Why I absolutely adore Obama.....

April fools joke, right?


No, the race baiting OP is perfectly serious.

She's been kicked off of HuffPo and a bunch other sites, which give her So Much Web Cred.

LOLOLOLOL.....let me get this straight, there isn't one thread here that doesn't attack gay, Obama and democrats and I'm the race baiter??? Surely you people are on something....LOLOLOLO
I adore this beautiful black intelligent man for so many reason, but the main reason I love him...is because he's proven once and for all, that white haters in this country will never ever ever get over black people who can think for themselves without the white man's input, not ever. He has single handily taken these roaches from the dark into the light and have exposed to the world, while the US runs around with its high moral compass trying to dictate to the rest of the planet how to behave, we are in fact the post children for all that is wrong with man kind, hypocritical creatures to the core. He's highlighted the fake christian, who cloak themselves in the bible with their red white and stupidity flag draped around them, hating on anything that isn't white and ignorant. History will shine glowingly the good this beautiful black man has done for this country, despite all the hate he had thrown at him.....I will forever thank God for allowing me to be privy to his brilliance.

This is basically a wakeup call for all Black people. You see the push back and the hate displayed by a large portion of white men. More Blacks should start not giving a fug what white people want or expect. Define yourself, educate yourself, develop yourself, and succeed, Pass this on to your children.


Preach and child, all my kids are college educated tax paying citizens of this country.
I adore this beautiful black intelligent man for so many reason, but the main reason I love him...is because he's proven once and for all, that white haters in this country will never ever ever get over black people who can think for themselves without the white man's input, not ever. He has single handily taken these roaches from the dark into the light and have exposed to the world, while the US runs around with its high moral compass trying to dictate to the rest of the planet how to behave, we are in fact the post children for all that is wrong with man kind, hypocritical creatures to the core. He's highlighted the fake christian, who cloak themselves in the bible with their red white and stupidity flag draped around them, hating on anything that isn't white and ignorant. History will shine glowingly the good this beautiful black man has done for this country, despite all the hate he had thrown at him.....I will forever thank God for allowing me to be privy to his brilliance.

It's a good thing Obama wasn't president during WWII. We would still be fighting it.

LOLOLOL.....It was another democrat saving your white as.
I adore this beautiful black intelligent man for so many reason, but the main reason I love him...is because he's proven once and for all, that white haters in this country will never ever ever get over black people who can think for themselves without the white man's input, not ever. He has single handily taken these roaches from the dark into the light and have exposed to the world, while the US runs around with its high moral compass trying to dictate to the rest of the planet how to behave, we are in fact the post children for all that is wrong with man kind, hypocritical creatures to the core. He's highlighted the fake christian, who cloak themselves in the bible with their red white and stupidity flag draped around them, hating on anything that isn't white and ignorant. History will shine glowingly the good this beautiful black man has done for this country, despite all the hate he had thrown at him.....I will forever thank God for allowing me to be privy to his brilliance.

This is basically a wakeup call for all Black people. You see the push back and the hate displayed by a large portion of white men. More Blacks should start not giving a fug what white people want or expect. Define yourself, educate yourself, develop yourself, and succeed, Pass this on to your children.

Obozo's gene pool is 1/2 white 1/4 arab and 1/4 black.
So he's a what?

Obama is the only black man, who whites want to claim with their genes, ha ha ha ha
I adore this beautiful black intelligent man for so many reason, but the main reason I love him...is because he's proven once and for all, that white haters in this country will never ever ever get over black people who can think for themselves without the white man's input, not ever. He has single handily taken these roaches from the dark into the light and have exposed to the world, while the US runs around with its high moral compass trying to dictate to the rest of the planet how to behave, we are in fact the post children for all that is wrong with man kind, hypocritical creatures to the core. He's highlighted the fake christian, who cloak themselves in the bible with their red white and stupidity flag draped around them, hating on anything that isn't white and ignorant. History will shine glowingly the good this beautiful black man has done for this country, despite all the hate he had thrown at him.....I will forever thank God for allowing me to be privy to his brilliance.

