Why I dont post here

Originally posted by Foxfyre
Palestinians know darn well that if they don't harrass Israel, they have absolutely nothing to fear from Israel in any way. They choose to continue harrassment and then claim victimhood that they know will be believed by those who operate from kneejerk emotionalism and/or hatred of Israel and/or the USA. Further their terrorists intentionally place their rocket launchers and hide their munitions among women and children to ensure that any retaliation from Israel will likely injure or kill women and children. This gives the noble Palestinians more ammunition to use to gain that sympathy.

Originally posted by Reality
All you are doing is presenting the Israeli perspective.

All he's doing is presenting the Israeli perspective, Reality?

The guy is unashamedly portraying a racial dictatorship as the "victim" of the native people of Palestine it keeps herded in arab corrals for 60 years and counting.

Talk about moral depravity.
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José;723397 said:
What must a native do to be considered fully human in your book, Diuretic?

Does he have to know the Outback and play the didgeridoo to deserve to be treated fairly in a democratic state with equal rights for all?

Does he have to know how to chase wild animals with dingoes and throw boomerangs at canguroos and wallabies to have the right to move freely in their homeland?

I’m asking you these questions because you recently said you agree with the official apology issued by the Australian government to the native people of Australia.

Democracy, official apologies, reparations and compensations for the natives of America, South Africa and Australia and jewish racism for the natives of Palestine, Diuretic?

I don't think you can blame Diuretic for all that but go ahead anyway.:D I am betting that is the first time you've ever had to write the words dingoes and canguroos?
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José;723436 said:
All he's doing is presenting the Israeli perspective, Reality?

The guy is unashamedly portraying a racial dictatorship as the "victim" of the native people of Palestine it keeps herded in arab corrals for 60 years and counting.

Talk about moral depravity.

Moral depravity? Really? Perhaps you would like to point out the many instances in which Israel has attacked Palestinians without provocation? Perhaps you can show the Israeli policy that denies Palestine or Palestinians the right to exist or condemns them as deserving of being forced off the face of the Earth. Perhaps you can show where Palestinians welcome and accommodate Israeli Jews as having full human rights and privileges of citizenship that are enjoyed by the almost 2 million Palestinian people who are citizens of Israel?

Perhaps you can show where Israelis have gone into crowded markets or mosques or onto busses filled with mothers and school children and blown them up? Perhaps you can show where Israelis have fired rockets or morters indiscriminately into Palestinian neighborhoods hoping to kill or maim somebody--anybody--doesn't matter how young or old or how innocent? Perhaps you can show where Israelis have sneaked into Palestinian residential areas, took random civilians accused of nothing, and slit their throats or tortured them to death?

You will have to go back well before the establishment of the new Israel to find evidence of Jewish terrorists operating from Israel.

And then, when you are unable to come up with credible instances of any of that directed toward Palestinians which can be shown to be Israeli policy, committed at Iraeli orders, or condoned by the Israeli people, I suggest you read this short essay published this week:
RealClearPolitics - Articles - A Child Killer's Homecoming

Is there reason to criticize some of the policies Israel implemented to defend themselves or to effectively retaliate against terrorist attacks on Israel? Yes there is. But whether or not is wasn't the best choice or whether it was overreaction or whatever, you will not find ANY instances where Israelis have intentionally targeted women and children or any innocents, nor any instances where they use those kinds of people as shields and targets as the Palestinian terrorists do.

And once you have looked at the history and evaluated each circumstance, then perhaps you will have some understanding of what moral depravity is all about. I rather doubt you'll get it--perhaps you even condone what Palestinian terrorists do. I have no idea. But fortunately there are some people who still think rationally and who understand the difference between self defense and moral depravity.

It is not moral depravity to do whatever is necessary to protect your citizens and your very existance from those who would take that from you. It is moral depravity to hate a people so much that you would exterminate them from the face of the Earth.
Your alleged 'races' have more genetic differences within them than there are between the alleged 'averages' of those alleged races. In fact there are no such things, outside the fantasies of racists. Grow up!

Yes, my education does allow me to discuss 'Celts' without reading up old racist fantasies about these tall/short, fair/dark red-headed people. The only basis for the whole tottery narrative comes from a Roman confusion about where the source of the Danube lay. As I suggested to another grumpy person, you might try reading Stephen Oppenheimer's 'The Origins of the British'. 'Celtic' is, as I think we really agree, is a linguistic term, and should be left as that. Linguistically I am sort-of-Celtic; politically I am a Cymro/British citizen (in official fantasy subject to a Queen of German background); genetically I am, like most British people, closest to the Basques. These various categories should be kept apart and examined individually. Are the Jamaicans German because they speak a Germanic language? Light-skinned and fair and that?

I see. I need to grow up. Don't believe historical documentation ... believe Rhys. How could I EVER have thought to ask for more?

