Why I absolutely adore Obama.....

I adore this beautiful black intelligent man for so many reason, but the main reason I love him...is because he's proven once and for all, that white haters in this country will never ever ever get over black people who can think for themselves without the white man's input, not ever. He has single handily taken these roaches from the dark into the light and have exposed to the world, while the US runs around with its high moral compass trying to dictate to the rest of the planet how to behave, we are in fact the post children for all that is wrong with man kind, hypocritical creatures to the core. He's highlighted the fake christian, who cloak themselves in the bible with their red white and stupidity flag draped around them, hating on anything that isn't white and ignorant. History will shine glowingly the good this beautiful black man has done for this country, despite all the hate he had thrown at him.....I will forever thank God for allowing me to be privy to his brilliance.


Lol !
Certainly there are plenty of Americans who like this president, but this kind of worship is a bit unusual.
Yeah, I would have also bet this was an April Fools prank.
I adore this beautiful black intelligent man for so many reason, but the main reason I love him...is because he's proven once and for all, that white haters in this country will never ever ever get over black people who can think for themselves without the white man's input, not ever. He has single handily taken these roaches from the dark into the light and have exposed to the world, while the US runs around with its high moral compass trying to dictate to the rest of the planet how to behave, we are in fact the post children for all that is wrong with man kind, hypocritical creatures to the core. He's highlighted the fake christian, who cloak themselves in the bible with their red white and stupidity flag draped around them, hating on anything that isn't white and ignorant. History will shine glowingly the good this beautiful black man has done for this country, despite all the hate he had thrown at him.....I will forever thank God for allowing me to be privy to his brilliance.

This is basically a wakeup call for all Black people. You see the push back and the hate displayed by a large portion of white men. More Blacks should start not giving a fug what white people want or expect. Define yourself, educate yourself, develop yourself, and succeed, Pass this on to your children.

Obozo's gene pool is 1/2 white 1/4 arab and 1/4 black.
So he's a what?
Black. His white and Arab blood is mixed with Black and everyone knows his father was a pure African. You have your percentages wrong.

"Everyone" doesn't "Knows" - His grandmother in Kenya fucked a british soldier for candy and oops, nine months later out came Obozo's daddy.
I adore this beautiful black intelligent man for so many reason, but the main reason I love him...is because he's proven once and for all, that white haters in this country will never ever ever get over black people who can think for themselves without the white man's input, not ever. He has single handily taken these roaches from the dark into the light and have exposed to the world, while the US runs around with its high moral compass trying to dictate to the rest of the planet how to behave, we are in fact the post children for all that is wrong with man kind, hypocritical creatures to the core. He's highlighted the fake christian, who cloak themselves in the bible with their red white and stupidity flag draped around them, hating on anything that isn't white and ignorant. History will shine glowingly the good this beautiful black man has done for this country, despite all the hate he had thrown at him.....I will forever thank God for allowing me to be privy to his brilliance.

This is basically a wakeup call for all Black people. You see the push back and the hate displayed by a large portion of white men. More Blacks should start not giving a fug what white people want or expect. Define yourself, educate yourself, develop yourself, and succeed, Pass this on to your children.

Obozo's gene pool is 1/2 white 1/4 arab and 1/4 black.
So he's a what?

It makes him a mutt, just like the majority of Americans are, including me. :)
I adore this beautiful black intelligent man for so many reason, but the main reason I love him...is because he's proven once and for all, that white haters in this country will never ever ever get over black people who can think for themselves without the white man's input, not ever. He has single handily taken these roaches from the dark into the light and have exposed to the world, while the US runs around with its high moral compass trying to dictate to the rest of the planet how to behave, we are in fact the post children for all that is wrong with man kind, hypocritical creatures to the core. He's highlighted the fake christian, who cloak themselves in the bible with their red white and stupidity flag draped around them, hating on anything that isn't white and ignorant. History will shine glowingly the good this beautiful black man has done for this country, despite all the hate he had thrown at him.....I will forever thank God for allowing me to be privy to his brilliance.


