Why I absolutely adore Obama.....

That must have stung your cave monkey sensibilities! Now your denying history or you dont know what enslavement means. :laugh:

HER enslavement ya lying sack of shit...no mention of her black husband being a slave....you got caught lying through your teef again, boy. You ain't smart enough to banter with me....now go change your diaper. :eusa_snooty:
Yes her enslavement for marrying a Black slave moron. I see english is to hard for you monkeys to understand. How is she going to be a slave of anyone if her husband isnt a slave?

Fake marines lie alot so I get why you think I was lying.

Omg, you should NEVER lecture anyone about proper English, you loon.
I didnt lecture him about proper english. No such thing as proper english. Stop smoking your crack.
That must have stung your cave monkey sensibilities! Now your denying history or you dont know what enslavement means. :laugh:

HER enslavement ya lying sack of shit...no mention of her black husband being a slave....you got caught lying through your teef again, boy. You ain't smart enough to banter with me....now go change your diaper. :eusa_snooty:
Yes her enslavement for marrying a Black slave moron. I see english is to hard for you monkeys to understand. How is she going to be a slave of anyone if her husband isnt a slave?

Fake marines lie alot so I get why you think I was lying.

Omg, you should NEVER lecture anyone about proper English, you loon.
No such thing as proper english. Stop smoking your crack.

Omg. It's English, you undescended nut.
That must have stung your cave monkey sensibilities! Now your denying history or you dont know what enslavement means. :laugh:

HER enslavement ya lying sack of shit...no mention of her black husband being a slave....you got caught lying through your teef again, boy. You ain't smart enough to banter with me....now go change your diaper. :eusa_snooty:
Yes her enslavement for marrying a Black slave moron. I see english is to hard for you monkeys to understand. How is she going to be a slave of anyone if her husband isnt a slave?

Fake marines lie alot so I get why you think I was lying.

Omg, you should NEVER lecture anyone about proper English, you loon.
No such thing as proper english. Stop smoking your crack.

Omg. It's English, you undescended nut.
Not to me. its simply english. I have no undue respect for it.
Yes her enslavement for marrying a Black slave moron. I see english is to hard for you monkeys to understand. How is she going to be a slave of anyone if her husband isnt a slave?

No white woman ever married a black slave, ya drooling liar. This supposed law was simply a warning to white women not to contemplate such a vile deed....not that it was necessary...why would a white woman want to marry a monkey unless she planned on opening a circus side-show. :badgrin:
Thats what I asked myself. Why warn a white woman? I agree the law was to keep white women from carrying out the final act of humiliation for white men. Marrying a Black man. So like the easily confused monkey you are....you agree with me.
Why did this thread turn into a Lance Horner Falconhurst novel?
Thats what I asked myself. Why warn a white woman? I agree the law was to keep white women from carrying out the final act of humiliation for white men. Marrying a Black man. So like the easily confused monkey you are....you agree with me.

See, that's where you show what a puny little bitch you are...there is no "humiliation" for us when a white woman submits herself to anal sodomy with a black man...we feel sorry for her and shun her. The public schools have preached this garbage for 30 years supposedly in the name of "diversity" but it's really intended to dilute the black race until it disappears....do you really believe the progs care about blacks anymore when they have a whole generation of beaners to indoctrinate? Blacks are used rubbers to leftist whites...they've moved on.
I adore this beautiful black intelligent man for so many reason, but the main reason I love him...is because he's proven once and for all, that white haters in this country will never ever ever get over black people who can think for themselves without the white man's input, not ever. He has single handily taken these roaches from the dark into the light and have exposed to the world, while the US runs around with its high moral compass trying to dictate to the rest of the planet how to behave, we are in fact the post children for all that is wrong with man kind, hypocritical creatures to the core. He's highlighted the fake christian, who cloak themselves in the bible with their red white and stupidity flag draped around them, hating on anything that isn't white and ignorant. History will shine glowingly the good this beautiful black man has done for this country, despite all the hate he had thrown at him.....I will forever thank God for allowing me to be privy to his brilliance.

It's a good thing Obama wasn't president during WWII. We would still be fighting it.

LOLOLOL.....It was another democrat saving your white as.

Or you could say it was another WHITE guy who saved your black ass.
Thats what I asked myself. Why warn a white woman? I agree the law was to keep white women from carrying out the final act of humiliation for white men. Marrying a Black man. So like the easily confused monkey you are....you agree with me.

