Why hasn’t the FBI raided Hillary Clinton’s Attorneys Office?

Raid the office for what ?

What does it matter? In another thread you thought it was okay for Trump's attorney's office to be raided because it's no big deal if he had nothing to hide.

This is why I hate partisans on both sides of the aisle.

Your excuse why it's okay to raid Trump's attorney is a dangerous reason, it is just as dangerous as the right using the same excuse to raid Hillary's attorney.

The right went after Bill Clinton because they wanted revenge for the left going after Richard Nixon. The left went after George Bush, the right went after Barrack Obama and now the left is going after Trump.

Dig up dirt and we will continue to attract scum for candidates.

Oh stop with the silly "THEY ARE BOTH THE SAME" crap. You know the crazy right wing is nuts, and nobody else is near the stupid they display.

Lol! You are the same and you don’t see it. You lefties and righties shift with the wind.

Hell, you wing nuts rioted, tried to overturn the results of the election and went to impeach Trump before he was sworn in. You partisan idiots are all the same.

The right is past the point of even trying to defend their behavior. The best you can do is try to say everybody is guilty if the same thing. We both know that is bullshit, but I guess you gotta go with the only shot you have left.

Had I supported Trump you would have had a point, the fact you won’t address your own nuts is proof you have nothing. Rioting after an election, going to three states to over turn the results of an election with absolutely no chance of overturning one of them, yet you proceeded. People then want to assemble the whole Electoral College and make a case to switch the vote to Clinton, then trying to invalidate the Electoral College, then wanting to go to the House to try to challenge the certification. Then trying to impeach him BEFORE he even was sworn in. Tell, me that you are a bunch of idiots.

Trump is not a good President, that is why i didn’t vote for him. In 2015 I rated all the GOP and Democratic candidates and Trump and Clinton finished at the bottom of the list. You loons got what you wanted, congrats nutjob.
What does it matter? In another thread you thought it was okay for Trump's attorney's office to be raided because it's no big deal if he had nothing to hide.

This is why I hate partisans on both sides of the aisle.

Your excuse why it's okay to raid Trump's attorney is a dangerous reason, it is just as dangerous as the right using the same excuse to raid Hillary's attorney.

The right went after Bill Clinton because they wanted revenge for the left going after Richard Nixon. The left went after George Bush, the right went after Barrack Obama and now the left is going after Trump.

Dig up dirt and we will continue to attract scum for candidates.

How many times did Al Gore call for George Bush to be "Locked up"? How many times did Al Gore accuse Bush of being a Criminal?

I give up. How many? News to me that GW Bush was a criminal needing locked up?! Hillary on the other hand is right next to John Gotti as a mobster. Thank you Donald for trying to reign in the Klinton Kriminal Kueen.
you are bat shit crazy! :rofl::rofl:

you sound completely crazy spilling those lies!! you don't even know the difference between fact or fiction!!!! holy smokes! turn fox off and stay away from infowars, the gateway pundit and true pundit, and trump's twitter feed, for goodness sake! :lol:
Trumpism is a cult with it's own reality.

So was Obamaism, hell Obama made a speech where he was going to “fundamentally change America” and the left wing nuts loved it. Now, the left wing nuts are worried that Trump wil fundamentally change America.

The left and right idiots are just that, no reasoning, no sanity, they believe what they are fed and change their positions at their party’s will.

You silly RWNJ. I see you ignored the part where Obama defined what fundamental changes he wanted to make.
Which one of the changes he said he wanted are you against?

"Now, Mizzou, I just have two words for you tonight: five days. Five days. After decades of broken politics in Washington, and eight years of failed policies from George W. Bush, and 21 months of a campaign that's taken us from the rocky coast of Maine to the sunshine of California, we are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.

"In five days, you can turn the page on policies that put greed and irresponsibility on Wall Street before the hard work and sacrifice of folks on Main Street. In five days, you can choose policies that invest in our middle class, and create new jobs, and grow this economy, so that everyone has a chance to succeed, not just the CEO, but the secretary and janitor, not just the factory owner, but the men and women on the factory floor."
Raid the office for what ?

What does it matter? In another thread you thought it was okay for Trump's attorney's office to be raided because it's no big deal if he had nothing to hide.

This is why I hate partisans on both sides of the aisle.

Your excuse why it's okay to raid Trump's attorney is a dangerous reason, it is just as dangerous as the right using the same excuse to raid Hillary's attorney.

