Why hasn’t the FBI raided Hillary Clinton’s Attorneys Office?

Because even though she was extremely careless and stupid she just tippy tippy tippy toed right up to the line of illegality but did not cross it
Raid the office for what ?

What does it matter? In another thread you thought it was okay for Trump's attorney's office to be raided because it's no big deal if he had nothing to hide.

This is why I hate partisans on both sides of the aisle.

Your excuse why it's okay to raid Trump's attorney is a dangerous reason, it is just as dangerous as the right using the same excuse to raid Hillary's attorney.

The right went after Bill Clinton because they wanted revenge for the left going after Richard Nixon. The left went after George Bush, the right went after Barrack Obama and now the left is going after Trump.

Dig up dirt and we will continue to attract scum for candidates.

How many times did Al Gore call for George Bush to be "Locked up"? How many times did Al Gore accuse Bush of being a Criminal?

I give up. How many? News to me that GW Bush was a criminal needing locked up?! Hillary on the other hand is right next to John Gotti as a mobster. Thank you Donald for trying to reign in the Klinton Kriminal Kueen.
you are bat shit crazy! :rofl::rofl:

you sound completely crazy spilling those lies!! you don't even know the difference between fact or fiction!!!! holy smokes! turn fox off and stay away from infowars, the gateway pundit and true pundit, and trump's twitter feed, for goodness sake! :lol:
Trumpism is a cult with it's own reality.

So is being a Russian troll farmer. TooBFreak is fond of his Mother Russia and a huge fan of Putin.
Equiring minds WANT to know!

A no knock warrant requires a lot of evidence that is needed to convince a Federal District court judge that it is needed. Hillary Clinton handed everything over to the FBI--answered all questions and didn't lie to investigators and that's the difference.

Cohen has lied to investigators over his trip to Prague, henceforth a no knock search warrant. He also had several different email accounts and they wanted those computers so he couldn't destroy evidence on those accounts.

Michael Cohen has been under investigation for months. He's no innocent bystander.

NEW YORK – President Donald Trump’s personal attorney Michael D. Cohen has been under criminal investigation for months by federal prosecutors who empaneled a grand jury to probe his business.
Evidence gathered in the probe so far shows that the "overwhelming majority" of material seized during the raid won’t be privileged, prosecutors said in their memo. The government said it’s not even apparent that Cohen has any attorney-client relationships with anyone other than Trump - and that there is "reason to doubt" that his communications with the president regarding Daniels are protected.Cohen also helped a top Republican donor negotiate a payment to a former Playboy Playmate. The fundraiser, Elliott Broidy, agreed in late 2017 to pay $1.6 million to the woman, who said she had been impregnated by him, according to a person familiar with the matter. Broidy, in a statement Friday, said that he retained Cohen in the matter after the lawyer approached him about it. The agreement was first reported to the Wall Street Journal.
Trump Lawyer Has Been Under Criminal Probe for Months, Prosecutors Say

And it looks like Robert Mueller has confirmed something that was in the Dossier file about Michael Cohen.

WASHINGTON - The Justice Department special counsel has evidence that Donald Trump's personal lawyer and confidant, Michael Cohen, secretly made a late-summer trip to Prague during the 2016 presidential campaign, according to two sources familiar with the matter.Confirmation of the trip would lend credence to a retired British spy's report that Cohen strategized there with a powerful Kremlin figure about Russian meddling in the U.S. election.
It would also be one of the most significant developments thus far in special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation of whether the Trump campaign and the Kremlin worked together to help Trump win the presidency.
Mueller has evidence that Trump lawyer met in Prague with Russians during campaign, sources say
Special counsel has evidence Michael Cohen traveled to Prague:...

ATTORNEY CLIENT PRIVILEGE--goes out the window when the attorney is involved in a crime or a participant in a crime.

Michael Cohen is mentioned in this book.


Best seller on Amazon, very well written, informative and hard to put down.
reads like a nonfiction spy novel.
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The people investigating are almost all republicans! That is why they are floating this "deep state" BS, they can't blame Democrats. The so called "law and order party" is is doing everything they can to discredit the FBI and DOJ. Some patriots, the republican party is a sad joke.
Because she is a Clinton and probably threatens/bribes those who could hold her accountable.
You mean you think she acts like President Trump?
No she acts like herself. Trump screwed a whore 12 years ago and you think the world is exploding@ Grow up.

but you said she probably threatens and bribes- which is what Trump is doing.

Trump spends most of his time threatening and bullying people.

