Why In Hell Would Putin Support Trump?

Except this administration is just 3 months old and has already reduced spending.

But keep fellating Obama and his 11 Trillion Dollar Debt.

None of what you said changed the fact he is a Traitor and a Criminal anyways.

He should be put on Trial for Sedition, Espionage, & Treaon right alongside Hillary Clinton.

And obviously Obama was ok with Assad staying despite his rhetoric; the difference is Trump will use Assad staying as a bargaining chip with Putin while Obama got nothing for it.

Obviously republicans are O.K. with huge budget deficits. Despite their rhetoric, they've run the biggest deficits in history.
Can you lay your utter bull crap on any thicker? :lol:
But keep fellating Obama and his 11 Trillion Dollar Debt.

None of what you said changed the fact he is a Traitor and a Criminal anyways.

He should be put on Trial for Sedition, Espionage, & Treaon right alongside Hillary Clinton.

Go to bed.....
Maybe because he knows he can count on Trump to do things like coming out for keeping Assad in power,

like Trump did last week.


Next Trump will drop the sanctions against Russia, and let the Russians Obama expelled back in.
The sanctions were a pointless political gesture that did nothing to change conditions on the ground. As always Obama put politics ahead of policy and after accomplishing nothing, claimed victory. Obama didn't care about accomplishing anything, he just wanted to look good because he was never anything more than an ambitious politician.

President Trump understands what Obama couldn't, that without cooperation between Russia and the US none of the problems in Syria or eastern Europe can be resolved. The sanctions made cooperation more difficult and were therefore counterproductive to progress in Syria or eastern Europe.
The sanctions didn't do anything, you claim? :rofl::rofl::rofl:
If you had been paying attention you would know they did nothing but make negotiations with Russia more difficult.
Negotiations with Russia for WHAT?

Do you really think we need Russia for anything?

Putin is an extremely dangerous man, and if you oppose him in any way, he simply murders you or arrests you forever...he and his oligarchs have STOLEN all of his citizens resources and money and used it solely to benefit themselves, while the citizens struggle....

I would like to see his political opponents running against him not get killed or arrested for some obscure made up charge, and actually, freely, be able to run against Putin...and I would like to see Putin, PAY for his crimes in Prison forever.

I would love to see the Russian people, truly Free, and see them prosper.
Why In Hell Would Putin Support Trump?

You can actually see the schoolgirl BLUSH during this 2013 interview, even though all his orange makeup.

Q: Do you have a relationship with Vladimir Putin? A conversational relationship, or anything that you feel you have sway or influence over his government?

TRUMP: I do have a relationship, and I can tell you that he's very interested in what we're doing here today. He's probably very interested in what you and I are saying today, and I'm sure he's going to be seeing it in some form. But I do have a relationship with him, and I think it's very interesting to see what's happened. Look, he's done a very brilliant job in terms of what he represents and who he's representing. If you look at what he's done with Syria, if you look at so many of the different things (sniff), he has really eaten our President's lunch. Let's not kid ourselves. He's done an amazing job. He's put himself, really, a lot of people would say he's put himself at the forefront of the world as a leader.
Except this administration is just 3 months old and has already reduced spending.

But keep fellating Obama and his 11 Trillion Dollar Debt.

None of what you said changed the fact he is a Traitor and a Criminal anyways.

He should be put on Trial for Sedition, Espionage, & Treason right alongside Hillary Clinton.

Obama Bin Lying: Super Predator!

And obviously Obama was ok with Assad staying despite his rhetoric; the difference is Trump will use Assad staying as a bargaining chip with Putin while Obama got nothing for it.

Obviously republicans are O.K. with huge budget deficits. Despite their rhetoric, they've run the biggest deficits in history.

In what part of the tree is the brain located?
Trees that lean to the Left, the brain is in their ass.

The Dem Party Is going down because of your idiotic decisions to engage in Surveillance against President Trump.

All that Surveillance and you have nothing but High Crimes and Misdemeanors Committed by a Now Disgraced Ex President and a Failed Candidate that escaped the noose once already!

How does it feel to be a fan of the first party in US History to Fuck Itself Royally with the help of a failed Hope and Change President?

Probably like Richard Nixon Felt when he realized he had to resign.

But at least Nixon had honor when he was dishonored and took a bullet for his party.

Your hero is a coward and so is Clinton.

Sucks to be you!

Except this administration is just 3 months old and has already reduced spending.