The right went after Bill Clinton because they wanted revenge for the left going after Richard Nixon. The left went after George Bush, the right went after Barrack Obama and now the left is going after Trump.

Dig up dirt and we will continue to attract scum for candidates.

Oh stop with the silly "THEY ARE BOTH THE SAME" crap. You know the crazy right wing is nuts, and nobody else is near the stupid they display.

Lol! You are the same and you don’t see it. You lefties and righties shift with the wind.

Hell, you wing nuts rioted, tried to overturn the results of the election and went to impeach Trump before he was sworn in. You partisan idiots are all the same.

The right is past the point of even trying to defend their behavior. The best you can do is try to say everybody is guilty if the same thing. We both know that is bullshit, but I guess you gotta go with the only shot you have left.

Had I supported Trump you would have had a point, the fact you won’t address your own nuts is proof you have nothing. Rioting after an election, going to three states to over turn the results of an election with absolutely no chance of overturning one of them, yet you proceeded. People then want to assemble the whole Electoral College and make a case to switch the vote to Clinton, then trying to invalidate the Electoral College, then wanting to go to the House to try to challenge the certification. Then trying to impeach him BEFORE he even was sworn in. Tell, me that you are a bunch of idiots.

Trump is not a good President, that is why i didn’t vote for him. In 2015 I rated all the GOP and Democratic candidates and Trump and Clinton finished at the bottom of the list. You loons got what you wanted, congrats nutjob.

You're a right winger. You support Trump. That is a fact you are trying to dodge. There were plenty of sane candidates wanting that nomination, but the right decided to go with crazy and spoiled.. You went with them. I don't blame you. I would be embarrassed if I had done that too, but trying to claim Democrats are just as stupid as you is a lie.
Raid the office for what ?

What does it matter? In another thread you thought it was okay for Trump's attorney's office to be raided because it's no big deal if he had nothing to hide.

This is why I hate partisans on both sides of the aisle.

Your excuse why it's okay to raid Trump's attorney is a dangerous reason, it is just as dangerous as the right using the same excuse to raid Hillary's attorney.

The right went after Bill Clinton because they wanted revenge for the left going after Richard Nixon. The left went after George Bush, the right went after Barrack Obama and now the left is going after Trump.

Dig up dirt and we will continue to attract scum for candidates.

Oh stop with the silly "THEY ARE BOTH THE SAME" crap. You know the crazy right wing is nuts, and nobody else is near the stupid they display.

Lol! You are the same and you don’t see it. You lefties and righties shift with the wind.

Hell, you wing nuts rioted, tried to overturn the results of the election and went to impeach Trump before he was sworn in. You partisan idiots are all the same.

The right is past the point of even trying to defend their behavior. The best you can do is try to say everybody is guilty if the same thing. We both know that is bullshit, but I guess you gotta go with the only shot you have left.

What behavior do we need to defend?
What does it matter? In another thread you thought it was okay for Trump's attorney's office to be raided because it's no big deal if he had nothing to hide.

This is why I hate partisans on both sides of the aisle.

Your excuse why it's okay to raid Trump's attorney is a dangerous reason, it is just as dangerous as the right using the same excuse to raid Hillary's attorney.

The right went after Bill Clinton because they wanted revenge for the left going after Richard Nixon. The left went after George Bush, the right went after Barrack Obama and now the left is going after Trump.

Dig up dirt and we will continue to attract scum for candidates.

Oh stop with the silly "THEY ARE BOTH THE SAME" crap. You know the crazy right wing is nuts, and nobody else is near the stupid they display.

Lol! You are the same and you don’t see it. You lefties and righties shift with the wind.

Hell, you wing nuts rioted, tried to overturn the results of the election and went to impeach Trump before he was sworn in. You partisan idiots are all the same.

The right is past the point of even trying to defend their behavior. The best you can do is try to say everybody is guilty if the same thing. We both know that is bullshit, but I guess you gotta go with the only shot you have left.

Had I supported Trump you would have had a point, the fact you won’t address your own nuts is proof you have nothing. Rioting after an election, going to three states to over turn the results of an election with absolutely no chance of overturning one of them, yet you proceeded. People then want to assemble the whole Electoral College and make a case to switch the vote to Clinton, then trying to invalidate the Electoral College, then wanting to go to the House to try to challenge the certification. Then trying to impeach him BEFORE he even was sworn in. Tell, me that you are a bunch of idiots.

