Why I think all my political bitching doesn't amount to crap.

dvord said:
Said1: Thanks, I didn't think I had activist in me, personally. I think the key part of a good activist I lack is an undying determination. I can get bogged down in details too easily and get overwhelmed.

Bonnie: That's another of my worries, although if I second-guess everything, I'll never get anywhere. "Let them dig their own grave" is something I've heard said of protests before, and I'm afraid that they usually do just that.

Godzoom: Hehe no live as a whole is not so miserable. Just my outlook on our country. About me? Let me summarize, it's late; first in my father's family to get a HS diploma and volunteer for an enlistment in the army. As a result, I'm a veteran of Desert Storm. Started a family, settled down, worked in the IT field for the last 15 years. Worked for small business and Fortune 100 companies. I have been married for 18 years, my son is 12. Only one child. My folks were Reagan conservatives. I was also until Desert Storm, and I got a taste of what politics can wreak upon military. I still have many conservative leanings, I can be best described as a Goldwater Republican. I identify strongest with Libertarians, and I believe the two party system has become corrupt.

Dilloduck: funny you should say that, "spiritual journey" because a great deal of that is playing a part in all this pondering and such.

ScreamingEagle: Well actually they can't. Like I said, THE only theology which is accepted in America is Christianity and the Right has that covered. What you describe as "squash"ing can also be perceived as "defending against". It's purely a matter of perspective. Theology has no place in politics, and shows as a sign of weakness in matters of state. When a political party can't muster the intellect, creative idealism, and legitimacy it needs to be effective, there's always religion to back them up. You can't hit a guy with glasses, and you can't vote against a guy with a bible in his hands.

Cheer up old boy---looks like ya still got some fight in ya anyway--it's a phase--grab some new perspective on it all---I don't think you're even equipped to give up.
dilloduck said:
Cheer up old boy---looks like ya still got some fight in ya anyway--it's a phase--grab some new perspective on it all---I don't think you're even equipped to give up.

Maybe I should set him up with the old lady - Protesting 101. :D

Naw, I wouldn't do that to ANYONE!
Said1 said:
Maybe I should set him up with the old lady - Protesting 101. :D

Naw, I wouldn't do that to ANYONE!

I wanna meet your mom someday---hear some good stuff about you I bet!
dilloduck said:
I wanna meet your mom someday---hear some good stuff about you I bet!

I think you may have run into her here, her post name was Yeula. :rotflmao:
dvord said:
ScreamingEagle: Well actually they can't. Like I said, THE only theology which is accepted in America is Christianity and the Right has that covered. What you describe as "squash"ing can also be perceived as "defending against". It's purely a matter of perspective. Theology has no place in politics, and shows as a sign of weakness in matters of state. When a political party can't muster the intellect, creative idealism, and legitimacy it needs to be effective, there's always religion to back them up. You can't hit a guy with glasses, and you can't vote against a guy with a bible in his hands.

How so? If you're splitting hairs because the Left does not have an actual theology in terms of religion, then you are completely missing the point.

The systematic squashing of religious expression is a relatively new thing in America. Never before have we had such an active and relentless attack upon our expression of prayer, our crosses, our Christmas celebrations, our very Christian heritage. This is not "defending against", it is an organized ATTACK by the Left.

Religion does have its place in politics. Religions are made up of various beliefs held by men. Religion colors mens' beliefs as to how our society should run. Men bring to politics these beliefs and they are reflected in law. As long as nobody is forcing anybody to believe in a particular religion, these laws are upheld by our Constitution because it is the majority that rules within the confines of the Constitution.

It does NOT take a secular society to run our country under our Constitution. The Left is attempting to make people think that. And it will be the downfall of our country because Christian religion has been the moral compass by which our country has made its way to the spectacular success it has become. Once that compass is destroyed, we will be destroyed as a free nation because Christianity supports the freedom of the individual and individual responsibility. The "theology" of the Left does not.
dilloduck said:
Congratulations grasshopper !!---You may have come to the point where can begin a spiritual journey that transcends all the demi-demons you have been jousting. Don't be down-hearted. Many have had to see failure on one road before they were ready to take the next.

you are my hero

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