Why has this message board got so personal to the left?

It started with Rush Limbaigh's total BS and Newt's talking points repeated ad nauseum, Fox Noise and all the rest of the Pub Propaganda hate machine. You dupes believe a pile of crappe, see sip pp3 for a start, and DON't know what Reaganism has done to the country (pp1). At this point you're so brainwashed and hateful, you're un-American.

Change the channel, you're all so shrill and FOS now the country is sick to death of YOU. LOL DUH.
The LW hate against the RW and Bush is ALSO propaganda, MORONS. Hoping for your recovery. Bring back the fairness doctrine. And, NO, that doesn't mean destrying RW media, just calling for some debate. Pub dupes!!
What Marxism, shyttehead? The GOP health reform plan? Absolute idiocy, Prof. Beckbrain. LOL
In order to prove that there was an increase in conspiracy theories about the left you would have to ignore half the actual conspiracy theories in existence. I guess you could actually believe that Bush was in on 9/11, thus relieving you of the necessity that the left is as wacky as the right.

What I want you to prove is that you are the sane person in this conversation by admitting that thinking conspiracy theories are partisan is a conspiracy theory.

I never said there weren't whackos on the left.

Far from it.

And I certainly do not believe Bush had anything to do with 9/11. (As that was obviously a plot hatched by Elvis and Jack Ruby.)

The question was: Why has the left begun taking things more personally lately?

And the answer is, because more personal attacks have been leveled against them by conspiracy theorists on the right, provoking the "taking things more personally" reaction.

And, it's true that naturally occurring conspiracy theories are generally not partisan in nature...

However, manufactured conspiracy theories are almost always partisan in nature.
:laugh2: It doesn't matter to Windbagh what you actually say. Haven't you figured that out yet?
I think the libs are feeling a little remorse
They got what they wanted

Every post I have posted with factual info within is met with anger in just a few threads

BHO is a failure
the country is in a mess
and they know it

Its not rocket science

I feel sorry for this country
Its future
and those who allowed it to happen who will have to deal with it
hate never fixed anything and the hate for W still drives there entire agenda
Its nuts

we are 4 million jobs short of where we were in 07
the debt has doubled in 4 years
the GDP is going south

And there talking about Amnesty
it is nuts

I think this quote sums it up very well.

"In this world there are only two tragedies. One is not getting what one wants, and the other is getting it." — Oscar Wilde
I see that some are whining here. Tough. If you don't have the cards, all you can do is bluff, and when called, whine. :lol:
Prove it.

Prove what?

That there has been a large increase in conspiracy theories, concerning leaders on the left, from the right in the past few years, and a corresponding increase in accusations based on said conspiracy theories?

One only needs to look at the posts on this board to see the truth.

Do you feel that I need to re-post all the conspiracy theories that have been posted over the last few years by members of the right to prove this?

Because that would take a very, very long time.

In order to prove that there was an increase in conspiracy theories about the left you would have to ignore half the actual conspiracy theories in existence. I guess you could actually believe that Bush was in on 9/11, thus relieving you of the necessity that the left is as wacky as the right.

What I want you to prove is that you are the sane person in this conversation by admitting that thinking conspiracy theories are partisan is a conspiracy theory.

First of all the 9/11 truthers have never been limited to leftists.

Second of all, how many recent truly leftwing conspiracy theories can you name?
Prove it.

Prove what?

That there has been a large increase in conspiracy theories, concerning leaders on the left, from the right in the past few years, and a corresponding increase in accusations based on said conspiracy theories?

One only needs to look at the posts on this board to see the truth.

Do you feel that I need to re-post all the conspiracy theories that have been posted over the last few years by members of the right to prove this?

Because that would take a very, very long time.

In order to prove that there was an increase in conspiracy theories about the left you would have to ignore half the actual conspiracy theories in existence. I guess you could actually believe that Bush was in on 9/11, thus relieving you of the necessity that the left is as wacky as the right.

What I want you to prove is that you are the sane person in this conversation by admitting that thinking conspiracy theories are partisan is a conspiracy theory.

What percent of the birthers were/are Democrats/liberals?
Us your position is that no conspiracy nuts on the left are leveling personal attack against people on the right, or is your position that the left is a bunch of crybabies that can't tell the difference between completely insane people and rational discussion? Personally, I won't try to argue that the evidence doesn't support the latter, but I have no idea why you would want to take it as a defense of your side.

My position is that when the left was continuously attacking the Bush administration, the Right wing was "taking things personally" like nobody's business.

They kept on screaming "traitors!" and "treason!" with even the slightest provocation.

And now the shoe is on the other foot.

Though, I will say that while the Left crucified Bush for pretty much anything he did wrong, which was ridiculous...

The Right has now taken it a step further by criticizing what Obama is doing right, which is even more ridiculous.

I used to joke about the fact that the right would even criticize Obama if he killed Bin Laden... until it happened, and they did...

In that case they are just as stupid as you, which makes me glad I am not from either side.
Prove what?

That there has been a large increase in conspiracy theories, concerning leaders on the left, from the right in the past few years, and a corresponding increase in accusations based on said conspiracy theories?

One only needs to look at the posts on this board to see the truth.

Do you feel that I need to re-post all the conspiracy theories that have been posted over the last few years by members of the right to prove this?

Because that would take a very, very long time.

In order to prove that there was an increase in conspiracy theories about the left you would have to ignore half the actual conspiracy theories in existence. I guess you could actually believe that Bush was in on 9/11, thus relieving you of the necessity that the left is as wacky as the right.

