Why I absolutely adore Obama.....

This is basically a wakeup call for all Black people. You see the push back and the hate displayed by a large portion of white men. More Blacks should start not giving a fug what white people want or expect. Define yourself, educate yourself, develop yourself, and succeed, Pass this on to your children.

Obozo's gene pool is 1/2 white 1/4 arab and 1/4 black.
So he's a what?

Obama is the only black man, who whites want to claim with their genes, ha ha ha ha
Too bad for them he has rejected that notion out of hand. :laugh:


"A White House spokesman confirmed that Mr. Obama, the son of a black father from Kenya and a white mother from Kansas, checked African-American on the 2010 census questionnaire.

The president, who was born in Hawaii and raised there and in Indonesia, had more than a dozen options in responding to Question 9, about race. He chose “Black, African Am., or Negro.” (The anachronistic “Negro” was retained on the 2010 form because the Census Bureau believes that some older blacks still refer to themselves that way.)

Mr. Obama could have checked white, checked both black and white, or checked the last category on the form, “some other race,” which he would then have been asked to identify in writing."
The real problem with America that makes us look like jackasses around the world is the obsession with race and racial makeup, the obsession of detailing someone's racial gene pool. Most countries just don't care about this stuff.

I find blacks in America to be the most obsessed. For instance, watch an interview with someone of color, they can't get ten words out without mentioning something about being black.
Watch an HBO stand-up comedy show featuring a black comedian. If thirty seconds goes by before the performer mentions they are black, or black this or black that, I'll eat my hat.
It's the only chip negroes have. Literally. As the world becomes more and more competitive and frankly less inclined to put up with an entire race of 'Special Needs' folks we will hear the screams become louder and louder from race whores like Sharpton.
Frankly the entire negro race is failing worldwide
Little Mrs. 'White Quilt Soccer Mom' who went to a LIberal Arts college is having a harder and harder time justifying/affording sending that $50 bucks a month to some BS charity in Africa so some 300 pound race hustlers can use the money on the ten year old girl to give them a 'massage'.
Obozo's gene pool is 1/2 white 1/4 arab and 1/4 black.
So he's a what?

Obama is the only black man, who whites want to claim with their genes, ha ha ha ha
Too bad for them he has rejected that notion out of hand. :laugh:


"A White House spokesman confirmed that Mr. Obama, the son of a black father from Kenya and a white mother from Kansas, checked African-American on the 2010 census questionnaire.

The president, who was born in Hawaii and raised there and in Indonesia, had more than a dozen options in responding to Question 9, about race. He chose “Black, African Am., or Negro.” (The anachronistic “Negro” was retained on the 2010 form because the Census Bureau believes that some older blacks still refer to themselves that way.)

Mr. Obama could have checked white, checked both black and white, or checked the last category on the form, “some other race,” which he would then have been asked to identify in writing."
The real problem with America that makes us look like jackasses around the world is the obsession with race and racial makeup, the obsession of detailing someone's racial gene pool. Most countries just don't care about this stuff.

I find blacks in America to be the most obsessed. For instance, watch an interview with someone of color, they can't get ten words out without mentioning something about being black.
Watch an HBO stand-up comedy show featuring a black comedian. If thirty seconds goes by before the performer mentions they are black, or black this or black that, I'll eat my hat.
It's the only chip negroes have. Literally. As the world becomes more and more competitive and frankly less inclined to put up with an entire race of 'Special Needs' folks we will hear the screams become louder and louder from race whores like Sharpton.
Frankly the entire negro race is failing worldwide
Little Mrs. 'White Quilt Soccer Mom' who went to a LIberal Arts college is having a harder and harder time justifying/affording sending that $50 bucks a month to some BS charity in Africa so some 300 pound race hustlers can use the money on the ten year old girl to give them a 'massage'.
Frankly Black guys such as myself know we have you racist cave chimps on the run. You no longer have laws helping you out to cover for your laziness and lack of intellect. Now you have to compete with Black guys like me on a level field and its obvious you are not enjoying the results.
Frankly Black guys such as myself know we have you racist cave chimps on the run. You no longer have laws helping you out to cover for your laziness and lack of intellect. Now you have to compete with Black guys like me on a level field and its obvious you are not enjoying the results.

Over half of US male blacks are in prison or will be at some point.....most have a 300 word vocabulary and are violent drug addicts. The only blacks who make it in the USA think white, act white, and have turned their back on racist pissants like you boy.

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