Why Hillary is not dropping out

Last comment. It was just a reference point to say the primary was going on in June. It'd be no different than associating 9/11 with something. We're both convinced. And it only matters to me, really.

Then why didn't she say the 1968 presidential primary was still going on in June? Its rather stupid to mention the assassination as a changing force in the primary. And even stupider considering Ted Kennedy's recent diagnosis.
Then why didn't she say the 1968 presidential primary was still going on in June? Its rather stupid to mention the assassination as a changing force in the primary. And even stupider considering Ted Kennedy's recent diagnosis.

huh? she did not use the assasination as a "changing force" in the primary? Where the HECK did you get THAT FROM? She mentioned that with both her husband and with robert kennedy the nomination process was still going on in June, as a response to the continual questioning on why she hasn't dropped out and quit yet and the pressure given her to do such....

huh? she did not use the assasination as a "changing force" in the primary? Where the HECK did you get THAT FROM? She mentioned that with both her husband and with robert kennedy the nomination process was still going on in June

No, actually she never mentioned the nomination process in RFK, she said that the assassination was in June.

As for Bill's nomination going on in June...from DailyKoS:

1. The 1992 primaries ended on June 2, 1992, a day earlier than this year. Several states, including California, had primaries that day. It was not mid-June.

2. According to wikipedia: "Clinton effectively won the Democratic Party's nomination after winning the New York Primary in early April."

3. Clinton's chief rival was Paul Tsongas who dropped out of the race in mid-May, 1992.

4. According to polls, Clinton led in every remaining state except California where Jerry Brown was polling well (his home state). Brown was not going to catch Clinton for the nomination in any scenario.

5. From the May 11, 1992 New York Times: "Aides to Mr. Clinton say that in most of the remaining primaries he will ignore the former Governor of California, Edmund G. Brown Jr., and will try to give voters a clearer sense of his own personality and his positions on major issues, in preparation for a general election campaign against President Bush."
Considering the tone of this primary, both candidates HAVE TO WATCH WHAT THEY SAY, anything can be blown out of proportion or taken the wrong way, which we have seen throughout this primary. So yes Hillary's reference to an assassination came across wrong, but its May she should have known that.
Or even worse....what they say could actually be repeated in context, and the stupid public could actually believe what they actually say......

Which of course is always disastrous....
No, actually she never mentioned the nomination process in RFK, she said that the assassination was in June.

yes, rfk's campain was going on when he was shot and killed at a CAMPAIN RALLY, in june. To even imply she was talking about assasinating obama or someone doing such is ludicrous and the last straw coming from your camp....

i don't care if hillary campaigns her heart out for obama, i will NEVER, EVER, VOTE for him....

he had a shot at me, but lost it with his 2 facedness with this issue....

his campaign emailing ALL OF the press with the hillary comment implying she meant obama might be assasinated...

while obama going before the press all gentle like, while he tells the press face to face that 'he knows hillary did not mean anything by the comment other than the june campaigns still going on.....'

is the kind of thing that makes all of you obama supporters look like fools when you put your new god on that pedestal of political perfectness....or some kind of man with character....yeah, right....

he's a two faced back stabber!

i will be writing hillary in....and you helped seal that deal!

i will not vote mccain though...

i am okay with the dems losing the presidency, as long as the dems get the bullet proof senate, which i believe they will have in 2008...

As for Bill's nomination going on in June...from DailyKoS:

1. The 1992 primaries ended on June 2, 1992, a day earlier than this year. Several states, including California, had primaries that day. It was not mid-June.

so what? are you saying california is more important than the states that haven't had their primary this year?

2. According to wikipedia: "Clinton effectively won the Democratic Party's nomination after winning the New York Primary in early April."

so? obama sill hasn't effectively won the nomination and it is the end of may?

3. Clinton's chief rival was Paul Tsongas who dropped out of the race in mid-May, 1992.

so, clinton effectively won in april but this tsongas GUY stayed on a month and a half longer and NO ONE in the media or the bill clinton camp CALLED for him to drop out, is what you are saying right?

but you and the MEDIA expected hillary to just bow down to a male candidate that hadn't won and couldn't gardner near 50% of democrats to vote for him?


can you spell SEXISM?

