Why hasn’t the FBI raided Hillary Clinton’s Attorneys Office?

Raid the office for what ?

What does it matter? In another thread you thought it was okay for Trump's attorney's office to be raided because it's no big deal if he had nothing to hide.

This is why I hate partisans on both sides of the aisle.

Your excuse why it's okay to raid Trump's attorney is a dangerous reason, it is just as dangerous as the right using the same excuse to raid Hillary's attorney.

The right went after Bill Clinton because they wanted revenge for the left going after Richard Nixon. The left went after George Bush, the right went after Barrack Obama and now the left is going after Trump.

Dig up dirt and we will continue to attract scum for candidates.

How many times did Al Gore call for George Bush to be "Locked up"? How many times did Al Gore accuse Bush of being a Criminal?

I give up. How many? News to me that GW Bush was a criminal needing locked up?! Hillary on the other hand is right next to John Gotti as a mobster. Thank you Donald for trying to reign in the Klinton Kriminal Kueen.

Wait- what was Hillary convicted of again?

I missed that.
Equiring minds WANT to know!
Because she's a card carrying member of Deep State.
Comey gave the short answer in his book. Under his leadership the FBI was used to undermine an administration that Comey considered to be illegitimate. .

Looking forward to you providing that quote from Comey.

I suspect I will be waiting a long time.
Because investigations have not shown a deceptive, criminal pattern of misbehavior. Think Cohen-Trump.

Why hasn’t the FBI raided Hillary Clinton’s Attorneys Office?
Destroyed evidence every time she was caught
No evidence, so it must have been destroyed? With that kind of logic no wonder they can't get a warrant.
Not what I said....dumbass....we know she was trafficking in classified info on her server and probably Huma was too since they found some on her laptop. We know her and Obama were arming isis
You know no such thing. The "arming ISIS" charge is no different than suggesting gun manufacturers are purposely arming mass shooters.
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Raid the office for what ?

What does it matter? In another thread you thought it was okay for Trump's attorney's office to be raided because it's no big deal if he had nothing to hide.

This is why I hate partisans on both sides of the aisle.

Your excuse why it's okay to raid Trump's attorney is a dangerous reason, it is just as dangerous as the right using the same excuse to raid Hillary's attorney.

The right went after Bill Clinton because they wanted revenge for the left going after Richard Nixon. The left went after George Bush, the right went after Barrack Obama and now the left is going after Trump.

Dig up dirt and we will continue to attract scum for candidates.

How many times did Al Gore call for George Bush to be "Locked up"? How many times did Al Gore accuse Bush of being a Criminal?

I give up. How many? News to me that GW Bush was a criminal needing locked up?! Hillary on the other hand is right next to John Gotti as a mobster. Thank you Donald for trying to reign in the Klinton Kriminal Kueen.

Kewl Klinton Klaims.

The GOP got so conned it's pathetic. They voted for a man who has stronger ties to Russia and the Oligarchs who run it than he does with anyone in Western World. His Russian backers just played on the well developed hatred for Hillary, strummed it a few times, and made it exponential stronger. He won. But hopefully enough Americans see him for what he truly is and how he has realigned the GOP and we can stop his goal of shattering the Post WWII Western Alliance.
Raid the office for what ?

What does it matter? In another thread you thought it was okay for Trump's attorney's office to be raided because it's no big deal if he had nothing to hide.

This is why I hate partisans on both sides of the aisle.

Your excuse why it's okay to raid Trump's attorney is a dangerous reason, it is just as dangerous as the right using the same excuse to raid Hillary's attorney.

The right went after Bill Clinton because they wanted revenge for the left going after Richard Nixon. The left went after George Bush, the right went after Barrack Obama and now the left is going after Trump.

Dig up dirt and we will continue to attract scum for candidates.

How many times did Al Gore call for George Bush to be "Locked up"?

How many times did Al Gore accuse Bush of being a Criminal?

A brief history of Trump's calls for Clinton to be investigated

Kharma is a bitch sometimes.

The equivalent is how many times did a sitting President (Bush) call for the other candidate (Gore) to be locked up? So you are off there.

Trump has the authority to call for an investigation into Hillary if he so desires and has failed to do so. As far as I am concerned she should run again in 2020 and 2024 and 2028. I have no issues with her or the investigation into Trump, my issue is the attitude that you should mind being investigated if you have nothing to hide. That is absolutely un-American thinking.

Not off. Neither candidate was president in either election.

I'm just saying it's not the same. The vitriolic campaign sloganeering was increased exponentially by Trump compared to the other races. You didn't see Obama and McCain calling either one a criminal, hell McCain defended Obama to a crowd of nutters......Nah, it's different. We all know why.
Raid the office for what ?

What does it matter? In another thread you thought it was okay for Trump's attorney's office to be raided because it's no big deal if he had nothing to hide.

