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Why I Could Never Be GOP or Libertarian

So you want to live in a commune and not get paid for work? or you just don't want to work?

Liberals want to control everyone and you call us selfish....wow.

How can we ever trust or believe Republicans? For years they defended the Bush’s. But now, all of the sudden Republicans are voting for a person that the former Republican presidents won’t endorse. Are Republicans essentially admitting that liberals were right all these years? I think so. Because look at Trumps Tariffs. That’s liberal. And last night Trump said black communities need more cops not less. We’ve been saying that for years! And it was Republican governors who slashed budgets so that places like Detroit had to cut cops, firefighters and city employees & services. Under GOP Governor Rick Snyder's budget if you called 911 in Detroit it took 4 hours for a cop to show up if they even showed up at all. Watch 1 minute in.

What a bunch of disingenuous fucks Republicans are. But I don’t think they even realize they are this ignorant. They aren’t just being intellectually dishonest with us. They are being intellectually dishonest with themselves.

But thanks for finally admitting us liberals are right. The Bush’s agree with us that Trump should not be president and Trump agrees with us that inner cities need more cops. Apparently the way to win over voters is to agree with us. Go figure.

It really bothers me that Republicans are allowed to defend Bush for 8 years and then now try to distance themselves from him. At what point did they stop defending Bush? When was that moment? Republicans are just like Trump. They will never admit they are wrong. But their actions speak louder than their words.

so you have to ask yourself, who runs the Detroit police department, the Mayor or the Governor. I know this is a trick question for you. But think really really hard. I'd like your answer please.

Edit: and where does the money come from for their salaries? The state, or local? Who negotiates with the unions for those salaries, the state or the city?

Mayor Mike Duggan would love to hire more cops if he had the money.

Oh, so you think paying cops less means you can hire more cops? Here's a trick question. You are out of your fucking mind?

P.S. I wish all cops could see your post. Most cops don't give a shit about other unions because they think their union is the one union that is off limits. I wish they knew that you would like to cut their salaries. I wish they knew you Republicans believe even they are making too much. You think even cops are TAKERS!!!

So, your solution is to just kill cops....

How do you have a serious conversation with stupid conservatives who say stupid things like this?

You don't support your BLM movement?
Liberals who feel entitled to MY money, income I worked untold volumes of overtime to earn, that they say its greedy for me to want to keep my money vs it being confiscated and redistributed to these fat lard ass lazy losers on welfare disgust me.
First of all, ya have no money and we all know it. Second of all, it is the corporate GOP who will get all your money before you fucking die stupid. For example, we had to put my mom in a home. It was $11,000 a month. You think it's us liberals who are going to take all the money you took your whole life to save? You are a fucking joke. You will leave your kids nothing. In fact they'll probably have to take care of you. This is the new normal in America. And it is you lower middle class Republicans who are doing it to yourselves. Unfortunately you are taking us down with you.
Liberals who feel entitled to MY money, income I worked untold volumes of overtime to earn, that they say its greedy for me to want to keep my money vs it being confiscated and redistributed to these fat lard ass lazy losers on welfare disgust me.
First of all, ya have no money and we all know it. Second of all, it is the corporate GOP who will get all your money before you fucking die stupid. For example, we had to put my mom in a home. It was $11,000 a month. You think it's us liberals who are going to take all the money you took your whole life to save? You are a fucking joke. You will leave your kids nothing. In fact they'll probably have to take care of you. This is the new normal in America. And it is you lower middle class Republicans who are doing it to yourselves. Unfortunately you are taking us down with you.
So...stop taking my money then....
How can we ever trust or believe Republicans? For years they defended the Bush’s. But now, all of the sudden Republicans are voting for a person that the former Republican presidents won’t endorse. Are Republicans essentially admitting that liberals were right all these years? I think so. Because look at Trumps Tariffs. That’s liberal. And last night Trump said black communities need more cops not less. We’ve been saying that for years! And it was Republican governors who slashed budgets so that places like Detroit had to cut cops, firefighters and city employees & services. Under GOP Governor Rick Snyder's budget if you called 911 in Detroit it took 4 hours for a cop to show up if they even showed up at all. Watch 1 minute in.

What a bunch of disingenuous fucks Republicans are. But I don’t think they even realize they are this ignorant. They aren’t just being intellectually dishonest with us. They are being intellectually dishonest with themselves.

