Why I Could Never Be GOP or Libertarian

Dumbfuck, I'll leave this board if you can show us 1 socialist country that is as rich, innovative and productive as the US in world history.

Oh, don't try China since they are stealing our technology and are moving towards our economy. :eusa_whistle:

Just because you're a failure in life, you want the rest of us to bail you out.....

The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money.....

Meanwhile you are ignoring reverse socialism. The GOP socialize the losses but privatize the profits. Its brilliant really. Build more refineries? There's no money in that. Let the American Citizens pay for that. Invest in alternative energy? Let the American people do that because there is no money in r&d. Build a road? Let the tax payers pay. We'll just manage it and collect tolls until the roads fall apart and then we'll ask the tax payers to pay for repairs. Or we build a prison and then we outsource it to private companies who charge us a fortune. Or we outsource private contractors in Iraq who all make 6 figures. Or Bush gets tax payers to build a stadium and he makes money.

The rich broke government so they could take over the vaccuum or void.
Dumbfuck, I'll leave this board if you can show us 1 socialist country that is as rich, innovative and productive as the US in world history.

Oh, don't try China since they are stealing our technology and are moving towards our economy. :eusa_whistle:

Just because you're a failure in life, you want the rest of us to bail you out.....

The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money.....

Meanwhile you are ignoring reverse socialism. The GOP socialize the losses but privatize the profits. Its brilliant really. Build more refineries? There's no money in that. Let the American Citizens pay for that. Invest in alternative energy? Let the American people do that because there is no money in r&d. Build a road? Let the tax payers pay. We'll just manage it and collect tolls until the roads fall apart and then we'll ask the tax payers to pay for repairs. Or we build a prison and then we outsource it to private companies who charge us a fortune. Or we outsource private contractors in Iraq who all make 6 figures. Or Bush gets tax payers to build a stadium and he makes money.

The rich broke government so they could take over the vaccuum or void.

China is a communist/captialist hybrid anyway...not socialist.
Socialist is communist-lite.

The Chinese economy didn't get better until they loosened their left-wing hold on it, so that is proof capitalism is the best method.....not moving towards communism where it always fails.

Dumbfuck, I'll leave this board if you can show us 1 socialist country that is as rich, innovative and productive as the US in world history.

Oh, don't try China since they are stealing our technology and are moving towards our economy. :eusa_whistle:

Just because you're a failure in life, you want the rest of us to bail you out.....

Meanwhile you are ignoring reverse socialism. The GOP socialize the losses but privatize the profits. Its brilliant really. Build more refineries? There's no money in that. Let the American Citizens pay for that. Invest in alternative energy? Let the American people do that because there is no money in r&d. Build a road? Let the tax payers pay. We'll just manage it and collect tolls until the roads fall apart and then we'll ask the tax payers to pay for repairs. Or we build a prison and then we outsource it to private companies who charge us a fortune. Or we outsource private contractors in Iraq who all make 6 figures. Or Bush gets tax payers to build a stadium and he makes money.

The rich broke government so they could take over the vaccuum or void.

China is a communist/captialist hybrid anyway...not socialist.
Socialist is communist-lite.

The Chinese economy didn't get better until they loosened their left-wing hold on it, so that is proof capitalism is the best method.....not moving towards communism where it always fails.

Communism is the dissolution of the state. It is an unattainable pipe-dream.

China is a national socialist state, where central planning works with corporate interests to create a planned and controlled economy.

This is precisely what Obama is attempting to institute in the USA.
Socialist is communist-lite.

The Chinese economy didn't get better until they loosened their left-wing hold on it, so that is proof capitalism is the best method.....not moving towards communism where it always fails.

Dumbfuck, I'll leave this board if you can show us 1 socialist country that is as rich, innovative and productive as the US in world history.

Oh, don't try China since they are stealing our technology and are moving towards our economy. :eusa_whistle:

Just because you're a failure in life, you want the rest of us to bail you out.....

China is a communist/captialist hybrid anyway...not socialist.

I know, as does china. They understand the strength of capitalism, why do you think they loosened the grip on their businesses from a communist grip to a laisse-fair capitalist style system but with the govt being the end all of all things still? Because captialism WORKS.