4. According to polls, Clinton led in every remaining state except California where Jerry Brown was polling well (his home state). Brown was not going to catch Clinton for the nomination in any scenario.

did brown stay in till california too?

5. From the May 11, 1992 New York Times: "Aides to Mr. Clinton say that in most of the remaining primaries he will ignore the former Governor of California, Edmund G. Brown Jr., and will try to give voters a clearer sense of his own personality and his positions on major issues, in preparation for a general election campaign against President Bush."

you said he had effectively won the race in april, when has obama effectively won this race? this race has been neck in neck untill the last few weeks and even then, voters are coming out by the boatloads voting against him, this is one of the closet elections in my lifetime that i can remember paying attention to....i know teddy kennedy went to the convention when he ran....

why should hillary not be given the same chance that ted took, even though reagan did end up winning?
yes, rfk's campain was going on when he was shot and killed at a CAMPAIN RALLY, in june. To even imply she was talking about assasinating obama or someone doing such is ludicrous and the last straw coming from your camp....

Right...which is why she said assassination instead of nomination. Either she was talking about it, or she is an idiot for saying it. Take your pick.

i don't care if hillary campaigns her heart out for obama, i will NEVER, EVER, VOTE for him....

What a surprise. But yet you claim to be not obsessed with Hillary and be fair-minded. :rolleyes:

is the kind of thing that makes all of you obama supporters look like fools when you put your new god on that pedestal of political perfectness....or some kind of man with character....yeah, right....

he's a two faced back stabber!

Wow, you really want to talk about back stabbling against Hillary? This from the candidate who darkened Obamas skin? This from the candidate whose surrogate said Obama wouldn't be where he was if he wasn't black?

Pssh. Hillary wrote the book on dirty campaigning. Your just too blind to see it.

i will be writing hillary in....and you helped seal that deal!

Considering their policies really aren't that different, you are a complete and utter moron. Considering that judging a candidate by his supporters (or even one of his supporters) is even more moronic.

By the way, I used to support hillary. Maybe you should vote for McCain then. :rofl:

so what? are you saying california is more important than the states that haven't had their primary this year?

No, crazy. The point was that the LAST primary was June 2nd. Thats not mid-june.

so? obama sill hasn't effectively won the nomination and it is the end of may?


Hillary claimed that Bill hadn't won until Mid-June. That was a LIE. Which you refuse to see, because you are blind as a bat.

so, clinton effectively won in april but this tsongas GUY stayed on a month and a half longer and NO ONE in the media or the bill clinton camp CALLED for him to drop out, is what you are saying right?

You are so deluded its pathetic. I have no idea if anyone asked Tsonga to drop out. Neither do you. Besides the fact that probably nobody cared because it wasn't as close as it is now. Nobody is pressuring Ron Paul to drop out of the Republican race. Oh, its because hes male. :rolleyes: No, its because he is losing by so much he is a non-factor.

but you and the MEDIA expected hillary to just bow down to a male candidate that hadn't won and couldn't gardner near 50% of democrats to vote for him?


can you spell SEXISM?

Couldn't garner near 50% of democrats to vote for him? Really? I know your case is pathetic, but you don't need to lie about it.

No, its not sexism. Its called trying to make our party have a candidate before August. Apparently you are too damned obsessed with your own weird issues to care about the party.

you said he had effectively won the race in april, when has obama effectively won this race? this race has been neck in neck untill the last few weeks and even then, voters are coming out by the boatloads voting against him, this is one of the closet elections in my lifetime that i can remember paying attention to....i know teddy kennedy went to the convention when he ran....

Obama needs 49 delegates to win. Hillary needs 250.

It is close. But at this stage, there is absolutely 0% chance of Hillary winning. Even you acknowledged that you are "praying" for her to win and to overcome the odds. Shes going to lose. Anyone with a decent grip on reality recognizes this fact.
they say i'm a dreamer... but i'm not the only one...

(who loves ya, care!) ;):eusa_dance:

By the way, I used to support hillary.

The point was that the LAST primary was June 2nd.

the DNC has been saying all along they would meet at the end of may to discuss how not to disenfranchise michigan and florida. all of the obama campaign kicking and screaming isn't going to change that fact.

Its called trying to make our party have a candidate before August.

i heard the superdelegates may be called to have a june super-primary of sorts to decide this thing once and for all by mid-june and there will be plenty of time to reunite the party.

why does it feel like the obama supporters are threatening violence if the superdelegates give the nomination to whom they consider to be the most electable candidate in this election?