Trump is not a good President, that is why i didn’t vote for him. In 2015 I rated all the GOP and Democratic candidates and Trump and Clinton finished at the bottom of the list. You loons got what you wanted, congrats nutjob.

You're a right winger. You support Trump. That is a fact you are trying to dodge. There were plenty of sane candidates wanting that nomination, but the right decided to go with crazy and spoiled.. You went with them. I don't blame you. I would be embarrassed if I had done that too, but trying to claim Democrats are just as stupid as you is a lie.
Any Republican candidate acceptable to you is a douchebag who would sell out his voters.
What does it matter? In another thread you thought it was okay for Trump's attorney's office to be raided because it's no big deal if he had nothing to hide.

This is why I hate partisans on both sides of the aisle.

Your excuse why it's okay to raid Trump's attorney is a dangerous reason, it is just as dangerous as the right using the same excuse to raid Hillary's attorney.

The right went after Bill Clinton because they wanted revenge for the left going after Richard Nixon. The left went after George Bush, the right went after Barrack Obama and now the left is going after Trump.

Dig up dirt and we will continue to attract scum for candidates.

Oh stop with the silly "THEY ARE BOTH THE SAME" crap. You know the crazy right wing is nuts, and nobody else is near the stupid they display.

Lol! You are the same and you don’t see it. You lefties and righties shift with the wind.

Hell, you wing nuts rioted, tried to overturn the results of the election and went to impeach Trump before he was sworn in. You partisan idiots are all the same.

The right is past the point of even trying to defend their behavior. The best you can do is try to say everybody is guilty if the same thing. We both know that is bullshit, but I guess you gotta go with the only shot you have left.

Had I supported Trump you would have had a point, the fact you won’t address your own nuts is proof you have nothing. Rioting after an election, going to three states to over turn the results of an election with absolutely no chance of overturning one of them, yet you proceeded. People then want to assemble the whole Electoral College and make a case to switch the vote to Clinton, then trying to invalidate the Electoral College, then wanting to go to the House to try to challenge the certification. Then trying to impeach him BEFORE he even was sworn in. Tell, me that you are a bunch of idiots.

Trump is not a good President, that is why i didn’t vote for him. In 2015 I rated all the GOP and Democratic candidates and Trump and Clinton finished at the bottom of the list. You loons got what you wanted, congrats nutjob.

You're a right winger. You support Trump. That is a fact you are trying to dodge. There were plenty of sane candidates wanting that nomination, but the right decided to go with crazy and spoiled.. You went with them. I don't blame you. I would be embarrassed if I had done that too, but trying to claim Democrats are just as stupid as you is a lie.

I decided to go with a third party and had the Democrats nominated Sanders he would have gotten my vote, so you no, I’m not a Republcan they left me years ago. I don’t support the bombings in Syria, I didn’t support the take over in Libya and all our troops need to come home, so if that is what the Republicans believe then I am a Republican.

Democrat nuts are the same as Republican nuts. Both are nuts and both are hurting the country. The fact you can’t differentiate the Democrat from the Democratic nut is proof you are a nut. You don’t have a clue.
This is what all AMmricans need to know.

Raid the office for what ?

What does it matter? In another thread you thought it was okay for Trump's attorney's office to be raided because it's no big deal if he had nothing to hide.

This is why I hate partisans on both sides of the aisle.

Your excuse why it's okay to raid Trump's attorney is a dangerous reason, it is just as dangerous as the right using the same excuse to raid Hillary's attorney.

The right went after Bill Clinton because they wanted revenge for the left going after Richard Nixon. The left went after George Bush, the right went after Barrack Obama and now the left is going after Trump.

Dig up dirt and we will continue to attract scum for candidates.

Oh stop with the silly "THEY ARE BOTH THE SAME" crap. You know the crazy right wing is nuts, and nobody else is near the stupid they display.

Lol! You are the same and you don’t see it. You lefties and righties shift with the wind.

Hell, you wing nuts rioted, tried to overturn the results of the election and went to impeach Trump before he was sworn in. You partisan idiots are all the same.

The right is past the point of even trying to defend their behavior. The best you can do is try to say everybody is guilty if the same thing. We both know that is bullshit, but I guess you gotta go with the only shot you have left.

