Why In Hell Would Putin Support Trump?

Name one thing said about Hillary Clinton that wasn't true! She was Scandolous. Criminally Corrupt and the only reason she is not in prison is because of her friends in high places.

The Propaganda is coming from The DNC that has done nothing but push false narratives as a political strategy to win back Congressional Seats in 2018.

Now it's blowing up in their face and too soon. And their deceit is going to cost them dearly.

nope oldie-------it's true

Yeah, that's why he mounted a massive propaganda campaign against Hillary. :rolleyes:

Christ. They must be passing around truckloads of free Kool Aid.
Why In Hell Would Putin Support Trump?

Because he wants to see America weakened and for it's global influence to vanish.

Which is why he much preferred Bernie Sanders but would also have been delighted with Hillary.
Bernie Sanders would have united America like no one else.

Hillary would have provided a very standard governance, not terribly different from the two Bushes or husband Bill's. Fairly corporate, but not as much a ridiculous caricature as Trump's Silver Spoon administration.
Bernie would have been our Lula and Hugo Chavez all in one
BTW, Chuckles Starkey once claimed Putin was the head of the KGB.....:lol:

Here is the young junior officer (standing behind the kid) posing as a tourist during a Reagan visit to Moscow:

Name one thing said about Hillary Clinton that wasn't true! She was Scandolous. Criminally Corrupt and the only reason she is not in prison is because of her friends in high places.

The Propaganda is coming from The DNC that has done nothing but push false narratives as a political strategy to win back Congressional Seats in 2018.

Now it's blowing up in their face and too soon. And their deceit is going to cost them dearly.

nope oldie-------it's true

Yeah, that's why he mounted a massive propaganda campaign against Hillary. :rolleyes:

Christ. They must be passing around truckloads of free Kool Aid.
How about that she'll be arrested any day now? :rolleyes:

Fucking idiot.
Should and will are two different things, now aren't they?

You should quit defending the indefensible. I think it would be better for your credibility if you did.

IF you have To Rig your own primary just to get in to the Race against an amateur like Trump, you should have never been in there in the first place.
Name one thing said about Hillary Clinton that wasn't true! She was Scandolous. Criminally Corrupt and the only reason she is not in prison is because of her friends in high places.

The Propaganda is coming from The DNC that has done nothing but push false narratives as a political strategy to win back Congressional Seats in 2018.

Now it's blowing up in their face and too soon. And their deceit is going to cost them dearly.

nope oldie-------it's true

Yeah, that's why he mounted a massive propaganda campaign against Hillary. :rolleyes:

Christ. They must be passing around truckloads of free Kool Aid.
How about that she'll be arrested any day now? :rolleyes:

Fucking idiot.
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It would be better for you to realize The DNC played you and your associates for Chumps and move on and work with The Administration to fix this Nation's Problems

Good Luck drowning in your Lies and Fake News

Those were all you had going for your treasonous party last election. It will never work for them again.
Putin may have preferred Trump because he hated Clinton. Probably wouldn't matter who opposed her and they still would have been preferred
And therein is exactly why you are the minority party with myopic thinking.

You are recalcitrant and unable to reform and adapt and listen to the needs of The American People.

Your only agenda when you have become A Calcified Liberal becomes to gain power in the public arena, not to do good for The People, but to benefit yourselves at other's expense!

work with The Administration to fix this Nation's Problems

This administration is the nation's #1 problem. You nutjobs that support them are #2.
First off, Trump had been saying for years we needed to bristle up our military.....anybody think Putin likes the sound of that happening? Trump knows how to repatriate capital sitting overseas, bringing investment and wealth back to the US. That can hardly be music to Putin's ears. Trump is expanding our natural energy sources making LNG available for export to Putin's eastern European customers....hardly good news for Vlad. Trump demands NATO expand their defense spending to 2% of GDP which in most cases doubles the armaments facing the Ivans. And by bringing heavy manufacturing back to the US, we can again convert domestic production to military production that saw Detroit and other cities provide the WW2 "arsenal for democracy" in case of another world war.

Further erosion of our manufacturing base made us dependent on the very countries we may be facing in a war.....an impossible scenario. New investments in steel, copper, aluminum, and rare earth minerals will make us self-sufficient to defend ourselves and allies. The long-term effects of these issues spell nothing but trouble for Russian hegemony. And finally, Trump's calls for China to stop devaluing their currency while teetering on the brink of economic collapse thanks to overproduction and bad investments, puts another potential Putin foe in better shape. Donald J. Trump is the last man on earth Putin wanted in the White House.

It's a good question but before you can answer it, you have to first decide who you believe the two men, Trump and Putin, are. Is Putin the greedy bloodthirsty monster the Obama administration made him out to be or is he the strong smart leader who is protecting Russian interests from western nations who want to keep Russia weak? Is President Trump the naive, inexperienced leader who can't see the danger of not regarding Russia as an enemy or is he the confident, negotiator who because of his confidence in his own abilities and his experience in negotiating can see possibilities for peaceful cooperation between the US and Russia that his predecessor was unable to see?

If you believe the Democrats that Putin is just a monster - and by extension, the 80% of Russians who approve of him are all monsters - and Trump is a fool, then you might think Putin wants Trump because he believes he can take advantage of him, but if you believe that Putin is a smart, strong leader who is simply doing his best to protect Russian interests against hostile western politicians who want to see Russia weak, then you might think Putin wants Trump because he sees in Trump some one who will deal fairly with Russia to resolve outstanding issues to the benefit of both nations for the first time in nearly three decades.

I believe the latter is the case, and not only Putin but all Russians who follow US elections and who want peaceful relations with the Wet were happy to see Trump win.
Trump has voiced giving Putin ALL OF THOSE 3 WANTS....regardless of all 3 being harmful to the USA at this time, and harmful to all of our allies.

But, BUT, our "beloved" Trumpo can always give out his "Make American Great Again" hats made in China......do, to right wingers.....he's a hero.
I believe the latter is the case, and not only Putin but all Russians who follow US elections and who want peaceful relations with the Wet were happy to see Trump win.

"Wonderful".......The peacefulness-loving Putin took over Crimea and eastern Ukraine looking to take the rest of that country, while Trump both golfs and sends love message to Putin.

Russia does not have a government.....the country is run by a mafia of oligarchs who kill anyone who opposes their corruption......Trump may want a Faustian bargain with Putin, but the rest of the sane world does NOT.
I believe the latter is the case, and not only Putin but all Russians who follow US elections and who want peaceful relations with the Wet were happy to see Trump win.

"Wonderful".......The peacefulness-loving Putin took over Crimea and eastern Ukraine looking to take the rest of that country, while Trump both golfs and sends love message to Putin.

Russia does not have a government.....the country is run by a mafia of oligarchs who kill anyone who opposes their corruption......Trump may want a Faustian bargain with Putin, but the rest of the sane world does NOT.
After nearly three decades of the West ignoring Russia's legitimate security concerns Putin is taking unilateral action to protect Russian interests. What is happening now in eastern Europe is the result of failed US foreign policy.

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