Why hasn’t the FBI raided Hillary Clinton’s Attorneys Office?

What do you think the huge fire was at their residence for? They burnt down pretty much their entire store of records at their home. Also for the same reason, this is why they had an illegal State Department Server at their home, so they could have complete control of the data on it, in case they were going to be investigated for all of their criminal activities.

Besides that, The Clintons more or less have Lifetime Immunity after helping The CIA run guns and cocaine back and forth to The US with the Sandinistas out of Mena Arkansas.

Seeing their political careers in that context will help you understand why they have gotten away with so much.
“In response to Cohen’s motion to restrain the evidence collected in Monday’s raids of his home and office, the US attorney in New York asserted the raids were authorized by a federal judge to seek evidence of conduct ‘for which Cohen is under criminal investigation.'” :1peleas:
I could care less if anyone believes me or not. But The Clintons were part of the Mena Arkansas Cocaine and gun running ring, ran by THE CIA.

They will never get busted for anything, and this is part of the reason why they are so crooked, because they know they won't get busted. Oh, they'll get harassed for a "show" if it is something big and there is public pressure to do something about it, but they always get a slap on the wrist at worst.

Why do you think Mueller won't even look at Fusion GPS or COIE law firm?
He was probably told, umm,....

"Mr. Mueller, so you understand, you can't look too far in to Fusion GPS, or COIE Law Firm or The Clinton Campaign, because it's a matter of National Security. In fact, it'd be better for your overall health if you never even glanced that way. I also would not pry too far in to The DNC server or Pakistani Hackers Clinton and The DNC had working for them. BTW, there was a reason we killed Seth Rich just outside your door step...and that too was in The Interest of National Securit,."

Then of course there is The Clinton Body Count which people think is all about Bill's Infidelities and General Corruption of The Clintons....but it all goes back to things that happened at Mena Arkansas and that operation. They have immunity, and anyone that knows anything about that operation, and who anyone feels cannot be trusted, usually commits suicide with a chainsaw, or shoots themselves in the back of the head 3 or 4 times.

This movie here might give you a taste of what went on, but it doesn't even touch how big and broad and deep this operation went. The Clintons and their bank, and White Water was a major part of it, but it is barely even mentioned in the movie.


When you see all the cash flowing in to that town and they show you the bank that is holding all of this money, that is The Clinton's Bank, and Tom Cruise was The Clinton's Bag man in this movie. When you look at The White Water scandals with Bank Fraud and Money Laundering, that was a cover up. They didn't even touch One One Hundredth of the money flowing through there.

People got sloppy, so the whole thing had to be cleaned up and shut down.
And then people started dying in boating accidents, falling on pencils, brake lines failing all over the damn place. Planes falling out of the skies. Research it. Amazing Operation, and even more amazing the things that happened after they shut the whole thing down.

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Equiring minds WANT to know!

The biggest question no one is asking, that all of the FBI "fury" one should hope to see in the Hillary investigations was dropped, used to protect her while going after Trump with the vengeance of a pitbull. Can there be any better proof the Mueller investigation is a sham? And that our government is NOT working for the people!
Raid the office for what ?

What does it matter? In another thread you thought it was okay for Trump's attorney's office to be raided because it's no big deal if he had nothing to hide.

This is why I hate partisans on both sides of the aisle.

Your excuse why it's okay to raid Trump's attorney is a dangerous reason, it is just as dangerous as the right using the same excuse to raid Hillary's attorney.

The right went after Bill Clinton because they wanted revenge for the left going after Richard Nixon. The left went after George Bush, the right went after Barrack Obama and now the left is going after Trump.

Dig up dirt and we will continue to attract scum for candidates.
No probable cause because she's done nothing illegal.
Destroyed evidence every time she was caught
No evidence, so it must have been destroyed? With that kind of logic no wonder they can't get a warrant. Maroons!!! :laugh2:
Not what I said....dumbass....we know she was trafficking in classified info on her server and probably Huma was too since they found some on her laptop. We know her and Obama were arming isis, .....

Yeah- what the voices in your head are telling you is usually not going to convince a judge to issue a search warrant.
Raid the office for what ?

What does it matter? In another thread you thought it was okay for Trump's attorney's office to be raided because it's no big deal if he had nothing to hide.

This is why I hate partisans on both sides of the aisle.

