Why Hasn't A Reporter/Host Asked Hillary About Her Being The Laughing Stock Of America?

Rexx Taylor

Platinum Member
Jan 6, 2015
Sarasota, Florida
:funnyface::laugh::laugh2: Now isn't this one of the questions we would all love to be asked to Hillary? Wouldn't it be appropriate at this point of her campaign to simply ask Hillary: Mrs. Clinton, you must be aware by now that you are the butt of everyone's jokes, at least 70% of all Americans see you as a national laughing stock and just find you extremely boring and annoying. So why do you continue to act like a befuddled buffoon every time you speak to a crowd or when interviewed on a cable news program?:iagree:
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Because they don't live on message boards?

If you think the sentiments in this Bubble represent anything remotely near "America" you seriously need to get out of the house.
These are the same right wingnuts who thought Obama would lose in a landslide.

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