But keep fellating Obama and his 11 Trillion Dollar Debt.

None of what you said changed the fact he is a Traitor and a Criminal anyways.

He should be put on Trial for Sedition, Espionage, & Treason right alongside Hillary Clinton.

Obama Bin Lying: Super Predator!

And obviously Obama was ok with Assad staying despite his rhetoric; the difference is Trump will use Assad staying as a bargaining chip with Putin while Obama got nothing for it.

Obviously republicans are O.K. with huge budget deficits. Despite their rhetoric, they've run the biggest deficits in history.

In what part of the tree is the brain located?
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Maybe because he knows he can count on Trump to do things like coming out for keeping Assad in power,

like Trump did last week.


Next Trump will drop the sanctions against Russia, and let the Russians Obama expelled back in.
The sanctions were a pointless political gesture that did nothing to change conditions on the ground. As always Obama put politics ahead of policy and after accomplishing nothing, claimed victory. Obama didn't care about accomplishing anything, he just wanted to look good because he was never anything more than an ambitious politician.

President Trump understands what Obama couldn't, that without cooperation between Russia and the US none of the problems in Syria or eastern Europe can be resolved. The sanctions made cooperation more difficult and were therefore counterproductive to progress in Syria or eastern Europe.
The sanctions didn't do anything, you claim? :rofl::rofl::rofl:
If you had been paying attention you would know they did nothing but make negotiations with Russia more difficult.
Negotiations with Russia for WHAT?

Do you really think we need Russia for anything?

Putin is an extremely dangerous man, and if you oppose him in any way, he simply murders you or arrests you forever...he and his oligarchs have STOLEN all of his citizens resources and money and used it solely to benefit themselves, while the citizens struggle....

I would like to see his political opponents running against him not get killed or arrested for some obscure made up charge, and actually, freely, be able to run against Putin...and I would like to see Putin, PAY for his crimes in Prison forever.

I would love to see the Russian people, truly Free, and see them prosper.
There is no way to end the fighting in Syria or in eastern Europe without the cooperation of Russia, so if you have no interest in these issues, then you might not need to deal with Putin, but if you do, you need to deal with Putin. Putin has better than an 80% approval rating from the Russian people, so unless you believe all Russians are monsters you should realize that your opinions are nothing but bigotry. Putin tried negotiating with Bush and with Obama, but both of them ignored Russia's legitimate security concerns and the idiot Obama responded by sending thousands of US troops to countries bordering Russia and holding joint military exercises on the Russian border. Considering that the Obama administration used the Justice Department and intelligence services to try to influence the election in favor of Clinton, we should not be looking down our noses at what passes for democracy in Russia or even in Turkey.
Trees that lean to the Left, the brain is in their ass.

The Dem Party Is going down because of your idiotic decisions to engage in Surveillance against President Trump.

All that Surveillance and you have nothing but High Crimes and Misdemeanors Committed by a Now Disgraced Ex President and a Failed Candidate that escaped the noose once already!

How does it feel to be a fan of the first party in US History to Fuck Itself Royally with the help of a failed Hope and Change President?

Probably like Richard Nixon Felt when he realized he had to resign.

But at least Nixon had honor when he was dishonored and took a bullet for his party.

Your hero is a coward and so is Clinton.

Sucks to be you!

Except this administration is just 3 months old and has already reduced spending.

But keep fellating Obama and his 11 Trillion Dollar Debt.

None of what you said changed the fact he is a Traitor and a Criminal anyways.

He should be put on Trial for Sedition, Espionage, & Treason right alongside Hillary Clinton.

Obama Bin Lying: Super Predator!

And obviously Obama was ok with Assad staying despite his rhetoric; the difference is Trump will use Assad staying as a bargaining chip with Putin while Obama got nothing for it.

Obviously republicans are O.K. with huge budget deficits. Despite their rhetoric, they've run the biggest deficits in history.

In what part of the tree is the brain located?

You think the RW agenda of the past 100 years, after defeat after defeat, is coming back. Good luck with that.
I believe the latter is the case, and not only Putin but all Russians who follow US elections and who want peaceful relations with the Wet were happy to see Trump win.

"Wonderful".......The peacefulness-loving Putin took over Crimea and eastern Ukraine looking to take the rest of that country, while Trump both golfs and sends love message to Putin.