They kept their governance over the people compeletely centralized though.
Socialist is communist-lite.

The Chinese economy didn't get better until they loosened their left-wing hold on it, so that is proof capitalism is the best method.....not moving towards communism where it always fails.

China is a communist/captialist hybrid anyway...not socialist.

I know, as does china. They understand the strength of capitalism, why do you think they loosened the grip on their businesses from a communist grip to a laisse-fair capitalist style system but with the govt being the end all of all things still? Because captialism WORKS.

They kept their governance over the people compeletely centralized though.

Capitalism is good when everyone is working and making a living wage. Regulated capitalism. The middle class can thank unions and liberal labor laws for the success. And FDR for making America great for everyone. And I miss Tariffs too. NAFTA sure didn't help the middle class, did it? GOP style unregulated free trade capitalism put the middle class in the poor house. Literally.

Anyways, I finally figured out the difference between righties and lefties. Lefties want everyone to vote. Righties don't think the masses should vote. They consider us the rabble. Surfs.

And just like at work they want the masses to just shut up and take whatever the CEO decides, they want us to let the top 1% take over our government.

I know righties who have admitted that they believe the rich know better than the masses. They say it is ok that the rich illuminati international bankers control our government. Us liberals disagree.

That's why they passed Citizens United. To give the rich and corporations a bigger voice. Corporations are not people.

Therefore, there is no way Republicans like democracy. They think the rich know best. The corporations know best how to run our government.
Socialist is communist-lite.

The Chinese economy didn't get better until they loosened their left-wing hold on it, so that is proof capitalism is the best method.....not moving towards communism where it always fails.

I know, as does china. They understand the strength of capitalism, why do you think they loosened the grip on their businesses from a communist grip to a laisse-fair capitalist style system but with the govt being the end all of all things still? Because captialism WORKS.

They kept their governance over the people compeletely centralized though.

Capitalism is good when everyone is working and making a living wage. Regulated capitalism. The middle class can thank unions and liberal labor laws for the success. And FDR for making America great for everyone. And I miss Tariffs too. NAFTA sure didn't help the middle class, did it? GOP style unregulated free trade capitalism put the middle class in the poor house. Literally.

Anyways, I finally figured out the difference between righties and lefties. Lefties want everyone to vote. Righties don't think the masses should vote. They consider us the rabble. Surfs.

And just like at work they want the masses to just shut up and take whatever the CEO decides, they want us to let the top 1% take over our government.

I know righties who have admitted that they believe the rich know better than the masses. They say it is ok that the rich illuminati international bankers control our government. Us liberals disagree.

That's why they passed Citizens United. To give the rich and corporations a bigger voice. Corporations are not people.

Therefore, there is no way Republicans like democracy. They think the rich know best. The corporations know best how to run our government.
Unions are OUT. Next case. If your belief in unions was pure you'd have a leg to stand on. The fact that you are 100% pro union and believe we should kneel at the union altar leaves you with no credibility. The fact is unions priced themselves out of their position.
Free trade agreements are garbage. We need fair trade. Not free trade. A strong economy like ours cannot trade freely with nations with poor economies. NAFTA and CAFTA are two great examples of good intentions paving the way to hell.
Tariffs create trade wars. Nobody wins.
Whether you like it or not, there is no turning back the clock. Too many other countries are building the same stuff there as we are building here.
If we go ahead and apply tariffs, those countries would simply sell their stuff elsewhere or sell it here and the price would skyrocket for those goods. Tariffs will end up hurting consumers here with massive price increases and that would severely damage our economy.
That steaming pile of bullshit post failed on so many levels...

It smells horrible.


A recent study found that 10 percent of people who work on Wall Street are “clinical psychopaths,” exhibiting a lack of interest in and empathy for others and an “unparalleled capacity for lying, fabrication, and manipulation.”

