Why In Hell Would Putin Support Trump?

There are plenty of reasons why Putin would want Trump over Clinton.
1. Trump and his advisors including his campaign manager have ties to Russia. Roger Stone bragged he had backchannels to WikiLeaks and seemed to know about the release of hacked e-mails by John Podesta before they were released.

2. Trump defended Putin and tried to defend the fact that Putin is a killer by attacking the US by suggesting the US has done the same thing.

3. Trump said that we should rely on Russia to do the dirty work against ISIS in Syria. The fact is that Assad is Russia and Iran's puppet and a key to the attempted domination of the Middle East. Russia has attacked opponents of Assad more than they attack ISIS. Clinton has a better understanding of the strategic implications of what is going on in Syria.

4. Trump questioned the value of NATO and Clinton defended it. Putin is clearly trying to disrupt NATO. He supported Brexit in hopes of dividing NATO. He backs alt-right groups in the Netherlands and France. Montenegro pro-Russia leaders appealed to Steve Bannon to block Montenegro's entry into NATO.
China holds a lot of our debt so they are not going to implode. If they dumped the debt they own we could implode.
Trump can be manipulated so easily. Anyone says anything on tv and he believes it especially when it validates him.
Putin is aware of the fact that Clinton is not the dove that Obama was. She apparently sided with the Generals in terms of the size of a residual force in Iraq.

Our GNP last year was $19T....China owns $1.1T of our debt so it's obvious you have no idea what you're talking about. BIG SURPRISE...few if any of your side does. The reason the Chinese economy would implode if we cut off imports from them cold turkey is that it would create a panic in their banking and finance sectors ala our own "Black Thursday" in 1929. I'd imagine you got your claim that Putin can "manipulate" Trump from the same source that says China could collapse our economy.....out of thin air.
Trump is Putins bitch plain & simple. You know, like divide & conquer nato. And divide the people here at home using Putins fake news just like trump did back when he was running for office. There's more on Putins wish list besides that but I'm sure you're familiar with that

What I'm "familiar' with is that you're an idiot.
The sanctions were a pointless political gesture that did nothing to change conditions on the ground. As always Obama put politics ahead of policy and after accomplishing nothing, claimed victory. Obama didn't care about accomplishing anything, he just wanted to look good because he was never anything more than an ambitious politician.

President Trump understands what Obama couldn't, that without cooperation between Russia and the US none of the problems in Syria or eastern Europe can be resolved. The sanctions made cooperation more difficult and were therefore counterproductive to progress in Syria or eastern Europe.
The sanctions didn't do anything, you claim? :rofl::rofl::rofl:
If you had been paying attention you would know they did nothing but make negotiations with Russia more difficult.
Negotiations with Russia for WHAT?

Do you really think we need Russia for anything?

Putin is an extremely dangerous man, and if you oppose him in any way, he simply murders you or arrests you forever...he and his oligarchs have STOLEN all of his citizens resources and money and used it solely to benefit themselves, while the citizens struggle....

I would like to see his political opponents running against him not get killed or arrested for some obscure made up charge, and actually, freely, be able to run against Putin...and I would like to see Putin, PAY for his crimes in Prison forever.

I would love to see the Russian people, truly Free, and see them prosper.
There is no way to end the fighting in Syria or in eastern Europe without the cooperation of Russia, so if you have no interest in these issues, then you might not need to deal with Putin, but if you do, you need to deal with Putin. Putin has better than an 80% approval rating from the Russian people, so unless you believe all Russians are monsters you should realize that your opinions are nothing but bigotry. Putin tried negotiating with Bush and with Obama, but both of them ignored Russia's legitimate security concerns and the idiot Obama responded by sending thousands of US troops to countries bordering Russia and holding joint military exercises on the Russian border. Considering that the Obama administration used the Justice Department and intelligence services to try to influence the election in favor of Clinton, we should not be looking down our noses at what passes for democracy in Russia or even in Turkey.
He does not have an 80% approval rating.