Wow. Super creepy.
I adore this beautiful black intelligent man for so many reason, but the main reason I love him...is because he's proven once and for all, that white haters in this country will never ever ever get over black people who can think for themselves without the white man's input, not ever. He has single handily taken these roaches from the dark into the light and have exposed to the world, while the US runs around with its high moral compass trying to dictate to the rest of the planet how to behave, we are in fact the post children for all that is wrong with man kind, hypocritical creatures to the core. He's highlighted the fake christian, who cloak themselves in the bible with their red white and stupidity flag draped around them, hating on anything that isn't white and ignorant. History will shine glowingly the good this beautiful black man has done for this country, despite all the hate he had thrown at him.....I will forever thank God for allowing me to be privy to his brilliance.


Wow. Super creepy.

I'll tell you what's creepier.....a bunch of white GOP nuts putting on white gloves to open pages of Reagans diary during the 2007 RNC. Now thats hillarious!
I adore this beautiful black intelligent man for so many reason, but the main reason I love him...is because he's proven once and for all, that white haters in this country will never ever ever get over black people who can think for themselves without the white man's input, not ever. He has single handily taken these roaches from the dark into the light and have exposed to the world, while the US runs around with its high moral compass trying to dictate to the rest of the planet how to behave, we are in fact the post children for all that is wrong with man kind, hypocritical creatures to the core. He's highlighted the fake christian, who cloak themselves in the bible with their red white and stupidity flag draped around them, hating on anything that isn't white and ignorant. History will shine glowingly the good this beautiful black man has done for this country, despite all the hate he had thrown at him.....I will forever thank God for allowing me to be privy to his brilliance.

This is basically a wakeup call for all Black people. You see the push back and the hate displayed by a large portion of white men. More Blacks should start not giving a fug what white people want or expect. Define yourself, educate yourself, develop yourself, and succeed, Pass this on to your children.

Obozo's gene pool is 1/2 white 1/4 arab and 1/4 black.
So he's a what?

It makes him a mutt, just like the majority of Americans are, including me. :)

LOLOLOLOL....You nuts are obsessed with Obama, this thing in bordering on obsessive nutery!!
April fools joke, right?


No, the race baiting OP is perfectly serious.

She's been kicked off of HuffPo and a bunch other sites, which give her So Much Web Cred.

LOLOLOLOL.....let me get this straight, there isn't one thread here that doesn't attack gay, Obama and democrats and I'm the race baiter??? Surely you people are on something....LOLOLOLO

Oh blah blah blah...you've been kicked out of better gin joints on the intewebs blah blah blah.

Your race baiting doesn't fool anyone. I suspect that's why even the Huffies got tired of you.

Put it this way, the net is full of sites for me to patronize......I shant be alone. So don't cry for me, celebrate me...I'm that good!!

...I'm that good!!

At what?

Being a loyal, gullible, Kool-Aid drinking, ass-kissing, shit-for-brains, Obama supporter. :lmao: :cuckoo:
No, the race baiting OP is perfectly serious.

She's been kicked off of HuffPo and a bunch other sites, which give her So Much Web Cred.

LOLOLOLOL.....let me get this straight, there isn't one thread here that doesn't attack gay, Obama and democrats and I'm the race baiter??? Surely you people are on something....LOLOLOLO

Oh blah blah blah...you've been kicked out of better gin joints on the intewebs blah blah blah.

Your race baiting doesn't fool anyone. I suspect that's why even the Huffies got tired of you.

Put it this way, the net is full of sites for me to patronize......I shant be alone. So don't cry for me, celebrate me...I'm that good!!

...I'm that good!!

At what?

Being a loyal, gullible, Kool-Aid drinking, ass-kissing, shit-for-brains, Obama supporter. :lmao: :cuckoo:

Don't be getting mad at me because your daughters dating a black guy.

Don't be pretending you know WTF is going on, because you don't. :cuckoo:
I adore this beautiful black intelligent man for so many reason, but the main reason I love him...is because he's proven once and for all, that white haters in this country will never ever ever get over black people who can think for themselves without the white man's input, not ever. He has single handily taken these roaches from the dark into the light and have exposed to the world, while the US runs around with its high moral compass trying to dictate to the rest of the planet how to behave, we are in fact the post children for all that is wrong with man kind, hypocritical creatures to the core. He's highlighted the fake christian, who cloak themselves in the bible with their red white and stupidity flag draped around them, hating on anything that isn't white and ignorant. History will shine glowingly the good this beautiful black man has done for this country, despite all the hate he had thrown at him.....I will forever thank God for allowing me to be privy to his brilliance.

