Why In Hell Would Putin Support Trump?

After nearly three decades of the West ignoring Russia's legitimate security concerns Putin is taking unilateral action

Yes, indeed, UNILATERAL....lol

It is estimated that 21 journalists have been killed since Russian President Vladimir Putin came to power in March 2000. In the great majority of cases, no one has been convicted and sentenced for the murders.

List of people Putin is suspected of assassinating - Business Insider

List of journalists killed in Russia - Wikipedia

More of Kremlin's Opponents Are Ending Up Dead - The New York ...

After nearly three decades of the West ignoring Russia's legitimate security concerns Putin is taking unilateral action

Yes, indeed, UNILATERAL....lol

It is estimated that 21 journalists have been killed since Russian President Vladimir Putin came to power in March 2000. In the great majority of cases, no one has been convicted and sentenced for the murders.

List of people Putin is suspected of assassinating - Business Insider

List of journalists killed in Russia - Wikipedia

More of Kremlin's Opponents Are Ending Up Dead - The New York ...
21? Hundreds of thousands of people have been killed because Obama decided to pull US troops out of Iraq after being told Iraq would go up in flames if he because he though it would enhance his chances for reelection. As monsters go, Putin can't hold a candle to Obama.
Maybe because he knows he can count on Trump to do things like coming out for keeping Assad in power,

like Trump did last week.

lol And what did Obama do to remove Assad? He bombed ISIS. Obama was a political fraud who said one thing and did another, so he said Assad must go, but did nothing to transform that slogan into policy. President Trump recognizing what Obama couldn't see understands there is no resolution to the problems in Syria unless the US and Russia cooperate, so Trump won't lie about what his policy is as Obama did.
Maybe because he knows he can count on Trump to do things like coming out for keeping Assad in power,

like Trump did last week.


Next Trump will drop the sanctions against Russia, and let the Russians Obama expelled back in.
The sanctions were a pointless political gesture that did nothing to change conditions on the ground. As always Obama put politics ahead of policy and after accomplishing nothing, claimed victory. Obama didn't care about accomplishing anything, he just wanted to look good because he was never anything more than an ambitious politician.

President Trump understands what Obama couldn't, that without cooperation between Russia and the US none of the problems in Syria or eastern Europe can be resolved. The sanctions made cooperation more difficult and were therefore counterproductive to progress in Syria or eastern Europe.
lol And what did Obama do to remove Assad? He bombed ISIS. Obama was a political fraud who said one thing and did another, so he said Assad must go, but did nothing to transform that slogan into policy. President Trump recognizing what Obama couldn't see understands there is no resolution to the problems in Syria unless the US and Russia cooperate, so Trump won't lie about what his policy is as Obama did.
Trump is a Russian puppet. Putin wants Assad to stay, Trump says Assad can stay.
Maybe because he knows he can count on Trump to do things like coming out for keeping Assad in power,

like Trump did last week.


Next Trump will drop the sanctions against Russia, and let the Russians Obama expelled back in.
The sanctions were a pointless political gesture that did nothing to change conditions on the ground. As always Obama put politics ahead of policy and after accomplishing nothing, claimed victory. Obama didn't care about accomplishing anything, he just wanted to look good because he was never anything more than an ambitious politician.

President Trump understands what Obama couldn't, that without cooperation between Russia and the US none of the problems in Syria or eastern Europe can be resolved. The sanctions made cooperation more difficult and were therefore counterproductive to progress in Syria or eastern Europe.
The sanctions didn't do anything, you claim? :rofl::rofl::rofl:
Maybe because he knows he can count on Trump to do things like coming out for keeping Assad in power,

like Trump did last week.


Next Trump will drop the sanctions against Russia, and let the Russians Obama expelled back in.

Exxon Rex Tillerson, Secretary of State. Exxon Corp stands to be one of the biggest beneficiaries of ending the sanctions against Russia...

...shouldn't be hard to connect those dots, all 2 of them!
Maybe because he knows he can count on Trump to do things like coming out for keeping Assad in power,

like Trump did last week.


Next Trump will drop the sanctions against Russia, and let the Russians Obama expelled back in.
The sanctions were a pointless political gesture that did nothing to change conditions on the ground. As always Obama put politics ahead of policy and after accomplishing nothing, claimed victory. Obama didn't care about accomplishing anything, he just wanted to look good because he was never anything more than an ambitious politician.

President Trump understands what Obama couldn't, that without cooperation between Russia and the US none of the problems in Syria or eastern Europe can be resolved. The sanctions made cooperation more difficult and were therefore counterproductive to progress in Syria or eastern Europe.

"President Trump understands..." lol any sentence starting with those 3 words has a 95.5% chance of being horseshit.
The sanctions didn't do anything, you claim?

"The sanctions that we put on (Russia) for the Crimea annexation and meddling in Ukraine ... have absolutely crushed the ruble by 50 percent. And GDP from 2014 to 2016 is 50 percent down in Russia, as well."