In other words, Enron, BP, Goldman, Philip Morris, G.E., Merck, etc., etc. Accounting fraud, tax evasion, toxic dumping, product safety violations, bid rigging, overbilling, perjury. The Walmart bribery scandal, the News Corp. hacking scandal — just open up the business section on an average day. Shafting your workers, hurting your customers, destroying the land. Leaving the public to pick up the tab. These aren’t anomalies; this is how the system works: you get away with what you can and try to weasel out when you get caught.

Capitalist values are antithetical to Christian ones. (How the loudest Christians in our public life can also be the most bellicose proponents of an unbridled free market is a matter for their own consciences.) Like Christian ethics, the principles of republican government require us to consider the interests of others. Capitalism, which entails the single-minded pursuit of profit, would have us believe that it’s every man for himself.
That steaming pile of bullshit post failed on so many levels...

“There have been some giants in this Senate, and I have seen some of them. Little did I know when I came here that I would live to see Pygmies stride like Colossuses while marveling, like Aesop’s fly sitting on the axle of a chariot, ‘My, what dust I do raise!’”

-Sen. Robert Byrd, describing Rick Santorum in 1995
That steaming pile of bullshit post failed on so many levels...

“There have been some giants in this Senate, and I have seen some of them. Little did I know when I came here that I would live to see Pygmies stride like Colossuses while marveling, like Aesop’s fly sitting on the axle of a chariot, ‘My, what dust I do raise!’”

-Sen. Robert Byrd, describing Rick Santorum in 1995

Typical democrat quoting one of their heroes.
A recent study found that 10 percent of people who work on Wall Street are “clinical psychopaths,” exhibiting a lack of interest in and empathy for others and an “unparalleled capacity for lying, fabrication, and manipulation.” .

Even you shouldn't need the irrationality of such a statement explained to you.
That steaming pile of bullshit post failed on so many levels...

It smells horrible.


A recent study found that 10 percent of people who work on Wall Street are “clinical psychopaths,” exhibiting a lack of interest in and empathy for others and an “unparalleled capacity for lying, fabrication, and manipulation.”

In other words, Enron, BP, Goldman, Philip Morris, G.E., Merck, etc., etc. Accounting fraud, tax evasion, toxic dumping, product safety violations, bid rigging, overbilling, perjury. The Walmart bribery scandal, the News Corp. hacking scandal — just open up the business section on an average day. Shafting your workers, hurting your customers, destroying the land. Leaving the public to pick up the tab. These aren’t anomalies; this is how the system works: you get away with what you can and try to weasel out when you get caught.

Capitalist values are antithetical to Christian ones. (How the loudest Christians in our public life can also be the most bellicose proponents of an unbridled free market is a matter for their own consciences.) Like Christian ethics, the principles of republican government require us to consider the interests of others. Capitalism, which entails the single-minded pursuit of profit, would have us believe that it’s every man for himself.
Who gives a rat's ass about some dopey so called study printed in the NY Times.
When will you learn that studies and polls aren't worth the value of the paper they are printed on.
Any statistic can be skewed to say what the people who commission polls and studies want them to state.
These things are non-scientific and thus have little more than entertainment value.
Listening to everything the GOP and Libertarians have to say, I have to say I viamently disagree with the direction they want to take America. They are a very selfish group.

Paul Ryan, the father of a Republican budget initiative that seeks to destroy Medicare and Social Security has continually invoked the name of Ayn Rand as his philosophical mentor and guide. Many other Republicans have do so too. They are embracing a philosophy which, according to Ayn Rand herself, is one of selfishness and is against all forms of Spirituality. The question any thoughtful Americans must ask themselves is: “Is this the America we want?”

And how do they get evangelicals to go along with them is beyond me.

Its a very selfish every man for himself mentality.

And Libertarians don't believe in the Commons. What are the Commons?

The Commons are resources that are owned by all of us. That includes the Grand Canyon, oil rights, power companies, roads, public airwaves, schools, etc.

Here is how they think. Libertarians think if we all own the land on which our sheep graze, we will each add one too many sheep until we destroy the land for future generations. That We the People can't manage the commons.

Libertarians think that if one person owns the land and charged everyone else grazing fees, he would be more committed to preserving it for the future than a village of farmers.

I disagree.

Romney Sucks.:lol:

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