Why I left the democrats

Love it, aside from Trump kissing Putin and Jong Un's ass.

That lay's the republican plan all out, for years, to be just like Russia.
Inexplicable. Listening to them, they felt they had lost the country. This is like the guy who kills his girlfriend and himself because "if I can't have you, NO ONE can".

Do they really understand and want the chaos that's coming? Do they think it will result in authoritarian strongman rule? I haven't figured that one out yet.
Inexplicable. Listening to them, they felt they had lost the country. This is like the guy who kills his girlfriend and himself because "if I can't have you, NO ONE can".
Instead of say..................Moving to Russia (Finding another girlfriend)
Do they really understand and want the chaos that's coming? Do they think it will result in authoritarian strongman rule?
It appears that they do.
I haven't figured that one out yet.
This is a hard learned issue, 2008. Obama. When Democrats soft pedal being dictatorial. Illegal aliens and the HUGE issue that changed business and put Americans on the streets. That is the effect unrestrained open immigration had. Nazicrats ignore it. Racism. No. It isn't. Illegal immigration WAS a HUGE issue and Democrats wrote it off...This is What Nazicrats DO, they dictate WHAT YOU are supposed to accept, then ignore the negative consequences as if we don't notice.

Oh FFS. It wasn’t poor brown people. It was Whites who caused the bubble. It was Wall Street executives who kept coming up with newer and crazier schemes to make money.

It was whites who created the CDO devices. It was Whites who created the Synthetic CDO’s when they ran out of CDO’s.

If you look at Wall Street it is wall to wall whites. Every CEO who would supervise the downfall of their banks was White. Every single person involved with the decisions was White.

Oh there were a handful of token minorities. But it was Whites wall to wall baby.

It was Whites who argued that Wall Street should be free of regulation. It was Whites who said if Wall Street makes a mistake they pay the penalty. Until they made mistakes. Then they didn’t want to talk about penalties. They wanted a bailout and they wanted their big bonus checks.

And if you want to get mad at some color. Get mad at White People who are doing it all over again. Today. They changed the names of the bloody things but they are doing it all over again.

I might live long enough to see it all collapse again.

Clever White people who want to get rich telling you that it will be fine. Don’t worry. Just invest in this CDO. It’s not guaranteed of course. But it is absolutely secure.

But you don’t want to blame the people responsible. You want to blame the people you don’t like.

White people, never have there ever been a bigger bunch of bitches.

You left the Democratic party because it didn't exclude people who you didn't see as traditionally American... 😄 Okay. Bye twat.
It is people voting Prog who are white who left neighborhoods when black people moved in that proved the fraud. They then moved to suburbs promoting themselves as diverse with love. I could care less who lives near me. I care about people living on a soap box though.
It is people voting Prog who are white who left neighborhoods when black people moved in that proved the fraud. They then moved to suburbs promoting themselves as diverse with love. I could care less who lives near me. I care about people living on a soap box though.
Are you talking about redlining? Who gives a shit about how you feel about your neighbors? You think your feelings are the more pertinent issue here? The question is whether or not you support reparations for the harm caused by the legal discrimination baked into the United States Housing policies of the 40s, 50s and 60s that have exacerbated wealth inequality?
This is like the tenth time that she's posted this topic in the short time that I've been a member here.

As I recall MaryL, we kicked you out.
First rule "no racism, sexism, islamaphobia, homophobia, ableism"

Basically we couldn't talk about 13% of the population being responsible for over 50% of all violent crime
Nope, it doesn't "basically" mean that. Facts are not racist.

And you are factually wrong in the statistics you assert.
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I hate Dems guts and wish nothing but ill will upon them, make a note.
I coudn't care less about your little feelings, go share with your shrink.

I'm talking about the general state of where the movements have arrived at. Plenty individual liars to be found on any side, but broadly speaking Democrats/left are boy scouts compared to insane lies, spin and conspiracy theories so much of the right lives on nowadays.
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WTF? I already did, FBI is a branch of DOJ who published the report I already linked you to.

Do you have something other than baseless assertions?
Yeah I have facts


I never joined the scum. Anyone who is a Democrat is stupid.
This is a hard learned issue, 2008. Obama. When Democrats soft pedal being dictatorial. Illegal aliens and the HUGE issue that changed business and put Americans on the streets. That is the effect unrestrained open immigration had. Nazicrats ignore it. Racism. No. It isn't. Illegal immigration WAS a HUGE issue and Democrats wrote it off...This is What Nazicrats DO, they dictate WHAT YOU are supposed to accept, then ignore the negative consequences as if we don't notice.
Specifically, how was Obama a dictator? You do know that dictators don't give up their power positions as dictators willfully right?
If you are young and not a liberal you have no heart, if you are older and not conservative you have no brain - Winston Churchill

Churchill never said that.

When he was Prime Minister he was in the Liberal Party.


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