Negotiating with Putin is waste of time and dangerous to people who don't know that. Trump won't negotiate with him. But he will genuinely ignore him and hope you will too.
According to Gallup:

"WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Tens of thousands of Russians turned out to protest against government corruption last weekend, but since 2014, neither corruption -- nor a failing economy -- has hurt Russians' approval ratings of President Vladimir Putin. Russians' approval of their president remains undiminished from the high ratings they have given him since Russia's annexation of Crimea three years ago. More than eight in 10 Russians (81%) in 2016, Gallup's most recent year of polling in the country, said they approved of the job Putin is doing."

So how badly has Putin been hurt by Obama's sanctions?

"Putin's unfaltering popularity has been remarkable because it appears to be untied to his country's recent economic troubles. Russians' approval of Putin has remained buoyant -- even ticking slightly upward -- amid plunging oil prices, years of recession and Western sanctions over Moscow's actions in Ukraine.

While Russians have not soured on Putin, they have on their economy. After a short-lived rally in 2014, Russians' optimism about the outlook for their national and local economies has continued to wane, dropping to levels in 2016 that rivaled the recent lows in 2009 at the height of the global economic crisis. Just 14% of Russians in 2016 said their national economy was getting better, and 18% said this about their local economies."

Economic Problems, Corruption Fail to Dent Putin's Image

The Russian people see Putin as the hero who saved Russia from the political and economic chaos and the lawlessness that followed the dissolution of the USSR. Obama's sanctions have hurt the Russian people, but the fact that Putin has not bent to them has enhanced his standing as a hero to the Russian people.

In order to get Gorbachev to liberate the satellite states, all members of the Warsaw Pact, Bush41 promised Gorbachev they would remain neutral and the US would prevent them from joining NATO, an organization formed specifically to right Russia. Bill Clinton broke that promise and allowed several of these states to join NATO. The Russian government protested, but Russia was still in the throes of the post USSR chaos and was so weak, it couldn't even pay the salaries of its military, so Clinton ignored Russia's protests.

Bush43 also ignored Putin's complaints that the US had broken its promise and allowing these states into NATO threatened the security of Russia, and Bush responded by proposing NATO put missiles and long range radars in these same states. Putin had by now stabilized Russia and tired of being ignored he responded by chasing a western backed government out of Georgia. The US fumed but still refused to address Russia's legitimate concerns about NATO troops being stationed on Russia's borders.

Obama backed down a bit, probably more out of anti Bush bias rather than any policy considerations, and moved the missiles and radars to ships instead of stationing them in former Warsaw Pact nations, but he still but he was still positioning NATO weapons right on Russia's borders, and when Russia complained about that, Obama sent thousands of US troops to NATO states on Russia's border and held joint military exercises near the border. When the West began aggressively wooing Ukraine, Russia found this latest threat to its security intolerable, and took measures to secure key areas to protect Russia from NATO.

If you still can't understand why Putin has an 81% (Gallup last month) approval rating, consider that Kennedy, a mediocre president on his very best days by any standard, became a great hero by standing up to the perceived Russian threat on our borders in the Cuba missile crisis, and then perhaps you can understand why Putin, already a great Russian hero for pulling post USSR Russia out of its downward spiral, has become an even greater hero by standing up to the perceived US threat on its borders.

Ever since the second Clinton administration the US has followed your advice to ignore Russia's concerns about its legitimate security concerns and he result is the beginning of a new Cold War which will hurt everyone. President Trump is the world's best hope of bringing peace to eastern Europe and Syria because he appears to be willing to break the pattern on provoking Russian fears and then demonizing Russia for complaining about it. Hopefully, President Trump will enter negotiations with Putin to sufficiently allay Russian fears of NATO troops on its borders in return for Russia allowing these states to manage their own affairs without Russian meddling; in other words, reinstate the agreement between Bush41 and Gorbachev Clinton reneged on. In Syria the solution is simple. Allow Putin to withdraw from this costly and unpopular war as a victor by offering US support in all appropriate international forums for Russia keeping its Mediterranean bases in return for Russian cooperation in getting all foreign actors such as Iran and Saudi Arabia out of Syria so that the future of Syria can be decided by the Syrian people.
Maybe because he knows he can count on Trump to do things like coming out for keeping Assad in power,

like Trump did last week.


Next Trump will drop the sanctions against Russia, and let the Russians Obama expelled back in.
The sanctions were a pointless political gesture that did nothing to change conditions on the ground. As always Obama put politics ahead of policy and after accomplishing nothing, claimed victory. Obama didn't care about accomplishing anything, he just wanted to look good because he was never anything more than an ambitious politician.

