Why I will not now or ever advocate, argue for or endorse Trump

I'm a free market capitalist. Right there, Trump is a non-starter
Didn't you say that you would never support Romney and then you did?

No, I never said I will "never" support him. I invite you to try to show me that quote.

Feel free to save the quote though that I will never support Trump
It's possible I have you mixed up with someone else. Many were against Romney until he became the nominee. I have a hard time believing this will be any different.
Yes, most people are whores. They vote for the "lesser of two evils". And that's how we got Bush, followed by Obama, and now we are plumbing even deeper depths with The Donald, Hillary, and The Bern.

Obama's not a "lesser evil," he's just evil. there's a difference
Staying at home is the same as voting for Hillary.................
My vote has to be EARNED.

When you vote for someone, you are telling them they are doing something right. So fuck you if you think I should vote for Trump if he is the GOP nominee just to stop Clinton. He has not earned my vote. If you want to be a cheap whore, go right ahead. Just don't expect me to lay down and spread for Trump.

If Trump is the Republican nominee, the dipshits DESERVE Clinton as their President. They will have no one to blame but themselves, not me.
To each his own....................Doesn't change the price of rice in China for me...............

There will probably be 3 Supremes nominated this cycle..............Do you want Hillary picking them...............

I also don't want Trump picking them, is the problem. And even more to the point, I don't want Trump picking Hillary.
I'm a free market capitalist. Right there, Trump is a non-starter
Didn't you say that you would never support Romney and then you did?

No, I never said I will "never" support him. I invite you to try to show me that quote.

Feel free to save the quote though that I will never support Trump
It's possible I have you mixed up with someone else. Many were against Romney until he became the nominee. I have a hard time believing this will be any different.

I was against him until Obama became the Democrat nominee. But you said I said I would "never" vote for him. I never said that.

But Romney to my knowledge didn't say the anti-capitalism things Trump does. Save this in a file.

I will ... NEVER ... vote for Donald Trump
Okay, I was wrong about what you said about Romney.
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I'm a free market capitalist. Right there, Trump is a non-starter

You don't have to like Trump. I don't.

You don't have to campaign for him. I won't

You don't have to donate to him. I can't.

All I'm going to do is VOTE for him because.....

The only alternative seems to be a a dimocrap scumbag. And short of Lucifer, anybody is preferable to a dimocrap scum.


I'm a free market capitalist. Right there, Trump is a non-starter

Hey look pick a damn side okay.
By not voting she already has.......................Put the Hillary bumper sticker on her car. LOL

I always vote, always
For a libertarian candidate that doesn't have a prayer of winning...........well good for you......

I've been saying that I would be likely to vote for Cruz or Rubio and possibly Kasich. And I have no idea who the Libertarian would be yet. though since the last two elections they didn't pick libertarians I'm pissed off at them still
I'm a free market capitalist. Right there, Trump is a non-starter
Didn't you say that you would never support Romney and then you did?

No, I never said I will "never" support him. I invite you to try to show me that quote.

Feel free to save the quote though that I will never support Trump
It's possible I have you mixed up with someone else. Many were against Romney until he became the nominee. I have a hard time believing this will be any different.
Yes, most people are whores. They vote for the "lesser of two evils". And that's how we got Bush, followed by Obama, and now we are plumbing even deeper depths with The Donald, Hillary, and The Bern.
So...........we should just stay home.........................Does just as good.....................Might as well tell the establishment to ANNOINT and crown their king...............or queen.......

At least we can stop the one we feel may do more damage........................

aka..............at least we try to prevent more damage............those that don't might as well sit at home and watch the view.
I'm a free market capitalist. Right there, Trump is a non-starter
Didn't you say that you would never support Romney and then you did?

No, I never said I will "never" support him. I invite you to try to show me that quote.

Feel free to save the quote though that I will never support Trump
It's possible I have you mixed up with someone else. Many were against Romney until he became the nominee. I have a hard time believing this will be any different.

I was against him until Obama became the Democrat nominee. But you said I said I would "never" vote for him. I never said that.

But Romney to my knowledge didn't say the anti-capitalism things Trump does. Save this in a file.

I will ... NEVER ... vote for Donald Trump
Okay, I was wrong about what you said about Romney.

Fair enough, I accept
I vote every election, including special elections.

If Trump and any Democrat are the choices in November, I will leave the top part of my ballot blank.

I thanked you because that's a step up for you.
I vote every election, including special elections.

If Trump and any Democrat are the choices in November, I will leave the top part of my ballot blank.

I thanked you because that's a step up for you.
Nope. I have not changed, your perception has. I'm sure it's a momentary thing and you'll revert back to type.
I'm a free market capitalist. Right there, Trump is a non-starter
Didn't you say that you would never support Romney and then you did?

No, I never said I will "never" support him. I invite you to try to show me that quote.

Feel free to save the quote though that I will never support Trump
It's possible I have you mixed up with someone else. Many were against Romney until he became the nominee. I have a hard time believing this will be any different.
Yes, most people are whores. They vote for the "lesser of two evils". And that's how we got Bush, followed by Obama, and now we are plumbing even deeper depths with The Donald, Hillary, and The Bern.
So...........we should just stay home.........................Does just as good.....................Might as well tell the establishment to ANNOINT and crown their king...............or queen.......