Russia does not have a government.....the country is run by a mafia of oligarchs who kill anyone who opposes their corruption......Trump may want a Faustian bargain with Putin, but the rest of the sane world does NOT.
After nearly three decades of the West ignoring Russia's legitimate security concerns Putin is taking unilateral action to protect Russian interests. What is happening now in eastern Europe is the result of failed US foreign policy.
The Yellow Yelp, and Hollow Fools Follow

It is Russia's Monroe Doctrine. Eastern Europe's gutless doormat crybully states are what in law is called an "attractive nuisance." If they want to remain independent, they must not go whining for NYETO soldiers to die taking the place of their pampered youth. They must draft everybody at age 18, build tunnels and other fortifications, and become garrison states. They could also all become one united country, with federal soldiers from each province being in all the other provinces. We're sick of sacrificing blood and treasure for those selfish weaklings.

Bush the First said he wasn't going to take advantage of Russia's post-Soviet weakness by crushing it for good. Mr. "Read My LIps was lying, as usual. Anyone born with a silver spoon in his mouth will always speak with a forked tongue.
Maybe because he knows he can count on Trump to do things like coming out for keeping Assad in power,

like Trump did last week.

lol And what did Obama do to remove Assad? He bombed ISIS. Obama was a political fraud who said one thing and did another, so he said Assad must go, but did nothing to transform that slogan into policy. President Trump recognizing what Obama couldn't see understands there is no resolution to the problems in Syria unless the US and Russia cooperate, so Trump won't lie about what his policy is as Obama did.
Ebola Ebonics

We ain't no Creepyass
Crackers from the boonies
We be the bros
Of the No-Limit Sunnis!

If the Saudi king aks us
We'll burn down Damaksus!

My gangstas aks me
"Hey, Bo, what's up?
I goes, "Syria be syrup."
From what I gathered from the media Putin hated and didn't respect Obama. Putin hated Hillary but respected her as more of a threat than Obama. Plus Trump was returning his complements and talking down NATO. I have no first hand knowledge and so I take these things with a grain of salt and thus label things as just my 2¢.
Actually the fact that Putin resents Obama so much is a tell tale he respects him much more than most. Same goes for Clinton.
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First off, Trump had been saying for years we needed to bristle up our military.....anybody think Putin likes the sound of that happening? Trump knows how to repatriate capital sitting overseas, bringing investment and wealth back to the US. That can hardly be music to Putin's ears. Trump is expanding our natural energy sources making LNG available for export to Putin's eastern European customers....hardly good news for Vlad. Trump demands NATO expand their defense spending to 2% of GDP which in most cases doubles the armaments facing the Ivans. And by bringing heavy manufacturing back to the US, we can again convert domestic production to military production that saw Detroit and other cities provide the WW2 "arsenal for democracy" in case of another world war.

Further erosion of our manufacturing base made us dependent on the very countries we may be facing in a war.....an impossible scenario. New investments in steel, copper, aluminum, and rare earth minerals will make us self-sufficient to defend ourselves and allies. The long-term effects of these issues spell nothing but trouble for Russian hegemony. And finally, Trump's calls for China to stop devaluing their currency while teetering on the brink of economic collapse thanks to overproduction and bad investments, puts another potential Putin foe in better shape. Donald J. Trump is the last man on earth Putin wanted in the White House.

Let's analyse what you say. If I get anything wrong feel free to correct me though. Your first point is that Putin won't like the US strengthening their military. This would be true if their was any type of parity to begin with, but since the US military budget is already bigger then the next 7 countries combined, the increase doesn't mean anything for Russia. Quite simply they can't compete anyway, so what does it matter.
Second argument, Putin doesn't like Trumps insistence on producing in country. The US and Europe is embargoing Russia atm. Something that for sure would have continued under Clinton. As the whole Flynn saga proves. Putin was led to believe that under president Trump his chances to lift current sanctions would be larger than under president Clinton. So if trade was already close to nonexistent, what does it matter???
Third argument. Trump has asked NATO countries to expand their contributions. Guess what..... so did Obama. And unlike Trump Obama or Clinton never questioned the US commitment to NATO.
The last part is a few disjointed points I'll try to address as I can identify them. If you can produce recourses internally you were never dependant on other countries to begin with. So the point that Trump trying to get heavy industry back makes the US strategically stronger doesn't make sense. Furthermore trying to claim that Russia had any type of hegemony is Bogus. The US by itself is both military and economically WAY stronger than Russia.
I'll answer your original question now. WHY WOULD PUTIN WANT TRUMP IN POWER. Putin is trying to divide and conquer. He wants to seperate the US from it's allies and he wants to break up the EU. Trump ran on an isolationist platform and got Russian support. In Europe both Wilders in the Netherlands and Le Pen in France received the same. Both of which are running on a promise of exiting the EU. Russia is helped by a divided world and that supersedes any marginal economical losses and they are marginal they would suffer.
"They can't compete anyway." :clap2:
Let's hear no more if it then. Ladies and gentlemen, the Russian threat is over.
Next Trump will drop the sanctions against Russia, and let the Russians Obama expelled back in.
The sanctions were a pointless political gesture that did nothing to change conditions on the ground. As always Obama put politics ahead of policy and after accomplishing nothing, claimed victory. Obama didn't care about accomplishing anything, he just wanted to look good because he was never anything more than an ambitious politician.

