Why Have Mexican-American's Been More Successful in U.S. History Than African-Americans?

Why have Mexican-American's or Asian-American's succeeded in the United States when African-American's have not? Mexican and Asian American's have a work ethic and hold the family together. African-American's continue to vote for Democrat's and are dependent on government $$$ like heroin addict is to heroin. You must lift yourself up regardless of race or circumstance. This is the American way. Always has been since the first European's came here because they were poor, outcast, peasants in their homeland. Here is a big part of the problem:


Mexican-Americans are white so they are generally accepted no questions asked.

Singer Marta Alicia Villareal



But Mexican American INDIANS or those with brown-skinned have two strikes against them.

They were deported by presidents Hoover and FDR even if they were native born.
And they work their ass off, love their children, go to mass on Sunday, and hold on to family values and the value of family.
I have never met such a wetback
Comparing the Mexican to the Negro is rather easy really.

The Mexican is like a sled dog always ready for work and ready to work together to pull forward.

The Negro is like a house dog. Content to lay around and beg or do tricks for treats.
Ill take some menudo
I know we help Mex migrant workers with work while we help blacks to not work.

sucks, but when you put more in your pocket to not be married or have a job...
If you have a family you do not worry about putting $$$ in YOUR pocket, but food on the table. Also, the tax laws were changed under Newt Gingrich and GOP back in the 1990's that rewarded marriage. See enhanced Earned Income Tax Credit of 1990's.
Earned income tax credit - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
"Why Have Mexican-American's Been More Successful in U.S. History Than African-Americans?"

This fails as a false comparison fallacy, in addition to being comprehensively ignorant.
No it is an absolutely valid post that challenges your preconceived Marxist assumptions that all "non-whites" should feel like victims and hate the United States. This is not true. Only one race does this. Immigrants from Mexico, Latin-America, Japan, India, China, Ireland, Germany, Sweden, Italy, Kurdistan,Russia, Poland,Korea,Philippines, Vietnam, Indonesia, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Brazil, etc, etc, etc, have come to America and been a productive working class. The liberals and the Democratic Party exploit one group of people who buy into the victimhood argument wholeheartedly. Raise your kids in public housing without seeing a male bread winner, or any bread winner, in the history of three, four, or five generations...you have government dependency from cradle to grave. Which is what people like Al Sharpton and the Democrats want. Liberals are the most racist people on earth...and stupidly don't know it.
Mexicans are slightly smarter than blacks.
They are hard workers and love the United States...not protest it, march, bitch, and cry wolf.
Some of them are, probably most but I've met a lot of them who don't love the U.S. and there are a lot of parasites but as a group they are harder workers and less reliant on handouts than blacks. Blacks are just hopelessly and forever dependent on government, it's now embedded in their bloodlines. No sooner did they gain their freedom from slavery did they become slaves to government assistance. They have never really been anything other than slaves, and it's always been the Democrats who were their masters. There's really no hope for them because the brainwashing and indoctrination has been so thorough for so many years it's all they know. They will forever be slaves, it's their past, present, and future. Sad, isn't it?
Mexicans are slightly smarter than blacks.
They are hard workers and love the United States...not protest it, march, bitch, and cry wolf.
Some of them are, probably most but I've met a lot of them who don't love the U.S. and there are a lot of parasites but as a group they are harder workers and less reliant on handouts than blacks. Blacks are just hopelessly and forever dependent on government, it's now embedded in their bloodlines. No sooner did they gain their freedom from slavery did they become slaves to government assistance. They have never really been anything other than slaves, and it's always been the Democrats who were their masters. There's really no hope for them because the brainwashing and indoctrination has been so thorough for so many years it's all they know. They will forever be slaves, it's their past, present, and future. Sad, isn't it?
Allow me to speak on what Mexicans don't like about America. We don't like one class of people set aside and pampered like the Negro.

We work just like MANY white Americans and are tired of working for the benefit of the lazy. The second thing is as more white people become democrats they to become lazy.