But thanks for finally admitting us liberals are right. The Bush’s agree with us that Trump should not be president and Trump agrees with us that inner cities need more cops. Apparently the way to win over voters is to agree with us. Go figure.

It really bothers me that Republicans are allowed to defend Bush for 8 years and then now try to distance themselves from him. At what point did they stop defending Bush? When was that moment? Republicans are just like Trump. They will never admit they are wrong. But their actions speak louder than their words.

Which of hitlerys lies inspires you most?

What about you guys? Do you like the Bush's or do you not? You loved and defended them passionately for 12 years while they were in office, now you don't want to listen to them when they tell you not to vote for Trump.

This must mean you agree with us when we said they were pieces of shit.

So, in the absence of an answer to a fairly simple question, we must assume you don't know which one of hitlerys lies is real enough to believe....

We are talking about Trump and the Bush's. Nice try to deflect. Why don't you run along little doggy?

So, all her lies inspire you?

Yes Hillary inspires me.

Lets look at the king of liars.

The PolitiFact scorecard on Trump
Seems like a big fat old liar to me dummy. Boy are you guys dumb.

Remember Bush treated the military like a spoiled brat who abuses an expensive toy his parents gave him? Imagine Trump. He'll get us into WW3. This is why the GOP can't even endorse him over Hillary. They can't say it out loud because they got to worry about their jobs but they do not want Trump to win. So he won't.
Which of hitlerys lies inspires you most?
What about you guys? Do you like the Bush's or do you not? You loved and defended them passionately for 12 years while they were in office, now you don't want to listen to them when they tell you not to vote for Trump.

This must mean you agree with us when we said they were pieces of shit.
So, in the absence of an answer to a fairly simple question, we must assume you don't know which one of hitlerys lies is real enough to believe....
We are talking about Trump and the Bush's. Nice try to deflect. Why don't you run along little doggy?
So, all her lies inspire you?
Yes Hillary inspires me.

Lets look at the king of liars.

The PolitiFact scorecard on Trump
Seems like a big fat old liar to me dummy. Boy are you guys dumb.

Remember Bush treated the military like a spoiled brat who abuses an expensive toy his parents gave him? Imagine Trump. He'll get us into WW3. This is why the GOP can't even endorse him over Hillary. They can't say it out loud because they got to worry about their jobs but they do not want Trump to win. So he won't.
Which lie is the best to you?
Liberals who feel entitled to MY money, income I worked untold volumes of overtime to earn, that they say its greedy for me to want to keep my money vs it being confiscated and redistributed to these fat lard ass lazy losers on welfare disgust me.
First of all, ya have no money and we all know it. Second of all, it is the corporate GOP who will get all your money before you fucking die stupid. For example, we had to put my mom in a home. It was $11,000 a month. You think it's us liberals who are going to take all the money you took your whole life to save? You are a fucking joke. You will leave your kids nothing. In fact they'll probably have to take care of you. This is the new normal in America. And it is you lower middle class Republicans who are doing it to yourselves. Unfortunately you are taking us down with you.
So...stop taking my money then....
You don't have any money remember loser? How much do you make? You pay just as much taxes as the rest of us do. How do you think we fund the military you piece of shit?

Is Paying Taxes Patriotic?

What about you guys? Do you like the Bush's or do you not? You loved and defended them passionately for 12 years while they were in office, now you don't want to listen to them when they tell you not to vote for Trump.

This must mean you agree with us when we said they were pieces of shit.
So, in the absence of an answer to a fairly simple question, we must assume you don't know which one of hitlerys lies is real enough to believe....
We are talking about Trump and the Bush's. Nice try to deflect. Why don't you run along little doggy?
So, all her lies inspire you?
Yes Hillary inspires me.

Lets look at the king of liars.

The PolitiFact scorecard on Trump
Seems like a big fat old liar to me dummy. Boy are you guys dumb.

Remember Bush treated the military like a spoiled brat who abuses an expensive toy his parents gave him? Imagine Trump. He'll get us into WW3. This is why the GOP can't even endorse him over Hillary. They can't say it out loud because they got to worry about their jobs but they do not want Trump to win. So he won't.
Which lie is the best to you?
Congrats. This will be the last back and forth you have with me. From now on it's just forth.
What about you guys? Do you like the Bush's or do you not? You loved and defended them passionately for 12 years while they were in office, now you don't want to listen to them when they tell you not to vote for Trump.

