man in the White House, are you telling me he is a righty?
No, republicans celebrate ignorance while disdaining all things educated, even if they are themselves educated (Rick Santorum comes to mind.)

Obviously nothing but an attempt to play to the uneducated redneck base, but it is what it is.

I think that most conservatives are generally amused by liberals who think that THEY are smarter than those around them...all the while espousing policies that simply don't work. Have you ever noticed the almost "obsessive" need by liberals to cite studies that show liberals are more intelligent than conservatives? They cite studies such as that in a frantic effort to prove that they aren't stupid...even as they demand stupid policies.

Take the latest calls by liberals for bans on weapons. A logical person would look at the fact that Chicago has some of the toughest gun control laws in the nation...yet is the murder capital of America and ask themselves if more gun control laws are the answer if the criminals aren't obeying the ones already on the books? But not a liberal. Oh no...a liberal ignores the fact that people who have no problem with murder also have no problem with ignoring gun control laws. Why? Because "reality" doesn't line up with their "beliefs"...therefore reality is wrong. (eye roll)

I don't take anything seriously from a guy with a satanic icon. I usually wait for them to grow up before I find anything they have to say of interest.

If you didn't have an equally mythical creature as your icon, I might take your post seriously. As it is, it's just so much bullshit.
We also know the far right disdains education, so they're very limited in their ability to defend their positions.

Conservatives "disdain" education? Really? Funny but the majority of Republicans I've come in contact with down here in South West Florida not only went to college but most have advanced degrees. I think you've mistaken their disdain of liberal educators with a disdain for education itself.

No, republicans celebrate ignorance while disdaining all things educated, even if they are themselves educated (Rick Santorum comes to mind.)

Obviously nothing but an attempt to play to the uneducated redneck base, but it is what it is.

Runs deep your projection does in this thread...yesssss.....
Conservatives "disdain" education? Really? Funny but the majority of Republicans I've come in contact with down here in South West Florida not only went to college but most have advanced degrees. I think you've mistaken their disdain of liberal educators with a disdain for education itself.

No, republicans celebrate ignorance while disdaining all things educated, even if they are themselves educated (Rick Santorum comes to mind.)

Obviously nothing but an attempt to play to the uneducated redneck base, but it is what it is.

I think that most conservatives are generally amused by liberals who think that THEY are smarter than those around them...all the while espousing policies that simply don't work. Have you ever noticed the almost "obsessive" need by liberals to cite studies that show liberals are more intelligent than conservatives? They cite studies such as that in a frantic effort to prove that they aren't stupid...even as they demand stupid policies.

Take the latest calls by liberals for bans on weapons. A logical person would look at the fact that Chicago has some of the toughest gun control laws in the nation...yet is the murder capital of America and ask themselves if more gun control laws are the answer if the criminals aren't obeying the ones already on the books? But not a liberal. Oh no...a liberal ignores the fact that people who have no problem with murder also have no problem with ignoring gun control laws. Why? Because "reality" doesn't line up with their "beliefs"...therefore reality is wrong. (eye roll)

If there were studies proving conservatives were smarter, conservatives would be out pimping them. Problen is that there aren't any.

As to the rest, I never suggested that there were no educated republicans. There are. I even gave the example of Rick Santorum in my post. What makes it worse is that educated republicans are hypocritical in their takes on education, in an attempt to appeal to their uneducated base.

If you feel the need to reply to me in the future, at least try to read what I said before you start prattling on. Thanks in advance.
drone feed ??? are you for drones killing Americans ??

If the "american" decides that his best interests are leaving the U.S.A., renouncing their citizenship, going overseas, and joining those that want to destroy this country, as well as giving instructions to someone known as the "underwear bomber" who tried to blow up a plane over the top of a major U.S. city (Detroit)?

I say they have given up on their rights as a U.S. citizen.

Wanna know what I think should happen?

If there is enough evidence (like there was for the last dirtbag I referenced), let the U.S. Senate hear the proof, as well as what happened (the evidence), and give a simple up or down vote.

If they think he's a terrorist, give them 30 days to surrender and come back to the U.S. for trial.

If they don't come back in 30 days? Tell them over the news channels that they are no longer citizens, and if found on the field of battle, they will be killed.

Traitors don't deserve to have the rights of this country. Take them out wherever possible if they are in a war zone.

They can't vote, but they still have a right to not get killed by the government just because somebody doesn't like their politics.