I know perfectly well why there is a Zionist state, thank you: it is because a small minority of the persons-regarded-by-others-as-Jews (whether religious or not) despaired of living as civilized people in a Europe growing less civilized and more hostile daily. They decided to imitate their barbarous neighbours by setting up their own racist state, stealing someone else's country to do it in, and that despairing course is, in their circumstances then, understandable. But for Hitler and the gross failure of the US and the UK to take on the survivors or his murderous career, these fanatics would have remained more obviously the handful of nutty weirdoes they always were, but in the circumstances 'Israel' was at least somewhere to go. It is, of course, as you imply, a big ghetto. You are quite correct in blaming other Europeans for its creation, but it manifestly does not fulfil its purpose: no-one, as I've argued before, is the better or the safer for its existence, and it may yet succeed in reviving the anti-Jewish feeling the Belsen pictures killed stone dead. The sooner it is replaced by a non-racist state with international guarantees, the safer everyone will be.

Nice little bit of revisionism to support your agenda. The League of Nations partitioned Palestine, a state within Transjordan, a puppet nation of the Ottoman Empire. The Ottoman's were on the losing side of a war. Too bad for them. And too bad for any the Ottoman puppets. By the rules of the day, to the victor went the spoils.

The Israelis/Jews would probably argue that "no one is the better or the safer for its existence" comment. There also is no "may succeed in reviving the anti-Jewish feeling ..." When did it ever fully go away? The fall of the Third Reich only brought about an end to the open extermination of a people based on their religion.

This board alone has more than a couple of people who represent a mindest that villfies and twists Israel defending itself as if they should just march into the Red Sea and make all the Jew-haters happy.

Israel exists. It isn't going away. The entire ME will be destroyed before that happens, and in that destruction, so too will the rest of world go from the fallout.

So while you want to sit here acting as if you have a finger on the problem at the intellectual level, you forgot to include reality in your hypothesis.

I sure wish I was as smart as you.:bowdown:

Israel exists. It isn't going away. The entire ME will be destroyed before that happens, and in that destruction, so too will the rest of world go from the fallout.

See what I said earlier about the zionists imitating German nationalism right up to that bunker in Berlin! There will, of course, be a sensible settlement as soon as the US stops subsidising and defending every crime these racists choose to commit.
Originally posted by Foxfyre
Perhaps you would like to point out the many instances in which Israel has attacked Palestinians without provocation?

You mean like all those children and sometimes even harmless grandmothers who are shot and killed by Israeli soldiers because they dared to get too close to the walls and eletric fences that surround Gaza?

Or do you want me to cite the more than 3000 thousand palestinians who were killed from 1948 to 1950 (before the first barriers were built) trying to return to their towns and villages after the war?

What was the excuse to kill palestinian civilians in 48, Foxfyre?

There was no fundamentalist groups back then, no Hamas, Islamic Jihad to serve as a convenient scapegoat.

There wasn’t even the palestinian armed struggle, not even the secular PLO.

If you can’t see the moral depravity in a racist dictatorship that shoots refugees trying to return to their towns and villages your mind is even more screwed than I thought.
But this is not a problem for someone hellbent on legitimising a state racist to the core so the israeli national myth says that the palestinian refugees left their homes for “genocidal reasons”.

According to the official narrative, when jewish refugees left their towns and villages just before the war of 48 and moved to coastal cities they were just scared civilians trying to save their lives by fleeing a warzone but when Palestinians did the same the myth says they were bloodthirsty arabs waiting for the jews to be slaughtered.

Civilian populations have always fled warzones since the first prehistoric war.

The selective reasoning behind the myth is pitiful. It can’t even maintain a bare modicum of coherency.
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But the myth serves its purpose:

Legitimising the fact that Israel has been an apartheid state from day one.
See what I said earlier about the zionists imitating German nationalism right up to that bunker in Berlin! There will, of course, be a sensible settlement as soon as the US stops subsidising and defending every crime these racists choose to commit.

Nothing to see. Anti-Jewish propaganda isn't really worth a read.

There will be a sensible settlement as soon as people stop supporting a "nation" of people that voted for a terrorist organization to represent them to the world as their government and wage war indiscriminately against women and children and anything else they're sure can't fight back.

Your backwards-assed accusations are just THAT. Nothing more. The racists would be the ones waging a war of extermination, not the ones waging war in self-defense.

When you blow away all the smoke and mirrors, you and those like you support a band of murdering thugs waging a war of genocide against a people who don't think and act like them.

No matter how you dress it up, the Arabs are the bad guys, and YOU their supporter. Keep on lying to yourself all you want, but you need to stop short when it comes to blowing that smoke us MY ass. I ain't buying it.
José;723795 said:
But this is not a problem for someone hellbent on legitimising a state racist to the core so the israeli national myth says that the palestinian refugees left their homes for “genocidal reasons”.

According to the official narrative, when jewish refugees left their towns and villages just before the war of 48 and moved to coastal cities they were just scared civilians trying to save their lives by fleeing a warzone but when Palestinians did the same the myth says they were bloodthirsty arabs waiting for the jews to be slaughtered.

Civilian populations have always fled warzones since the first prehistoric war.

The selective reasoning behind the myth is pitiful. It can’t even maintain a bare modicum of coherency.