This must mean you agree with us when we said they were pieces of shit.
So, in the absence of an answer to a fairly simple question, we must assume you don't know which one of hitlerys lies is real enough to believe....
We are talking about Trump and the Bush's. Nice try to deflect. Why don't you run along little doggy?
So, all her lies inspire you?
Yes Hillary inspires me.

Lets look at the king of liars.

The PolitiFact scorecard on Trump
Seems like a big fat old liar to me dummy. Boy are you guys dumb.

Remember Bush treated the military like a spoiled brat who abuses an expensive toy his parents gave him? Imagine Trump. He'll get us into WW3. This is why the GOP can't even endorse him over Hillary. They can't say it out loud because they got to worry about their jobs but they do not want Trump to win. So he won't.
Which lie is the best to you?
You tell me which lies of Trumps do you like best?

The half lies, the partial lies, the mostly a lie or the flat out lies? OR, the PANTS ON FIRE lies.
So, in the absence of an answer to a fairly simple question, we must assume you don't know which one of hitlerys lies is real enough to believe....
We are talking about Trump and the Bush's. Nice try to deflect. Why don't you run along little doggy?
So, all her lies inspire you?
Yes Hillary inspires me.

Lets look at the king of liars.

The PolitiFact scorecard on Trump
Seems like a big fat old liar to me dummy. Boy are you guys dumb.

Remember Bush treated the military like a spoiled brat who abuses an expensive toy his parents gave him? Imagine Trump. He'll get us into WW3. This is why the GOP can't even endorse him over Hillary. They can't say it out loud because they got to worry about their jobs but they do not want Trump to win. So he won't.
Which lie is the best to you?
Congrats. This will be the last back and forth you have with me. From now on it's just forth.
You're surrender is accepted.....

Another liberal tool owned!!!!
Liberals who feel entitled to MY money, income I worked untold volumes of overtime to earn, that they say its greedy for me to want to keep my money vs it being confiscated and redistributed to these fat lard ass lazy losers on welfare disgust me.
First of all, ya have no money and we all know it. Second of all, it is the corporate GOP who will get all your money before you fucking die stupid. For example, we had to put my mom in a home. It was $11,000 a month. You think it's us liberals who are going to take all the money you took your whole life to save? You are a fucking joke. You will leave your kids nothing. In fact they'll probably have to take care of you. This is the new normal in America. And it is you lower middle class Republicans who are doing it to yourselves. Unfortunately you are taking us down with you.

Get a job loser earn your own damn money and stop mooching off me. Your mom is your financial responsibility fool not mine, that's so typical of the left's thinking. All the time you waste posting on this forum could have been spent working a 2nd job and paying your own damn bills. Its my money, I earned it, you are not entitled to one damn cent get that through your thick skull.
Listening to everything the GOP and Libertarians have to say, I have to say I viamently disagree with the direction they want to take America. They are a very selfish group.

Paul Ryan, the father of a Republican budget initiative that seeks to destroy Medicare and Social Security has continually invoked the name of Ayn Rand as his philosophical mentor and guide. Many other Republicans have do so too. They are embracing a philosophy which, according to Ayn Rand herself, is one of selfishness and is against all forms of Spirituality. The question any thoughtful Americans must ask themselves is: “Is this the America we want?”

And how do they get evangelicals to go along with them is beyond me.

Its a very selfish every man for himself mentality.

And Libertarians don't believe in the Commons. What are the Commons?

The Commons are resources that are owned by all of us. That includes the Grand Canyon, oil rights, power companies, roads, public airwaves, schools, etc.

Here is how they think. Libertarians think if we all own the land on which our sheep graze, we will each add one too many sheep until we destroy the land for future generations. That We the People can't manage the commons.

Libertarians think that if one person owns the land and charged everyone else grazing fees, he would be more committed to preserving it for the future than a village of farmers.

I disagree.

Good luck living in a country that will one day be under muslim rule if clinton becomes prez. She intends to accelerate obama's record of muslim immigration. Look to countries in europe to see what can happen in America. Trump is the only one who may be able to turn this around although even his own party is against him on trade and immigration. And do you really think that corporate dems care anything about the commons, social security, and medicare? I don't.
Listening to everything the GOP and Libertarians have to say, I have to say I viamently disagree with the direction they want to take America. They are a very selfish group.