I'm still trying, unsuccessfully, to reconcile how pouring water on a known terrorist's face is bad with how killing innocent children as collateral damage is good.
Conservatives "disdain" education? Really? Funny but the majority of Republicans I've come in contact with down here in South West Florida not only went to college but most have advanced degrees. I think you've mistaken their disdain of liberal educators with a disdain for education itself.

No, republicans celebrate ignorance while disdaining all things educated, even if they are themselves educated (Rick Santorum comes to mind.)

Obviously nothing but an attempt to play to the uneducated redneck base, but it is what it is.

Runs deep your projection does in this thread...yesssss.....

Denial is usually a product of the mind trying to protect a delicate psyche.
No, republicans celebrate ignorance while disdaining all things educated, even if they are themselves educated (Rick Santorum comes to mind.)

Obviously nothing but an attempt to play to the uneducated redneck base, but it is what it is.

I think that most conservatives are generally amused by liberals who think that THEY are smarter than those around them...all the while espousing policies that simply don't work. Have you ever noticed the almost "obsessive" need by liberals to cite studies that show liberals are more intelligent than conservatives? They cite studies such as that in a frantic effort to prove that they aren't stupid...even as they demand stupid policies.

Take the latest calls by liberals for bans on weapons. A logical person would look at the fact that Chicago has some of the toughest gun control laws in the nation...yet is the murder capital of America and ask themselves if more gun control laws are the answer if the criminals aren't obeying the ones already on the books? But not a liberal. Oh no...a liberal ignores the fact that people who have no problem with murder also have no problem with ignoring gun control laws. Why? Because "reality" doesn't line up with their "beliefs"...therefore reality is wrong. (eye roll)

If there were studies proving conservatives were smarter, conservatives would be out pimping them. Problen is that there aren't any.

As to the rest, I never suggested that there were no educated republicans. There are. I even gave the example of Rick Santorum in my post. What makes it worse is that educated republicans are hypocritical in their takes on education, in an attempt to appeal to their uneducated base.

If you feel the need to reply to me in the future, at least try to read what I said before you start prattling on. Thanks in advance.

Are you one of the idiots that thinks confirmation bias proves you are smart? Strange how I, being a conservative, have not met a single progressive who believes those studies that has enough brains to keep himself from looking like a fool.
I think that most conservatives are generally amused by liberals who think that THEY are smarter than those around them...all the while espousing policies that simply don't work. Have you ever noticed the almost "obsessive" need by liberals to cite studies that show liberals are more intelligent than conservatives? They cite studies such as that in a frantic effort to prove that they aren't stupid...even as they demand stupid policies.

Take the latest calls by liberals for bans on weapons. A logical person would look at the fact that Chicago has some of the toughest gun control laws in the nation...yet is the murder capital of America and ask themselves if more gun control laws are the answer if the criminals aren't obeying the ones already on the books? But not a liberal. Oh no...a liberal ignores the fact that people who have no problem with murder also have no problem with ignoring gun control laws. Why? Because "reality" doesn't line up with their "beliefs"...therefore reality is wrong. (eye roll)

If there were studies proving conservatives were smarter, conservatives would be out pimping them. Problen is that there aren't any.

As to the rest, I never suggested that there were no educated republicans. There are. I even gave the example of Rick Santorum in my post. What makes it worse is that educated republicans are hypocritical in their takes on education, in an attempt to appeal to their uneducated base.

If you feel the need to reply to me in the future, at least try to read what I said before you start prattling on. Thanks in advance.

Are you one of the idiots that thinks confirmation bias proves you are smart? Strange how I, being a conservative, have not met a single progressive who believes those studies that has enough brains to keep himself from looking like a fool.

You're projecting, yet calling me an idiot.


As for your post, I never commented on the validity of the studies, I just commented on my belief that if studies existed saying conservaes were more intelligent, then conservatives would be pimping them.
The left comes up with personal attacks for the simple reason that they know their so-called "reasonable" responses are unworkable.

It is the same mentality that rejects any source from a so-called right wing or conservative source.

In the long run, there is nothing anyone can say that will ever change their minds.

The far right, like longknife, does the same. Both far left and far right are mirrors of inability to reason with and to each other.