And then he has his minions bribing the women he was screwing on the side while married with a baby at home.

What is likely to get him into trouble is that he probably was arranging the payoffs of these women right before the election to prevent voters from hearing their stories.

Now if he did that openly with his own money- probably perfectly legal- a person can spend his own money on a campaign- but if he had his lawyer do it in a way that was illegal?
Equiring minds WANT to know!
Hilly is above the law and does not answer to anyone. After all she is backed by Geo Soros and the Progressive Party.

No Federal Grand Jury was ever convened on Hillary Clinton. To-date we have 5 guilty plea's, and another 90+ Federal Grand Jury indictments and criminal charges--and each one gets closer & closer to Trump.

Michael Cohen getting raided is the equivalent of J. Edgar Hoover snatching Al Capone's accountant.

Because she is a Clinton and probably threatens/bribes those who could hold her accountable.
You mean you think she acts like President Trump?
No she acts like herself. Trump screwed a whore 12 years ago and you think the world is exploding@ Grow up.

but you said she probably threatens and bribes- which is what Trump is doing.

Trump spends most of his time threatening and bullying people.

And then he has his minions bribing the women he was screwing on the side while married with a baby at home.

What is likely to get him into trouble is that he probably was arranging the payoffs of these women right before the election to prevent voters from hearing their stories.

Now if he did that openly with his own money- probably perfectly legal- a person can spend his own money on a campaign- but if he had his lawyer do it in a way that was illegal?
So tell me about threats and bribes. His payoff to the whore was stupid. I can say that. What man ks going to pass a freebie with a whore? Really?

Kennedy screwed women while married as did other presidents. Trump didn't screw anything while president. He's busy working for the people!
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Because she is a Clinton and probably threatens/bribes those who could hold her accountable.
You mean you think she acts like President Trump?
No she acts like herself. Trump screwed a whore 12 years ago and you think the world is exploding@ Grow up.

but you said she probably threatens and bribes- which is what Trump is doing.

Trump spends most of his time threatening and bullying people.

And then he has his minions bribing the women he was screwing on the side while married with a baby at home.

What is likely to get him into trouble is that he probably was arranging the payoffs of these women right before the election to prevent voters from hearing their stories.

Now if he did that openly with his own money- probably perfectly legal- a person can spend his own money on a campaign- but if he had his lawyer do it in a way that was illegal?
So tell me about threats and bribes. His payoff to the whore was stupid. I can say that. What man ks going to pass a freebie with a whore? Really?!

I am glad to compare Hillary Clinton's threats case by case with Donald Trump's threats. Bring it on.

Was his bribing the woman to keep quiet stupid? Clearly he didn't want voters to know about his adulterous affair- which is why the payoff happened right before the election- and he got elected. If he hadn't bribed her- he might not have gotten elected.

What kind of man is going to pass a freebie with a whore?
A decent man? A man with morals? A man who believes marriage means something?

What kind of man cheats on his wife with a porn star just because he thinks he can?

Donald Trump.

He just didn't want voters reminded that he was that kind of man.
Because she is a Clinton and probably threatens/bribes those who could hold her accountable.
You mean you think she acts like President Trump?
No she acts like herself. Trump screwed a whore 12 years ago and you think the world is exploding@ Grow up.

It's bigger than you think. You might want to scroll back to Post # 84 on this thread, and spend more than 2 seconds there--:auiqs.jpg:

You people are like Pavlog's dogs. Everytime Hillary Clinton's name is mentioned you come a running, barking, growling and foaming at the mouths. You've been well trained by right wing talk show hosts who's favorite target has always been Hillary Clinton for the last 20 years. That's probably why every single right wing talk show host will mention her name within the first 5 minutes of every program just to keep you from falling asleep. They still do it. There's always a conspiracy about Hillary Clinton.


But--but--but Hillarrrrry Clinton--:auiqs.jpg:

The Uranium One Conspirrrrraaaaacy

Now this is FUNNY--but sooo true.
Hillary Clinton has been accused from everything from MURDER to running a child sex operation ring out of a Pizza Joint in Washington D.C. A must read for a great LAUGH.
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Because she is a Clinton and probably threatens/bribes those who could hold her accountable.
You mean you think she acts like President Trump?
No she acts like herself. Trump screwed a whore 12 years ago and you think the world is exploding@ Grow up.

but you said she probably threatens and bribes- which is what Trump is doing.

Trump spends most of his time threatening and bullying people.

And then he has his minions bribing the women he was screwing on the side while married with a baby at home.

