Why hate the Jews?

ErikViking said:
Thank you, that was interesting... it is actually a real question! Political standing versus religous belief! Non-existant in my country.

Okay, but a liberal can still be a true christian?

It depends.
ErikViking said:
:) Fair enough, that is still a yes. A liberal could be a true christian in your eyes. Although it depends. So it is not a contradiction, at least.

Yes. I'm quite sure my beliefs are to your liking.
ErikViking said:
Okay, I guess, I don't question your beliefs at all.
Sorry for the topic interference.

Damn straight. Nobody questions my beliefs. I'm always right. Hey, I think you'll fit in juuuuuust fine, Erik.
More than 60 percent of Israeli Jews believe the government should encourage Arabs to leave the country, according to a survey published by the Israel Democracy Institute on Tuesday. The findings have led MK Muhammad Barakei (Hadash) to ask for a special parliamentary session to address racism.

The Jews among a representative sample of 1,200 Israelis were asked to agree or disagree with the statement, "The government should encourage Arabs to emigrate." Sixty-two percent said they agreed.

Prof. Asher Arian, scientific director of the Guttman Center at the IDI and director of the 2006 Israel Democracy Index, said that the statistic indicated a "general lack of tolerance of Israeli Jews toward Israeli Arabs."

Kathianne said:

"No More Wire Hangers!"


(I think you should be forced to change your avater to this!)
Hey, I want no one's baby! :laugh: love child or not. Actually, I'm very happy having all of you in cyber, and the real in real. ;)
Shamgar said:
The cult mantra is:

The moral responsibility of evangelical, Bible-believing Christians was clear - stand with God's 'chosen' people, because God was on the side of those who 'blessed' Israel.

Stephen Sizer, Christian Zionism: Road-map to Armegeddon? (Leicester: 2004) Preface

Dispensational Christian Zionism, which is the dominant form of Christian Zionism in America, with its teachings on rapture of the church, the rebuilding of the temple and imminent battle of Armageddon, is pervasive with the mainline evangelical, charismatic and independent denominations including the Assemblies Of God, Pentecostal, and Southern Baptists, as well as many of the independent mega-churches.

Stephen Sizer, “Christian Zionism: Road-map to Armageddon?” (Leicester: 2004), Page 23.

3. Many of us assumed that Christian Zionism exists in fundamentalist and Evangelical churches only. Upon closer observation, we discovered that in reality Christian Zionism has permeated Christians within mainline churches as well among Catholics and the Orthodox in various level and forms. It is an unconscious and superficial response to any Bible reading by people who have not the benefit of theological education or have not studied the Bible carefully and so accept things uncritically simply because they are written in the Bible. This means that our problem is not only with extremist evangelicals; it is with good hearted but ignorant Christians who need to be informed and educated.

Ateek, Naim, et al editors. “Challenging Christian Zionism: Theology, Politics and the Israel-Palestinian Conflict” (London:2005) Page 16.

. . .however even non-Christians can be zionist. . . since support for a jewish state is the tenants of Zionism . . . .so support for modern day Israel is support for Zionism. . .

Walter Riggans interprets the term [Christian Zionist] in an overtly political sense as 'any Christian who supports the Zionist aim of the sovereign State of Israel, its army, government, education etc., but it can be describe a Christian who claims to support the State of Israel'. (7)

Stephen Sizer, “Christian Zionism: Road-map to Armageddon?” (Leicester: 2004), Page 21.

I assume there is some point to all this babble?

The fact is, since you are so literal in your translations, Christians MUST believe ALL Jews are doomed to Hell for not accepting Christ as their savior.

Israel exists because no Western Nation would open its arms to surviving European Jews, and they were given a veritable shithole on which to build a Nation. They did. They have a right to exist. They are a democracy in a sea of 7th century, backwards-assed theocratic bullshit.

I will support a civilized society's right to exist over a bunch of cavemen wearing their bath linen in public murdering any-and-everyone that disagrees with their particular brand of hogwash 100% of the time.
GunnyL said:
I assume there is some point to all this babble?

The fact is, since you are so literal in your translations, Christians MUST believe ALL Jews are doomed to Hell for not accepting Christ as their savior.

Israel exists because no Western Nation would open its arms to surviving European Jews, and they were given a veritable shithole on which to build a Nation. They did. They have a right to exist. They are a democracy in a sea of 7th century, backwards-assed theocratic bullshit.

I will support a civilized society's right to exist over a bunch of cavemen wearing their bath linen in public murdering any-and-everyone that disagrees with their particular brand of hogwash 100% of the time.
Why do you assume there is a point? I can't find one. This guy is a tard.

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