Why I dont post here

I'm not a man. The fact that you've managed to miss that shows that your radar is a little skewed to begin with.

Your gender identity is far more important to you than it is to me, no doubt.

But I do apologise for any pain I caused you by thinking (or actually not thinking) about it.
I have a question. If Celts aren't considered a "race" and can't be separated out from the Brits, how can Jews be considered a separate race than the Arabs? All these comments about Israel being a racist state make no sense.


If I were forced to find a label for it, I'd say it was an enthocentric state, or perhaps better still, a state which has obvious cultural biases which truly piss some people off.

Israel is a colonialist state under siege by the native tribes who are not yet willing to accept that it exists, and is probably going to continue existing for a long, long time.
I certainly am you ignorant gobshite, now belt up you ponce:D

That is very disillusioning. Are you sure you aren't a toad or some other lower creature as well as an oafish, foulmouthed turd? I've always found Geordies to be decent people, but I suppose there has to be an exception to every rule. Ever thought about crawling into a sewer and dying?
I have a question. If Celts aren't considered a "race" and can't be separated out from the Brits, how can Jews be considered a separate race than the Arabs? All these comments about Israel being a racist state make no sense.

There ARE no 'races' - only racists believe in them. There are 'imagined communities' people believe themselves to belong to, that's all.
There ARE no 'races' - only racists believe in them. There are 'imagined communities' people believe themselves to belong to, that's all.

Then you hopefully agree that your previous statement is wrong:

The sooner it is replaced by a non-racist state with international guarantees, the safer everyone will be.
Otherwise, you are implying that Israelis are racist and IMO, that attitude from you coupled with your belief on "races" is racist in of itself.
Then you hopefully agree that your previous statement is wrong:

Otherwise, you are implying that Israelis are racist and IMO, that attitude from you coupled with your belief on "races" is racist in of itself.

He's an idiot, Derbyshire is the idiot county of England, everybody knows that.:D and he is probably Welsh going by his name so that makes him a sheepshagging retard from Derbyshire.
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There ARE no 'races' - only racists believe in them. There are 'imagined communities' people believe themselves to belong to, that's all.

How come your rep is in the red?:D nobody like you?:eusa_whistle:
The poor Jews. We bitch at them when they're too civilized. And then, when they start acting like us, (you know... acting like racist and ethnocentric bullies) we bitch about them acting like NAZIs.

You mean socialist utopians? The early Kibbutzim remind me of the 1970's back-to-earther hippies. Oy, groovy!

Of course those Zionists considered going elsewhere. South America, for example and Africa, too. But they realized that the only place that really had any real estate appeal to the people who'd been toasting " Next year in Jerusalem" for the last thousands years, would be Palestine.

May? I'd have to say it has revived that feeling in many, wouldn't you? If nothing else, the mistakes that Israel has made as it regards their treatment of the Palestinians, gives people already prone to Jew hating an excuse to spew their hateful nonsense behind the cover of their crocodile tears for people they'd probably hate equally, given half a chance...the Palestinians.

From your pen to God's ear.

I'm not really sure that even that would work though.

Not even if every Isreali bought into it.

I suspect that the Arab world has had its fill of international guarantees, given that what that phrase generally means is that the masters of the Western Universe guarantee that they (the Arabs) get screwed.

Trust lost is hard to find.

Beautiful posting, editec. Do take care, or we shall be having a civilized discussion around here!

I think that the key to the problem will come, as in the Six Counties, when the most extreme elements on either side can get to talk seriously to one another. On the model of Ireland I dread, otherwise, the hundreds of years of bloody pay-back that will be required for what's been done. Nothing is more frightening than good boys and girs who believe (and exaggerate) their parents version of the past - and I've spend a good deal of time talking to Irish-Americans and, indeed, the odd IRA volunteer, discovering that. In these circumstances it is a great mistake to know some history - it tends to spoil the party entirely.

I strive for the Old Testament Prophet note mostly, hoping it may remind people of where they're coming from. It'll get me lynched in the finish, I'm afraid. But, me, I don't mind being buried in France.
Then you hopefully agree that your previous statement is wrong:

Otherwise, you are implying that Israelis are racist and IMO, that attitude from you coupled with your belief on "races" is racist in of itself.

You are in a muddle, Ravi. Only racists believe in 'race', and the zionists clearly do, so they are racist. I don't, so I'm not.
Beautiful posting, editec. Do take care, or we shall be having a civilized discussion around here!

I think that the key to the problem will come, as in the Six Counties, when the most extreme elements on either side can get to talk seriously to one another. On the model of Ireland I dread, otherwise, the hundreds of years of bloody pay-back that will be required for what's been done. Nothing is more frightening than good boys and girs who believe (and exaggerate) their parents version of the past - and I've spend a good deal of time talking to Irish-Americans and, indeed, the odd IRA volunteer, discovering that. In these circumstances it is a great mistake to know some history - it tends to spoil the party entirely.