This is basically a wakeup call for all Black people. You see the push back and the hate displayed by a large portion of white men. More Blacks should start not giving a fug what white people want or expect. Define yourself, educate yourself, develop yourself, and succeed, Pass this on to your children.

Obozo's gene pool is 1/2 white 1/4 arab and 1/4 black.
So he's a what?
Black. His white and Arab blood is mixed with Black and everyone knows his father was a pure African. You have your percentages wrong.

"Everyone" doesn't "Knows" - His grandmother in Kenya fucked a british soldier for candy and oops, nine months later out came Obozo's daddy.
I think you got your story from the cave chimp howling site. Obamas father is Black not biracial. You monkeys are always making up amusing stuff to try and be part of Black people.

I adore this beautiful black intelligent man for so many reason, but the main reason I love him...is because he's proven once and for all, that white haters in this country will never ever ever get over black people who can think for themselves without the white man's input, not ever. He has single handily taken these roaches from the dark into the light and have exposed to the world, while the US runs around with its high moral compass trying to dictate to the rest of the planet how to behave, we are in fact the post children for all that is wrong with man kind, hypocritical creatures to the core. He's highlighted the fake christian, who cloak themselves in the bible with their red white and stupidity flag draped around them, hating on anything that isn't white and ignorant. History will shine glowingly the good this beautiful black man has done for this country, despite all the hate he had thrown at him.....I will forever thank God for allowing me to be privy to his brilliance.


Wow. Super creepy.

I'll tell you what's creepier.....a bunch of white GOP nuts putting on white gloves to open pages of Reagans diary during the 2007 RNC. Now thats hillarious!

Nope, your op is still creepier.
I adore this beautiful black intelligent man for so many reason, but the main reason I love him...is because he's proven once and for all, that white haters in this country will never ever ever get over black people who can think for themselves without the white man's input, not ever. He has single handily taken these roaches from the dark into the light and have exposed to the world, while the US runs around with its high moral compass trying to dictate to the rest of the planet how to behave, we are in fact the post children for all that is wrong with man kind, hypocritical creatures to the core. He's highlighted the fake christian, who cloak themselves in the bible with their red white and stupidity flag draped around them, hating on anything that isn't white and ignorant. History will shine glowingly the good this beautiful black man has done for this country, despite all the hate he had thrown at him.....I will forever thank God for allowing me to be privy to his brilliance.

This is basically a wakeup call for all Black people. You see the push back and the hate displayed by a large portion of white men. More Blacks should start not giving a fug what white people want or expect. Define yourself, educate yourself, develop yourself, and succeed, Pass this on to your children.

Obozo's gene pool is 1/2 white 1/4 arab and 1/4 black.
So he's a what?

It makes him a mutt, just like the majority of Americans are, including me. :)
Census says he is Black. I know you want him to be like you but its not in the cards.
Bi racial babies are just a bi product of interracial relationships, what ww crave from black men, is protection, self esteem boost (because what the white man don't want it, a black man will) and they want sexual gratification.

:badgrin: "biracial babies" are your white leftist masters' plan to ERADICATE your race. They call it "diversity" but it's genocide.
We have stronger genes. The only thing that will be eradicated is the white race. They are already using a term called Black caucasian in order to keep whites relevant.
Black genes are dominant.....Sorry.
So races aren't equal?
When did someone say that?
The crackers that wrote the United States Constitution.
What does that have to do with Black genes being dominant?
Black/white/whatever genes are what defines our race. You believe blacks are dominate, therefore, you don't see races as equal. Like some are more equal than others.
I like when people tell me what I think. It cracks me up to be honest. :laugh:
I adore this beautiful black intelligent man for so many reason, but the main reason I love him...is because he's proven once and for all, that white haters in this country will never ever ever get over black people who can think for themselves without the white man's input, not ever. He has single handily taken these roaches from the dark into the light and have exposed to the world, while the US runs around with its high moral compass trying to dictate to the rest of the planet how to behave, we are in fact the post children for all that is wrong with man kind, hypocritical creatures to the core. He's highlighted the fake christian, who cloak themselves in the bible with their red white and stupidity flag draped around them, hating on anything that isn't white and ignorant. History will shine glowingly the good this beautiful black man has done for this country, despite all the hate he had thrown at him.....I will forever thank God for allowing me to be privy to his brilliance.