We know America works when Americans work and that means all.
Why have Mexican-American's or Asian-American's succeeded in the United States when African-American's have not? Mexican and Asian American's have a work ethic and hold the family together. African-American's continue to vote for Democrat's and are dependent on government $$$ like heroin addict is to heroin. You must lift yourself up regardless of race or circumstance. This is the American way. Always has been since the first European's came here because they were poor, outcast, peasants in their homeland. Here is a big part of the problem:


Mexican-Americans are white so they are generally accepted no questions asked.

Singer Marta Alicia Villareal



But Mexican American INDIANS or those with brown-skinned have two strikes against them.

They were deported by presidents Hoover and FDR even if they were native born.
And they work their ass off, love their children, go to mass on Sunday, and hold on to family values and the value of family.
I have never met such a wetback
Comparing the Mexican to the Negro is rather easy really.

The Mexican is like a sled dog always ready for work and ready to work together to pull forward.

The Negro is like a house dog. Content to lay around and beg or do tricks for treats.

Your disgusting racism knows no bounds.

You just compared not only one group, but two, to dogs.

This is a tactic of fucked up racists like you: to refer to people of a specific group as lower animals, thus reducing them.

Go fuck yourself, you vile, vile, vile, vile, VILE piece of human excrement.

Idiots like you are the reason why the Right is losing ground all over the place.
Why have Mexican-American's or Asian-American's succeeded in the United States when African-American's have not? Mexican and Asian American's have a work ethic and hold the family together. African-American's continue to vote for Democrat's and are dependent on government $$$ like heroin addict is to heroin. You must lift yourself up regardless of race or circumstance. This is the American way. Always has been since the first European's came here because they were poor, outcast, peasants in their homeland. Here is a big part of the problem:


Mexican-Americans are white so they are generally accepted no questions asked.

Singer Marta Alicia Villareal



But Mexican American INDIANS or those with brown-skinned have two strikes against them.

They were deported by presidents Hoover and FDR even if they were native born.
And they work their ass off, love their children, go to mass on Sunday, and hold on to family values and the value of family.
I have never met such a wetback
Comparing the Mexican to the Negro is rather easy really.

The Mexican is like a sled dog always ready for work and ready to work together to pull forward.

The Negro is like a house dog. Content to lay around and beg or do tricks for treats.

Your disgusting racism knows no bounds.

You just compared not only one group, but two, to dogs.

This is a tactic of fucked up racists like you: to refer to people of a specific group as lower animals, thus reducing them.

Go fuck yourself, you vile, vile, vile, vile, VILE piece of human excrement.

Idiots like you are the reason why the Right is losing ground all over the place.
Why have Mexican-American's or Asian-American's succeeded in the United States when African-American's have not? Mexican and Asian American's have a work ethic and hold the family together. African-American's continue to vote for Democrat's and are dependent on government $$$ like heroin addict is to heroin. You must lift yourself up regardless of race or circumstance. This is the American way. Always has been since the first European's came here because they were poor, outcast, peasants in their homeland. Here is a big part of the problem:


Mexican-Americans are white so they are generally accepted no questions asked.

Singer Marta Alicia Villareal



But Mexican American INDIANS or those with brown-skinned have two strikes against them.

They were deported by presidents Hoover and FDR even if they were native born.
And they work their ass off, love their children, go to mass on Sunday, and hold on to family values and the value of family.
I have never met such a wetback
Comparing the Mexican to the Negro is rather easy really.

The Mexican is like a sled dog always ready for work and ready to work together to pull forward.

The Negro is like a house dog. Content to lay around and beg or do tricks for treats.

Your disgusting racism knows no bounds.

You just compared not only one group, but two, to dogs.

This is a tactic of fucked up racists like you: to refer to people of a specific group as lower animals, thus reducing them.

Go fuck yourself, you vile, vile, vile, vile, VILE piece of human excrement.

Idiots like you are the reason why the Right is losing ground all over the place.
He sounds German

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