President Trump understands what Obama couldn't, that without cooperation between Russia and the US none of the problems in Syria or eastern Europe can be resolved. The sanctions made cooperation more difficult and were therefore counterproductive to progress in Syria or eastern Europe.
The sanctions didn't do anything, you claim? :rofl::rofl::rofl:
If you had been paying attention you would know they did nothing but make negotiations with Russia more difficult.
Negotiations with Russia for WHAT?

Do you really think we need Russia for anything?

Putin is an extremely dangerous man, and if you oppose him in any way, he simply murders you or arrests you forever...he and his oligarchs have STOLEN all of his citizens resources and money and used it solely to benefit themselves, while the citizens struggle....

I would like to see his political opponents running against him not get killed or arrested for some obscure made up charge, and actually, freely, be able to run against Putin...and I would like to see Putin, PAY for his crimes in Prison forever.

I would love to see the Russian people, truly Free, and see them prosper.
Bullshit. According to Gallup last month, Putin enjoys an 81% approval rating among the Russian people who see NATO and the US as the greatest threat to their freedom and security and to their economy.

Economic Problems, Corruption Fail to Dent Putin's Image
The sanctions didn't do anything, you claim? :rofl::rofl::rofl:
If you had been paying attention you would know they did nothing but make negotiations with Russia more difficult.
Negotiations with Russia for WHAT?

Do you really think we need Russia for anything?

Putin is an extremely dangerous man, and if you oppose him in any way, he simply murders you or arrests you forever...he and his oligarchs have STOLEN all of his citizens resources and money and used it solely to benefit themselves, while the citizens struggle....

I would like to see his political opponents running against him not get killed or arrested for some obscure made up charge, and actually, freely, be able to run against Putin...and I would like to see Putin, PAY for his crimes in Prison forever.

I would love to see the Russian people, truly Free, and see them prosper.
There is no way to end the fighting in Syria or in eastern Europe without the cooperation of Russia, so if you have no interest in these issues, then you might not need to deal with Putin, but if you do, you need to deal with Putin. Putin has better than an 80% approval rating from the Russian people, so unless you believe all Russians are monsters you should realize that your opinions are nothing but bigotry. Putin tried negotiating with Bush and with Obama, but both of them ignored Russia's legitimate security concerns and the idiot Obama responded by sending thousands of US troops to countries bordering Russia and holding joint military exercises on the Russian border. Considering that the Obama administration used the Justice Department and intelligence services to try to influence the election in favor of Clinton, we should not be looking down our noses at what passes for democracy in Russia or even in Turkey.
He does not have an 80% approval rating.

Negotiating with Putin is waste of time and dangerous to people who don't know that. Trump won't negotiate with him. But he will genuinely ignore him and hope you will too.
According to Gallup:

"WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Tens of thousands of Russians turned out to protest against government corruption last weekend, but since 2014, neither corruption -- nor a failing economy -- has hurt Russians' approval ratings of President Vladimir Putin. Russians' approval of their president remains undiminished from the high ratings they have given him since Russia's annexation of Crimea three years ago. More than eight in 10 Russians (81%) in 2016, Gallup's most recent year of polling in the country, said they approved of the job Putin is doing."

So how badly has Putin been hurt by Obama's sanctions?

"Putin's unfaltering popularity has been remarkable because it appears to be untied to his country's recent economic troubles. Russians' approval of Putin has remained buoyant -- even ticking slightly upward -- amid plunging oil prices, years of recession and Western sanctions over Moscow's actions in Ukraine.

While Russians have not soured on Putin, they have on their economy. After a short-lived rally in 2014, Russians' optimism about the outlook for their national and local economies has continued to wane, dropping to levels in 2016 that rivaled the recent lows in 2009 at the height of the global economic crisis. Just 14% of Russians in 2016 said their national economy was getting better, and 18% said this about their local economies."

Economic Problems, Corruption Fail to Dent Putin's Image

The Russian people see Putin as the hero who saved Russia from the political and economic chaos and the lawlessness that followed the dissolution of the USSR. Obama's sanctions have hurt the Russian people, but the fact that Putin has not bent to them has enhanced his standing as a hero to the Russian people.