President Trump understands what Obama couldn't, that without cooperation between Russia and the US none of the problems in Syria or eastern Europe can be resolved. The sanctions made cooperation more difficult and were therefore counterproductive to progress in Syria or eastern Europe.
The sanctions didn't do anything, you claim? :rofl::rofl::rofl:
If you had been paying attention you would know they did nothing but make negotiations with Russia more difficult.
Negotiations with Russia for WHAT?

Do you really think we need Russia for anything?

Putin is an extremely dangerous man, and if you oppose him in any way, he simply murders you or arrests you forever...he and his oligarchs have STOLEN all of his citizens resources and money and used it solely to benefit themselves, while the citizens struggle....

I would like to see his political opponents running against him not get killed or arrested for some obscure made up charge, and actually, freely, be able to run against Putin...and I would like to see Putin, PAY for his crimes in Prison forever.

I would love to see the Russian people, truly Free, and see them prosper.
There is no way to end the fighting in Syria or in eastern Europe without the cooperation of Russia, so if you have no interest in these issues, then you might not need to deal with Putin, but if you do, you need to deal with Putin. Putin has better than an 80% approval rating from the Russian people, so unless you believe all Russians are monsters you should realize that your opinions are nothing but bigotry. Putin tried negotiating with Bush and with Obama, but both of them ignored Russia's legitimate security concerns and the idiot Obama responded by sending thousands of US troops to countries bordering Russia and holding joint military exercises on the Russian border. Considering that the Obama administration used the Justice Department and intelligence services to try to influence the election in favor of Clinton, we should not be looking down our noses at what passes for democracy in Russia or even in Turkey.
He does not have an 80% approval rating.

Negotiating with Putin is waste of time and dangerous to people who don't know that. Trump won't negotiate with him. But he will genuinely ignore him and hope you will too.
Maybe because he knows he can count on Trump to do things like coming out for keeping Assad in power,

like Trump did last week.


Next Trump will drop the sanctions against Russia, and let the Russians Obama expelled back in.
The sanctions were a pointless political gesture that did nothing to change conditions on the ground. As always Obama put politics ahead of policy and after accomplishing nothing, claimed victory. Obama didn't care about accomplishing anything, he just wanted to look good because he was never anything more than an ambitious politician.

President Trump understands what Obama couldn't, that without cooperation between Russia and the US none of the problems in Syria or eastern Europe can be resolved. The sanctions made cooperation more difficult and were therefore counterproductive to progress in Syria or eastern Europe.
The sanctions didn't do anything, you claim? :rofl::rofl::rofl:
If you had been paying attention you would know they did nothing but make negotiations with Russia more difficult.
Negotiations with Russia for WHAT?

Do you really think we need Russia for anything?

Putin is an extremely dangerous man, and if you oppose him in any way, he simply murders you or arrests you forever...he and his oligarchs have STOLEN all of his citizens resources and money and used it solely to benefit themselves, while the citizens struggle....

I would like to see his political opponents running against him not get killed or arrested for some obscure made up charge, and actually, freely, be able to run against Putin...and I would like to see Putin, PAY for his crimes in Prison forever.

I would love to see the Russian people, truly Free, and see them prosper.
Nagological Busybodies

The internal affairs of another country are none of our business. If the Russian people feel they are suffering under Putin's yoke, it is totally up to them to do something about it.
Who wants to weaken NATO? (Putin's bothersome thorn)

Who wants to break-up the European Union? (putin's second bothersome thorn)

Who wants to start a trade ear with our :banker', China? (Putin loves to fish in troubled waters)

BUT.....most of all.....Putin wanted a puppet to easily manipulate and Trump is the Charlie McCarthy to Putin's Edgar Bergen.....

