Why I will not now or ever advocate, argue for or endorse Trump

My vote has to be EARNED.

When you vote for someone, you are telling them they are doing something right. So fuck you if you think I should vote for Trump if he is the GOP nominee just to stop Clinton. He has not earned my vote. If you want to be a cheap whore, go right ahead. Just don't expect me to lay down and spread for Trump.

If Trump is the Republican nominee, the dipshits DESERVE Clinton as their President. They will have no one to blame but themselves, not me.
To each his own....................Doesn't change the price of rice in China for me...............

There will probably be 3 Supremes nominated this cycle..............Do you want Hillary picking them...............
Like I said. The dipshits will deserve Clinton, and all the consequences. I'm well aware of the three Supreme Court appointments. I'm the one who started the topic about it. So the jackbooted retards better think long and hard how badly they want to throw that away and hand it all over to Clinton.

Most voters are so sickened by the assholes who have hijacked the parties that this election will probably have the lowest voter turnout for President since 1924.

The absolute lowest a cheap whore can go is to vote for Trump. It is the LAST thing I would ever do.
Then our country will have this.

Perhaps we should start a KKK thread like those attacking Trump from both sides.........

Yyyyyeah unfortunately Byrd quit the Klan back in 1943, before he ever ran for office and before either Clinton was even born. Nice desperate red herring lunge though.

So this is totally off topic, but if you think it isn't, let's revisit Rump's father getting busted in a Klan rally. We can do that.

LOL..............he was a member and your side is using that rhetoric currently........hell the RINO's are doing the same............Karma's a bitch.....................

I stand by my decision and don 't care who the hell cares..............Carson was my first choice...........didn't happen...............establishment can kiss my ass.

My uh, "side"?

Perhaps we should start a KKK thread like those attacking Trump from both sides.........
KKK thread? Why, so we can talk about Trump's dad?
That is exactly where the Dems would take it anyway. They do this crap every election cycle...............Time they get return fire..................They deserve it.
The tards prefer half truths. "Duh KKK wuz Democrats a very long time ago." The dumb shits connect dots that aren't there to the modern Democratic party, as if those old timey Kluxxers would support ObamaCare, gay rights, gun control, high taxes, affirmative action, and amnesty for illegals. I can just hear those good old boys now. "The Confederate flag is racist!"


The Klan was, and still is, right wing. And Christian. They were Democrats a long time ago because the South was Democratic a long time ago. Today, the South is Republican, and so is the Klan. And they loooooooove Trump.

But you can't tell the tards the WHOLE truth. They don't like it.
I'm a free market capitalist. Right there, Trump is a non-starter
We already know you love the smell of curry.

I'm in the Netherlands ordering Indian for dinner right now! It's 8pm here on a Friday.


And yep, I've proudly outsourced many IT jobs to India in my career, I'm a great American. I believe in capitalism. It makes America the great country that it is. Your liberal fear is what I am fighting
I'm a free market capitalist. Right there, Trump is a non-starter
We already know you love the smell of curry.

I'm in the Netherlands ordering Indian for dinner right now! It's 8pm here on a Friday.


And yep, I've proudly outsourced many IT jobs to India in my career, I'm a great American. I believe in capitalism. It makes America the great country that it is. Your liberal fear is what I am fighting
You personally have no power regarding your career; the MNCs did that for you.
Perhaps we should start a KKK thread like those attacking Trump from both sides.........
KKK thread? Why, so we can talk about Trump's dad?
That is exactly where the Dems would take it anyway. They do this crap every election cycle...............Time they get return fire..................They deserve it.

WHO brought it up, Sparkles?
There aren't any rules in Political debate..............figured that out yet................They attack..............and get return fire..............

If you get caught in the cross fire by not choosing that is your problem...................
I vote every election, including special elections.

If Trump and any Democrat are the choices in November, I will leave the top part of my ballot blank.
I'm a free market capitalist. Right there, Trump is a non-starter
Didn't you say that you would never support Romney and then you did?

No, I never said I will "never" support him. I invite you to try to show me that quote.

Feel free to save the quote though that I will never support Trump
It's possible I have you mixed up with someone else. Many were against Romney until he became the nominee. I have a hard time believing this will be any different.
I'm a free market capitalist. Right there, Trump is a non-starter
We already know you love the smell of curry.

I'm in the Netherlands ordering Indian for dinner right now! It's 8pm here on a Friday.


And yep, I've proudly outsourced many IT jobs to India in my career, I'm a great American. I believe in capitalism. It makes America the great
country that it is. Your liberal fear is what I am fighting
You personally have no power regarding your career; the MNCs did that for you.

I'm in the Netherlands working for an American company on their Dutch subsidiary. Who do you think runs MNCs?

And you're full of shit, that made no sense anyway. The only way business can limit your rights is ... wait for it ... government. Only government can force you to their will because only government can use guns to remove your choices.

But you go girl and keep shrieking about multinational corporations. And let politicians call you bitch for doing it
I'm a free market capitalist. Right there, Trump is a non-starter
Didn't you say that you would never support Romney and then you did?

No, I never said I will "never" support him. I invite you to try to show me that quote.

Feel free to save the quote though that I will never support Trump
It's possible I have you mixed up with someone else. Many were against Romney until he became the nominee. I have a hard time believing this will be any different.

I was against him until Obama became the Democrat nominee. But you said I said I would "never" vote for him. I never said that.

But Romney to my knowledge didn't say the anti-capitalism things Trump does. Save this in a file.

I will ... NEVER ... vote for Donald Trump
I'm a free market capitalist. Right there, Trump is a non-starter
Didn't you say that you would never support Romney and then you did?

No, I never said I will "never" support him. I invite you to try to show me that quote.

Feel free to save the quote though that I will never support Trump
It's possible I have you mixed up with someone else. Many were against Romney until he became the nominee. I have a hard time believing this will be any different.
Yes, most people are whores. They vote for the "lesser of two evils". And that's how we got Bush, followed by Obama, and now we are plumbing even deeper depths with The Donald, Hillary, and The Bern.

It's Political Limbo.

"How low can you go!"


I'm a free market capitalist. Right there, Trump is a non-starter

Hey look pick a damn side okay.

What about I'm on the side of free market capitalism confuses you?

You are a quitter, having given up without even trying to influence Trump on issues that are important to you.

If he decides he's free trade then sure, i'll reconsider. But we both know that isn't going to happen

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