Why Hillary Lost in 2008, and will it matter in 2016? (Just for you, Marty)

why Clinton lost- two words. Ted Kennedy. Do your research.

Ted Kennedy's switching sides was after SC, but it had no effect on Super Tuesday, where Clinton won every major state except for Illinois.

It was that Clinton had no ground game in the primaries AFTER Super Tuesday, but Obama had all these enthusiastic college kids that made the difference.
It's how people like you vote. You put the concept of having a dark skinned person above one with a vagina. Either way you voted and will vote based on something having nothing to do with the job but everything to do with making yourself feel better.

well, first, guy, I was a Republican in 2008 and I voted for McCain in both the primary and general.

I did vote for Obama in 2012 because you fuckwads nominated a fucking Mormon.

Second, please go back and read what I said in the opening OP, and then get someone to explain the big words to you. People voted for Obama over Hillary because Hillary was wrong about Iraq and Obama took the courageous stand.
It's how people like you vote. You put the concept of having a dark skinned person above one with a vagina. Either way you voted and will vote based on something having nothing to do with the job but everything to do with making yourself feel better.

well, first, guy, I was a Republican in 2008 and I voted for McCain in both the primary and general.

I did vote for Obama in 2012 because you fuckwads nominated a fucking Mormon.

Second, please go back and read what I said in the opening OP, and then get someone to explain the big words to you. People voted for Obama over Hillary because Hillary was wrong about Iraq and Obama took the courageous stand.

I didn't even do that in 2008.

What you did in 2012 was vote for one. Interested that you think it's OK to vote against a Mormon because he's Mormon. That makes you a bigot.

People voted for Obama because of his skin color. Not all but many put that factor toward the top. You can make whatever claims you want. It's a CLAIM.

While this is only a few, if you really think there aren't more like them, you're a fool. Skin color was the only motivation for them.
I didn't even do that in 2008.

Of course not. McCain wasn't batshit crazy enough for you guys.

What you did in 2012 was vote for one. Interested that you think it's OK to vote against a Mormon because he's Mormon. That makes you a bigot.

No, it makes me someone who has no use for insane cults with crazy beliefs. If you think you are wearing magic underwear and you are going to be a God in the afterlife, you really have no business around the nukes.

The fact he also went around saying he liked to fire people and he thought it was cool that there were women in China working in slave labor factories making him rich was just icing on the cake with this asshole.

People voted for Obama because of his skin color. Not all but many put that factor toward the top. You can make whatever claims you want. It's a CLAIM.

I've never talked to one person who told me he voted for Obama because he was black.
I didn't even do that in 2008.

Of course not. McCain wasn't batshit crazy enough for you guys.

What you did in 2012 was vote for one. Interested that you think it's OK to vote against a Mormon because he's Mormon. That makes you a bigot.

No, it makes me someone who has no use for insane cults with crazy beliefs. If you think you are wearing magic underwear and you are going to be a God in the afterlife, you really have no business around the nukes.

The fact he also went around saying he liked to fire people and he thought it was cool that there were women in China working in slave labor factories making him rich was just icing on the cake with this asshole.

People voted for Obama because of his skin color. Not all but many put that factor toward the top. You can make whatever claims you want. It's a CLAIM.

I've never talked to one person who told me he voted for Obama because he was black.

It makes you a bigot. I think one man wanting to marry another man as insane, crazy, and unnatural. People like you call me a bigot yet think you can believe what someone else does is insane and crazy then see it as perfectly OK. That's why I despise people like you. You won't apply the same standards to yourself you apply to others and think if you can justify your beliefs, it's OK but I should give up mine.

Howard Stern talked to some in 2008 and 2012 that did. I guess you think because you didn't it means no one did. Typical of your kind. If YOU personally haven't seen it or heard it, no one else has either. Fuck you and the rest of you bleeding heart morons.
It makes you a bigot. I think one man wanting to marry another man as insane, crazy, and unnatural. People like you call me a bigot yet think you can believe what someone else does is insane and crazy then see it as perfectly OK. That's why I despise people like you. You won't apply the same standards to yourself you apply to others and think if you can justify your beliefs, it's OK but I should give up mine.

No one is making you give up your beliefs. No one is going to ever make you marry another dude.

On the other hand, my view on Mormons is really pretty simple. Either you think Joseph Smith was talking to God and there really was an Elephant-riding Jesus in North America in the first century, or you think he was a two bit con-man who was trying to scam less smart people out of their money and fuck their 14 year old daughters.