This is basically a wakeup call for all Black people. You see the push back and the hate displayed by a large portion of white men. More Blacks should start not giving a fug what white people want or expect. Define yourself, educate yourself, develop yourself, and succeed, Pass this on to your children.

Obozo's gene pool is 1/2 white 1/4 arab and 1/4 black.
So he's a what?
Black. His white and Arab blood is mixed with Black and everyone knows his father was a pure African. You have your percentages wrong.

"Everyone" doesn't "Knows" - His grandmother in Kenya fucked a british soldier for candy and oops, nine months later out came Obozo's daddy.
I think you got your story from the cave chimp howling site. Obamas father is Black not biracial. You monkeys are always making up amusing stuff to try and be part of Black people.


Dude,.....you white women, your prize white mops, them btches yaw strung nigga's up to keep away from your white btches......love them some chimp jungle bunny dark meat!! And what does that say about your white ass, huh?
LOLOLOLOL.....let me get this straight, there isn't one thread here that doesn't attack gay, Obama and democrats and I'm the race baiter??? Surely you people are on something....LOLOLOLO

Oh blah blah blah...you've been kicked out of better gin joints on the intewebs blah blah blah.

Your race baiting doesn't fool anyone. I suspect that's why even the Huffies got tired of you.

Put it this way, the net is full of sites for me to patronize......I shant be alone. So don't cry for me, celebrate me...I'm that good!!

...I'm that good!!

At what?

Being a loyal, gullible, Kool-Aid drinking, ass-kissing, shit-for-brains, Obama supporter. :lmao: :cuckoo:

Don't be getting mad at me because your daughters dating a black guy.

Don't be pretending you know WTF is going on, because you don't. :cuckoo:

WTF you mean pretending? Btch I know how to read!!
Oh blah blah blah...you've been kicked out of better gin joints on the intewebs blah blah blah.

Your race baiting doesn't fool anyone. I suspect that's why even the Huffies got tired of you.

Put it this way, the net is full of sites for me to patronize......I shant be alone. So don't cry for me, celebrate me...I'm that good!!

...I'm that good!!

At what?

Being a loyal, gullible, Kool-Aid drinking, ass-kissing, shit-for-brains, Obama supporter. :lmao: :cuckoo:

Don't be getting mad at me because your daughters dating a black guy.

Don't be pretending you know WTF is going on, because you don't. :cuckoo:

WTF you mean pretending? Btch I know how to read!!

Dude,.....you white women, your prize white mops, them btches yaw strung nigga's up to keep away from your white btches......love them some chimp jungle bunny dark meat!! And what does that say about your white ass, huh?

EBONICS ALERT!!! :ack-1:

Actually blacks were hanged for heinous crimes such as murder and rape by citizens in no mood to wait for a trial.....it had nothing to do with white women unless they were victims.....Your "black history" classes taught you nothing but lies.
Dude,.....you white women, your prize white mops, them btches yaw strung nigga's up to keep away from your white btches......love them some chimp jungle bunny dark meat!! And what does that say about your white ass, huh?

EBONICS ALERT!!! :ack-1:

Actually blacks were hanged for heinous crimes such as murder and rape by citizens in no mood to wait for a trial.....it had nothing to do with white women unless they were victims.....Your "black history" classes taught you nothing but lies.
Sorry but white men knew their women lusted for Black meat. Thats why they made a law that said if a white woman married a slave they were now slaves as well. They were doing everything in their power to keep white women away from Black guys. :laugh:
We have stronger genes..

:lol: Your brain is the size of a orange....your shins are paper thin, your ape-like frontal bone masks fragile temples....you can't swim, you can't resist your impulses to do drugs and alcohol, you're too black to work in hot sunlight, and your life-expectancy is much shorter than whites because you don't know when to stop eating BBQ and slamming 40's.
We have stronger genes..

:lol: Your brain is the size of a orange....your shins are paper thin, your ape-like frontal bone masks fragile temples....you can't swim, you can't resist your impulses to do drugs and alcohol, you're too black to work in hot sunlight, and your life-expectancy is much shorter than whites because you don't know when to stop eating BBQ and slamming 40's.
You monkeys really believe that stuff?

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