Obama needs 49 delegates to win. Hillary needs 250.
It is close. But at this stage, there is absolutely 0% chance of Hillary winning.

you might wanna check your math! ;)

Even you acknowledged that you are "praying" for her to win and to overcome the odds. Shes going to lose. Anyone with a decent grip on reality recognizes this fact.

we'll see what happens! august is still over two months away! btw, hillary mentioned RFK in the context of a close race heading into june...even bobby kennedy jr still understands hillary is the better candidate to beat john mccain in november!

hey, i can dream, can't i? :D
the DNC has been saying all along they would meet at the end of may to discuss how not to disenfranchise michigan and florida. all of the obama campaign kicking and screaming isn't going to change that fact.

You mean the kicking and screaming where he endorsed the plan in MI to give him 59 delegates to Hillary's 69?

i heard the superdelegates may be called to have a june super-primary of sorts to decide this thing once and for all by mid-june and there will be plenty of time to reunite the party.

It won't be needed. Obama will have the votes before then.

why does it feel like the obama supporters are threatening violence if the superdelegates give the nomination to whom they consider to be the most electable candidate in this election?

What? I think perhaps you are sharing in whatever Care is smoking. I haven't heard anyone threaten violence. Oh, well except the continued assassination jokes/references about Obama from Clinton to Huckabee, to that commenter on FOX.

you might wanna check your math! ;)

Don't need too. She will lose.

we'll see what happens! august is still over two months away! btw, hillary mentioned RFK in the context of a close race heading into june...even bobby kennedy jr still understands hillary is the better candidate to beat john mccain in november!

Right :rolleyes:

She lost an election that she should have had easily won, because she fucked up numerous times. I doubt with that track record she can win the general better than Obama can.
"What? I think perhaps you are sharing in whatever Care is smoking. I haven't heard anyone threaten violence. Oh, well except the continued assassination jokes..."

uh huh...

well, if you haven't heard of any then it mustn't be true... :rolleyes:

i wonder why hillary had bobby kennedy on her mind...?

Activists Prepare to 'Recreate '68' at DNC : NPR
BRADY: Recreate '68 organizers already have clashed with the city of Denver over where they'll be allowed to protest. The city's head of security for the ...

www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=90781881&ft=1&f=1003 -
"It won't be needed. Obama will have the votes before then."

you're probably right... and if so, good for him. i live in a blue state and i will not vote for him.

don't you think it's worthwhile to continue to establish the importance of enduring the entire process? the press annointed him months ago... does that trouble you at all?
you're probably right... and if so, good for him. i live in a blue state and i will not vote for him.

*shrug*, people have shorter memories than they think.

Don't vote for him. But remember that a few hundred votes for Nader in Florida put George Bush in the White House. Just what we need is for another Republican to be in the white house :rolleyes:

don't you think it's important to continue to establish the importance of enduring the entire process? the press annointed him months ago... does that trouble you at all?

The press didn't annoint him at all. In fact, they are still giving Hillary a lot of air time, despite the fact that shes effectively lost.

By the way. Notice that MOST of the things that could have gone right for her in the past few months have. But yet, shes still lost. She should have quit months ago, but instead shes torn the party apart. Thanks hillary. :clap2:
my state is going blue with or without my vote. ;)

i've been through this a few times...

keep repeating the party is "torn apart" - that'll help! :rolleyes:

honestly, my main concern is that this country doesn't get torn apart... we're all in this together! :eusa_whistle:
Right...which is why she said assassination instead of nomination. Either she was talking about it, or she is an idiot for saying it. Take your pick.

it wasn;t RFK's nomination, this was not at the democratic convention, the NOMINATION, was still undecided because RFK still had not had enough delegates to win it yet, the CAMPAIGN of RFK was still going on in June when he was assassisnated.

What a surprise. But yet you claim to be not obsessed with Hillary and be fair-minded. :rolleyes:

Let's just say this......Obama's got ALOT on "making up to do" imo which i believe that he and his campaign and his followers will find difficult to do because it purely was a campaign built on HATRED towards Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton, and sadly, other than blowing hot air...not a campaign of Hope and Change.....