Your excuse why it's okay to raid Trump's attorney is a dangerous reason, it is just as dangerous as the right using the same excuse to raid Hillary's attorney.

The right went after Bill Clinton because they wanted revenge for the left going after Richard Nixon. The left went after George Bush, the right went after Barrack Obama and now the left is going after Trump.

Dig up dirt and we will continue to attract scum for candidates.

I hold Clinton's attorney to the same standard as Trump's.

If prosecutors have evidence that suggests that Clinton's attorney is breaking the law- and can convince a judge to issue a search warrant- I will be just as curious then as I am for Trump's attorney's office being searched- i.e.- what was the evidence that convinced a judge that a search warrant was warranted?
Equiring minds WANT to know!

The biggest question no one is asking, that all of the FBI "fury" one should hope to see in the Hillary investigations was dropped, used to protect her while going after Trump with the vengeance of a pitbull. Can there be any better proof the Mueller investigation is a sham? And that our government is NOT working for the people!

Raid the office for what ?

What does it matter? In another thread you thought it was okay for Trump's attorney's office to be raided because it's no big deal if he had nothing to hide.

This is why I hate partisans on both sides of the aisle.

Your excuse why it's okay to raid Trump's attorney is a dangerous reason, it is just as dangerous as the right using the same excuse to raid Hillary's attorney.

The right went after Bill Clinton because they wanted revenge for the left going after Richard Nixon. The left went after George Bush, the right went after Barrack Obama and now the left is going after Trump.

Dig up dirt and we will continue to attract scum for candidates.

How many times did Al Gore call for George Bush to be "Locked up"?

How many times did Al Gore accuse Bush of being a Criminal?

A brief history of Trump's calls for Clinton to be investigated

Kharma is a bitch sometimes.
Comey gave the short answer in his book. Under his leadership the FBI was used to undermine an administration that Comey considered to be illegitimate. Rogue factions of the "justice dept" are continuing the adventure in treason and will continue to do so as long as they have the angry left wing media on their side.
DO NOT let these fuckers raid Hillary's lawyer and get confidential communications.


This is BULLSHIT and it needs to STOP!!!

<sob>. But....but........What about Hillary?
DO NOT let these fuckers raid Hillary's lawyer and get confidential communications.


This is BULLSHIT and it needs to STOP!!!

Clintons lawyer isnt above the law ... no lawyer is above the law.

unless you're an idiot yammering about something you know nothing about ...
Raid the office for what ?

What does it matter? In another thread you thought it was okay for Trump's attorney's office to be raided because it's no big deal if he had nothing to hide.

This is why I hate partisans on both sides of the aisle.

Your excuse why it's okay to raid Trump's attorney is a dangerous reason, it is just as dangerous as the right using the same excuse to raid Hillary's attorney.

The right went after Bill Clinton because they wanted revenge for the left going after Richard Nixon. The left went after George Bush, the right went after Barrack Obama and now the left is going after Trump.

Dig up dirt and we will continue to attract scum for candidates.

I hold Clinton's attorney to the same standard as Trump's.

If prosecutors have evidence that suggests that Clinton's attorney is breaking the law- and can convince a judge to issue a search warrant- I will be just as curious then as I am for Trump's attorney's office being searched- i.e.- what was the evidence that convinced a judge that a search warrant was warranted?

I was speaking to Timmy because yesterday he said if Trump's lawyers aren't hiding anything they shouldn't mind. That is BS, you need cause. I also think there must of been some probable cause but Timmy's reasoning is what is wrong with America. He doesn't stand for right or wrong, he stands for what is best for his party.

You need legitimate probable cause, not partisan games.
Raid the office for what ?

What does it matter? In another thread you thought it was okay for Trump's attorney's office to be raided because it's no big deal if he had nothing to hide.

This is why I hate partisans on both sides of the aisle.

Your excuse why it's okay to raid Trump's attorney is a dangerous reason, it is just as dangerous as the right using the same excuse to raid Hillary's attorney.

The right went after Bill Clinton because they wanted revenge for the left going after Richard Nixon. The left went after George Bush, the right went after Barrack Obama and now the left is going after Trump.

Dig up dirt and we will continue to attract scum for candidates.

How many times did Al Gore call for George Bush to be "Locked up"? How many times did Al Gore accuse Bush of being a Criminal?