Both groups are the worst of ideologues, unable to recognize that compromise and consensus, which began with the Constitutional convention, is an inherent part of American life.
had to work, sorry I have missed such discussion
The left will not debate the issues
It is that simple. When we do, anger takes center stage and the subject turns straight to GWB, Iraq and the wealth bubble bursting

UBL was found with enhanced interrogations
And then was murdered in cold blood as well as un armed.
Yet the left still claim foul for those events that located his courier and praise BHO for what team 6 did (God bless all of them BTW, UBL got what he deserved)
GWB created millions of jobs, BHO is still 4 million short of 07 levels (I really do not blame him, I have serious issue with his Deficits that was suppose to fix it)
BHO could have allowed smart regulations in coal as well as Oil and gas sector that would have created millions more than what the Oil and Gas did create during the last 4 years (without those jobs BHO does not get re elected)
If BHO was a Conservative? I still would have no respect for him. My biggest issue with this angry and mis informed group is there level of denial
BHO is not been honest about so much. His way to lead is to attack, separate, create class warfare and take advantage of any event that will promote his agenda (never allow a crises to go to waste)
The dollars he added to the base-line? then blame W
cutting monies from medicare to balance his Obama-care?
Ignore Fort Hood as what it really was then use Sandy hook to do what? (not sure what that is really all about
we had negative GDP last 1/4 2012, but low and behold it is all about amnesty

These are all actual events that the angry lib ignores, why?
I mean these are events that will take a life time to understand, un-do and pay for with an event that is to date un known

In 2007 this country was so close
Iraq has sense been won, that cost has not went away

We went from 162 billion to 1.4 trillion in deficit spending in months
yet the angry lib blames it on Reagan and W?
whats up with that?
Last edited:
had to work, sorry I have missed such discussion
The left will not debate the issues
It is that simple. When we do, anger takes center stage and the subject turns straight to GWB, Iraq and the wealth bubble bursting

UBL was found with enhanced interrogations
And then was murdered in cold blood as well as un armed.
Yet the left still claim foul for those events that located his courier and praise BHO for what team 6 did (God bless all of them BTW, UBL got what he deserved)
GWB created millions of jobs, BHO is still 4 million short of 07 levels (I really do not blame him, I have serious issue with his Deficits that was suppose to fix it)
BHO could have allowed smart regulations in coal as well as Oil and gas sector that would have created millions more than what the Oil and Gas did create during the last 4 years (without those jobs BHO does not get re elected)
If BHO was a Conservative? I still would have no respect for him. My biggest issue with this angry and mis informed group is there level of denial
BHO is not been honest about so much. His way to lead is to attack, separate, create class warfare and take advantage of any event that will promote his agenda (never allow a crises to go to waste)
The dollars he added to the base-line? then blame W
cutting monies from medicare to balance his Obama-care?
Ignore Fort Hood as what it really was then use Sandy hook to do what? (not sure what that is really all about
we had negative GDP last 1/4 2012, but low and behold it is all about amnesty

These are all actual events that the angry lib ignores, why?
I mean these are events that

It is not that they won't debate, it is simply that they don't know how to defend their positions using logic. Their ideas have never been challenged, they have been told from the day they were born that the only way to think is the progressive way, so they are forced to believe that anyone who doesn't believe they way they do is crazy.
had to work, sorry I have missed such discussion
The left will not debate the issues
It is that simple. When we do, anger takes center stage and the subject turns straight to GWB, Iraq and the wealth bubble bursting

UBL was found with enhanced interrogations
And then was murdered in cold blood as well as un armed.
Yet the left still claim foul for those events that located his courier and praise BHO for what team 6 did (God bless all of them BTW, UBL got what he deserved)
GWB created millions of jobs, BHO is still 4 million short of 07 levels (I really do not blame him, I have serious issue with his Deficits that was suppose to fix it)
BHO could have allowed smart regulations in coal as well as Oil and gas sector that would have created millions more than what the Oil and Gas did create during the last 4 years (without those jobs BHO does not get re elected)
If BHO was a Conservative? I still would have no respect for him. My biggest issue with this angry and mis informed group is there level of denial
BHO is not been honest about so much. His way to lead is to attack, separate, create class warfare and take advantage of any event that will promote his agenda (never allow a crises to go to waste)
The dollars he added to the base-line? then blame W
cutting monies from medicare to balance his Obama-care?
Ignore Fort Hood as what it really was then use Sandy hook to do what? (not sure what that is really all about
we had negative GDP last 1/4 2012, but low and behold it is all about amnesty

These are all actual events that the angry lib ignores, why?
I mean these are events that will take a life time to understand, un-do and pay for with an event that is to date un known

In 2007 this country was so close
Iraq has sense been won, that cost has not went away

We went from 162 billion to 1.4 trillion in deficit spending in months
yet the angry lib blames it on Reagan and W?
whats up with that?

Yes, neo con anger still at having to accept responsibility for the fact that "the subject turns straight to GWB, Iraq and the wealth bubble bursting"

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