In order to get Gorbachev to liberate the satellite states, all members of the Warsaw Pact, Bush41 promised Gorbachev they would remain neutral and the US would prevent them from joining NATO, an organization formed specifically to right Russia. Bill Clinton broke that promise and allowed several of these states to join NATO. The Russian government protested, but Russia was still in the throes of the post USSR chaos and was so weak, it couldn't even pay the salaries of its military, so Clinton ignored Russia's protests.

Bush43 also ignored Putin's complaints that the US had broken its promise and allowing these states into NATO threatened the security of Russia, and Bush responded by proposing NATO put missiles and long range radars in these same states. Putin had by now stabilized Russia and tired of being ignored he responded by chasing a western backed government out of Georgia. The US fumed but still refused to address Russia's legitimate concerns about NATO troops being stationed on Russia's borders.

Obama backed down a bit, probably more out of anti Bush bias rather than any policy considerations, and moved the missiles and radars to ships instead of stationing them in former Warsaw Pact nations, but he still but he was still positioning NATO weapons right on Russia's borders, and when Russia complained about that, Obama sent thousands of US troops to NATO states on Russia's border and held joint military exercises near the border. When the West began aggressively wooing Ukraine, Russia found this latest threat to its security intolerable, and took measures to secure key areas to protect Russia from NATO.

If you still can't understand why Putin has an 81% (Gallup last month) approval rating, consider that Kennedy, a mediocre president on his very best days by any standard, became a great hero by standing up to the perceived Russian threat on our borders in the Cuba missile crisis, and then perhaps you can understand why Putin, already a great Russian hero for pulling post USSR Russia out of its downward spiral, has become an even greater hero by standing up to the perceived US threat on its borders.

Ever since the second Clinton administration the US has followed your advice to ignore Russia's concerns about its legitimate security concerns and he result is the beginning of a new Cold War which will hurt everyone. President Trump is the world's best hope of bringing peace to eastern Europe and Syria because he appears to be willing to break the pattern on provoking Russian fears and then demonizing Russia for complaining about it. Hopefully, President Trump will enter negotiations with Putin to sufficiently allay Russian fears of NATO troops on its borders in return for Russia allowing these states to manage their own affairs without Russian meddling; in other words, reinstate the agreement between Bush41 and Gorbachev Clinton reneged on. In Syria the solution is simple. Allow Putin to withdraw from this costly and unpopular war as a victor by offering US support in all appropriate international forums for Russia keeping its Mediterranean bases in return for Russian cooperation in getting all foreign actors such as Iran and Saudi Arabia out of Syria so that the future of Syria can be decided by the Syrian people.
:bsflag:they make those surveys themselves and are a bit choosy at it.

"There is no alternative to the narcissist.":eusa_shifty:

Not when everyone is shot for the thought of it. Rubbish they tell you so everyone would actually imagine Putin is the man.
If you had been paying attention you would know they did nothing but make negotiations with Russia more difficult.
Negotiations with Russia for WHAT?

Do you really think we need Russia for anything?

Putin is an extremely dangerous man, and if you oppose him in any way, he simply murders you or arrests you forever...he and his oligarchs have STOLEN all of his citizens resources and money and used it solely to benefit themselves, while the citizens struggle....

I would like to see his political opponents running against him not get killed or arrested for some obscure made up charge, and actually, freely, be able to run against Putin...and I would like to see Putin, PAY for his crimes in Prison forever.

I would love to see the Russian people, truly Free, and see them prosper.
There is no way to end the fighting in Syria or in eastern Europe without the cooperation of Russia, so if you have no interest in these issues, then you might not need to deal with Putin, but if you do, you need to deal with Putin. Putin has better than an 80% approval rating from the Russian people, so unless you believe all Russians are monsters you should realize that your opinions are nothing but bigotry. Putin tried negotiating with Bush and with Obama, but both of them ignored Russia's legitimate security concerns and the idiot Obama responded by sending thousands of US troops to countries bordering Russia and holding joint military exercises on the Russian border. Considering that the Obama administration used the Justice Department and intelligence services to try to influence the election in favor of Clinton, we should not be looking down our noses at what passes for democracy in Russia or even in Turkey.
He does not have an 80% approval rating.