This is basically a wakeup call for all Black people. You see the push back and the hate displayed by a large portion of white men. More Blacks should start not giving a fug what white people want or expect. Define yourself, educate yourself, develop yourself, and succeed, Pass this on to your children.

Obozo's gene pool is 1/2 white 1/4 arab and 1/4 black.
So he's a what?

Obama is the only black man, who whites want to claim with their genes, ha ha ha ha
Too bad for them he has rejected that notion out of hand. :laugh:


"A White House spokesman confirmed that Mr. Obama, the son of a black father from Kenya and a white mother from Kansas, checked African-American on the 2010 census questionnaire.

The president, who was born in Hawaii and raised there and in Indonesia, had more than a dozen options in responding to Question 9, about race. He chose “Black, African Am., or Negro.” (The anachronistic “Negro” was retained on the 2010 form because the Census Bureau believes that some older blacks still refer to themselves that way.)

Mr. Obama could have checked white, checked both black and white, or checked the last category on the form, “some other race,” which he would then have been asked to identify in writing."
April fools joke, right?


No, the race baiting OP is perfectly serious.

She's been kicked off of HuffPo and a bunch other sites, which give her So Much Web Cred.

LOLOLOLOL.....let me get this straight, there isn't one thread here that doesn't attack gay, Obama and democrats and I'm the race baiter??? Surely you people are on something....LOLOLOLO

Oh blah blah blah...you've been kicked out of better gin joints on the intewebs blah blah blah.

Your race baiting doesn't fool anyone. I suspect that's why even the Huffies got tired of you.
Obozo's gene pool is 1/2 white 1/4 arab and 1/4 black.
So he's a what?
Black. His white and Arab blood is mixed with Blacks and everyone knows his father was a pure African. You have your percentages wrong.
What color was his mama? That's half right there.
His momma has Black ancestors. His father was pure Black African. How did you get so confused?
You have a VALID link to that?
Depends on what you mean by valid.

Ancestry website Obama s mother descended from first US slave - U.S. News

"Remarkably, the connection was made through President Obama's Caucasian mother's side of the family," the site said in a statement.

Same is true of our First Lady.

As to the OP, President Obama has accomplished some pretty amazing things. Jobs, economic recovery, stock market and housing starts, help for vets and others to keep their homes, paid down the deficit while paying some of the enormous debt left by the bush fiasco and the list goes on and on.

Imagine how much more he could have done if the Republican traitors had been working FOR their own country instead of working so hard to weaken and undermine our strengths - even going so far as to side with foreign powers against us.
I adore this beautiful black intelligent man for so many reason, but the main reason I love him...is because he's proven once and for all, that white haters in this country will never ever ever get over black people who can think for themselves without the white man's input, not ever. He has single handily taken these roaches from the dark into the light and have exposed to the world, while the US runs around with its high moral compass trying to dictate to the rest of the planet how to behave, we are in fact the post children for all that is wrong with man kind, hypocritical creatures to the core. He's highlighted the fake christian, who cloak themselves in the bible with their red white and stupidity flag draped around them, hating on anything that isn't white and ignorant. History will shine glowingly the good this beautiful black man has done for this country, despite all the hate he had thrown at him.....I will forever thank God for allowing me to be privy to his brilliance.

This is basically a wakeup call for all Black people. You see the push back and the hate displayed by a large portion of white men. More Blacks should start not giving a fug what white people want or expect. Define yourself, educate yourself, develop yourself, and succeed, Pass this on to your children.

Obozo's gene pool is 1/2 white 1/4 arab and 1/4 black.
So he's a what?

Obama is the only black man, who whites want to claim with their genes, ha ha ha ha

But you are also WRONG for starting this about race. Enough!

Obama is the President of all of us Americans: white, black, brown, red, yellow, albino...

