Why hasn’t the FBI raided Hillary Clinton’s Attorneys Office?

Pay a former spy money to make up a bunch of false claims and get a Warrant and lets find out.
Unlike Donald Trump, Clinton has never told the press her attorneys violated ethics rules and broke the law.

Trump threw Cohen directly under the Mueller bus when he said that he knew nothing about the Stormy Daniels NDA or the payment.
Those lawyers would mysteriously die before it happened anyway.
Why hasn’t the FBI raided Hillary Clinton’s Attorneys Office?

because there wanst probable cause - no warrant

you inquiring idiot.
No probable cause because she's done nothing illegal.
Destroyed evidence every time she was caught
No evidence, so it must have been destroyed? With that kind of logic no wonder they can't get a warrant. Maroons!!! :laugh2:
Not what I said....dumbass....we know she was trafficking in classified info on her server and probably Huma was too since they found some on her laptop. We know her and Obama were arming isis, .....
We know she destroyed Rose law firm documents....we know her staff were shredding State Dept documents..m
Because she's a much smarter criminal mastermind than "Shit-for-Brains" Donnie Dangerously.

I mean she's been doing all that criminal stuff for nearly umpteen years now..........

Just smarter. That's all.. Just smarter.
Equiring minds WANT to know!

DOJ: Michael Cohen 'under criminal investigation' - CNNPolitics
What do you think the huge fire was at their residence for? They burnt down pretty much their entire store of records at their home.

Also for the same reason, this is why they had an illegal State Department Server at their home, so they could have complete control of the data on it, in case they were going to be investigated for all of their criminal activities. And btw The State Department and Obama Administration all knew about it, and all knew it was illegal.

Besides that, The Clintons more or less have Lifetime Immunity after helping The CIA run guns and cocaine back and forth to The US back during The Iran Contra Affair out of Mena Arkansas.

Seeing their political careers in that context will help you understand why they have gotten away with so much.
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What do you think the huge fire was at their residence for? They burnt down pretty much their entire store of records at their home. Also for the same reason, this is why they had an illegal State Department Server at their home, so they could have complete control of the data on it, in case they were going to be investigated for all of their criminal activities.

Besides that, The Clintons more or less have Lifetime Immunity after helping The CIA run guns and cocaine back and forth to The US with the Sandinistas out of Mena Arkansas.

Seeing their political careers in that context will help you understand why they have gotten away with so much.

YEAH THAT ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ go with that one


ya damn idget

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