Paul Ryan, the father of a Republican budget initiative that seeks to destroy Medicare and Social Security has continually invoked the name of Ayn Rand as his philosophical mentor and guide. Many other Republicans have do so too. They are embracing a philosophy which, according to Ayn Rand herself, is one of selfishness and is against all forms of Spirituality. The question any thoughtful Americans must ask themselves is: “Is this the America we want?”

And how do they get evangelicals to go along with them is beyond me.

Its a very selfish every man for himself mentality.

And Libertarians don't believe in the Commons. What are the Commons?

The Commons are resources that are owned by all of us. That includes the Grand Canyon, oil rights, power companies, roads, public airwaves, schools, etc.

Here is how they think. Libertarians think if we all own the land on which our sheep graze, we will each add one too many sheep until we destroy the land for future generations. That We the People can't manage the commons.

Libertarians think that if one person owns the land and charged everyone else grazing fees, he would be more committed to preserving it for the future than a village of farmers.

I disagree.
So you want to live in a commune and not get paid for work? or you just don't want to work?

Liberals want to control everyone and you call us selfish....wow.

How can we ever trust or believe Republicans? For years they defended the Bush’s. But now, all of the sudden Republicans are voting for a person that the former Republican presidents won’t endorse. Are Republicans essentially admitting that liberals were right all these years? I think so. Because look at Trumps Tariffs. That’s liberal. And last night Trump said black communities need more cops not less. We’ve been saying that for years! And it was Republican governors who slashed budgets so that places like Detroit had to cut cops, firefighters and city employees & services. Under GOP Governor Rick Snyder's budget if you called 911 in Detroit it took 4 hours for a cop to show up if they even showed up at all. Watch 1 minute in.

What a bunch of disingenuous fucks Republicans are. But I don’t think they even realize they are this ignorant. They aren’t just being intellectually dishonest with us. They are being intellectually dishonest with themselves.

But thanks for finally admitting us liberals are right. The Bush’s agree with us that Trump should not be president and Trump agrees with us that inner cities need more cops. Apparently the way to win over voters is to agree with us. Go figure.

It really bothers me that Republicans are allowed to defend Bush for 8 years and then now try to distance themselves from him. At what point did they stop defending Bush? When was that moment? Republicans are just like Trump. They will never admit they are wrong. But their actions speak louder than their words.

On the other hand, we have Democrats who said W was Hiltler, then you sold it all out for Obama who continued W's policies. But we can't trust Republicans, we can trust you ...


What a tool
Liberals who feel entitled to MY money, income I worked untold volumes of overtime to earn, that they say its greedy for me to want to keep my money vs it being confiscated and redistributed to these fat lard ass lazy losers on welfare disgust me.
First of all, ya have no money and we all know it. Second of all, it is the corporate GOP who will get all your money before you fucking die stupid. For example, we had to put my mom in a home. It was $11,000 a month. You think it's us liberals who are going to take all the money you took your whole life to save? You are a fucking joke. You will leave your kids nothing. In fact they'll probably have to take care of you. This is the new normal in America. And it is you lower middle class Republicans who are doing it to yourselves. Unfortunately you are taking us down with you.

Get a job loser earn your own damn money and stop mooching off me. Your mom is your financial responsibility fool not mine, that's so typical of the left's thinking. All the time you waste posting on this forum could have been spent working a 2nd job and paying your own damn bills. Its my money, I earned it, you are not entitled to one damn cent get that through your thick skull.
You got to pay taxes. Republicans are Every Man For Himself and Democrats understand We Are All In This TOGETHER!

You were able to become successful in the system I defend. Your way, you would have never crawled out of the shit hole your parents birthed you in. OR, you are a privileged white asshole who doesn't understand you were NOT born in the house you built with your own two hands.
Listening to everything the GOP and Libertarians have to say, I have to say I viamently disagree with the direction they want to take America. They are a very selfish group.

Paul Ryan, the father of a Republican budget initiative that seeks to destroy Medicare and Social Security has continually invoked the name of Ayn Rand as his philosophical mentor and guide. Many other Republicans have do so too. They are embracing a philosophy which, according to Ayn Rand herself, is one of selfishness and is against all forms of Spirituality. The question any thoughtful Americans must ask themselves is: “Is this the America we want?”

And how do they get evangelicals to go along with them is beyond me.

Its a very selfish every man for himself mentality.