Stop talking about race. Start talking about Homo Sapiens. That's where the real adventure begins.
I adore this beautiful black intelligent man for so many reason, but the main reason I love him...is because he's proven once and for all, that white haters in this country will never ever ever get over black people who can think for themselves without the white man's input, not ever. He has single handily taken these roaches from the dark into the light and have exposed to the world, while the US runs around with its high moral compass trying to dictate to the rest of the planet how to behave, we are in fact the post children for all that is wrong with man kind, hypocritical creatures to the core. He's highlighted the fake christian, who cloak themselves in the bible with their red white and stupidity flag draped around them, hating on anything that isn't white and ignorant. History will shine glowingly the good this beautiful black man has done for this country, despite all the hate he had thrown at him.....I will forever thank God for allowing me to be privy to his brilliance.

This is basically a wakeup call for all Black people. You see the push back and the hate displayed by a large portion of white men. More Blacks should start not giving a fug what white people want or expect. Define yourself, educate yourself, develop yourself, and succeed, Pass this on to your children.

Obozo's gene pool is 1/2 white 1/4 arab and 1/4 black.
So he's a what?

Obama is the only black man, who whites want to claim with their genes, ha ha ha ha

But you are also WRONG for starting this about race. Enough!

Obama is the President of all of us Americans: white, black, brown, red, yellow, albino...

Stop talking about race. Start talking about Homo Sapiens. That's where the real adventure begins.
In light of the white backlash and blatant, unprecedented, disrespect, you cant separate this presidency from the issue of race.
April fools joke, right?

April fools joke, right?

No, April, its not a joke, but you are a fool.

No, you're the fool like so many who holds the corrupt, incompetent, lying fraud and piece-of-shit in such high esteem. No matter how much Obama deceives the American people and fucks things up in this country, idiots like yourself will still proudly and blindly defend him, and make excuses for him over and over. :cuckoo:
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I adore this beautiful black intelligent man for so many reason, but the main reason I love him...is because he's proven once and for all, that white haters in this country will never ever ever get over black people who can think for themselves without the white man's input, not ever. He has single handily taken these roaches from the dark into the light and have exposed to the world, while the US runs around with its high moral compass trying to dictate to the rest of the planet how to behave, we are in fact the post children for all that is wrong with man kind, hypocritical creatures to the core. He's highlighted the fake christian, who cloak themselves in the bible with their red white and stupidity flag draped around them, hating on anything that isn't white and ignorant. History will shine glowingly the good this beautiful black man has done for this country, despite all the hate he had thrown at him.....I will forever thank God for allowing me to be privy to his brilliance.

This is basically a wakeup call for all Black people. You see the push back and the hate displayed by a large portion of white men. More Blacks should start not giving a fug what white people want or expect. Define yourself, educate yourself, develop yourself, and succeed, Pass this on to your children.

Obozo's gene pool is 1/2 white 1/4 arab and 1/4 black.
So he's a what?

Obama is the only black man, who whites want to claim with their genes, ha ha ha ha

But you are also WRONG for starting this about race. Enough!

Obama is the President of all of us Americans: white, black, brown, red, yellow, albino...

Stop talking about race. Start talking about Homo Sapiens. That's where the real adventure begins.
In light of the white backlash and blatant, unprecedented, disrespect, you cant separate this presidency from the issue of race.

Possibly, but there are also millions upon millions and millions of whites who have not participated in this ugly, racist, hateful backlash. Let's not forget this.
I adore this beautiful black intelligent man for so many reason, but the main reason I love him...is because he's proven once and for all, that white haters in this country will never ever ever get over black people who can think for themselves without the white man's input, not ever. He has single handily taken these roaches from the dark into the light and have exposed to the world, while the US runs around with its high moral compass trying to dictate to the rest of the planet how to behave, we are in fact the post children for all that is wrong with man kind, hypocritical creatures to the core. He's highlighted the fake christian, who cloak themselves in the bible with their red white and stupidity flag draped around them, hating on anything that isn't white and ignorant. History will shine glowingly the good this beautiful black man has done for this country, despite all the hate he had thrown at him.....I will forever thank God for allowing me to be privy to his brilliance.

do you love his half white blood as well?
What color was his mama? That's half right there.
His momma has Black ancestors. His father was pure Black African. How did you get so confused?
You have a VALID link to that?
Depends on what you mean by valid.
Well his birth records are at best missing. You got a copy of his mama's birth?