At least we can stop the one we feel may do more damage........................

aka..............at least we try to prevent more damage............those that don't might as well sit at home and watch the view.

g5000 wants you to stay home because he knows you're not voting for the Democrat. In my case, I'd prefer you'd support Cruz, Rubio or Kasich and if Trump is the nominee vote third party. There will be two parties as long as no one believes they will win, and believing they will win starts with peole voting for them
I'm a free market capitalist. Right there, Trump is a non-starter

Hey look pick a damn side okay.
By not voting she already has.......................Put the Hillary bumper sticker on her car. LOL

I always vote, always
For a libertarian candidate that doesn't have a prayer of winning...........well good for you......

I've been saying that I would be likely to vote for Cruz or Rubio and possibly Kasich. And I have no idea who the Libertarian would be yet. though since the last two elections they didn't pick libertarians I'm pissed off at them still
I have issues with Cruz................But should he win I WILL VOTE FOR HIM.............I will not put my toys up and go home should Trump lose............My candidate of choice is out............I WILL VOTE FOR THE GOP YET AGAIN..........................

If for nothing else, but to block Hillary.
Hey look pick a damn side okay.
By not voting she already has.......................Put the Hillary bumper sticker on her car. LOL

I always vote, always
For a libertarian candidate that doesn't have a prayer of winning...........well good for you......

I've been saying that I would be likely to vote for Cruz or Rubio and possibly Kasich. And I have no idea who the Libertarian would be yet. though since the last two elections they didn't pick libertarians I'm pissed off at them still
I have issues with Cruz................But should he win I WILL VOTE FOR HIM.............I will not put my toys up and go home should Trump lose............My candidate of choice is out............I WILL VOTE FOR THE GOP YET AGAIN..........................

If for nothing else, but to block Hillary.

I have issues with Cruz too. but he does consistently support free market capitalism
g5000 wants you to stay home because he knows you're not voting for the Democrat.
A lie. Which is normal for you. You have no principles. That's also why you will whore out your vote for Trump if he is the nominee.
Didn't you say that you would never support Romney and then you did?

No, I never said I will "never" support him. I invite you to try to show me that quote.

Feel free to save the quote though that I will never support Trump
It's possible I have you mixed up with someone else. Many were against Romney until he became the nominee. I have a hard time believing this will be any different.
Yes, most people are whores. They vote for the "lesser of two evils". And that's how we got Bush, followed by Obama, and now we are plumbing even deeper depths with The Donald, Hillary, and The Bern.
So...........we should just stay home.........................Does just as good.....................Might as well tell the establishment to ANNOINT and crown their king...............or queen.......

At least we can stop the one we feel may do more damage........................

aka..............at least we try to prevent more damage............those that don't might as well sit at home and watch the view.

g5000 wants you to stay home because he knows you're not voting for the Democrat. In my case, I'd prefer you'd support Cruz, Rubio or Kasich and if Trump is the nominee vote third party. There will be two parties as long as no one believes they will win, and believing they will win starts with peole voting for them
I vote every election............and while my State doesn't hold a lot of electoral votes.............They haven't got Alabama's votes in a long time.................And they will not again................we don't VOTE LIBERAL HERE............
There are the tards, and then there are the tard enablers.

The tards support Trump.

The tard enablers will vote for Trump if he is the nominee, even though they may not like him, not realizing they are telling Trump and his supporters they are doing something right, thus ensuring the tards and the Trumps keep up the "good" work and continue to control the direction of the party.

Well done, kaz!
By not voting she already has.......................Put the Hillary bumper sticker on her car. LOL

I always vote, always
For a libertarian candidate that doesn't have a prayer of winning...........well good for you......

I've been saying that I would be likely to vote for Cruz or Rubio and possibly Kasich. And I have no idea who the Libertarian would be yet. though since the last two elections they didn't pick libertarians I'm pissed off at them still
I have issues with Cruz................But should he win I WILL VOTE FOR HIM.............I will not put my toys up and go home should Trump lose............My candidate of choice is out............I WILL VOTE FOR THE GOP YET AGAIN..........................

If for nothing else, but to block Hillary.

I have issues with Cruz too. but he does consistently support free market capitalism
That is where we part ways............I don't believe in Crony Capitalism, and believe limited tariffs are in order to level the playing field..................Me and you have went round and round on this and the Tax issue...........

He wants a VAT, Cruz, no matter what he tries to say differently...........At least Ron Paul calls it what it really is.........

And the robo calls from Cruz Camp.
So...........we should just stay home.........................Does just as good.....................Might as well tell the establishment to ANNOINT and crown their king...............or queen.......

At least we can stop the one we feel may do more damage........................

aka..............at least we try to prevent more damage............those that don't might as well sit at home and watch the view.

Our Founders, and all other Republicans, recognize one simple FACT -- Government SUCKS.

If you actually read History, you will find that the Founding Fathers had no love for government -- Even the one they were trying to establish.

Government SUCKS. All government SUCKS. Republican, dimocrap scum, liberturdian (a group that doesn't believe in government of any kind but gets all butthurt about it)

Democracies, SUCK. Republican Forms of government SUCK. Monarchies SUCK. socialism SUCKS. communism SUCKS.

Are you starting to get the message yet? Good.

So why do we have elections, you may be asking? Simple -- To vote in the government that SUCKS the least.

And NOBODY SUCKS worse than dimocrap scum.

Nobody. Not socialists, not communists, not National Socialists, Not Fascists....... I shit you not..... None of them are as bad as the scum of the earth dimocrap FILTH party.

They are a criminal organization. Period.

The choice is clear. Vote or allow the scum of the earth dimocrap party take control.

Do it for too long and you won't like what happens. Trust me on that one

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