I strive for the Old Testament Prophet note mostly, hoping it may remind people of where they're coming from. It'll get me lynched in the finish, I'm afraid. But, me, I don't mind being buried in France.

You odious little man, you probably burned a few holiday chalets down as well.Fucking numpty.
Originally posted by Diuretic
Should the native tribes be told about reality?

And what reality would be that, Diuretic?

The same “reality” of racism and subjugation the American and Australian colonists told the natives of the land a couple of centuries ago?

The reality of ethnic supremacism?
What must a native do to be considered fully human in your book, Diuretic?

Does he have to know the Outback and play the didgeridoo to deserve to be treated fairly in a democratic state with equal rights for all?

Does he have to know how to chase wild animals with dingoes and throw boomerangs at canguroos and wallabies to have the right to move freely in their homeland?

I’m asking you these questions because you recently said you agree with the official apology issued by the Australian government to the native people of Australia.

Democracy, official apologies, reparations and compensations for the natives of America, South Africa and Australia and jewish racism for the natives of Palestine, Diuretic?
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José;723396 said:
And what reality would be that, Diuretic?

The same “reality” of racism and subjugation the American and Australian colonists told the natives of the land a couple of centuries ago?

The reality of ethnic supremacism?

Editec posted:

Israel is a colonialist state under siege by the native tribes who are not yet willing to accept that it exists, and is probably going to continue existing for a long, long time.

My post was in that context. I think it's also in keeping with the topic of the thread. I'm happy to discuss the issues you've indicated in another thread.
José;723397 said:
What must a native do to be considered fully human in your book, Diuretic?

Does he have to know the Outback and play the didgeridoo to deserve to be treated fairly in a democratic state with equal rights for all?

Does he have to know how to chase wild animals with dingoes and throw boomerangs at canguroos and wallabies to have the right to move freely in their homeland?

I’m asking you these questions because you recently said you agree with the official apology issued by the Australian government to the native people of Australia.

Democracy, official apologies, reparations and compensations for the natives of America, South Africa and Australia and jewish racism for the natives of Palestine, Diuretic?

As I said, more than happy to discuss those issues in another thread.
Well thank you, especially after you gave me negative rep claiming it dishonest when I objected to being criticized for saying the exact same thing.

Maybe I misinterpreted when I read. If it was odious I apologize.

The original UN resolution was based on a two state solution plan which the Palestinians rejected.

There are a few, and by few I mean a lot of UN resolutions that Israel has rejected as well. Arabs went from what was supposed to be independence to a Jewish state on what they interpret as their land.

As they have rejected every subsequent negotiation to solve the problem.

Just read the 100 pages of Denis Ross' book on what happened at Camp David.

How was the PLO supposed to administer these two separate countries without the ability to travel between the two?

Pre-Camp David offer

You may also want to read Robert Malley's account of what happened at Camp David. You can find Barak's response as well.

Camp David: The Tragedy of Errors - The New York Review of Books

The orthodox story of what happened there is complete crap. Like every facet of the conflict, both sides share the responsibility.

Arafat gave it lip service but he never asked for ratification from his Fatah Party

There was no agreement and final peace must be ratified by a referendum to of the Palestinian people. That has been the long standing position of the PA.

nor did he make any effort to disband or stand down the PLO and the periodic terrorist attacks it carried out with deadly regularity.

9 Israelis dead from terror attacks in 1999. That is pretty much a secession of violence in context of the greater part of the conflict.

Arafat never wanted peace with Israel, but he was willing to work for leverage to gain advantage.

Just as the Israelis have done. Violence decreases and settlement continues at the same pace.

Because there is zero - nada - zilch record of the Israelis EVER attacking the Palestinians or anybody else without provocation. The closest to it was the Israeli airforce taking out Saddam Hussein's nuclear facility after Saddam had promised to wipe Israel off the face of the Earth. Israel may have to do that with Iran's nuclear facility for the same reason. Otherwise Israel has NEVER attacked anybody except in retaliation for attacks on Israelis in Israel or when those pledged to exterminate Israel were amassing attack forces on Israel's borders.

Rogue Israeli settlements in West Bank continue - International Herald Tribune


You think the IDF seizes this land from Palestinians by asking nicely?

Palestinians know darn well that if they don't harrass Israel, they have absolutely nothing to fear from Israel in any way. They choose to continue harrassment and then claim victimhood that they know will be believed by those who operate from kneejerk emotionalism and/or hatred of Israel and/or the USA. Further their terrorists intentionally place their rocket launchers and hide their munitions among women and children to ensure that any retaliation from Israel will likely injure or kill women and children. This gives the noble Palestinians more ammunition to use to gain that sympathy.

israelinsider: Briefs: Media group accuses Israeli soldiers of unprovoked violence against journalists

All you are doing is presenting the Israeli perspective. Trying to understand the perspective of the other side is rather important.

Kathleen Christison: Israel's Justification for Killing Palestinians

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