I love this. I love this. I LOVE THIS.

I love it when blithering idiots go full-metal-birfer.

This is great.

g5000 - this is a live one you really don't want to miss!

W.E.T.S.U. :dance:
I adore this beautiful black intelligent man for so many reason, but the main reason I love him...is because he's proven once and for all, that white haters in this country will never ever ever get over black people who can think for themselves without the white man's input, not ever. He has single handily taken these roaches from the dark into the light and have exposed to the world, while the US runs around with its high moral compass trying to dictate to the rest of the planet how to behave, we are in fact the post children for all that is wrong with man kind, hypocritical creatures to the core. He's highlighted the fake christian, who cloak themselves in the bible with their red white and stupidity flag draped around them, hating on anything that isn't white and ignorant. History will shine glowingly the good this beautiful black man has done for this country, despite all the hate he had thrown at him.....I will forever thank God for allowing me to be privy to his brilliance.

It's a good thing Obama wasn't president during WWII. We would still be fighting it.

LOLOLOL.....It was another democrat saving your white as.
Yes. Democrat when they were Democrats. The crop since Clinton was elected are Liberal Progressive Socialist criminals who call themselves "Democrat." A curse on all their houses.
April fools joke, right?


No, the race baiting OP is perfectly serious.

She's been kicked off of HuffPo and a bunch other sites, which give her So Much Web Cred.

LOLOLOLOL.....let me get this straight, there isn't one thread here that doesn't attack gay, Obama and democrats and I'm the race baiter??? Surely you people are on something....LOLOLOLO

only the threads that attack conservatives, republicans and whitey
I adore this beautiful black intelligent man for so many reason, but the main reason I love him...is because he's proven once and for all, that white haters in this country will never ever ever get over black people who can think for themselves without the white man's input, not ever. He has single handily taken these roaches from the dark into the light and have exposed to the world, while the US runs around with its high moral compass trying to dictate to the rest of the planet how to behave, we are in fact the post children for all that is wrong with man kind, hypocritical creatures to the core. He's highlighted the fake christian, who cloak themselves in the bible with their red white and stupidity flag draped around them, hating on anything that isn't white and ignorant. History will shine glowingly the good this beautiful black man has done for this country, despite all the hate he had thrown at him.....I will forever thank God for allowing me to be privy to his brilliance.

This is basically a wakeup call for all Black people. You see the push back and the hate displayed by a large portion of white men. More Blacks should start not giving a fug what white people want or expect. Define yourself, educate yourself, develop yourself, and succeed, Pass this on to your children.

Obozo's gene pool is 1/2 white 1/4 arab and 1/4 black.
So he's a what?

Obama is the only black man, who whites want to claim with their genes, ha ha ha ha

But you are also WRONG for starting this about race. Enough!

Obama is the President of all of us Americans: white, black, brown, red, yellow, albino...

Stop talking about race. Start talking about Homo Sapiens. That's where the real adventure begins.
In light of the white backlash and blatant, unprecedented, disrespect, you cant separate this presidency from the issue of race.
" and did I happen to mention, I'm black", Barack Obama
This is basically a wakeup call for all Black people. You see the push back and the hate displayed by a large portion of white men. More Blacks should start not giving a fug what white people want or expect. Define yourself, educate yourself, develop yourself, and succeed, Pass this on to your children.

Obozo's gene pool is 1/2 white 1/4 arab and 1/4 black.
So he's a what?

Obama is the only black man, who whites want to claim with their genes, ha ha ha ha

But you are also WRONG for starting this about race. Enough!

Obama is the President of all of us Americans: white, black, brown, red, yellow, albino...

Stop talking about race. Start talking about Homo Sapiens. That's where the real adventure begins.
In light of the white backlash and blatant, unprecedented, disrespect, you cant separate this presidency from the issue of race.
" and did I happen to mention, I'm black", Barack Obama
White people like you get angry when the POTUS tells people he is Black I see. :laugh:

I wonder why?

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