Negotiating with Putin is waste of time and dangerous to people who don't know that. Trump won't negotiate with him. But he will genuinely ignore him and hope you will too.
According to Gallup:

"WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Tens of thousands of Russians turned out to protest against government corruption last weekend, but since 2014, neither corruption -- nor a failing economy -- has hurt Russians' approval ratings of President Vladimir Putin. Russians' approval of their president remains undiminished from the high ratings they have given him since Russia's annexation of Crimea three years ago. More than eight in 10 Russians (81%) in 2016, Gallup's most recent year of polling in the country, said they approved of the job Putin is doing."

So how badly has Putin been hurt by Obama's sanctions?

"Putin's unfaltering popularity has been remarkable because it appears to be untied to his country's recent economic troubles. Russians' approval of Putin has remained buoyant -- even ticking slightly upward -- amid plunging oil prices, years of recession and Western sanctions over Moscow's actions in Ukraine.

While Russians have not soured on Putin, they have on their economy. After a short-lived rally in 2014, Russians' optimism about the outlook for their national and local economies has continued to wane, dropping to levels in 2016 that rivaled the recent lows in 2009 at the height of the global economic crisis. Just 14% of Russians in 2016 said their national economy was getting better, and 18% said this about their local economies."

Economic Problems, Corruption Fail to Dent Putin's Image

The Russian people see Putin as the hero who saved Russia from the political and economic chaos and the lawlessness that followed the dissolution of the USSR. Obama's sanctions have hurt the Russian people, but the fact that Putin has not bent to them has enhanced his standing as a hero to the Russian people.

In order to get Gorbachev to liberate the satellite states, all members of the Warsaw Pact, Bush41 promised Gorbachev they would remain neutral and the US would prevent them from joining NATO, an organization formed specifically to right Russia. Bill Clinton broke that promise and allowed several of these states to join NATO. The Russian government protested, but Russia was still in the throes of the post USSR chaos and was so weak, it couldn't even pay the salaries of its military, so Clinton ignored Russia's protests.

Bush43 also ignored Putin's complaints that the US had broken its promise and allowing these states into NATO threatened the security of Russia, and Bush responded by proposing NATO put missiles and long range radars in these same states. Putin had by now stabilized Russia and tired of being ignored he responded by chasing a western backed government out of Georgia. The US fumed but still refused to address Russia's legitimate concerns about NATO troops being stationed on Russia's borders.

Obama backed down a bit, probably more out of anti Bush bias rather than any policy considerations, and moved the missiles and radars to ships instead of stationing them in former Warsaw Pact nations, but he still but he was still positioning NATO weapons right on Russia's borders, and when Russia complained about that, Obama sent thousands of US troops to NATO states on Russia's border and held joint military exercises near the border. When the West began aggressively wooing Ukraine, Russia found this latest threat to its security intolerable, and took measures to secure key areas to protect Russia from NATO.

If you still can't understand why Putin has an 81% (Gallup last month) approval rating, consider that Kennedy, a mediocre president on his very best days by any standard, became a great hero by standing up to the perceived Russian threat on our borders in the Cuba missile crisis, and then perhaps you can understand why Putin, already a great Russian hero for pulling post USSR Russia out of its downward spiral, has become an even greater hero by standing up to the perceived US threat on its borders.

Ever since the second Clinton administration the US has followed your advice to ignore Russia's concerns about its legitimate security concerns and he result is the beginning of a new Cold War which will hurt everyone. President Trump is the world's best hope of bringing peace to eastern Europe and Syria because he appears to be willing to break the pattern on provoking Russian fears and then demonizing Russia for complaining about it. Hopefully, President Trump will enter negotiations with Putin to sufficiently allay Russian fears of NATO troops on its borders in return for Russia allowing these states to manage their own affairs without Russian meddling; in other words, reinstate the agreement between Bush41 and Gorbachev Clinton reneged on. In Syria the solution is simple. Allow Putin to withdraw from this costly and unpopular war as a victor by offering US support in all appropriate international forums for Russia keeping its Mediterranean bases in return for Russian cooperation in getting all foreign actors such as Iran and Saudi Arabia out of Syria so that the future of Syria can be decided by the Syrian people.
:bsflag:they make those surveys themselves and are a bit choosy at it.