See, that's where you show what a puny little bitch you are...there is no "humiliation" for us when a white woman submits herself to anal sodomy with a black man...we feel sorry for her and shun her. The public schools have preached this garbage for 30 years supposedly in the name of "diversity" but it's really intended to dilute the black race until it disappears....do you really believe the progs care about blacks anymore when they have a whole generation of beaners to indoctrinate? Blacks are used rubbers to leftist whites...they've moved on.
Obviously there is humiliation there for you because you know the deal. Your women would rather be with Black men and there were laws made to stop it from happening. Thats why most white boys run when a white woman mentions she even dated a Black guy. It bothers you because you know that you will never be able to satisfy that basic fundamental need she knows she can get from a Black guy.

BTW you cant dilute the Black race. Your genes are recessive.
BTW you cant dilute the Black race. Your genes are recessive.

Take a look at any NBA team, Lucy.....show me more than a handful of blue ni66ers. Face it, the black race is being exterminated by white women who have no idea what they're doing or who's behind it. Have somebody tell you who
Margaret Sanger is some time...:badgrin:
I adore this beautiful black intelligent man for so many reason, but the main reason I love him...is because he's proven once and for all, that white haters in this country will never ever ever get over black people who can think for themselves without the white man's input, not ever. He has single handily taken these roaches from the dark into the light and have exposed to the world, while the US runs around with its high moral compass trying to dictate to the rest of the planet how to behave, we are in fact the post children for all that is wrong with man kind, hypocritical creatures to the core. He's highlighted the fake christian, who cloak themselves in the bible with their red white and stupidity flag draped around them, hating on anything that isn't white and ignorant. History will shine glowingly the good this beautiful black man has done for this country, despite all the hate he had thrown at him.....I will forever thank God for allowing me to be privy to his brilliance.


Do you have such gushing love for other black people such as Condi Rice, Alan West, Colin Powell, Mia Love, Walter Williams, Herman Caine, Thomas Sowell, Clarence Thomas, Juan Williams or do you consider them race traitors?
Do you have such gushing love for other black people such as Condi Rice, Alan West, Colin Powell, Mia Love, Walter Williams, Herman Caine, Thomas Sowell, Clarence Thomas, Juan Williams or do you consider them race traitors?

Or how many GOP blacks are in the Congressional black caucus.
BTW you cant dilute the Black race. Your genes are recessive.

Take a look at any NBA team, Lucy.....show me more than a handful of blue ni66ers. Face it, the black race is being exterminated by white women who have no idea what they're doing or who's behind it. Have somebody tell you who
Margaret Sanger is some time...:badgrin:
Whats a blue ni66ers? Did you mean the Philidelphia 76ers? Their colors are predominantly red. Here is their team photo.
Do you have such gushing love for other black people such as Condi Rice, Alan West, Colin Powell, Mia Love, Walter Williams, Herman Caine, Thomas Sowell, Clarence Thomas, Juan Williams or do you consider them race traitors?

Or how many GOP blacks are in the Congressional black caucus.

No black congress person or senator would want to be part of a disgusting, racist, bigoted collection of Neanderthals like the Congressional black caucus.
I adore this beautiful black intelligent man for so many reason, but the main reason I love him...is because he's proven once and for all, that white haters in this country will never ever ever get over black people who can think for themselves without the white man's input, not ever. He has single handily taken these roaches from the dark into the light and have exposed to the world, while the US runs around with its high moral compass trying to dictate to the rest of the planet how to behave, we are in fact the post children for all that is wrong with man kind, hypocritical creatures to the core. He's highlighted the fake christian, who cloak themselves in the bible with their red white and stupidity flag draped around them, hating on anything that isn't white and ignorant. History will shine glowingly the good this beautiful black man has done for this country, despite all the hate he had thrown at him.....I will forever thank God for allowing me to be privy to his brilliance.

This is basically a wakeup call for all Black people. You see the push back and the hate displayed by a large portion of white men. More Blacks should start not giving a fug what white people want or expect. Define yourself, educate yourself, develop yourself, and succeed, Pass this on to your children.

Obozo's gene pool is 1/2 white 1/4 arab and 1/4 black.
So he's a what?

Obama is the only black man, who whites want to claim with their genes, ha ha ha ha
Too bad for them he has rejected that notion out of hand. :laugh:


"A White House spokesman confirmed that Mr. Obama, the son of a black father from Kenya and a white mother from Kansas, checked African-American on the 2010 census questionnaire.

The president, who was born in Hawaii and raised there and in Indonesia, had more than a dozen options in responding to Question 9, about race. He chose “Black, African Am., or Negro.” (The anachronistic “Negro” was retained on the 2010 form because the Census Bureau believes that some older blacks still refer to themselves that way.)

Mr. Obama could have checked white, checked both black and white, or checked the last category on the form, “some other race,” which he would then have been asked to identify in writing."
The real problem with America that makes us look like jackasses around the world is the obsession with race and racial makeup, the obsession of detailing someone's racial gene pool. Most countries just don't care about this stuff.
Whats a blue ni66ers? Did you mean the Philidelphia 76ers? Their colors are predominantly red. Here is their team photo.