You got that selective reasoning myth right. You twisted fucks supporting criminals with your selective reasoning that flies in the face of all evidence defies all logic and facts.

A murdering, scumbag Egyptian criminal decides he's got one-billionth a drop of "Palestinian" blood in him and rounds a band of like-minded ne'er-do-wells and begins waging an indiscriminant war of genocide against a people and before all is said and done, nitwits like you have given the "Grandaddy of Modern Day Terrorism" the Nobel Peace Prize.

Just fucking brilliant. What do you do for an encore?
Nothing to see. Anti-Jewish propaganda isn't really worth a read.

There will be a sensible settlement as soon as people stop supporting a "nation" of people that voted for a terrorist organization to represent them to the world as their government and wage war indiscriminately against women and children and anything else they're sure can't fight back.

Your backwards-assed accusations are just THAT. Nothing more. The racists would be the ones waging a war of extermination, not the ones waging war in self-defense.

When you blow away all the smoke and mirrors, you and those like you support a band of murdering thugs waging a war of genocide against a people who don't think and act like them.

No matter how you dress it up, the Arabs are the bad guys, and YOU their supporter. Keep on lying to yourself all you want, but you need to stop short when it comes to blowing that smoke us MY ass. I ain't buying it.

As always with you nazi types, all will be well if all those others stop making claims to humanity and human rights and just quietly accept slavery or die, and if their supporters learn to tell the Big Lie you favour. If you could just once stop ranting and look at the figures you will see at once who the exterminators are - the terrorist 'state' that exists on US subsidies and total support. Let's quote the figures again: since 2,000 the zionists have killed 4,830 Palestinians and 982 Palestinian children against 119 settler children killed by the Resistance. Racists like yourself, of course, don't care, because Master Race lives are infinitely more valuable than the lives of us ordinary earthlings. We supported the 'terrorist' French Resistance against your predecessors, amazingly unimpressed by the nazis giving them that label, and it is the same now. Because you ask us to sympathise with those poor, delicate, flowerlike stormtroopers and childmurderers who call themselves after the people of the Old Testament, it doesn't mean we will, any more than we would accept the rights of, say, the UN to give our countries to someone else. The trouble with you, Goebbels, is that you've been able to silence opposition for too long: all you can do is rant. Obviously no-one is in favour of atrocities, but, as always, the answer is to abolish colonialism and its crappy propaganda and make a sensible AGREED NOT IMPOSED non-racist settlement between people.
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Ya.. it's to bad the pals have a martyr call to get behind in order to rationalize violence and death, eh?

remind you of ANYONE?

Again, if you can rationalize a JEWISH israel then why don't you have a problem rationalizing an ARYAN, or NEGRO for that matter, state of Texas?
Maybe you should have thought this out, Rhys, back when you helped the Nazis exterminate Jews...how many Jews are dead because your people helped the Nazis? I'm guessing it's a bit higher than the deaths you are attributing to the Israelis. And since the Nazis lost, your people lost as well.
Maybe you should have thought this out, Rhys, back when you helped the Nazis exterminate Jews...how many Jews are dead because your people helped the Nazis? I'm guessing it's a bit higher than the deaths you are attributing to the Israelis. And since the Nazis lost, your people lost as well.

So Rhys himself helped the Nazis? Hows that for making generalizations about people.
i understand that jews started buying the land as far back as 1870's. the land was considered worthless by arabs/muslims....and has been considered worthless since muhammad was rejected by the jews in jerusalem (about 1400 years ago) and then muhammad had a "divine" thought to now have prayer towards mecca. allah, all knowing....

muslims hate jews

1. dildodick is really racist. I saw yo quote in one of his posts and wanted to ask you a question so I searched all his posts and BOY OH BOY does he have a lot to say about jews.

2. the problem isn't jew, muslim, christian, black, white, women, men, gays, straights, pro life, choice, etc. its rich vs poor.

3. you said israel "purchase" palistine, or purchased israel? my question is, who did they buy it from? I always thought they just occupied it.. But I could be wrong.
The difference is, he doesn't liken zionism to racism or nazism or apartheid. Nor does he promote the idea of jews living subjugated to Arabs in a one-state solution.

This insistence that a one-state solution is somehow immoral and racist is absurd and is the primary reason why you get into these exchanges of "you a fascist no you're a fascist." Stop it.

600,000 people died in the Civil War in our own country. Is the south any more subjugated to Washington than the north today? Jews and Muslims lived in relative peace for centuries, at least with less violence and suffering that today, and Israel has lived in relative peace for very short amounts of time with its neighbors (1999 for example). There is no reason to call people antisemitic for thinking that a single state in a semi-autonomous republic, with administration of each BOTH IN JERUSALEM, that can find a way to work together enough to not kill each other won't make things a lot better than today. You can disagree without calling me antisemitic.

That's the difference between someone who's concerned about the issue and someone who's hiding their anti-semitism behind some anti-Israel agenda.

Israel does not represent all Jews. Stop it. Zionism is not Judaism. Stop it.

So it depends on which side of that line you fall.

How about not keeping your line calling people antisemites on a fucking hot key.

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