"There is no alternative to the narcissist.":eusa_shifty:

Not when everyone is shot for the thought of it. Rubbish they tell you so everyone would actually imagine Putin is the man.
It's a Gallup poll. Face the facts, you don't know anything about the issues between Russia and the US.
Trump is Putins bitch plain & simple. You know, like divide & conquer nato. And divide the people here at home using Putins fake news just like trump did back when he was running for office. There's more on Putins wish list besides that but I'm sure you're familiar with that

What I'm "familiar' with is that you're an idiot.

Yeah like trump, Putins playing you like a two dollar fiddle at a Saturday night hoedown as well. However you lacking the sense God gave a goose you'll never see it.
The sanctions were a pointless political gesture that did nothing to change conditions on the ground. As always Obama put politics ahead of policy and after accomplishing nothing, claimed victory. Obama didn't care about accomplishing anything, he just wanted to look good because he was never anything more than an ambitious politician.

President Trump understands what Obama couldn't, that without cooperation between Russia and the US none of the problems in Syria or eastern Europe can be resolved. The sanctions made cooperation more difficult and were therefore counterproductive to progress in Syria or eastern Europe.
The sanctions didn't do anything, you claim? :rofl::rofl::rofl:
If you had been paying attention you would know they did nothing but make negotiations with Russia more difficult.
Negotiations with Russia for WHAT?

Do you really think we need Russia for anything?

Putin is an extremely dangerous man, and if you oppose him in any way, he simply murders you or arrests you forever...he and his oligarchs have STOLEN all of his citizens resources and money and used it solely to benefit themselves, while the citizens struggle....

I would like to see his political opponents running against him not get killed or arrested for some obscure made up charge, and actually, freely, be able to run against Putin...and I would like to see Putin, PAY for his crimes in Prison forever.

I would love to see the Russian people, truly Free, and see them prosper.
Nagological Busybodies

The internal affairs of another country are none of our business. If the Russian people feel they are suffering under Putin's yoke, it is totally up to them to do something about it.
the Russian people are trying and have been trying for over a decade, but Putin keeps killing or arresting his opponent candidates.... the Russian people were protesting by the thousands just the day before yesterday but were brutally beaten and many arrested....

We can stay out of it, but we certainly should not in any way, be supporting the Dictator murdering thug Putin, the oligarch mob, and his KGB part deux...which Trump is doing by praising Putin and doing business with him and his oligarch mobsters...if Trump wants to deal with them when a private citizen, then fine, but DO NOT play footsies with Putin .
When Pride Goes, That's What Really Causes a Fall

Your dyke debutante handlers have made you fear and loathe a macho man like Putin. There is a decadent minority of Russians like you; those are the crybully weaklings who are protesting.
The sanctions didn't do anything, you claim? :rofl::rofl::rofl:
If you had been paying attention you would know they did nothing but make negotiations with Russia more difficult.
Negotiations with Russia for WHAT?

Do you really think we need Russia for anything?

Putin is an extremely dangerous man, and if you oppose him in any way, he simply murders you or arrests you forever...he and his oligarchs have STOLEN all of his citizens resources and money and used it solely to benefit themselves, while the citizens struggle....

I would like to see his political opponents running against him not get killed or arrested for some obscure made up charge, and actually, freely, be able to run against Putin...and I would like to see Putin, PAY for his crimes in Prison forever.

I would love to see the Russian people, truly Free, and see them prosper.
Nagological Busybodies

The internal affairs of another country are none of our business. If the Russian people feel they are suffering under Putin's yoke, it is totally up to them to do something about it.
the Russian people are trying and have been trying for over a decade, but Putin keeps killing or arresting his opponent candidates.... the Russian people were protesting by the thousands just the day before yesterday but were brutally beaten and many arrested....

We can stay out of it, but we certainly should not in any way, be supporting the Dictator murdering thug Putin, the oligarch mob, and his KGB part deux...which Trump is doing by praising Putin and doing business with him and his oligarch mobsters...if Trump wants to deal with them when a private citizen, then fine, but DO NOT play footsies with Putin .
When Pride Goes, That's What Really Causes a Fall

Your dyke debutante handlers have made you fear and loathe a macho man like Putin. There is a decadent minority of Russians like you; those are the crybully weaklings who are protesting.
It is the weak who are not protesting.

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