Why is abortion the way of the world?

Disagree with your title and OP linking ancient human sacrifices to abortion. The human sacrifices were generally of adults to appease their gods. Abortion is the murder of babies for convenience.

Abortion isn't murder, and a fetus is not a "baby".

Abortion is the solution that poor American women chose because they cannot afford to carry, bear or raise a child.
25 Cultures That Practiced Human Sacrifice

Because historically child sacrifice was the status quo

It's just who we are.

And it is for the same reason, which is material gain. Most women have abortions due to financial concerns. Likewise, pretty much all ancient religions sacrificed their children to the gods for such things as victory at war or fertile crops, etc.
In the old, old days, some cultures believed that the gods would be more moved and willing to "help" if they were given the most precious gifts of the people. There is no more precious gift than a person's child, yannow---like Isaac?
Today people are terminating pregnancies when they cannot afford to feed, clothe, educate and house the child in a decent fashion. It is called being responsible to not bring an unwelcome child into the world.

Society can't afford to feed and cloth them so kill them?


Hitler once led the sick in hospitals into the basements to exterminate them because they were a drain on society as well.

Should this be done to illegal immigrants as well or just make sure no more can get into the US?

What happened to the unlimited money from the top 1% we all need to go confiscate?
Are you proposing these children who are not able to be cared for by their parents should become wards of the state and cared for by society? Just askin, not arguing.

Children need to be cared for. I don't know of anyone who favors the state doing it, at least, who wants their kids going to Foster care, but it is better than no care.
Disagree with your title and OP linking ancient human sacrifices to abortion. The human sacrifices were generally of adults to appease their gods. Abortion is the murder of babies for convenience.

Abortion isn't murder, and a fetus is not a "baby".

Abortion is the solution that poor American women chose because they cannot afford to carry, bear or raise a child.

That is a tautology. Just saying it is so, based on others saying it is not so, does not make it so.
Anti-abortion is the way of the Third World

Consider that

Abortion is the way of the world period!

The US actively promotes it around the world.

Lots of tax payer dollars go to promoting the killing of innocents.
In our society, not all killings are murder. Fact.
True, but killing innocent life is murder. That's abortion. Can't sanitize or gray it out to help you with your emotions.
My emotions are just fine thank you. We ALL kill 'innocent life' every day. What did that cow or carrot ever do you?

Most pro-lifers forget to mention it is human life they are pro because that means they would have to define what it means to be human and that inevitably leads back to religion.
No pro life advocates avoid that at all. Human is CLEARLY defined in modern science generally though genetics. There is absolutely zero question that a human life begins when it is conceived.

What you are digging for is personhood - not human.
OK. How's this?
Most pro-lifers forget to mention it is personhood they are pro because that means they would have to define what it means to be a person and that inevitably leads back to religion​
Still false - that is the pro choice argument trying to force its precepts on a pro life position. A pro life position recognized the sanctity of HUMAN life. Pro choice wants to divide that human life up into a part that is expendable and part that is not.

And none of that requires a religious precept.
If we are going to embrace barbarity, go all in and start killing women. Particularly young virgins. More primitive cultures killed women than sacrificed children.

Eventually that will happen. If they can sign murder into law with open defiance, there is no limit to their thirst for blood.

Speaking of thirst for blood, just Google genocide and see the history of humanity regarding it, this apart from killing children.

Humanity truly has a thirst for kill'in.

Currently in the US, about 300 Americans die every day from drugs coming across the border. Think about it, about as many people die a year from it as those who fought in Vientnam.

This is genocide.

It is and just another example of the depravity that exists within humanity. It knows no depth.
Or the vast depravity that exists with ALL of nature.

It is the very essence of limited resources.

Yes, limited resources in an unlimited universe.

Thanks for that.
Technically speaking, the universe has (over time) an infinite volume BUT a finite amount of energy (resources) The inevitable heat death and all..

In our society, not all killings are murder. Fact.
True, but killing innocent life is murder. That's abortion. Can't sanitize or gray it out to help you with your emotions.
My emotions are just fine thank you. We ALL kill 'innocent life' every day. What did that cow or carrot ever do you?

Most pro-lifers forget to mention it is human life they are pro because that means they would have to define what it means to be human and that inevitably leads back to religion.
No pro life advocates avoid that at all. Human is CLEARLY defined in modern science generally though genetics. There is absolutely zero question that a human life begins when it is conceived.

What you are digging for is personhood - not human.
OK. How's this?
Most pro-lifers forget to mention it is personhood they are pro because that means they would have to define what it means to be a person and that inevitably leads back to religion​
Still false - that is the pro choice argument trying to force its precepts on a pro life position. A pro life position recognized the sanctity of HUMAN life. Pro choice wants to divide that human life up into a part that is expendable and part that is not.