There really isn't a middle ground on Mormonism. Most of us just don't want to have that discussion because, hey we have this funky idea that if you take crazy beliefs and dress them up in vestments you can't actually discuss them.
Ah the old "i wuz a republican, neener neener" bullshit. Thats farkey farkey crap.

You keep thinking Democrats voted on skin tone, dude.

Some of them sure do. The massive turnout of the black vote for Obama wasn't because he was black(ish) as well? Some Limo liberals didn't get a warm and fuzzy "enlightened" feeling because they voted for the black(ish) guy in the primaries?
Some of them sure do. The massive turnout of the black vote for Obama wasn't because he was black(ish) as well? Some Limo liberals didn't get a warm and fuzzy "enlightened" feeling because they voted for the black(ish) guy in the primaries?

Obama got the same percentage of the black vote the GOre and Kerry got, so no.

and frankly, you guys put up some Uncle Tom like Alan Keyes or Herman Cain or Ben Carson every year, and blacks don't feel any obligation to come out for them.
It makes you a bigot. I think one man wanting to marry another man as insane, crazy, and unnatural. People like you call me a bigot yet think you can believe what someone else does is insane and crazy then see it as perfectly OK. That's why I despise people like you. You won't apply the same standards to yourself you apply to others and think if you can justify your beliefs, it's OK but I should give up mine.

No one is making you give up your beliefs. No one is going to ever make you marry another dude.

On the other hand, my view on Mormons is really pretty simple. Either you think Joseph Smith was talking to God and there really was an Elephant-riding Jesus in North America in the first century, or you think he was a two bit con-man who was trying to scam less smart people out of their money and fuck their 14 year old daughters.

There really isn't a middle ground on Mormonism. Most of us just don't want to have that discussion because, hey we have this funky idea that if you take crazy beliefs and dress them up in vestments you can't actually discuss them.

Your mindset is simple. You believe you can justify being a bigot but if anyone else doens't have the same beliefs about what you support, they are absolutely wrong.

Not one dick sucker has ever been denied marraige. No one is telling him he can't get married.

You don't want to have a discussion because you hold yourself to a different standard than you hold the rest of us. In your mind, it's OK to be bigoted against Mormons but I'm not supposed to oppose same sex marriage. I'm not being asked to give up my beliefs but people like you claim bigotry if I hold to them while justifying how you doing the same thing with religion is OK. You're the typical hypocrite and not man enough to admit you are.
You don't want to have a discussion because you hold yourself to a different standard than you hold the rest of us. In your mind, it's OK to be bigoted against Mormons but I'm not supposed to oppose same sex marriage. I'm not being asked to give up my beliefs but people like you claim bigotry if I hold to them while justifying how you doing the same thing with religion is OK. You're the typical hypocrite and not man enough to admit you are.

No, I just don't see the hypocrisy. Mormons believe things that just ain't so. And they continue to believe those things even when people demonstrate they ain't so. Seriously, if you want to have a truly horrible time, try to point out to a Mormon that the Book of Abraham was in fact a Ptomoleic Funerary Scroll.

On the other hand, Homophobes like yourself are usually driven by your own sexual insecurities... probably from that one time you got a woodie in the boy's locker room in high school and all the other kids laughed at you.
You don't want to have a discussion because you hold yourself to a different standard than you hold the rest of us. In your mind, it's OK to be bigoted against Mormons but I'm not supposed to oppose same sex marriage. I'm not being asked to give up my beliefs but people like you claim bigotry if I hold to them while justifying how you doing the same thing with religion is OK. You're the typical hypocrite and not man enough to admit you are.

No, I just don't see the hypocrisy. Mormons believe things that just ain't so. And they continue to believe those things even when people demonstrate they ain't so. Seriously, if you want to have a truly horrible time, try to point out to a Mormon that the Book of Abraham was in fact a Ptomoleic Funerary Scroll.

On the other hand, Homophobes like yourself are usually driven by your own sexual insecurities... probably from that one time you got a woodie in the boy's locker room in high school and all the other kids laughed at you.

Most hypocrites don't. You say you didn't vote for Romney because of his religion but seem to believe it's OK if people voted for Obama because he was black.

No insecurities here boy. Faggot supporters like you are driven by insecurity, probably because you want to be one but even no guys will have anything to do wity you.
Most hypocrites don't. You say you didn't vote for Romney because of his religion but seem to believe it's OK if people voted for Obama because he was black.

Obviously, you have reading comprehension problems, son. No one voted for Obama because he was black.

People voted for Obama because Bush fucked up everything so badly that the country will probably never recover from the damage to our economy, infrastructure and national reputation.

