Why hasn’t the FBI raided Hillary Clinton’s Attorneys Office?

Equiring minds WANT to know!

Wait, you want them to raid Hillary's attorney because they raided Trump's?

What grade are you in?

I am not like you Stalinists, .

You are just a Fascist whose head is buried firmly up Trump's ass.

And yes- like a third grader you are stomping your feet and saying 'but Hillary, but Hillary' waaaaaah!

Son, you're engaged in treason.

And yes, that does make you a bad person.
Mueller dragging this out has been a huge dis-service to this country,

There is a deep state, and it has been activated by the former adminstration

And by 'dragging this out' you mean continuing his investigation and the Trumpsters are pissed off that he has spent a whole year on it.


Expect a release of information about a month before the election. That's how you run a political hit job.

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