Why In Hell Would Putin Support Trump?

Tom Horn

Gold Member
Aug 31, 2015
First off, Trump had been saying for years we needed to bristle up our military.....anybody think Putin likes the sound of that happening? Trump knows how to repatriate capital sitting overseas, bringing investment and wealth back to the US. That can hardly be music to Putin's ears. Trump is expanding our natural energy sources making LNG available for export to Putin's eastern European customers....hardly good news for Vlad. Trump demands NATO expand their defense spending to 2% of GDP which in most cases doubles the armaments facing the Ivans. And by bringing heavy manufacturing back to the US, we can again convert domestic production to military production that saw Detroit and other cities provide the WW2 "arsenal for democracy" in case of another world war.

Further erosion of our manufacturing base made us dependent on the very countries we may be facing in a war.....an impossible scenario. New investments in steel, copper, aluminum, and rare earth minerals will make us self-sufficient to defend ourselves and allies. The long-term effects of these issues spell nothing but trouble for Russian hegemony. And finally, Trump's calls for China to stop devaluing their currency while teetering on the brink of economic collapse thanks to overproduction and bad investments, puts another potential Putin foe in better shape. Donald J. Trump is the last man on earth Putin wanted in the White House.

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Why In Hell Would Putin Support Trump?

Because he wants to see America weakened and for it's global influence to vanish.

Which is why he much preferred Bernie Sanders but would also have been delighted with Hillary.
Bernie Sanders would have united America like no one else.

Hillary would have provided a very standard governance, not terribly different from the two Bushes or husband Bill's. Fairly corporate, but not as much a ridiculous caricature as Trump's Silver Spoon administration.
Who wants to weaken NATO? (Putin's bothersome thorn)

Who wants to break-up the European Union? (putin's second bothersome thorn)

Who wants to start a trade ear with our :banker', China? (Putin loves to fish in troubled waters)

BUT.....most of all.....Putin wanted a puppet to easily manipulate and Trump is the Charlie McCarthy to Putin's Edgar Bergen.....

Putin HATED Clinton with a passion for her calling his corrupt elections a farce..
Who wants to weaken NATO? (Putin's bothersome thorn)

Who wants to break-up the European Union? (putin's second bothersome thorn)

Who wants to start a trade ear with our :banker', China? (Putin loves to fish in troubled waters)

BUT.....most of all.....Putin wanted a puppet to easily manipulate and Trump is the Charlie McCarthy to Putin's Edgar Bergen.....

Putin HATED Clinton with a passion for her calling his corrupt elections a farce..

Doubling the NATO defense outlay "weakens NATO"?
Do you really believe the EU is any threat to Russia?
A "trade war" with China would last about 90 days before the Chinese economy imploded.
Nobody on earth has ever "manipulated" Trump...he's an animal and a brilliant one.
It's a myth Putin "hates" Hillary....she's his ideal choice to destroy what's left of us after Barry the Fairy....a crook, a stumbling drunk, and an aide-punching, glass and lamp-throwing psychopath with the heavy (nuclear) briefcase.
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From what I gathered from the media Putin hated and didn't respect Obama. Putin hated Hillary but respected her as more of a threat than Obama. Plus Trump was returning his complements and talking down NATO. I have no first hand knowledge and so I take these things with a grain of salt and thus label things as just my 2¢.
First off, Trump had been saying for years we needed to bristle up our military.....anybody think Putin likes the sound of that happening? Trump knows how to repatriate capital sitting overseas, bringing investment and wealth back to the US. That can hardly be music to Putin's ears. Trump is expanding our natural energy sources making LNG available for export to Putin's eastern European customers....hardly good news for Vlad. Trump demands NATO expand their defense spending to 2% of GDP which in most cases doubles the armaments facing the Ivans. And by bringing heavy manufacturing back to the US, we can again convert domestic production to military production that saw Detroit and other cities provide the WW2 "arsenal for democracy" in case of another world war.

Further erosion of our manufacturing base made us dependent on the very countries we may be facing in a war.....an impossible scenario. New investments in steel, copper, aluminum, and rare earth minerals will make us self-sufficient to defend ourselves and allies. The long-term effects of these issues spell nothing but trouble for Russian hegemony. And finally, Trump's calls for China to stop devaluing their currency while teetering on the brink of economic collapse thanks to overproduction and bad investments, puts another potential Putin foe in better shape. Donald J. Trump is the last man on earth Putin wanted in the White House.