Wow, you really want to talk about back stabbling against Hillary? This from the candidate who darkened Obamas skin? This from the candidate whose surrogate said Obama wouldn't be where he was if he wasn't black?

that's a lie. Hillary did not darken Obama's skin in any ad....it's impossible for her to do or her campaign to do if this ad ran in a newspaper or a magazine....this is fully in control of the printing press, I work in the field, and know what I am talking about.

BTW where is this ad that you SPEAK ABOUT with such great knowledge?

To say that Ferraro is a SURROGATE of Clinton shows how far you are in to Obama's bottom..... you got it bad Larkin.... and you are a two faced son of gun too.... What Rev Wright said, a pastor of Obama's for 20 years, the pastor that married him and his wife and the pastor that baptized his children, can not be even considered as someone who might be a surrogate for Obama's inner feelings but Ferraro is a surrogate of Hillary's, saying what Hillary wants her to say and believes herself?

YOU ARE REALLY BECOMING A JOKE Larkin....can't you see what you are doing and saying, all for the sake of supporting your candidate....you soooo remind me of a Bushite..... too bad you didn't learn from their mistake of believing that their Candidate was right at all costs, and believing that he would save them from the madness.....and they believed he could do no wrong....

I don't know about you, but I happen to know many ex bushites that learned from their mistakes and totally feel snookered by Bush and by their Party....

I see now, many of my party members doing the EXACT same thing with Obama and some with Hillary too....

You may think I'm one of them if you wish, but I am not.

What I have seen happen here with Hillary, is not something I have "made up" Larkin, it is something that I see and have seen, that is not pretty and very disappointing as a woman, to know that things STILL haven't changed that much....in important areas where it counts.

Pssh. Hillary wrote the book on dirty campaigning. Your just too blind to see it.

I agreed that what Bill said in SC was not good, whether it was intentionsl, which of course I doubt :), or it was unintentional...

Outside of that, there is nothing that you have shown that makes her campaign dirty.

it was Drudge and repubs on the rev wright tapes and them on the Obama outfit of African origins, the hillary camp could not darken any print ad, and ferarro is NOT her surrogate and so on and so forth....

The camp that are the ones that stab you in the back, while smiling at you, has been Obama's, especially with this last episode with the rfk thing.

His campaign forwarded hillary's rfk comment via email to every news media person out there, right before the long memorial day weekend, then when the weekend was over, after all the talk and the garbage in the media on every 24/7 on earth including great britains, Obama comes out and says, "I know that Hillary meant no harm by her statement and was just refering to the campaigns going on thru June"....

Now, if that was not dirty back stabbing, and low as you can go, and give reason to ask oneself, "Who is this Obama guy, and how the heck did he get all of the Insiders in the Media, and In the Democratic Party and in the Know like the Kennedy's etc to support him....?"

He is the INSIDER'S PICK, there will be no change in Washington DC...the status quo is how I see it laying out.... :(

Considering their policies really aren't that different, you are a complete and utter moron. Considering that judging a candidate by his supporters (or even one of his supporters) is even more moronic.

you just irritated the pot Larkin....you are not to blame, even though I so much as said such....the collective you, as in Obama supporters are a good deal of it though, and also, the fact that Obama fed you, and let you continue to be there, as visceral as you all have been towards Hillary....

It shows his character and true colors imo...he needed your vote, so he bastardized himself, the supposed man of Change, in to being the same ole same ole and that is plain as day....

No, their policies are not the same....they believe in many of the same things, but Hillary's plans and policies are better and stronger than Obama's...just compare the two's websites...

By the way, I used to support hillary. Maybe you should vote for McCain then. :rofl:

I would never vote for Mccain, because I can not trust him to be who he has said he was....he's a hypocrite.

No, crazy. The point was that the LAST primary was June 2nd. Thats not mid-june.

So what? a couple of week difference in the ending schedule? Maybe aI missed your point Larkin, please state it in full again?


Hillary claimed that Bill hadn't won until Mid-June. That was a LIE. Which you refuse to see, because you are blind as a bat.

I don't know about you, but in my world, someone has won, when they scored more points than the "other" after the game is over. PERIOD.

Now you can try to play with words and use "effectively won" or some crud like that...but what is the purpose behind it?