What is likely to get him into trouble is that he probably was arranging the payoffs of these women right before the election to prevent voters from hearing their stories.

Now if he did that openly with his own money- probably perfectly legal- a person can spend his own money on a campaign- but if he had his lawyer do it in a way that was illegal?
So tell me about threats and bribes. His payoff to the whore was stupid. I can say that. What man ks going to pass a freebie with a whore? Really?!

I am glad to compare Hillary Clinton's threats case by case with Donald Trump's threats. Bring it on.

Was his bribing the woman to keep quiet stupid? Clearly he didn't want voters to know about his adulterous affair- which is why the payoff happened right before the election- and he got elected. If he hadn't bribed her- he might not have gotten elected.

What kind of man is going to pass a freebie with a whore?
A decent man? A man with morals? A man who believes marriage means something?

What kind of man cheats on his wife with a porn star just because he thinks he can?

Donald Trump.

He just didn't want voters reminded that he was that kind of man.
What does a night with a whore have to do with the job of president? He has accomplished more than Obama in the two hears he's been in office compared to eight years pf Obummer.
You mean you think she acts like President Trump?
No she acts like herself. Trump screwed a whore 12 years ago and you think the world is exploding@ Grow up.

but you said she probably threatens and bribes- which is what Trump is doing.

Trump spends most of his time threatening and bullying people.

And then he has his minions bribing the women he was screwing on the side while married with a baby at home.

What is likely to get him into trouble is that he probably was arranging the payoffs of these women right before the election to prevent voters from hearing their stories.

Now if he did that openly with his own money- probably perfectly legal- a person can spend his own money on a campaign- but if he had his lawyer do it in a way that was illegal?
So tell me about threats and bribes. His payoff to the whore was stupid. I can say that. What man ks going to pass a freebie with a whore? Really?!

I am glad to compare Hillary Clinton's threats case by case with Donald Trump's threats. Bring it on.

Was his bribing the woman to keep quiet stupid? Clearly he didn't want voters to know about his adulterous affair- which is why the payoff happened right before the election- and he got elected. If he hadn't bribed her- he might not have gotten elected.

What kind of man is going to pass a freebie with a whore?
A decent man? A man with morals? A man who believes marriage means something?

What kind of man cheats on his wife with a porn star just because he thinks he can?

Donald Trump.

He just didn't want voters reminded that he was that kind of man.
What does a night with a whore have to do with the job of president? He has accomplished more than Obama in the two hears he's been in office compared to eight years pf Obummer.

Like what??

Get us out of Great Recession? Pass landmark healthcare reform? Cutting uninsured rate by half?

Mostly all Trump did is a major give-away to corporations financed by blowing up the deficits even further.
You mean you think she acts like President Trump?
No she acts like herself. Trump screwed a whore 12 years ago and you think the world is exploding@ Grow up.

but you said she probably threatens and bribes- which is what Trump is doing.

Trump spends most of his time threatening and bullying people.

And then he has his minions bribing the women he was screwing on the side while married with a baby at home.

What is likely to get him into trouble is that he probably was arranging the payoffs of these women right before the election to prevent voters from hearing their stories.

Now if he did that openly with his own money- probably perfectly legal- a person can spend his own money on a campaign- but if he had his lawyer do it in a way that was illegal?
So tell me about threats and bribes. His payoff to the whore was stupid. I can say that. What man ks going to pass a freebie with a whore? Really?!

I am glad to compare Hillary Clinton's threats case by case with Donald Trump's threats. Bring it on.

Was his bribing the woman to keep quiet stupid? Clearly he didn't want voters to know about his adulterous affair- which is why the payoff happened right before the election- and he got elected. If he hadn't bribed her- he might not have gotten elected.

What kind of man is going to pass a freebie with a whore?
A decent man? A man with morals? A man who believes marriage means something?

What kind of man cheats on his wife with a porn star just because he thinks he can?

Donald Trump.

He just didn't want voters reminded that he was that kind of man.
What does a night with a whore have to do with the job of president? .

No more than getting a blowjob from an intern has to do with the job of president.

You were the one who asked what kind of man would pass up on a freebie with a 'whore'- and I answered that question- Donald Trump- and I am sure Bill Clinton too.

What kind of man is going to pass a freebie with a whore?
A decent man? A man with morals? A man who believes marriage means something?

What kind of man cheats on his wife with a porn star just because he thinks he can?

Donald Trump.

He just didn't want voters reminded that he was that kind of man. So he bribed her.

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