Let's analyse what you say. If I get anything wrong feel free to correct me though. Your first point is that Putin won't like the US strengthening their military. This would be true if their was any type of parity to begin with, but since the US military budget is already bigger then the next 7 countries combined, the increase doesn't mean anything for Russia. Quite simply they can't compete anyway, so what does it matter.
Second argument, Putin doesn't like Trumps insistence on producing in country. The US and Europe is embargoing Russia atm. Something that for sure would have continued under Clinton. As the whole Flynn saga proves. Putin was led to believe that under president Trump his chances to lift current sanctions would be larger than under president Clinton. So if trade was already close to nonexistent, what does it matter???
Third argument. Trump has asked NATO countries to expand their contributions. Guess what..... so did Obama. And unlike Trump Obama or Clinton never questioned the US commitment to NATO.
The last part is a few disjointed points I'll try to address as I can identify them. If you can produce recourses internally you were never dependant on other countries to begin with. So the point that Trump trying to get heavy industry back makes the US strategically stronger doesn't make sense. Furthermore trying to claim that Russia had any type of hegemony is Bogus. The US by itself is both military and economically WAY stronger than Russia.
I'll answer your original question now. WHY WOULD PUTIN WANT TRUMP IN POWER. Putin is trying to divide and conquer. He wants to seperate the US from it's allies and he wants to break up the EU. Trump ran on an isolationist platform and got Russian support. In Europe both Wilders in the Netherlands and Le Pen in France received the same. Both of which are running on a promise of exiting the EU. Russia is helped by a divided world and that supersedes any marginal economical losses and they are marginal they would suffer.
Let's analyse what you say. If I get anything wrong feel free to correct me though. Your first point is that Putin won't like the US strengthening their military. This would be true if their was any type of parity to begin with, but since the US military budget is already bigger then the next 7 countries combined, the increase doesn't mean anything for Russia. Quite simply they can't compete anyway, so what does it matter.
Second argument, Putin doesn't like Trumps insistence on producing in country. The US and Europe is embargoing Russia atm. Something that for sure would have continued under Clinton. As the whole Flynn saga proves. Putin was led to believe that under president Trump his chances to lift current sanctions would be larger than under president Clinton. So if trade was already close to nonexistent, what does it matter???
Third argument. Trump has asked NATO countries to expand their contributions. Guess what..... so did Obama. And unlike Trump Obama or Clinton never questioned the US commitment to NATO.
The last part is a few disjointed points I'll try to address as I can identify them. If you can produce recourses internally you were never dependant on other countries to begin with. So the point that Trump trying to get heavy industry back makes the US strategically stronger doesn't make sense. Furthermore trying to claim that Russia had any type of hegemony is Bogus. The US by itself is both military and economically WAY stronger than Russia.
I'll answer your original question now. WHY WOULD PUTIN WANT TRUMP IN POWER. Putin is trying to divide and conquer. He wants to seperate the US from it's allies and he wants to break up the EU. Trump ran on an isolationist platform and got Russian support. In Europe both Wilders in the Netherlands and Le Pen in France received the same. Both of which are running on a promise of exiting the EU. Russia is helped by a divided world and that supersedes any marginal economical losses and they are marginal they would suffer.

Thanks for your opinion and not just flaming me with nonsense. I believe I made my case and all I have to add is that if China decided to blockade the south China sea tomorrow morning, we'd have neither the military presence or ability to produce a counter-balance to project enough power to defeat it for a minimum of two years. Russia operates within it's realm and is more interested in the ME than Europe, making NATO less important than it was to confront the Soviets. Believing Clinton would do anything other than destroy what's left of our military and let us be overrun with illegals is insane...she said as much.
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Putin wants Trump in office because Clinton would have put an army corps and an air fleet in Poland.

