Why Hillary Less Likely To Run;The Heckling Of "What Difference Does It Make" ?

There is a story going around that in an upcoming book
Hilly was going to admit to being a Lesbian or was once a Lesbian or something.

Timed to be released around election time to guarantee her the gay vote.
Like the Gays would ever vote for a republican.
after the "what difference at this point does it make" they need to run her doing her fake black accent
"ah ain't no way tarred"

Sorry, dems, Hilly is done, toast, finished, history. Plus in 2016 she will be too damn old.
after the "what difference at this point does it make" they need to run her doing her fake black accent
"ah ain't no way tarred"

Sorry, dems, Hilly is done, toast, finished, history. Plus in 2016 she will be too damn old.

Just wait.
isn't Chris Christie "Part Democrat"? I think he could beat her for the nomination. I wonder what heckles he would receive from the crowds.
Yes, nutters. You will be able to defeat a qualified candidate with a sound bite taken out of context! It works every time you try. Tried and true.

A qualified candidate from Park Ridge Illinois? Bwahahahahahahahhahahhah!.. Thats like saying Obama was qualified to be president. Oh yea you crazy kids voted for him.
Yea....Hillary can't take right wing heckling

Several years ago, I was talking to a Swede on a forum, and he said he didn't like Hillary because she was too far right for him. You have to realize how far to the left Sweden has become to appreciate what he said. He sure floored me with that comment.
and keep in mind, she could run into health problems, isn't she close to 70? a lot of famous people have died suddenly in their 50's and 60's, either that or a sudden case of "Anyrism Of The Brain".
Underestimate the Clinton machine . Hillary will be the first female President of the United States , 2016 getting closer everyday & the GOP have noone nothing zilch .

THAT would not entirely surprise me, Plant.

That SEEMS TO BE the direction the DNC is headed.

However, Hill might be the scapegoat for targeting right now, while the DNC is holding back a candidate to be announced.

Remember that practically nobody had even heard of Obama, until he was rather suddenly the GREAT WHITE HOPE of the DNC.
Underestimate the Clinton machine . Hillary will be the first female President of the United States , 2016 getting closer everyday & the GOP have noone nothing zilch .

THAT would not entirely surprise me, Plant.

That SEEMS TO BE the direction the DNC is headed.

However, Hill might be the scapegoat for targeting right now, while the DNC is holding back a candidate to be announced.

Remember that practically nobody had even heard of Obama, until he was rather suddenly the GREAT WHITE HOPE of the DNC.[/QUOTE]

don't forget the media. they had more affect on him winning than the DNC did.
at least we will entertained once again with Bill sneaking off to Burger King and Interns every Friday night while Hillary sneaks off to Kentucky Fried Chicken.
at least we will entertained once again with Bill sneaking off to Burger King and Interns every Friday night while Hillary sneaks off to Kentucky Fried Chicken.

just think-----Hillary could be the first lesbian president whose male partner cheated on her with a 19 year old female that Hillary had her eyes on first. :confused:
at least we will entertained once again with Bill sneaking off to Burger King and Interns every Friday night while Hillary sneaks off to Kentucky Fried Chicken.

just think-----Hillary could be the first lesbian president whose male partner cheated on her with a 19 year old female that Hillary had her eyes on first. :confused:

Has SNL contacted you yet? You are a fucking goldmine.

This is something to keep in mind regarding if Hillary decides to run, can you just imagine her speaking to any crowd in any state, how long before the screams of "What Difference Does It Make" come blaring from the audience.
You know that there will be those in her crowds at arena's who will be so anxious to belch out her now infamous catch phrase back at her.
I wonder if Hillary is thinking about this. Does she really want to run knowing that she will never stop hearing that heckel? and there will probably be others who will yell "How Could Let Them Die" back at her as well.

I think that was definitely a fatal political mistake. Government isn't the only business in which people can get hurt and die. They do in mine as well. And there is never an incident without a debriefing nor a death without a psychological autopsy, and part of the reason for those things is to see if there is anything that could have been done better or to change the outcome. If it had been approached in that manner, I believe most Americans would have felt that they were at least trying. As it stands it really looks like they don't give a shit about American life and limb!
Not running Hill is not going to bother me or a whole shitload of Dems.

Ya'll do remember, don't you, that the Dems didn't run her last, time, right?

She lost the nomination because she ran a shoddy campaign. Policy wise, Clinton and Obama are practically identical, as far as I can tell. It is my guess that she learned a great deal from that primary. If she decides to run......she'll have a more focused approach. Probably led by Obama's campaign team.

actually she lost it due to shenanigans within the Dem party.
At least have the decency to quote her correctly.

"What difference at this point does it make?"

'At this point' reviewing what could have been done better or ways it could have been prevented would be VERY important particularly if it helps prevent another such happening. The question remains the same with or without your attempted semantic twist.
Not running Hill is not going to bother me or a whole shitload of Dems.

Ya'll do remember, don't you, that the Dems didn't run her last, time, right?

She lost the nomination because she ran a shoddy campaign. Policy wise, Clinton and Obama are practically identical, as far as I can tell. It is my guess that she learned a great deal from that primary. If she decides to run......she'll have a more focused approach. Probably led by Obama's campaign team.

actually she lost it due to shenanigans within the Dem party.

Well, thanks for that in depth commentary. We all know exactly what you are referring to.
Not running Hill is not going to bother me or a whole shitload of Dems.

Ya'll do remember, don't you, that the Dems didn't run her last, time, right?

She lost the nomination because she ran a shoddy campaign. Policy wise, Clinton and Obama are practically identical, as far as I can tell. It is my guess that she learned a great deal from that primary. If she decides to run......she'll have a more focused approach. Probably led by Obama's campaign team.

actually she lost it due to shenanigans within the Dem party.

Damn, and there I was thinking it was because the Bilderbergs rejected her.

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