Russia’s ruble fell more than 50 percent in the year following the start of sanctions in 2014, but it started to regain value in 2016. There are no GDP figures yet for Russia in 2016, but from 2014 to 2015, it fell by about 35 percent.

U.S. sanctions alone didn't crush Russian economy
First off, Trump had been saying for years we needed to bristle up our military.....anybody think Putin likes the sound of that happening? Trump knows how to repatriate capital sitting overseas, bringing investment and wealth back to the US. That can hardly be music to Putin's ears. Trump is expanding our natural energy sources making LNG available for export to Putin's eastern European customers....hardly good news for Vlad. Trump demands NATO expand their defense spending to 2% of GDP which in most cases doubles the armaments facing the Ivans. And by bringing heavy manufacturing back to the US, we can again convert domestic production to military production that saw Detroit and other cities provide the WW2 "arsenal for democracy" in case of another world war.

Further erosion of our manufacturing base made us dependent on the very countries we may be facing in a war.....an impossible scenario. New investments in steel, copper, aluminum, and rare earth minerals will make us self-sufficient to defend ourselves and allies. The long-term effects of these issues spell nothing but trouble for Russian hegemony. And finally, Trump's calls for China to stop devaluing their currency while teetering on the brink of economic collapse thanks to overproduction and bad investments, puts another potential Putin foe in better shape. Donald J. Trump is the last man on earth Putin wanted in the White House.


Sweet Baby Jesus--you didn't hear Trump trashing Nato?
Donald Trump is a unique threat to American democracy
Trump praises Putin at national security forum

Russians wanted the Sanctions lifted--Trump wants to build another Trump tower & golf courses in Moscow--so the deal was arranged.
Donald Trump's Many, Many, Many, Many Ties to Russia


Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign - CNNPolitics.com

lol And what did Obama do to remove Assad? He bombed ISIS. Obama was a political fraud who said one thing and did another, so he said Assad must go, but did nothing to transform that slogan into policy. President Trump recognizing what Obama couldn't see understands there is no resolution to the problems in Syria unless the US and Russia cooperate, so Trump won't lie about what his policy is as Obama did.
Trump is a Russian puppet. Putin wants Assad to stay, Trump says Assad can stay.
And obviously Obama was ok with Assad staying despite his rhetoric; the difference is Trump will use Assad staying as a bargaining chip with Putin while Obama got nothing for it.
Maybe because he knows he can count on Trump to do things like coming out for keeping Assad in power,

like Trump did last week.


Next Trump will drop the sanctions against Russia, and let the Russians Obama expelled back in.
The sanctions were a pointless political gesture that did nothing to change conditions on the ground. As always Obama put politics ahead of policy and after accomplishing nothing, claimed victory. Obama didn't care about accomplishing anything, he just wanted to look good because he was never anything more than an ambitious politician.

President Trump understands what Obama couldn't, that without cooperation between Russia and the US none of the problems in Syria or eastern Europe can be resolved. The sanctions made cooperation more difficult and were therefore counterproductive to progress in Syria or eastern Europe.
The sanctions didn't do anything, you claim? :rofl::rofl::rofl:
If you had been paying attention you would know they did nothing but make negotiations with Russia more difficult.
Maybe because he knows he can count on Trump to do things like coming out for keeping Assad in power,

like Trump did last week.


Next Trump will drop the sanctions against Russia, and let the Russians Obama expelled back in.
The sanctions were a pointless political gesture that did nothing to change conditions on the ground. As always Obama put politics ahead of policy and after accomplishing nothing, claimed victory. Obama didn't care about accomplishing anything, he just wanted to look good because he was never anything more than an ambitious politician.

President Trump understands what Obama couldn't, that without cooperation between Russia and the US none of the problems in Syria or eastern Europe can be resolved. The sanctions made cooperation more difficult and were therefore counterproductive to progress in Syria or eastern Europe.

"President Trump understands..." lol any sentence starting with those 3 words has a 95.5% chance of being horseshit.
In other words, you have no idea what is being discussed.
And obviously Obama was ok with Assad staying despite his rhetoric; the difference is Trump will use Assad staying as a bargaining chip with Putin while Obama got nothing for it.

Obviously republicans are O.K. with huge budget deficits. Despite their rhetoric, they've run the biggest deficits in history.
Except this administration is just 3 months old and has already reduced spending.

But keep fellating Obama and his 11 Trillion Dollar Debt.

None of what you said changed the fact he is a Traitor and a Criminal anyways.

He should be put on Trial for Sedition, Espionage, & Treason right alongside Hillary Clinton.

Obama Bin Lying: Super Predator!

And obviously Obama was ok with Assad staying despite his rhetoric; the difference is Trump will use Assad staying as a bargaining chip with Putin while Obama got nothing for it.

Obviously republicans are O.K. with huge budget deficits. Despite their rhetoric, they've run the biggest deficits in history.
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