If Trump can face down Putin, then that's great. But that is likely as Tom "Chuckles" Horn ever being able to face me down: never (although he would like to get give me face).
Let's analyse what you say. If I get anything wrong feel free to correct me though. Your first point is that Putin won't like the US strengthening their military. This would be true if their was any type of parity to begin with, but since the US military budget is already bigger then the next 7 countries combined, the increase doesn't mean anything for Russia. Quite simply they can't compete anyway, so what does it matter.
Second argument, Putin doesn't like Trumps insistence on producing in country. The US and Europe is embargoing Russia atm. Something that for sure would have continued under Clinton. As the whole Flynn saga proves. Putin was led to believe that under president Trump his chances to lift current sanctions would be larger than under president Clinton. So if trade was already close to nonexistent, what does it matter???
Third argument. Trump has asked NATO countries to expand their contributions. Guess what..... so did Obama. And unlike Trump Obama or Clinton never questioned the US commitment to NATO.
The last part is a few disjointed points I'll try to address as I can identify them. If you can produce recourses internally you were never dependant on other countries to begin with. So the point that Trump trying to get heavy industry back makes the US strategically stronger doesn't make sense. Furthermore trying to claim that Russia had any type of hegemony is Bogus. The US by itself is both military and economically WAY stronger than Russia.
I'll answer your original question now. WHY WOULD PUTIN WANT TRUMP IN POWER. Putin is trying to divide and conquer. He wants to seperate the US from it's allies and he wants to break up the EU. Trump ran on an isolationist platform and got Russian support. In Europe both Wilders in the Netherlands and Le Pen in France received the same. Both of which are running on a promise of exiting the EU. Russia is helped by a divided world and that supersedes any marginal economical losses and they are marginal they would suffer.

Thanks for you opinion and not just flaming me with nonsense. I believe I made my case and all I have to add is that if China decided to blockade the south China sea tomorrow morning, we'd have neither the military presence or ability to produce a counter-balance to project enough power to defeat it for a minimum of two years. Russia operates within it's realm and is more interested in the ME than Europe, making NATO less important than it was to confront the Soviets. Believing Clinton would do anything other than destroy what's left of our military and let us be overrun with illegals is insane...she said as much.
One Chart Shows The Magnitude Of US Naval Dominance
3 maps explain China's real goal in the South China Sea
What do you mean Insufficient power projection. The US has 19 aircraft carries. The rest of the world 12. The weapon systems on those carriers are more advanced to. The whole idea behind a carrier group is power projection.
As to you claiming to made your case. I noticed that you didn't try to dispute ANY of my arguments. Those arguments invalidate your case. Not only that, I gave you a very plausible reason why Putin would prefer Trump over Clinton, something you also don't seem to want to dispute. I'm willing to discuss my opinion, but that's kind of hard if the only counterargument I get is. " I feel I made my case."
Why In Hell Would Putin Support Trump?

Because he wants to see America weakened and for it's global influence to vanish.

Which is why he much preferred Bernie Sanders but would also have been delighted with Hillary.
He hated Hillary because she was stronger than him and stood up to him when needed, and had much more power than him, being Sec of State for the USA.

He wanted President Trump because he had KOMPROMAT on Trump, which Putin could use to destroy him...Pres Trump was being financed by the Russian Oligarch Mobsters/Putin's men...AND is possibly helping the oligarch mobsters, launder their money....which Wilbur Ross is also in deep, who trump picked as our secretary of commerce.

The US banks stopped loaning money to Donald Trump, due to his 3 bankruptcies in the mid 90;s, so Trump went to the Russians to get money to finance his real estate deals etc. and other ventures.

Trump needs good relations with these Russian oligarch mobsters and Putin.

What Putin needs from President Trump,

1. is diminishing the strength of NATO which is specifically to keep Russia in CHECK,

2. to allow Putin to take what he wants in the Ukraine,

3. and get rid of Sanctions, which have diminished and weakened Putin's power and also held him in check without threat of war...(which would allow our secretary of state Tillerson's lifetime employer Exxon, to start drilling for oil with the contract they made with Russia before the Sanctions)

Trump has voiced giving Putin ALL OF THOSE 3 WANTS....regardless of all 3 being harmful to the USA at this time, and harmful to all of our allies.
What do you mean Insufficient power projection. The US has 19 aircraft carries. The rest of the world 12. The weapon systems on those carriers are more advanced to. The whole idea behind a carrier group is power projection.
As to you claiming to made your case. I noticed that you didn't try to dispute ANY of my arguments. Those arguments invalidate your case. Not only that, I gave you a very plausible reason why Putin would prefer Trump over Clinton, something you also don't seem to want to dispute. I'm willing to discuss my opinion, but that's kind of hard if the only counterargument I get is. " I feel I made my case."

I made my case....you have nothing but nonsense in response. Try this on for size....2/3 of our naval carrier aircraft can't fly for lack of spare parts.

Navy strike fighter jets: Two-thirds currently can't fly - CNNPolitics.com

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