Why hasn’t the FBI raided Hillary Clinton’s Attorneys Office?

No she acts like herself. Trump screwed a whore 12 years ago and you think the world is exploding@ Grow up.

but you said she probably threatens and bribes- which is what Trump is doing.

Trump spends most of his time threatening and bullying people.

And then he has his minions bribing the women he was screwing on the side while married with a baby at home.

What is likely to get him into trouble is that he probably was arranging the payoffs of these women right before the election to prevent voters from hearing their stories.

Now if he did that openly with his own money- probably perfectly legal- a person can spend his own money on a campaign- but if he had his lawyer do it in a way that was illegal?
So tell me about threats and bribes. His payoff to the whore was stupid. I can say that. What man ks going to pass a freebie with a whore? Really?!

I am glad to compare Hillary Clinton's threats case by case with Donald Trump's threats. Bring it on.

Was his bribing the woman to keep quiet stupid? Clearly he didn't want voters to know about his adulterous affair- which is why the payoff happened right before the election- and he got elected. If he hadn't bribed her- he might not have gotten elected.

What kind of man is going to pass a freebie with a whore?
A decent man? A man with morals? A man who believes marriage means something?

What kind of man cheats on his wife with a porn star just because he thinks he can?

Donald Trump.

He just didn't want voters reminded that he was that kind of man.
What does a night with a whore have to do with the job of president? He has accomplished more than Obama in the two hears he's been in office compared to eight years pf Obummer.

Like what??

Get us out of Great Recession? Pass landmark healthcare reform?

All Trump got done is a major give-away to corporations financed by blowing up the deficits even further.
Yup. republicans are messing things up bad with the reckless tax cuts. Fiscal responsibility is not cutting taxes massively when there is a debt.
You mean you think she acts like President Trump?
No she acts like herself. Trump screwed a whore 12 years ago and you think the world is exploding@ Grow up.

but you said she probably threatens and bribes- which is what Trump is doing.

Trump spends most of his time threatening and bullying people.

And then he has his minions bribing the women he was screwing on the side while married with a baby at home.

What is likely to get him into trouble is that he probably was arranging the payoffs of these women right before the election to prevent voters from hearing their stories.

Now if he did that openly with his own money- probably perfectly legal- a person can spend his own money on a campaign- but if he had his lawyer do it in a way that was illegal?
So tell me about threats and bribes. His payoff to the whore was stupid. I can say that. What man ks going to pass a freebie with a whore? Really?!

I am glad to compare Hillary Clinton's threats case by case with Donald Trump's threats. Bring it on.

Was his bribing the woman to keep quiet stupid? Clearly he didn't want voters to know about his adulterous affair- which is why the payoff happened right before the election- and he got elected. If he hadn't bribed her- he might not have gotten elected.

What kind of man is going to pass a freebie with a whore?
A decent man? A man with morals? A man who believes marriage means something?

What kind of man cheats on his wife with a porn star just because he thinks he can?

Donald Trump.

He just didn't want voters reminded that he was that kind of man.
What does a night with a whore have to do with the job of president? He has accomplished more than Obama in the two hears he's been in office compared to eight years pf Obummer.

The greatest achievement of Donald Trump is he has destroyed the entire Republican party. These special elections are the writing on the wall for Republicans this coming November.

Last week a Wisconsin Supreme court open seat just went to a woman Democrat for the first time in 22 years, She won a dozen rural counties in Missouri, that typically are won by Republicans. They lost the 10th district seat a few months ago to a Democrat that Republicans had held for the last 17 years. Scott Walker is freaking out over these loss's, tweeting out this is a wake up call for Republicans. It is. Paul Ryan won't even say if he's going to run for reelection this coming November. (Just yesterday Paul Ryan announced he's quiting.) Doug Jones wins in Alabama, (black women came out in numbers never seen before to make that happen.) The 18th district in Pennsylvania, a predominately Republican, big steel district, that Trump won by 20 points in 2016, just turned blue. Connor Lamb won. A democrat hadn't won this seat in decades. New Jersey, Virginia have new Democrat governors. 15 Seats were up in the Virginia state house Democrats won all of them, women winning 11 of those seats. The DNC has announced it's running candidates for every congressional seat in TEXAS. Ted Cruz is up for reelection facing a 40% Hispanic voting population. Trump's motorcade was booed in Atlanta, Georgia 2 months ago. These Presidential books--"Russian Roulette" & "Fire & Fury" are in the top 10 best sellers on Amazon, when most people ignore Presidential tell all books. 39 Republicans have already announced their early retirements, and will not seek reelection this coming November.
Scott Walker on Twitter
After Supreme Court loss, Scott Walker turns to fundraising with 'anger of the Left' warnings
Conor Lamb Wins Pennsylvania House Seat, Giving Democrats a Map for Trump Country
Democrats make significant gains in Virginia legislature; control of House in play
A Record Number of House Republicans Will Not Seek Re-Election in 2018

Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell stated the other day, he knows a storm is coming but can't tell if it's going to be a Cat 3, 4 or 5.

These pictures say it's going to be a blue Tsunami on Republican seats all across this country.

2nd annual women's march January 20, 2018


More Than 4,000 Women Say They Want to Run for Office Since Trump's Election

For pictures of the 1st woman's march held the day after Trump was inaugurated, go to this link on this board. Scroll through the many pages, you'll probably find your home state there.
Woman's march pictures

The normal street protests over Trump.

For more pictures go to this link.
pictures of trump street protests - Yahoo Image Search Results

And of course the March for our lives protest on March 20, 2018

800 cities across this nation participated.

Yes he has done a great job of draining the swamp. By electing Trump you have effectively KILLED the Republican party. I doubt there are too many "safe" Republican seats in this country anymore.

Coming this November to a Republican seat near you!

but--but--but Hilllllaaary Clinton--:auiqs.jpg:
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Because she is a Clinton and probably threatens/bribes those who could hold her accountable.
You mean you think she acts like President Trump?
No she acts like herself. Trump screwed a whore 12 years ago and you think the world is exploding@ Grow up.

but you said she probably threatens and bribes- which is what Trump is doing.

Trump spends most of his time threatening and bullying people.

And then he has his minions bribing the women he was screwing on the side while married with a baby at home.

What is likely to get him into trouble is that he probably was arranging the payoffs of these women right before the election to prevent voters from hearing their stories.

Now if he did that openly with his own money- probably perfectly legal- a person can spend his own money on a campaign- but if he had his lawyer do it in a way that was illegal?
"If, if ,if," that's all you got. You make the sleaziest accusations without a shred of proof. That's typical for all you Trump hating douchebags.
Because she is a Clinton and probably threatens/bribes those who could hold her accountable.
You mean you think she acts like President Trump?
No she acts like herself. Trump screwed a whore 12 years ago and you think the world is exploding@ Grow up.
Syriously probably get's fucked up the ass every day, and he's whining about Trump? What do you suppose we would find if we spent tens of millions investigating each of the snowflakes posting in this forum? I gaurantee you it would produce plenty of sleazy stuff.
Another reason the FBI has not raided Her Thighness Clintons office is because Comey exonerated her months before the interview of 11 witnesses and the hag herself

Nothing to see here, move along

Equiring minds WANT to know!

Why would they?

Do you have any evidence that Clinton's lawyers may have committed a crime?

Yes, bleaching hard drives

Yeah, how much are you willing to bet the Hillary's lawyer advised her on how to destroy the evidence, including stuff like using "BleachBit?"

Clear obstruction of justice

Raid the office for what ?

What does it matter? In another thread you thought it was okay for Trump's attorney's office to be raided because it's no big deal if he had nothing to hide.

This is why I hate partisans on both sides of the aisle.

Your excuse why it's okay to raid Trump's attorney is a dangerous reason, it is just as dangerous as the right using the same excuse to raid Hillary's attorney.

The right went after Bill Clinton because they wanted revenge for the left going after Richard Nixon. The left went after George Bush, the right went after Barrack Obama and now the left is going after Trump.

Dig up dirt and we will continue to attract scum for candidates.

Oh stop with the silly "THEY ARE BOTH THE SAME" crap. You know the crazy right wing is nuts, and nobody else is near the stupid they display.