What I want you to prove is that you are the sane person in this conversation by admitting that thinking conspiracy theories are partisan is a conspiracy theory.

First of all the 9/11 truthers have never been limited to leftists.

Second of all, how many recent truly leftwing conspiracy theories can you name?

Bush lied about WMDs.
The Jewish lobby intimidates Congress.
Fox News hates Obama because he is black.
Republican war on women.
Romney wants to ban abortion.

Shall I go on, or do you get the fucking point?
JRK starts another troll thread and then abandons it when he gets called out,

and yet he wonders why so many liberals around here think he's an asshole.

how come you don't say that to Dean or Dudley when they do the same thing?....just wondering....
This country became divided as soon as the Revolutionary War was over. Washington's cabinet had opponents hashing out arguments that started the two party system we live with...and those parties represented a divided nation

We were less divided in the 20th century when one party (happened to be the Democrats most of the time) had the public behind them ...

then in the 60s rabid right wing extremism started to rear it's ugly head. then the deregulators started the Federalist society and think tanks and ideological non-profits bent on keeping America divided

Dante this Country TODAY....has never been as divided as it has been the last 13 years......there has always been some kind of a divide politically.......but no where like it is now......

We've never had a foreign born, socialist Negro as President in the past. (note 4 da-clue-less: insert :lol: = a joke)

The nation was hugely divided over the Iraq war. What is different now is the Democrats have NOT elected fringe candidates, but the GOP has.

i dont give a shit if he is purple.....he is as bad as Bush was with bringing people together.....Clinton had opposition but the divide at the end of his term was no where near what these two "Leaders" have done....
Pubs have been total obstructionists, character assassinators and "lower taxes, Dems are lazy Marxists" since Clinton, have only gotten worse- it's the propaganda, stupid- Dems have nothing like it. People are FINALLY getting sick of it...
I used to joke about the fact that the right would even criticize Obama if he killed Bin Laden... until it happened, and they did...
Well, let's see, they claim to have killed him, but buried him immediately, in the ocean where no one could verify that he was dead. Why, out of respect to some Islamic tradition? Why not just bring the damn body back for an autopsy? Something to hide? Maybe if Obama didn't do everything with such secrecy, he would be trusted more.

Because wherever you bring his body becomes a target for a major terrorist attack?

Or maybe he's not dead, but being continuously tortured in a CIA cell somewhere... Just deserts I'd say.

But no, I'm sure it's just part of a giant conspiracy to fake his death by hundreds of military and civilian personnel, for no apparent reason. That makes much more sense...

Makes about as much sense as George Bush blowing up the Twin Towers.
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Now that is funny! Criticize Obama for what he is "doing right"... by whose standards? Yours?!?! I'm sure you do believe that marxism is "right", sadly though, rational people who have studied its history realize it is all kinds of wrong.

By the way, if the worst thing the right does is criticize Obama even when he is "right" - that's nothing compared to what the left did to Bush, not only literally making shit up (like a big "oil conspiracy" over Iraq), but they constantly threatened his life with no reprisal. If even a single person on the right so much as wished Obama spill spaghetti sauce on his suit, he'd be executed via one of the millions of drones now flying over the skies of the U.S.

Thank you for proving my point.

Well done sir.

The only minority left in this great nation is the white male
either way
I thought BHO was 1/2 white anyway

And yes your spot on
as hard as BHO is trying he cannot change the greatness that once was over night

I wonder if the right would hate Obama less if he were 100% white?

They certainly wouldn't hate him less if he were 100% black.

I think Obama is a basically good guy who is in over his head, but Romney would have been a vastly worse choice. He'd have had us in Civil War in 8 years.

When Obama fails, and all else fails, play the race card and falsely accuse people of racism...

Please read what I was responding to... and then get someone to help you with the big words.
I think the libs are feeling a little remorse
They got what they wanted

Every post I have posted with factual info within is met with anger in just a few threads

BHO is a failure
the country is in a mess
and they know it

Its not rocket science

I feel sorry for this country
Its future
and those who allowed it to happen who will have to deal with it
hate never fixed anything and the hate for W still drives there entire agenda
Its nuts

we are 4 million jobs short of where we were in 07
the debt has doubled in 4 years
the GDP is going south

And there talking about Amnesty
it is nuts

These are what you call facts?

There are 12,796,000 more jobs in America in Jan. 2013 that there were in 2007.


This is what you call facts, when you do the math properly and post a BLS report as proof of what you are saying. Running your mouth about things isn't posting facts.

Now, let's try the other so-called facts! Prove the debt has doubled in 4 years! Prove the GDP is going south and it wasn't affected by Sandy like everybody claims!
I used to joke about the fact that the right would even criticize Obama if he killed Bin Laden... until it happened, and they did...
Well, let's see, they claim to have killed him, but buried him immediately, in the ocean where no one could verify that he was dead. Why, out of respect to some Islamic tradition? Why not just bring the damn body back for an autopsy? Something to hide? Maybe if Obama didn't do everything with such secrecy, he would be trusted more.

Because wherever you bring his body becomes a target for a major terrorist attack?

Or maybe he's not dead, but being continuously tortured in a CIA cell somewhere... Just deserts I'd say.

But no, I'm sure it's just part of a giant conspiracy to fake his death by hundreds of military and civilian personnel, for no apparent reason. That makes much more sense...

Makes about as much sense as George Bush blowing up the Twin Towers.

Muslims think it's disgraceful to keep bodies around and not promptly bury them. Burial at sea is permissible and it isn't like you can visit the grave.

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