Why has this message board got so personal to the left?

Bush sent Colin Powell to the UN with fake pictures of WMD's that did not exist. That is the first example of Bush lying.

Colin Powell did not have pictures of WMDs, he had pictures of Iraq moving trucks out of facilities ahead of UN investigations. The official position of the Obama administration is that Iraq moved there WMDs into Syria before the war. If Bush lied, Obama is covering for him.

Link, which you can't provide.

Wanna bet?

Please tell me the UN is a right wing conspiracy site, I could use the laugh.

Colin Powell did not have pictures of WMDs, he had pictures of Iraq moving trucks out of facilities ahead of UN investigations. The official position of the Obama administration is that Iraq moved there WMDs into Syria before the war. If Bush lied, Obama is covering for him.

Link, which you can't provide.

Wanna bet?

Please tell me the UN is a right wing conspiracy site, I could use the laugh.


You wrote, "The official position of the Obama administration is that Iraq moved there WMDs into Syria before the war." Link, please. No more deflection. You can't prove this.
I remember when I first joined, the board was a haven for bush loving war mongers who drank oil farted facisum and regularly whore white gowns, what happened man!!!

prove my point did you?
The WMD debate?
The person who claimed that first was Clinton
that is Bill
The one who claimed it to be PART of th reason we invaded was Hans Blix

Read and pleas liv in the truth for once
This fron Jan 27 2003
the event that along with Al Qaeda setting up camp in Iraq is why we invaded

From Blix
The document indicates that 13,000 chemical bombs were dropped by the Iraqi Air Force between 1983 and 1988, while Iraq has declared that 19,500 bombs were consumed during this period. Thus, there is a discrepancy of 6,500 bombs. The amount of chemical agent in these bombs would be in the order of about 1,000 tonnes. In the absence of evidence to the contrary, we must assume that these quantities are now unaccounted for.

The discovery of a number of 122 mm chemical rocket warheads in a bunker at a storage depot 170 km southwest of Baghdad was much publicized. This was a relatively new bunker and therefore the rockets must have been moved there in the past few years, at a time when Iraq should not have had such munitions.

Update 27 January 2003
I remember when I first joined, the board was a haven for bush loving war mongers who drank oil farted facisum and regularly whore white gowns, what happened man!!!

Most of the ultra-right wing trolls have left which is a great thing, this forum is much more "fair and balanced" now :up:
I remember when I first joined, the board was a haven for bush loving war mongers who drank oil farted facisum and regularly whore white gowns, what happened man!!!

Most of the ultra-right wing trolls have left which is a great thing, this forum is much more "fair and balanced" now :up:

Read your thread
war monger?
oil farted facsium

and you stating the conservative is the one who has made a mess of this mess?
I mean you say "you know we the debt problem got out of control in 09
No jobs sense in the private sector
Dems added 500 billion to the base line same year"

And that will get you the race card, right away
And GWB caused it, or failed policies of the GOP
and rich, taxes, poor

Everything except the truth
it has become so personal to the left
They know it is not working

This has nothing to do with the GOP. But I can promise you the rebuttle will
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The WMD debate?
The person who claimed that first was Clinton
that is Bill
The one who claimed it to be PART of th reason we invaded was Hans Blix

Read and pleas liv in the truth for once
This fron Jan 27 2003
the event that along with Al Qaeda setting up camp in Iraq is why we invaded

From Blix
The document indicates that 13,000 chemical bombs were dropped by the Iraqi Air Force between 1983 and 1988, while Iraq has declared that 19,500 bombs were consumed during this period. Thus, there is a discrepancy of 6,500 bombs. The amount of chemical agent in these bombs would be in the order of about 1,000 tonnes. In the absence of evidence to the contrary, we must assume that these quantities are now unaccounted for.

The discovery of a number of 122 mm chemical rocket warheads in a bunker at a storage depot 170 km southwest of Baghdad was much publicized. This was a relatively new bunker and therefore the rockets must have been moved there in the past few years, at a time when Iraq should not have had such munitions.

Update 27 January 2003

Sorry, JRK. This was not an event in which Bush et al were announcing on the White House top that "WMDs had been found" as had been stated for the start of the war.

For the 38th time since you have made this assertion, you fail.
here ya go--------http://newsblaze.com/story/20091007152137lill.nb/topstory.html

read it and then you can admit that you were wrong.

Are you insane???? A story from a right wing (nut job) blog, posing as a news source?????
About NewsBlaze
NewsBlaze Pty Ltd. is an Australian Proprietary Limited Company, that controls NewsBlaze.com, an independent online newspaper.

The Publisher and Editor-in-Chief of the NewsBlaze news organization is Alan Gray.

NewsBlaze also has a senior editor, a copy editor and 100 active writers, plus 300 others registered, who write occasionally. There are also hundreds of other contributors, some whose work is also seen in other publications.
It's not even an American entity. Nor is it a notable or respected "mainstream" news source. Find a link that is accepted as "mainstream", and I'll give it some attention...otherwise, I'm dismissing it as "propaganda", nothing more, nothing less.

Some people just insist on having their noses rubbed in the truth. Go ahead and call this a right wing site.