Putin HATED Clinton with a passion for her calling his corrupt elections a farce..

Doubling the NATO defense outlay "weakens NATO"?
Do you really believe the EU is any threat to Russia?
A "trade war" with China would last about 90 days before the Chinese economy imploded.
Nobody on earth has ever "manipulated" Trump...he's an animal and a brilliant one.
It's a myth Putin "hates" Hillary....she's his ideal choice to destroy what's left of us after Barry the Fairy....a crook, a stumbling drunk, and an aide-punching, glass and lamp-throwing psychopath with the heavy (nuclear) briefcase.

The fact is that Trump questioned the usefulness of NATO while Clinton defended NATO.
Many members of the EU are members of NATO. That is why Russia backed alt right groups in the Netherlands and is backing one in France.
China holds a lot of our debt so they are not going to implode. If they dumped the debt they own we could implode.
Trump can be manipulated so easily. Anyone says anything on tv and he believes it especially when it validates him.
Putin is aware of the fact that Clinton is not the dove that Obama was. She apparently sided with the Generals in terms of the size of a residual force in Iraq.
First off, Trump had been saying for years we needed to bristle up our military.....anybody think Putin likes the sound of that happening? Trump knows how to repatriate capital sitting overseas, bringing investment and wealth back to the US. That can hardly be music to Putin's ears. Trump is expanding our natural energy sources making LNG available for export to Putin's eastern European customers....hardly good news for Vlad. Trump demands NATO expand their defense spending to 2% of GDP which in most cases doubles the armaments facing the Ivans. And by bringing heavy manufacturing back to the US, we can again convert domestic production to military production that saw Detroit and other cities provide the WW2 "arsenal for democracy" in case of another world war.

Further erosion of our manufacturing base made us dependent on the very countries we may be facing in a war.....an impossible scenario. New investments in steel, copper, aluminum, and rare earth minerals will make us self-sufficient to defend ourselves and allies. The long-term effects of these issues spell nothing but trouble for Russian hegemony. And finally, Trump's calls for China to stop devaluing their currency while teetering on the brink of economic collapse thanks to overproduction and bad investments, puts another potential Putin foe in better shape. Donald J. Trump is the last man on earth Putin wanted in the White House.


Trump is Putins bitch plain & simple. You know, like divide & conquer nato. And divide the people here at home using Putins fake news just like trump did back when he was running for office. There's more on Putins wish list besides that but I'm sure you're familiar with that
Next Trump will drop the sanctions against Russia, and let the Russians Obama expelled back in.
The sanctions were a pointless political gesture that did nothing to change conditions on the ground. As always Obama put politics ahead of policy and after accomplishing nothing, claimed victory. Obama didn't care about accomplishing anything, he just wanted to look good because he was never anything more than an ambitious politician.

President Trump understands what Obama couldn't, that without cooperation between Russia and the US none of the problems in Syria or eastern Europe can be resolved. The sanctions made cooperation more difficult and were therefore counterproductive to progress in Syria or eastern Europe.
The sanctions didn't do anything, you claim? :rofl::rofl::rofl:
If you had been paying attention you would know they did nothing but make negotiations with Russia more difficult.
Negotiations with Russia for WHAT?

Do you really think we need Russia for anything?

Putin is an extremely dangerous man, and if you oppose him in any way, he simply murders you or arrests you forever...he and his oligarchs have STOLEN all of his citizens resources and money and used it solely to benefit themselves, while the citizens struggle....

I would like to see his political opponents running against him not get killed or arrested for some obscure made up charge, and actually, freely, be able to run against Putin...and I would like to see Putin, PAY for his crimes in Prison forever.

I would love to see the Russian people, truly Free, and see them prosper.
Nagological Busybodies

The internal affairs of another country are none of our business. If the Russian people feel they are suffering under Putin's yoke, it is totally up to them to do something about it.
the Russian people are trying and have been trying for over a decade, but Putin keeps killing or arresting his opponent candidates.... the Russian people were protesting by the thousands just the day before yesterday but were brutally beaten and many arrested....

We can stay out of it, but we certainly should not in any way, be supporting the Dictator murdering thug Putin, the oligarch mob, and his KGB part deux...which Trump is doing by praising Putin and doing business with him and his oligarch mobsters...if Trump wants to deal with them when a private citizen, then fine, but DO NOT play footsies with Putin in the name of MY BELOVED COUNTRY, the USA.
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