Like I told ya, Lucy....white blood from back on the plantations...in another 40 years all that will be left is the lips and laziness. :lol:
Which one of these guys looks white to you?

In another 40 years white guys like you will be interbreeding with their sisters and mothers trying to keep the white race "pure".
I adore this beautiful black intelligent man for so many reason, but the main reason I love him...is because he's proven once and for all, that white haters in this country will never ever ever get over black people who can think for themselves without the white man's input, not ever. He has single handily taken these roaches from the dark into the light and have exposed to the world, while the US runs around with its high moral compass trying to dictate to the rest of the planet how to behave, we are in fact the post children for all that is wrong with man kind, hypocritical creatures to the core. He's highlighted the fake christian, who cloak themselves in the bible with their red white and stupidity flag draped around them, hating on anything that isn't white and ignorant. History will shine glowingly the good this beautiful black man has done for this country, despite all the hate he had thrown at him.....I will forever thank God for allowing me to be privy to his brilliance.

This is basically a wakeup call for all Black people. You see the push back and the hate displayed by a large portion of white men. More Blacks should start not giving a fug what white people want or expect. Define yourself, educate yourself, develop yourself, and succeed, Pass this on to your children.

Obozo's gene pool is 1/2 white 1/4 arab and 1/4 black.
So he's a what?

Obama is the only black man, who whites want to claim with their genes, ha ha ha ha
Too bad for them he has rejected that notion out of hand. :laugh:


"A White House spokesman confirmed that Mr. Obama, the son of a black father from Kenya and a white mother from Kansas, checked African-American on the 2010 census questionnaire.

The president, who was born in Hawaii and raised there and in Indonesia, had more than a dozen options in responding to Question 9, about race. He chose “Black, African Am., or Negro.” (The anachronistic “Negro” was retained on the 2010 form because the Census Bureau believes that some older blacks still refer to themselves that way.)

Mr. Obama could have checked white, checked both black and white, or checked the last category on the form, “some other race,” which he would then have been asked to identify in writing."
The real problem with America that makes us look like jackasses around the world is the obsession with race and racial makeup, the obsession of detailing someone's racial gene pool. Most countries just don't care about this stuff.

I find blacks in America to be the most obsessed. For instance, watch an interview with someone of color, they can't get ten words out without mentioning something about being black.
Watch an HBO stand-up comedy show featuring a black comedian. If thirty seconds goes by before the performer mentions they are black, or black this or black that, I'll eat my hat.
This is basically a wakeup call for all Black people. You see the push back and the hate displayed by a large portion of white men. More Blacks should start not giving a fug what white people want or expect. Define yourself, educate yourself, develop yourself, and succeed, Pass this on to your children.

Obozo's gene pool is 1/2 white 1/4 arab and 1/4 black.
So he's a what?

Obama is the only black man, who whites want to claim with their genes, ha ha ha ha
Too bad for them he has rejected that notion out of hand. :laugh:


"A White House spokesman confirmed that Mr. Obama, the son of a black father from Kenya and a white mother from Kansas, checked African-American on the 2010 census questionnaire.

The president, who was born in Hawaii and raised there and in Indonesia, had more than a dozen options in responding to Question 9, about race. He chose “Black, African Am., or Negro.” (The anachronistic “Negro” was retained on the 2010 form because the Census Bureau believes that some older blacks still refer to themselves that way.)

Mr. Obama could have checked white, checked both black and white, or checked the last category on the form, “some other race,” which he would then have been asked to identify in writing."
The real problem with America that makes us look like jackasses around the world is the obsession with race and racial makeup, the obsession of detailing someone's racial gene pool. Most countries just don't care about this stuff.

I find blacks in America to be the most obsessed. For instance, watch an interview with someone of color, they can't get ten words out without mentioning something about being black.
Watch an HBO stand-up comedy show featuring a black comedian. If thirty seconds goes by before the performer mentions they are black, or black this or black that, I'll eat my hat.
We love being Black. What can we say?
This is basically a wakeup call for all Black people. You see the push back and the hate displayed by a large portion of white men. More Blacks should start not giving a fug what white people want or expect. Define yourself, educate yourself, develop yourself, and succeed, Pass this on to your children.

Obozo's gene pool is 1/2 white 1/4 arab and 1/4 black.
So he's a what?

Obama is the only black man, who whites want to claim with their genes, ha ha ha ha
Too bad for them he has rejected that notion out of hand. :laugh:


"A White House spokesman confirmed that Mr. Obama, the son of a black father from Kenya and a white mother from Kansas, checked African-American on the 2010 census questionnaire.