Obama citizenship denial - RationalWiki

Or this.


You have to be insane. I'm a fucking dyed-in-the wool, stark raving mad liberal Democrat. You could say the sky is yellow, and I'm going to fucking laugh in your face. Why, on God's green Earth, would I ever listen to the ravings, or the protestations of a fucking conservative or Republican, over my good common sense? Get off drugs. I don't need any sites or sources to prove to me what I inherently know. The right is so incensed that a black man is occupying the White House, insult to injury, in a second term, they can't sleep at night, can't eat, can't fuck, can't do anything but wring their hands and gnash their teeth....and I want nothing more for Christmas. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
here ya go--------http://newsblaze.com/story/20091007152137lill.nb/topstory.html

read it and then you can admit that you were wrong.

Are you insane???? A story from a right wing (nut job) blog, posing as a news source?????
About NewsBlaze
NewsBlaze Pty Ltd. is an Australian Proprietary Limited Company, that controls NewsBlaze.com, an independent online newspaper.

The Publisher and Editor-in-Chief of the NewsBlaze news organization is Alan Gray.

NewsBlaze also has a senior editor, a copy editor and 100 active writers, plus 300 others registered, who write occasionally. There are also hundreds of other contributors, some whose work is also seen in other publications.

It's not even an American entity. Nor is it a notable or respected "mainstream" news source. Find a link that is accepted as "mainstream", and I'll give it some attention...otherwise, I'm dismissing it as "propaganda", nothing more, nothing less.

but you are unable to refute anything it says, I get it. you love obama regardless of how much he lies or screws up, and you will show the same love for hillary if she runs in 16. we understand your bias and ignorance of reality regarding your heroes.

Damn straight. And it pisses you off. My heroes are better than yours. The last damn election proved it. Now, go make whine, out of your sour grapes. Ooops. You already did. My bad.
Link, which you can't provide.

Wanna bet?

Please tell me the UN is a right wing conspiracy site, I could use the laugh.


You wrote, "The official position of the Obama administration is that Iraq moved there WMDs into Syria before the war." Link, please. No more deflection. You can't prove this.

Deflection? If you wanted me to respond to a challenge about that you should have quoted that post, not the post where I said that Colin Powell did not show pictures of WMDs to the UN.

Is the quote function to complicated for you?
Wanna bet?

Please tell me the UN is a right wing conspiracy site, I could use the laugh.


You wrote, 'The official position of the Obama administration is that Iraq moved there WMDs into Syria before the war.' Link, please. No more deflection. You can't prove this."

Deflection? If you wanted me to respond to a challenge about that you should have quoted that post, not the post where I said that Colin Powell did not show pictures of WMDs to the UN.

Is the quote function to complicated for you?

Your post was in the selection of what was being quoted. You misunderstood and that may have been my fault. If so, my fault and I apologize.

Now stop deflecting and answer correctly to "You wrote, 'The official position of the Obama administration is that Iraq moved there WMDs into Syria before the war.' Link, please. No more deflection. You can't prove this."
You wrote, 'The official position of the Obama administration is that Iraq moved there WMDs into Syria before the war.' Link, please. No more deflection. You can't prove this."

Deflection? If you wanted me to respond to a challenge about that you should have quoted that post, not the post where I said that Colin Powell did not show pictures of WMDs to the UN.

Is the quote function to complicated for you?

Your post was in the selection of what was being quoted. You misunderstood and that may have been my fault. If so, my fault and I apologize.

Now stop deflecting and answer correctly to "You wrote, 'The official position of the Obama administration is that Iraq moved there WMDs into Syria before the war.' Link, please. No more deflection. You can't prove this."

No it wasn't, the only thing there was my post about the UN and the post that I responded to. You fucked up, I didn't misunderstand anything. Stop blaming others for your mistakes, you are not Obama, even if you spend all your time up his ass.
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Berg he was never a member of Clinton's team.

Flat out lie, Redfish. Tie Berg and Clinton together. You can't.

do you deny that Berg was a clinton supporter? prove that hillary condemned him or tried to discredit him? you can't because she supported what he was doing but had to be subtle about it in case he won the primaries.

its called politics, destroy your opponent and then claim to be his friend when he wins. the clintons hate obama intensely.

No, Clinton did not support Berg. There is no correlation that Berg worked for Clinton. Whether he was condemned by Clinton's group is immaterial.

Your effort here would get earn Fail in a college freshman class in Government.
Any fool can see what's happening.

But it takes study to understand why and who is responsible for it.
The only minority left in this great nation is the white male
either way
I thought BHO was 1/2 white anyway

And yes your spot on
as hard as BHO is trying he cannot change the greatness that once was over night

I wonder if the right would hate Obama less if he were 100% white?

They certainly wouldn't hate him less if he were 100% black.

I think Obama is a basically good guy who is in over his head, but Romney would have been a vastly worse choice. He'd have had us in Civil War in 8 years.

You sounded rational until you brought Romney into it... Then you went straight back to loony speak.

Right. Because a guy who thinks he's wearing magic underwear and is going to rule a planet in the afterlife is totally rational.

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