Why Haven't the Ds even tried to Mitigate Their Disasters?

Because Democrats are too arrogant to listen, negotiate, or alter their position in the slightest. They believe they're absolutely so enlightened/morally perfect, that they can walk on water. Well, the only reason why liberals actually can walk on water is because SHIT FLOATS.
Well if the Ds hadn't painted themselves in a corner on SALT and safety they would have something to negotiate with. As is the fires and floods hitting the blue wall, hitting the Blue Wall right now the high equity home owners will have the money to migrate if their house is destroyed. That will have two effects:

They will lose population from their high tax homeowners

Insurance rates will go up.

So their tax base will shrink out of proportion compared to the number of people leaving and this will lead to further breakdowns.
Hillary handed Trump the election because she wouldn't sober up and campaign. Obama and Hillary activated the keystone cops of the deep state with a perjured FISA Warrant based on Russian sources. This list is nearly endless. Are all the Ds really this stupid, only kept on life support by people too stupid to recognize that the D party is even dumber than they are? What in hell is going on?

Dem politicans can get away with so much because the Dem voters are so dumb
Hillary handed Trump the election because she wouldn't sober up and campaign. Obama and Hillary activated the keystone cops of the deep state with a perjured FISA Warrant based on Russian sources. This list is nearly endless. Are all the Ds really this stupid, only kept on life support by people too stupid to recognize that the D party is even dumber than they are? What in hell is going on?

Dem politicans can get away with so much because the Dem voters are so dumb

They're getting an education right now about fire prevention on the left coast and flood prevention in the northeast.

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