And Libertarians don't believe in the Commons. What are the Commons?

The Commons are resources that are owned by all of us. That includes the Grand Canyon, oil rights, power companies, roads, public airwaves, schools, etc.

Here is how they think. Libertarians think if we all own the land on which our sheep graze, we will each add one too many sheep until we destroy the land for future generations. That We the People can't manage the commons.

Libertarians think that if one person owns the land and charged everyone else grazing fees, he would be more committed to preserving it for the future than a village of farmers.

I disagree.

Good luck living in a country that will one day be under muslim rule if clinton becomes prez. She intends to accelerate obama's record of muslim immigration. Look to countries in europe to see what can happen in America. Trump is the only one who may be able to turn this around although even his own party is against him on trade and immigration. And do you really think that corporate dems care anything about the commons, social security, and medicare? I don't.
Don't believe anyone who says, "only I can..."
Listening to everything the GOP and Libertarians have to say, I have to say I viamently disagree with the direction they want to take America. They are a very selfish group.

Paul Ryan, the father of a Republican budget initiative that seeks to destroy Medicare and Social Security has continually invoked the name of Ayn Rand as his philosophical mentor and guide. Many other Republicans have do so too. They are embracing a philosophy which, according to Ayn Rand herself, is one of selfishness and is against all forms of Spirituality. The question any thoughtful Americans must ask themselves is: “Is this the America we want?”

And how do they get evangelicals to go along with them is beyond me.

Its a very selfish every man for himself mentality.

And Libertarians don't believe in the Commons. What are the Commons?

The Commons are resources that are owned by all of us. That includes the Grand Canyon, oil rights, power companies, roads, public airwaves, schools, etc.

Here is how they think. Libertarians think if we all own the land on which our sheep graze, we will each add one too many sheep until we destroy the land for future generations. That We the People can't manage the commons.

Libertarians think that if one person owns the land and charged everyone else grazing fees, he would be more committed to preserving it for the future than a village of farmers.

I disagree.
So you want to live in a commune and not get paid for work? or you just don't want to work?

Liberals want to control everyone and you call us selfish....wow.

How can we ever trust or believe Republicans? For years they defended the Bush’s. But now, all of the sudden Republicans are voting for a person that the former Republican presidents won’t endorse. Are Republicans essentially admitting that liberals were right all these years? I think so. Because look at Trumps Tariffs. That’s liberal. And last night Trump said black communities need more cops not less. We’ve been saying that for years! And it was Republican governors who slashed budgets so that places like Detroit had to cut cops, firefighters and city employees & services. Under GOP Governor Rick Snyder's budget if you called 911 in Detroit it took 4 hours for a cop to show up if they even showed up at all. Watch 1 minute in.

What a bunch of disingenuous fucks Republicans are. But I don’t think they even realize they are this ignorant. They aren’t just being intellectually dishonest with us. They are being intellectually dishonest with themselves.

But thanks for finally admitting us liberals are right. The Bush’s agree with us that Trump should not be president and Trump agrees with us that inner cities need more cops. Apparently the way to win over voters is to agree with us. Go figure.

It really bothers me that Republicans are allowed to defend Bush for 8 years and then now try to distance themselves from him. At what point did they stop defending Bush? When was that moment? Republicans are just like Trump. They will never admit they are wrong. But their actions speak louder than their words.

On the other hand, we have Democrats who said W was Hiltler, then you sold it all out for Obama who continued W's policies. But we can't trust Republicans, we can trust you ...


What a tool

If he continued Bush's policies, why didn't you vote for him in 12?
Listening to everything the GOP and Libertarians have to say, I have to say I viamently disagree with the direction they want to take America. They are a very selfish group.

Paul Ryan, the father of a Republican budget initiative that seeks to destroy Medicare and Social Security has continually invoked the name of Ayn Rand as his philosophical mentor and guide. Many other Republicans have do so too. They are embracing a philosophy which, according to Ayn Rand herself, is one of selfishness and is against all forms of Spirituality. The question any thoughtful Americans must ask themselves is: “Is this the America we want?”

And how do they get evangelicals to go along with them is beyond me.

Its a very selfish every man for himself mentality.

And Libertarians don't believe in the Commons. What are the Commons?

The Commons are resources that are owned by all of us. That includes the Grand Canyon, oil rights, power companies, roads, public airwaves, schools, etc.