The president, who was born in Hawaii and raised there and in Indonesia, had more than a dozen options in responding to Question 9, about race. He chose “Black, African Am., or Negro.” (The anachronistic “Negro” was retained on the 2010 form because the Census Bureau believes that some older blacks still refer to themselves that way.)

Mr. Obama could have checked white, checked both black and white, or checked the last category on the form, “some other race,” which he would then have been asked to identify in writing."
The real problem with America that makes us look like jackasses around the world is the obsession with race and racial makeup, the obsession of detailing someone's racial gene pool. Most countries just don't care about this stuff.

I find blacks in America to be the most obsessed. For instance, watch an interview with someone of color, they can't get ten words out without mentioning something about being black.
Watch an HBO stand-up comedy show featuring a black comedian. If thirty seconds goes by before the performer mentions they are black, or black this or black that, I'll eat my hat.
You find it to be that way because you have a bigoted, screwy perspective on reality. You are looking for blacks to do things you don't like. You're a sick, sick person. Statistics prove that racists like you are less intelligent and less educated than the average person.
This is basically a wakeup call for all Black people. You see the push back and the hate displayed by a large portion of white men. More Blacks should start not giving a fug what white people want or expect. Define yourself, educate yourself, develop yourself, and succeed, Pass this on to your children.

Obozo's gene pool is 1/2 white 1/4 arab and 1/4 black.
So he's a what?

Obama is the only black man, who whites want to claim with their genes, ha ha ha ha
Too bad for them he has rejected that notion out of hand. :laugh:


"A White House spokesman confirmed that Mr. Obama, the son of a black father from Kenya and a white mother from Kansas, checked African-American on the 2010 census questionnaire.

The president, who was born in Hawaii and raised there and in Indonesia, had more than a dozen options in responding to Question 9, about race. He chose “Black, African Am., or Negro.” (The anachronistic “Negro” was retained on the 2010 form because the Census Bureau believes that some older blacks still refer to themselves that way.)

Mr. Obama could have checked white, checked both black and white, or checked the last category on the form, “some other race,” which he would then have been asked to identify in writing."
The real problem with America that makes us look like jackasses around the world is the obsession with race and racial makeup, the obsession of detailing someone's racial gene pool. Most countries just don't care about this stuff.

I find blacks in America to be the most obsessed. For instance, watch an interview with someone of color, they can't get ten words out without mentioning something about being black.
Watch an HBO stand-up comedy show featuring a black comedian. If thirty seconds goes by before the performer mentions they are black, or black this or black that, I'll eat my hat.
And if they are Catholic, they mention they are Catholic. Or if they are Italian, they mention they are Italian. If they are from the South (or West or East, etc.) they mention that. If they are a Sikh, they mention that. Comedians talk about their background: the fact you don't realize that except for black comedians illustrates in neon lights that YOU are the one obsessed with your racism against blacks. You are sick, sick, sick. What you should do is eat shit.
Obozo's gene pool is 1/2 white 1/4 arab and 1/4 black.
So he's a what?

Obama is the only black man, who whites want to claim with their genes, ha ha ha ha
Too bad for them he has rejected that notion out of hand. :laugh:


"A White House spokesman confirmed that Mr. Obama, the son of a black father from Kenya and a white mother from Kansas, checked African-American on the 2010 census questionnaire.

The president, who was born in Hawaii and raised there and in Indonesia, had more than a dozen options in responding to Question 9, about race. He chose “Black, African Am., or Negro.” (The anachronistic “Negro” was retained on the 2010 form because the Census Bureau believes that some older blacks still refer to themselves that way.)

Mr. Obama could have checked white, checked both black and white, or checked the last category on the form, “some other race,” which he would then have been asked to identify in writing."
The real problem with America that makes us look like jackasses around the world is the obsession with race and racial makeup, the obsession of detailing someone's racial gene pool. Most countries just don't care about this stuff.

I find blacks in America to be the most obsessed. For instance, watch an interview with someone of color, they can't get ten words out without mentioning something about being black.
Watch an HBO stand-up comedy show featuring a black comedian. If thirty seconds goes by before the performer mentions they are black, or black this or black that, I'll eat my hat.
And if they are Catholic, they mention they are Catholic. Or if they are Italian, they mention they are Italian. If they are from the South (or West or East, etc.) they mention that. If they are a Sikh, they mention that. Comedians talk about their background: the fact you don't realize that except for black comedians illustrates in neon lights that YOU are the one obsessed with your racism against blacks. You are sick, sick, sick. What you should do is eat shit.
Racists dont want Black people to feel good about being Black. If that happens then the white racist feels that his insignificance is magnified for the world to see. No wonder they are the laughing stock of America.

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