Why I am not Enthusiastic About Ted Cruz


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Honestly, my first choices have all already dropped out already. Rand Paul and Mike Huckabee and Santorum has not yet dropped out but I think it will happen any day now.

So I feel my choices for a good anti-establishment candidate are narrowed down to Donald Trump, Ben Carson, Ted Cruz and Bernie Sanders in that order.

Why isnt Ted my number one? Well for several reasons:

1. First of all, Cruz is too ideologically pure to me and that raises the hackles on my neck. It seems contrived like he is simply telling me what I would like to hear from him, or what he imagines I want to hear. I would expect any honest person to diverge from any ideology on at least a few key point, but Ted is 100% American Heritage Reagan Conservative.

2. He comes across as too calculating and smooth; I feel like I am being conned. His refusal to endorse more Ethanol subsidies was a real boost in my appreciation for him, but one incident only goes so far. I keep expecting him to try to sell me aluminum siding or something.

3. His staff has already violated ethical bounds with the Carson thing and maybe even some criminal violations with the fake official document mailer. This smells like sleaze to me, and just like Christi's bridge bullshit, this makes me wary of trusting Ted. He needs to get out in front of this issue and patch things up with Carson and send the Iowa AG the full info on who put out the mailer. That would be the unquestionably honest thing to do.

4. He is too good for a politician; so there has to be something substantially wrong with that bastard. That he hides it so well makes me even more suspicious. :terror:
5. Well, I am a Texan and anyone that wears their boots the way he does is just too cool to be for real.

OK, maybe I'll just end this with points 1, 2, and 3.....


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