Here is how they think. Libertarians think if we all own the land on which our sheep graze, we will each add one too many sheep until we destroy the land for future generations. That We the People can't manage the commons.

Libertarians think that if one person owns the land and charged everyone else grazing fees, he would be more committed to preserving it for the future than a village of farmers.

I disagree.
So you want to live in a commune and not get paid for work? or you just don't want to work?

Liberals want to control everyone and you call us selfish....wow.

How can we ever trust or believe Republicans? For years they defended the Bush’s. But now, all of the sudden Republicans are voting for a person that the former Republican presidents won’t endorse. Are Republicans essentially admitting that liberals were right all these years? I think so. Because look at Trumps Tariffs. That’s liberal. And last night Trump said black communities need more cops not less. We’ve been saying that for years! And it was Republican governors who slashed budgets so that places like Detroit had to cut cops, firefighters and city employees & services. Under GOP Governor Rick Snyder's budget if you called 911 in Detroit it took 4 hours for a cop to show up if they even showed up at all. Watch 1 minute in.

What a bunch of disingenuous fucks Republicans are. But I don’t think they even realize they are this ignorant. They aren’t just being intellectually dishonest with us. They are being intellectually dishonest with themselves.

But thanks for finally admitting us liberals are right. The Bush’s agree with us that Trump should not be president and Trump agrees with us that inner cities need more cops. Apparently the way to win over voters is to agree with us. Go figure.

It really bothers me that Republicans are allowed to defend Bush for 8 years and then now try to distance themselves from him. At what point did they stop defending Bush? When was that moment? Republicans are just like Trump. They will never admit they are wrong. But their actions speak louder than their words.

On the other hand, we have Democrats who said W was Hiltler, then you sold it all out for Obama who continued W's policies. But we can't trust Republicans, we can trust you ...


What a tool

If he continued Bush's policies, why didn't you vote for him in 12?

Why would I when I didn't vote for W doing those policies? But you already know that.

So I'm curious. Do you have no long term memory or are you just stupid?
Liberals who feel entitled to MY money, income I worked untold volumes of overtime to earn, that they say its greedy for me to want to keep my money vs it being confiscated and redistributed to these fat lard ass lazy losers on welfare disgust me.
First of all, ya have no money and we all know it. Second of all, it is the corporate GOP who will get all your money before you fucking die stupid. For example, we had to put my mom in a home. It was $11,000 a month. You think it's us liberals who are going to take all the money you took your whole life to save? You are a fucking joke. You will leave your kids nothing. In fact they'll probably have to take care of you. This is the new normal in America. And it is you lower middle class Republicans who are doing it to yourselves. Unfortunately you are taking us down with you.

So everything should be free? Idle not you make no sense.
Liberals who feel entitled to MY money, income I worked untold volumes of overtime to earn, that they say its greedy for me to want to keep my money vs it being confiscated and redistributed to these fat lard ass lazy losers on welfare disgust me.
First of all, ya have no money and we all know it. Second of all, it is the corporate GOP who will get all your money before you fucking die stupid. For example, we had to put my mom in a home. It was $11,000 a month. You think it's us liberals who are going to take all the money you took your whole life to save? You are a fucking joke. You will leave your kids nothing. In fact they'll probably have to take care of you. This is the new normal in America. And it is you lower middle class Republicans who are doing it to yourselves. Unfortunately you are taking us down with you.

So everything should be free? Idle not you make no sense.
Of course that's what you republicans hear. So stupid.

I was born in 1970. My dad showed me the bill for having a baby. It was like $400. Amazing how the cost of living has gone up but the masses wages have stayed stagnant. No thanks to guys like Jack Welch of GE. He sure made GE and himself a lot of money, at America's expense. Now tell me Obama's economy czar is the former CEO of GE. No shit! That's what happens when the rich take over your country.

I love it how the GOP's policies made the rich richer just like we said they would and Republicans have the balls to blame us for trickle down not trickling down.
Liberals who feel entitled to MY money, income I worked untold volumes of overtime to earn, that they say its greedy for me to want to keep my money vs it being confiscated and redistributed to these fat lard ass lazy losers on welfare disgust me.
First of all, ya have no money and we all know it. Second of all, it is the corporate GOP who will get all your money before you fucking die stupid. For example, we had to put my mom in a home. It was $11,000 a month. You think it's us liberals who are going to take all the money you took your whole life to save? You are a fucking joke. You will leave your kids nothing. In fact they'll probably have to take care of you. This is the new normal in America. And it is you lower middle class Republicans who are doing it to yourselves. Unfortunately you are taking us down with you.