Lol! You are the same and you don’t see it. You lefties and righties shift with the wind.

Hell, you wing nuts rioted, tried to overturn the results of the election and went to impeach Trump before he was sworn in. You partisan idiots are all the same.
Raid the office for what ?

What does it matter? In another thread you thought it was okay for Trump's attorney's office to be raided because it's no big deal if he had nothing to hide.

This is why I hate partisans on both sides of the aisle.

Your excuse why it's okay to raid Trump's attorney is a dangerous reason, it is just as dangerous as the right using the same excuse to raid Hillary's attorney.

The right went after Bill Clinton because they wanted revenge for the left going after Richard Nixon. The left went after George Bush, the right went after Barrack Obama and now the left is going after Trump.

Dig up dirt and we will continue to attract scum for candidates.

How many times did Al Gore call for George Bush to be "Locked up"? How many times did Al Gore accuse Bush of being a Criminal?

I give up. How many? News to me that GW Bush was a criminal needing locked up?! Hillary on the other hand is right next to John Gotti as a mobster. Thank you Donald for trying to reign in the Klinton Kriminal Kueen.
you are bat shit crazy! :rofl::rofl:

you sound completely crazy spilling those lies!! you don't even know the difference between fact or fiction!!!! holy smokes! turn fox off and stay away from infowars, the gateway pundit and true pundit, and trump's twitter feed, for goodness sake! :lol:
Trumpism is a cult with it's own reality.

So was Obamaism, hell Obama made a speech where he was going to “fundamentally change America” and the left wing nuts loved it. Now, the left wing nuts are worried that Trump wil fundamentally change America.

The left and right idiots are just that, no reasoning, no sanity, they believe what they are fed and change their positions at their party’s will.
What does it matter? In another thread you thought it was okay for Trump's attorney's office to be raided because it's no big deal if he had nothing to hide.

This is why I hate partisans on both sides of the aisle.

Your excuse why it's okay to raid Trump's attorney is a dangerous reason, it is just as dangerous as the right using the same excuse to raid Hillary's attorney.

The right went after Bill Clinton because they wanted revenge for the left going after Richard Nixon. The left went after George Bush, the right went after Barrack Obama and now the left is going after Trump.

Dig up dirt and we will continue to attract scum for candidates.

How many times did Al Gore call for George Bush to be "Locked up"? How many times did Al Gore accuse Bush of being a Criminal?

I give up. How many? News to me that GW Bush was a criminal needing locked up?! Hillary on the other hand is right next to John Gotti as a mobster. Thank you Donald for trying to reign in the Klinton Kriminal Kueen.
you are bat shit crazy! :rofl::rofl:

you sound completely crazy spilling those lies!! you don't even know the difference between fact or fiction!!!! holy smokes! turn fox off and stay away from infowars, the gateway pundit and true pundit, and trump's twitter feed, for goodness sake! :lol:
Trumpism is a cult with it's own reality.

So is being a Russian troll farmer. TooBFreak is fond of his Mother Russia and a huge fan of Putin.

And there you have it. Thanks for proving nuts are nuts no matter if they are left or right.
Raid the office for what ?

What does it matter? In another thread you thought it was okay for Trump's attorney's office to be raided because it's no big deal if he had nothing to hide.

This is why I hate partisans on both sides of the aisle.

Your excuse why it's okay to raid Trump's attorney is a dangerous reason, it is just as dangerous as the right using the same excuse to raid Hillary's attorney.

The right went after Bill Clinton because they wanted revenge for the left going after Richard Nixon. The left went after George Bush, the right went after Barrack Obama and now the left is going after Trump.

Dig up dirt and we will continue to attract scum for candidates.

Oh stop with the silly "THEY ARE BOTH THE SAME" crap. You know the crazy right wing is nuts, and nobody else is near the stupid they display.

Lol! You are the same and you don’t see it. You lefties and righties shift with the wind.

Hell, you wing nuts rioted, tried to overturn the results of the election and went to impeach Trump before he was sworn in. You partisan idiots are all the same.

The right is past the point of even trying to defend their behavior. The best you can do is try to say everybody is guilty if the same thing. We both know that is bullshit, but I guess you gotta go with the only shot you have left.

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