And yes, when a guy says he's wearing magic underwear and he believes he's going to be a God on his own planet in the afterlife, that's probably a good reason to not vote for him when the job he is running for involves 'Deciding whether or not to launch the nukes today."

No insecurities here boy. Faggot supporters like you are driven by insecurity, probably because you want to be one but even no guys will have anything to do wity you.

Naw, dude, I'm straight. I just LOVE fucking with Christians that gays are getting married and there is nothing they or their imaginary fairy in the sky can do about it.
No one voted for Obama because he was black.

Antonio Luckett, a sales representative in Milwaukee who is black, called the attacks on Dash unfair. But when people speak out against a symbol of black progress like Obama, he said, "African-Americans tend to be internally hurt by that."
"We still have a civil rights (era) mentality, but we're not living in a civil rights-based world anymore," he said. "We want to say, 'You're black, you need to stand behind black people.'"
Luckett said one reason he voted for Obama in the 2008 primary against Hillary Clinton was because Obama is black: "Yes, I will admit that."

That's one which makes your statement absolutely false.
No one voted for Obama because he was black.

Antonio Luckett, a sales representative in Milwaukee who is black, called the attacks on Dash unfair. But when people speak out against a symbol of black progress like Obama, he said, "African-Americans tend to be internally hurt by that."
"We still have a civil rights (era) mentality, but we're not living in a civil rights-based world anymore," he said. "We want to say, 'You're black, you need to stand behind black people.'"
Luckett said one reason he voted for Obama in the 2008 primary against Hillary Clinton was because Obama is black: "Yes, I will admit that."

That's one which makes your statement absolutely false.

How long did you google to find one comment you could take out of context?
I think it would be more impressive if you could show me a Democrat who only voted for Obama because he was Black-ish rather than trying to claim you know what they think.

Here's a few ... There were 1265 video hits and 9584 article hits ... Look the rest up yourself if you need more.

Here's a few ... There were 1265 video hits and 9584 article hits ... Look the rest up yourself if you need more.

This was the best you could come up with, some goofy youtube videos?
Nah ... I answered your post and indicated you could look up the other 10849 related material links your fucking self.

One of those videos, the young lady gave a very good explanation of why she vote for Obama and it wasn't because he was black.

Here's the thing you guys don't get. Obama got elected because Bush messed up everything. If we were at peace, had prosperity, hadn't lost a major city to a hurricane, McCain would have been elected easily. Even if he hadn't picked a retard as a running mate.
No one voted for Obama because he was black.

Antonio Luckett, a sales representative in Milwaukee who is black, called the attacks on Dash unfair. But when people speak out against a symbol of black progress like Obama, he said, "African-Americans tend to be internally hurt by that."
"We still have a civil rights (era) mentality, but we're not living in a civil rights-based world anymore," he said. "We want to say, 'You're black, you need to stand behind black people.'"
Luckett said one reason he voted for Obama in the 2008 primary against Hillary Clinton was because Obama is black: "Yes, I will admit that."

That's one which makes your statement absolutely false.

How long did you google to find one comment you could take out of context?

"Yes, I will admit that" isn't taking anything out of context. The black said he used race in voting for a black. The only ones that take it out of context are idiots like you. It could say, "I voted for Obama because he's black" and you'd said it didn't mean that.

There are more. What you aren't man enough to admit it your statement that no one voted for Obama becasue he is black is wrong. You said NO ONE. All I need it one to prove your wrong.
No one voted for Obama because he was black.

Antonio Luckett, a sales representative in Milwaukee who is black, called the attacks on Dash unfair. But when people speak out against a symbol of black progress like Obama, he said, "African-Americans tend to be internally hurt by that."
"We still have a civil rights (era) mentality, but we're not living in a civil rights-based world anymore," he said. "We want to say, 'You're black, you need to stand behind black people.'"
Luckett said one reason he voted for Obama in the 2008 primary against Hillary Clinton was because Obama is black: "Yes, I will admit that."

That's one which makes your statement absolutely false.

How long did you google to find one comment you could take out of context?

"Yes, I will admit that" isn't taking anything out of context. The black said he used race in voting for a black. The only ones that take it out of context are idiots like you. It could say, "I voted for Obama because he's black" and you'd said it didn't mean that.

There are more. What you aren't man enough to admit it your statement that no one voted for Obama becasue he is black is wrong. You said NO ONE. All I need it one to prove your wrong.

It's also true that Obama would not have been nominated if he was white. He would have been vetted and exposed by the MSM if he was white so that Hillary could get in. Obama's blackness and glib lies got him in with the willing accomplices in the MSM and the gullible lib voters.

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