So everything should be free? Idle not you make no sense.
Of course that's what you republicans hear. So stupid.

I was born in 1970. My dad showed me the bill for having a baby. It was like $400. Amazing how the cost of living has gone up but the masses wages have stayed stagnant. No thanks to guys like Jack Welch of GE. He sure made GE and himself a lot of money, at America's expense. Now tell me Obama's economy czar is the former CEO of GE. No shit! That's what happens when the rich take over your country.

I love it how the GOP's policies made the rich richer just like we said they would and Republicans have the balls to blame us for trickle down not trickling down.

Sealy I'll get to the taxes in a sec.....
But Obama hires the GE CEO that paid no corporate taxes under Obama's tax plan, yet you back him and blame republicans.....uhhhhhhhhhh
Listening to everything the GOP and Libertarians have to say, I have to say I viamently disagree with the direction they want to take America. They are a very selfish group.

Paul Ryan, the father of a Republican budget initiative that seeks to destroy Medicare and Social Security has continually invoked the name of Ayn Rand as his philosophical mentor and guide. Many other Republicans have do so too. They are embracing a philosophy which, according to Ayn Rand herself, is one of selfishness and is against all forms of Spirituality. The question any thoughtful Americans must ask themselves is: “Is this the America we want?”

And how do they get evangelicals to go along with them is beyond me.

Its a very selfish every man for himself mentality.

And Libertarians don't believe in the Commons. What are the Commons?

The Commons are resources that are owned by all of us. That includes the Grand Canyon, oil rights, power companies, roads, public airwaves, schools, etc.

Here is how they think. Libertarians think if we all own the land on which our sheep graze, we will each add one too many sheep until we destroy the land for future generations. That We the People can't manage the commons.

Libertarians think that if one person owns the land and charged everyone else grazing fees, he would be more committed to preserving it for the future than a village of farmers.

I disagree.
So you want to live in a commune and not get paid for work? or you just don't want to work?

Liberals want to control everyone and you call us selfish....wow.

How can we ever trust or believe Republicans? For years they defended the Bush’s. But now, all of the sudden Republicans are voting for a person that the former Republican presidents won’t endorse. Are Republicans essentially admitting that liberals were right all these years? I think so. Because look at Trumps Tariffs. That’s liberal. And last night Trump said black communities need more cops not less. We’ve been saying that for years! And it was Republican governors who slashed budgets so that places like Detroit had to cut cops, firefighters and city employees & services. Under GOP Governor Rick Snyder's budget if you called 911 in Detroit it took 4 hours for a cop to show up if they even showed up at all. Watch 1 minute in.

What a bunch of disingenuous fucks Republicans are. But I don’t think they even realize they are this ignorant. They aren’t just being intellectually dishonest with us. They are being intellectually dishonest with themselves.

But thanks for finally admitting us liberals are right. The Bush’s agree with us that Trump should not be president and Trump agrees with us that inner cities need more cops. Apparently the way to win over voters is to agree with us. Go figure.

It really bothers me that Republicans are allowed to defend Bush for 8 years and then now try to distance themselves from him. At what point did they stop defending Bush? When was that moment? Republicans are just like Trump. They will never admit they are wrong. But their actions speak louder than their words.

so you have to ask yourself, who runs the Detroit police department, the Mayor or the Governor. I know this is a trick question for you. But think really really hard. I'd like your answer please.

Edit: and where does the money come from for their salaries? The state, or local? Who negotiates with the unions for those salaries, the state or the city?

Mayor Mike Duggan would love to hire more cops if he had the money.

Oh, so you think paying cops less means you can hire more cops? Here's a trick question. You are out of your fucking mind?

P.S. I wish all cops could see your post. Most cops don't give a shit about other unions because they think their union is the one union that is off limits. I wish they knew that you would like to cut their salaries. I wish they knew you Republicans believe even they are making too much. You think even cops are TAKERS!!!

why didn't you answer my questions? again who runs the city police department, mayor or governor? who negotiates their salaries state or city? Obviously you're afraid to answer cause it will show you have no idea what you're talking about. Thanks for the laugh friend. :eusa_naughty::eusa_naughty::eusa_naughty::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

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