Why I haven't bought into the "global warming" hysteria...and neither has Duke University!

Really. Must be why my water bills are constantly going up for landscaping. I must be a total liberal lackey for noticing the warming and the less rain here. Sorry guys, I totally NOTICE. Over 40 years I have noticed this.
no one knows where you are for us to be concerned. In Illinois we've been good since before I was born 59 years going. So where is it you've found a change?
The denier cult acolytes literally don't care that the real world data directly contradicts their cult's "natural cycles!" theory. Religious cultists are like that. They take it as a point of pride that they can't be pushed off ThePathOfTrueBelief by facts and evidence.

Again, the stratospheric cooling, decrease in outgoing longwave IR, and increase in backradiation are smoking guns for global warming theory. If anyone have another theory that explains such observations, they should present it and collect their Nobel Prize. So far, the only theory that does explain the observed data is global warming theory, which is why the whole planet accepts that theory.
dude/dudette, again with the lies. How many times will you be told you're lying? Do you even care? Nope, you do it daily so that is too obvious. Losing!!!!!!!! keep up the losing you look good in it.

BTW, what is your solution to the tragedy? Money, money is going to beat up old CO2 is it?
So, did you see the president mocking you losers?

Don't worry. The rest of the nation saw it. And laughed at you. Even harder than usual.

POTUS really did belittle deniers in his speech but then who wouldn't :dunno:
So, did you see the president mocking you losers?

Don't worry. The rest of the nation saw it. And laughed at you. Even harder than usual.

ahh, does that make you feel better that a non scientist agrees with you? LOL, his comments are as factually in error as any that have previously come out of his mouth. NC = no class. Zip nadda.

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