What behavior do we need to defend?
The shaming and guilt techniques are in full force today I guess that is how they were raised so they know no other human dynamics. Plus, some Igors and Svetlannas are rolling today
Because she is a Clinton and probably threatens/bribes those who could hold her accountable.
You mean you think she acts like President Trump?
They were the two worst candidates in 100 years.

When did Hillary Clinton "bribe" anyone. We know Trump has paid people off. Guessing is not working for you. I still want to know why someone would put a thread on here that her office or her attorney's office should be RAIDED.

No one has answered that question yet!


I have given you the reason'S Michael Cohen's office was raided on post # 84 of this thread, now I want to know why you think Hillary Clinton's office or attorney's office should be raided.

ANYONE? Or is this just your typical brain fart reaction because Mueller is getting closer to Trump?

The raid on Michael Cohen is the equivalent of J. Edgar Hoover snatching Al Capone's accountant.

If you want to expand what you have been lacking for so long--(information.) This book will prepare you for the open public hearings and testimony that wil begin on January 20, 2019 when Democrats are sworn in as majority leaders in one or both house of congress. Obviously just hanging out on FOX NEWS is not working for you.


top seller on Amazon, very well written, easy to follow & hard to put down. Verified by trusted credible news sources and their information over the last year. Reads like a nonfiction spy novel.

Otherwise you can choose to stay in the last row up in the nosebleed section of (no information) and wait for the open public hearings But stop with these idiotic threads about Hillary Clinton. She is NOT anywhere in this picture.
Last edited:
Mueller dragging this out has been a huge dis-service to this country, and it goes right along with what was stated about the drip, drip, drip release of this stuff in order to politically destroy the opposition political party along with Trump.

There is a deep state, and it has been activated by the former adminstration who knew it would have to set it all up over time in order to protect the Demon-crat agenda (the insurance policy), if anything or anyone should try to derail it.

This would have happened with any republican candidate that would have been elected, and of course wouldn't have gone along in order to get along.

The Demon-crats boasting in all of this stuff since the time Obama was run as a candidate, has actually proved their dirty hands in all of this now. A fling or number of flings will not bring this President down, so keep dreaming Demon-crats. Remember judge not least you be judged yourselves. Meaning if you are also actively guilty of the same things you accuse another of, then so shall you fall upon the same sword you wish upon your percieved enemy.

Matt Lauer found out after accusing Bill Orielly of some bad behaviour, that one can't do that while actively being involved in the same types of things. Good grief..

It's time to get behind the nation in what we hear as being good policy and laws, and toss out what isn't good for the nation. Trump is but a tool that is used to represent a part of the nation, and so far he has represented well the voters in which voted for him, and even represented those who didn't.
Raid the office for what ?

What does it matter? In another thread you thought it was okay for Trump's attorney's office to be raided because it's no big deal if he had nothing to hide.

This is why I hate partisans on both sides of the aisle.

Your excuse why it's okay to raid Trump's attorney is a dangerous reason, it is just as dangerous as the right using the same excuse to raid Hillary's attorney.

The right went after Bill Clinton because they wanted revenge for the left going after Richard Nixon. The left went after George Bush, the right went after Barrack Obama and now the left is going after Trump.

Dig up dirt and we will continue to attract scum for candidates.

How many times did Al Gore call for George Bush to be "Locked up"? How many times did Al Gore accuse Bush of being a Criminal?

I give up. How many? News to me that GW Bush was a criminal needing locked up?! Hillary on the other hand is right next to John Gotti as a mobster. Thank you Donald for trying to reign in the Klinton Kriminal Kueen.
you are bat shit crazy! :rofl::rofl:

you sound completely crazy spilling those lies!! you don't even know the difference between fact or fiction!!!! holy smokes! turn fox off and stay away from infowars, the gateway pundit and true pundit, and trump's twitter feed, for goodness sake! :lol:

It's funny how you mindless drones all bring up the same shit about Fox News anytime someone changes the subject back to needing to finish really investigating all of the democratically-centered people and issues that have been blocked then quietly buried! I don't even get Fox News, idiot! All you clowns claim you never watch Fox yet you all claim to all be experts on how bad it is, yet, last I heard, it is still the number one rated cable news service!!!
What does it matter? In another thread you thought it was okay for Trump's attorney's office to be raided because it's no big deal if he had nothing to hide.

This is why I hate partisans on both sides of the aisle.