You are so deluded its pathetic. I have no idea if anyone asked Tsonga to drop out. Neither do you. Besides the fact that probably nobody cared because it wasn't as close as it is now. Nobody is pressuring Ron Paul to drop out of the Republican race. Oh, its because hes male. :rolleyes: No, its because he is losing by so much he is a non-factor.

AHHHHHHHHHHHH, so because it is close and because half of the democrats want Hillary to win, YOU WANT HER TO DROP OUT????

Are YOU just crazy or from some communist country PRETENDING to live in the Democratic, United States of America or something? first you want to disenfranchise American citizens from their vote and voices in this contest and now you want to claim someone a winner BEFORE they have actually won the contest?

Couldn't garner near 50% of democrats to vote for him? Really? I know your case is pathetic, but you don't need to lie about it.

The race has been neck in neck, to come out like Obama has some overwhelming, resolving type lead in this race is absurd, and counting your chickens before they are hatched....

You want the race OVER because you are afraid that YOUR candidate just might lose, is what it has looked like to me for a couple of weeks now...

No, its not sexism. Its called trying to make our party have a candidate before August. Apparently you are too damned obsessed with your own weird issues to care about the party.

I care about Human Rights FIRST, WAYYYYYYYYYYYYY ABOVE PARTY, the Party means nothing to me.... the people's choices do mean something to me, but the party is a name on a billboard outside of a building as far as I am concerned.

Some GREAT discriminating civil offenses and injustices took place in this campaign, and they were not against a black man....

Obama needs 49 delegates to win. Hillary needs 250.

The count he needs is higher than such because Florida and Michigan will count in some manner, adding that decision and those delegates in to the mix...

Also, don't forget that super delegates can change their minds, as they have done several times by many....

Nancy Pelosi said that super delegates should go with their states on their votes, but that would mean that Kerry, and Kennedy and Byrd and Rockafeller and a number of other super delegates that snubbed their states and went with Obama...would go back to hillary....????

Ohhhhh, but wait, wasn't it your camp, the Obama camp that was SCREAMING EARLY ON in the primary that the Super delegates better vote with their state and NOT overturn it with their super delegate vote?

hypocrites.... at least the Hillary side has always stuck by the RULES in the game and acknowledged that super delegates can vote for who they want....

And yes, trying to get Florida and Michigan seated IS PLAYING BY THE RULES, and those rules allow this to go to the convention if florida nad michigan are not seated on May 31th

I suppose they should also consider the sanctions they have for a Candidate that broke the campaign ad rules too...when the delegates are seated or half the delegates are seated, or however it turns out in the end, no?

It is close. But at this stage, there is absolutely 0% chance of Hillary winning. Even you acknowledged that you are "praying" for her to win and to overcome the odds. Shes going to lose. Anyone with a decent grip on reality recognizes this fact.

I don't think the game is over, until the game is over...until Obama has enough delegates to say he won the nomination, but that is up to Hillary, whether she wants to bow down to the man, and make it easy for the baby or stay in and make him tougher which he and his camp will need to become, or even by a miracle, get enough super delegates to go with her...THAT CHANCE is still in play Larkin....

I think you know this, and this is why you want her to quit now, so that this opportunity of hers is snuffed out, RIGHT NOW.... I don't think that is fair at all, and I do believe that is sexist and if edwards were the one that was close or gore was the one that was close to obama and still had the chance of winning the superdelegates, that you and a number of other men, would not be hounding and saying they should quit....

That again is PLAIN as day, to me...
Care, I believe the ad he is talking about was a video ad where Obama appeared darker than usual. Could have been the lighting, or maybe Hillary really is a racist and darkened him, who knows? He claims she admitted to doing it but I haven't seen him post any evidence.
Care, I believe the ad he is talking about was a video ad where Obama appeared darker than usual. Could have been the lighting, or maybe Hillary really is a racist and darkened him, who knows? He claims she admitted to doing it but I haven't seen him post any evidence.

She claims to admitting it? Yeah, right....sure she did! lol I would seriously need a link to believe ANY such thing....admitting it means that she went to her marketing/advertising firm that she hired, and asking them to airbrush with color the actual video she was using in her television ad...that would be such a blatent act, that could so easily be found out, and all of the marketing firm working on the account would know....that's a huge risk, I can not see taking?

and good mornig Ravir! :)


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