This is why I hate partisans on both sides of the aisle.

Your excuse why it's okay to raid Trump's attorney is a dangerous reason, it is just as dangerous as the right using the same excuse to raid Hillary's attorney.

The right went after Bill Clinton because they wanted revenge for the left going after Richard Nixon. The left went after George Bush, the right went after Barrack Obama and now the left is going after Trump.

Dig up dirt and we will continue to attract scum for candidates.

How many times did Al Gore call for George Bush to be "Locked up"?

How many times did Al Gore accuse Bush of being a Criminal?

A brief history of Trump's calls for Clinton to be investigated

Kharma is a bitch sometimes.

The equivalent is how many times did a sitting President (Bush) call for the other candidate (Gore) to be locked up? So you are off there.

Trump has the authority to call for an investigation into Hillary if he so desires and has failed to do so. As far as I am concerned she should run again in 2020 and 2024 and 2028. I have no issues with her or the investigation into Trump, my issue is the attitude that you should mind being investigated if you have nothing to hide. That is absolutely un-American thinking.

Not off. Neither candidate was president in either election.

I'm just saying it's not the same. The vitriolic campaign sloganeering was increased exponentially by Trump compared to the other races. You didn't see Obama and McCain calling either one a criminal, hell McCain defended Obama to a crowd of nutters......Nah, it's different. We all know why.

I wasn't commenting about that, I was commenting on how since Nixon the right and the left have been go after each other threatening impeachment, long before Trump or Clinton ran for the Presidency.

My main concern is Timmy's comment that we shouldn't mind being investigated if we have nothing to hide. That is wrong in many ways.
Why hasn’t the FBI raided Hillary Clinton’s Attorneys Office?

because there wanst probable cause - no warrant

you inquiring idiot.
She destroyed evidence. Just like the paper work in whitewater, couldn't find it. Till after the statue of limitations expired.
Raid the office for what ?

What does it matter? In another thread you thought it was okay for Trump's attorney's office to be raided because it's no big deal if he had nothing to hide.

This is why I hate partisans on both sides of the aisle.

Your excuse why it's okay to raid Trump's attorney is a dangerous reason, it is just as dangerous as the right using the same excuse to raid Hillary's attorney.

The right went after Bill Clinton because they wanted revenge for the left going after Richard Nixon. The left went after George Bush, the right went after Barrack Obama and now the left is going after Trump.

Dig up dirt and we will continue to attract scum for candidates.

How many times did Al Gore call for George Bush to be "Locked up"? How many times did Al Gore accuse Bush of being a Criminal?

I give up. How many? News to me that GW Bush was a criminal needing locked up?! Hillary on the other hand is right next to John Gotti as a mobster. Thank you Donald for trying to reign in the Klinton Kriminal Kueen.

Wait- what was Hillary convicted of again?

I missed that.

What did they finally get John Gotti on? They couldn't get a conviction on him for years and years of trying as I remember for all kinds of heinous crimes, but they finally got him on tax evasion. But they WANTED to get him. They don't even want to get Hillary. They are PROTECTING her. Comey has admitted it right on TV. Styzok admitted it, McCabe has admitted it. Page admitted it. Don't even bother telling us you missed that because we already know you miss all that stuff you don't want to see. But they WANT to get Trump on something, ANYTHING, and try as they might, they can't even find an unpaid parking ticket. But they'll eventually get Hillary on something. You betcha. Her friends are disappearing one by one.
Raid the office for what ?

What does it matter? In another thread you thought it was okay for Trump's attorney's office to be raided because it's no big deal if he had nothing to hide.

This is why I hate partisans on both sides of the aisle.

Your excuse why it's okay to raid Trump's attorney is a dangerous reason, it is just as dangerous as the right using the same excuse to raid Hillary's attorney.

The right went after Bill Clinton because they wanted revenge for the left going after Richard Nixon. The left went after George Bush, the right went after Barrack Obama and now the left is going after Trump.

Dig up dirt and we will continue to attract scum for candidates.

How many times did Al Gore call for George Bush to be "Locked up"? How many times did Al Gore accuse Bush of being a Criminal?

I give up. How many? News to me that GW Bush was a criminal needing locked up?! Hillary on the other hand is right next to John Gotti as a mobster. Thank you Donald for trying to reign in the Klinton Kriminal Kueen.

Kewl Klinton Klaims.

The GOP got so conned it's pathetic. They voted for a man who has stronger ties to Russia and the Oligarchs who run it than he does with anyone in Western World. His Russian backers just played on the well developed hatred for Hillary, strummed it a few times, and made it exponential stronger. He won. But hopefully enough Americans see him for what he truly is and how he has realigned the GOP and we can stop his goal of shattering the Post WWII Western Alliance.

Remember that Moron as we fight not to go to war with Russia.

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