Your excuse why it's okay to raid Trump's attorney is a dangerous reason, it is just as dangerous as the right using the same excuse to raid Hillary's attorney.

The right went after Bill Clinton because they wanted revenge for the left going after Richard Nixon. The left went after George Bush, the right went after Barrack Obama and now the left is going after Trump.

Dig up dirt and we will continue to attract scum for candidates.

How many times did Al Gore call for George Bush to be "Locked up"? How many times did Al Gore accuse Bush of being a Criminal?

I give up. How many? News to me that GW Bush was a criminal needing locked up?! Hillary on the other hand is right next to John Gotti as a mobster. Thank you Donald for trying to reign in the Klinton Kriminal Kueen.
you are bat shit crazy! :rofl::rofl:

you sound completely crazy spilling those lies!! you don't even know the difference between fact or fiction!!!! holy smokes! turn fox off and stay away from infowars, the gateway pundit and true pundit, and trump's twitter feed, for goodness sake! :lol:
Trumpism is a cult with it's own reality.
you ain't kidding! And they don't even know it!!! :eek: that's the sad part!

You kidding me? Like Obamanism wasn't the biggest fucking cult of sycophants to ever cross the pike! They practically kissed his feet and idolized him just for giving out free cellphones!

What does it matter? In another thread you thought it was okay for Trump's attorney's office to be raided because it's no big deal if he had nothing to hide.

This is why I hate partisans on both sides of the aisle.

Your excuse why it's okay to raid Trump's attorney is a dangerous reason, it is just as dangerous as the right using the same excuse to raid Hillary's attorney.

The right went after Bill Clinton because they wanted revenge for the left going after Richard Nixon. The left went after George Bush, the right went after Barrack Obama and now the left is going after Trump.

Dig up dirt and we will continue to attract scum for candidates.

How many times did Al Gore call for George Bush to be "Locked up"? How many times did Al Gore accuse Bush of being a Criminal?

I give up. How many? News to me that GW Bush was a criminal needing locked up?! Hillary on the other hand is right next to John Gotti as a mobster. Thank you Donald for trying to reign in the Klinton Kriminal Kueen.
you are bat shit crazy! :rofl::rofl:

you sound completely crazy spilling those lies!! you don't even know the difference between fact or fiction!!!! holy smokes! turn fox off and stay away from infowars, the gateway pundit and true pundit, and trump's twitter feed, for goodness sake! :lol:
Trumpism is a cult with it's own reality.

So is being a Russian troll farmer. TooBFreak is fond of his Mother Russia and a huge fan of Putin.

You're an unmitigated asshole of the lowest order. You haven't even my avatar right, it is Toob-Freek as in Audio (vacuum) tube (enthusiast)! And from there, your accuracy goes out the door.
Raid the office for what ?

What does it matter? In another thread you thought it was okay for Trump's attorney's office to be raided because it's no big deal if he had nothing to hide.

This is why I hate partisans on both sides of the aisle.

Your excuse why it's okay to raid Trump's attorney is a dangerous reason, it is just as dangerous as the right using the same excuse to raid Hillary's attorney.

The right went after Bill Clinton because they wanted revenge for the left going after Richard Nixon. The left went after George Bush, the right went after Barrack Obama and now the left is going after Trump.

Dig up dirt and we will continue to attract scum for candidates.

Oh stop with the silly "THEY ARE BOTH THE SAME" crap. You know the crazy right wing is nuts, and nobody else is near the stupid they display.

Lol! You are the same and you don’t see it. You lefties and righties shift with the wind.

Hell, you wing nuts rioted, tried to overturn the results of the election and went to impeach Trump before he was sworn in. You partisan idiots are all the same.

The right is past the point of even trying to defend their behavior. The best you can do is try to say everybody is guilty if the same thing. We both know that is bullshit, but I guess you gotta go with the only shot you have left.

TRANSLATION: The Right has regained control of the nation and is righting the ship again back toward prosperity and normalcy. The Left went past the point of even trying to defend their behavior back in the days of Clinton 20 years ago, then they got 4X worse during GW, absolutely berserk that he was treating our enemies as enemies!, then 4X worse again under Obama. Now they are 4X worse yet again beyond even that, about 60X past the point of all hope being lost and have left the orbit of Neptune because Trump now won and Hillariard fell on her fat face just when they thought they had sewn everything up to their liking. Trump is going to undo everything of the past 25 years and you are going to bend over and LIKE IT and ask for more.

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