I give up. How many? News to me that GW Bush was a criminal needing locked up?! Hillary on the other hand is right next to John Gotti as a mobster. Thank you Donald for trying to reign in the Klinton Kriminal Kueen.
Raid the office for what ?

What does it matter? In another thread you thought it was okay for Trump's attorney's office to be raided because it's no big deal if he had nothing to hide.

This is why I hate partisans on both sides of the aisle.

Your excuse why it's okay to raid Trump's attorney is a dangerous reason, it is just as dangerous as the right using the same excuse to raid Hillary's attorney.

The right went after Bill Clinton because they wanted revenge for the left going after Richard Nixon. The left went after George Bush, the right went after Barrack Obama and now the left is going after Trump.

Dig up dirt and we will continue to attract scum for candidates.

I hold Clinton's attorney to the same standard as Trump's.

If prosecutors have evidence that suggests that Clinton's attorney is breaking the law- and can convince a judge to issue a search warrant- I will be just as curious then as I am for Trump's attorney's office being searched- i.e.- what was the evidence that convinced a judge that a search warrant was warranted?

I was speaking to Timmy because yesterday he said if Trump's lawyers aren't hiding anything they shouldn't mind. That is BS, you need cause. I also think there must of been some probable cause but Timmy's reasoning is what is wrong with America. He doesn't stand for right or wrong, he stands for what is best for his party.

You need legitimate probable cause, not partisan games.

probable cause was offered and a judge accepted the proof ... prove beyond a shadow of a doubt his decision was partisan.
Raid the office for what ?

What does it matter? In another thread you thought it was okay for Trump's attorney's office to be raided because it's no big deal if he had nothing to hide.

This is why I hate partisans on both sides of the aisle.

Your excuse why it's okay to raid Trump's attorney is a dangerous reason, it is just as dangerous as the right using the same excuse to raid Hillary's attorney.

The right went after Bill Clinton because they wanted revenge for the left going after Richard Nixon. The left went after George Bush, the right went after Barrack Obama and now the left is going after Trump.

Dig up dirt and we will continue to attract scum for candidates.

How many times did Al Gore call for George Bush to be "Locked up"?

How many times did Al Gore accuse Bush of being a Criminal?

A brief history of Trump's calls for Clinton to be investigated

Kharma is a bitch sometimes.

The equivalent is how many times did a sitting President (Bush) call for the other candidate (Gore) to be locked up? So you are off there.

Trump has the authority to call for an investigation into Hillary if he so desires and has failed to do so. As far as I am concerned she should run again in 2020 and 2024 and 2028. I have no issues with her or the investigation into Trump, my issue is the attitude that you should mind being investigated if you have nothing to hide. That is absolutely un-American thinking.
Raid the office for what ?

What does it matter? In another thread you thought it was okay for Trump's attorney's office to be raided because it's no big deal if he had nothing to hide.

This is why I hate partisans on both sides of the aisle.

Your excuse why it's okay to raid Trump's attorney is a dangerous reason, it is just as dangerous as the right using the same excuse to raid Hillary's attorney.

The right went after Bill Clinton because they wanted revenge for the left going after Richard Nixon. The left went after George Bush, the right went after Barrack Obama and now the left is going after Trump.

Dig up dirt and we will continue to attract scum for candidates.

I hold Clinton's attorney to the same standard as Trump's.

If prosecutors have evidence that suggests that Clinton's attorney is breaking the law- and can convince a judge to issue a search warrant- I will be just as curious then as I am for Trump's attorney's office being searched- i.e.- what was the evidence that convinced a judge that a search warrant was warranted?

I was speaking to Timmy because yesterday he said if Trump's lawyers aren't hiding anything they shouldn't mind. That is BS, you need cause. I also think there must of been some probable cause but Timmy's reasoning is what is wrong with America. He doesn't stand for right or wrong, he stands for what is best for his party.

You need legitimate probable cause, not partisan games.

probable cause was offered and a judge accepted the proof ... prove beyond a shadow of a doubt his decision was partisan.

I didn't say there wasn't probable cause. I am saying that Timmy's position was if you didn't have anything to hide then you shouldn't mind being investigated. That is a partisan stance and you need probable cause. Timmy's position is wrong, it is dangerous. Searching Clinton's attorney is wrong if there is no probable cause.

I am consistent, political affiliation has nothing to do with the right or wrong of an issue.

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