And none of that requires a religious precept.


Being religious is not a prerequisite to question the humanity of killing your offspring in the womb. I know a few people like this.

But alas, the Left will continue to portray this as a state vs. religion issue.
Eventually that will happen. If they can sign murder into law with open defiance, there is no limit to their thirst for blood.

Speaking of thirst for blood, just Google genocide and see the history of humanity regarding it, this apart from killing children.

Humanity truly has a thirst for kill'in.

Currently in the US, about 300 Americans die every day from drugs coming across the border. Think about it, about as many people die a year from it as those who fought in Vientnam.

This is genocide.

It is and just another example of the depravity that exists within humanity. It knows no depth.
Or the vast depravity that exists with ALL of nature.

It is the very essence of limited resources.

Yes, limited resources in an unlimited universe.

Thanks for that.
Technically speaking, the universe has (over time) an infinite volume BUT a finite amount of energy (resources) The inevitable heat death and all..


Don't you first have to realize the size and scope of the universe to even make such an assertion?
In our society, not all killings are murder. Fact.
True, but killing innocent life is murder. That's abortion. Can't sanitize or gray it out to help you with your emotions.
My emotions are just fine thank you. We ALL kill 'innocent life' every day. What did that cow or carrot ever do you?

Most pro-lifers forget to mention it is human life they are pro because that means they would have to define what it means to be human and that inevitably leads back to religion.
No pro life advocates avoid that at all. Human is CLEARLY defined in modern science generally though genetics. There is absolutely zero question that a human life begins when it is conceived.

What you are digging for is personhood - not human.
OK. How's this?
Most pro-lifers forget to mention it is personhood they are pro because that means they would have to define what it means to be a person and that inevitably leads back to religion​
Still false - that is the pro choice argument trying to force its precepts on a pro life position. A pro life position recognized the sanctity of HUMAN life. Pro choice wants to divide that human life up into a part that is expendable and part that is not.

And none of that requires a religious precept.


Definition of SANCTITY

Definition of sanctity

1: holiness of life and character : GODLINESS
missing the fact that many others don’t view embryos in their early stages of development as independent humans, they view them as a piece of a females body and respect her right to decide what to do about it.
That is not a 'fact' - that is a blatantly false position that is used to insulate one from the position that they actually support.

There is not a single definition of life in any scientific measure that even comes close to defining a fetus as 'part' of the mothers body.

I do not really have any issues with the right to chose position. I have a massive problem with the blatant hypocrisy, lies and self delusions that a significant portion of those that support that position use to justify it to themselves.
missing the fact that many others don’t view embryos in their early stages of development as independent humans, they view them as a piece of a females body and respect her right to decide what to do about it.
That is not a 'fact' - that is a blatantly false position that is used to insulate one from the position that they actually support.

There is not a single definition of life in any scientific measure that even comes close to defining a fetus as 'part' of the mothers body.

I do not really have any issues with the right to chose position. I have a massive problem with the blatant hypocrisy, lies and self delusions that a significant portion of those that support that position use to justify it to themselves.
Easy spin master. I didn’t say anything about science or definitions, I said many people believe. That is not a lie it is a fact. Most people I know including myself feel this way so I know it from first hand experience
Anti-abortion is the way of the Third World

Consider that

Abortion is the way of the world period!

The US actively promotes it around the world.

Lots of tax payer dollars go to promoting the killing of innocents.
Anti-abortion laws are far more prevalent in 3rd world countries

Andorra; Malta; San Marino; Angola; Congo-Brazzaville; Congo-Kinshasa; Egypt; Gabon; Guinea-Bissau; Madagascar; Mauritania; São Tomé & Príncipe; Senegal; Iraq; Laos; Marshall Islands; Micronesia; Palau; Philippines; Tonga; Dominican Republic; El Salvador; Haiti; Honduras; Nicaragua; and Suriname.

The Center for Reproductive Rights' World Abortion Laws Map 2018 shows the legal situation across the globe.

A further 37 countries ban abortion unless it is necessary to save the life of the woman. These include major economies such as Brazil, Mexico, Nigeria, Indonesia and the UAE.
Anti-abortion is the way of the Third World

Consider that

Abortion is the way of the world period!

The US actively promotes it around the world.

Lots of tax payer dollars go to promoting the killing of innocents.
Anti-abortion laws are far more prevalent in 3rd world countries

Andorra; Malta; San Marino; Angola; Congo-Brazzaville; Congo-Kinshasa; Egypt; Gabon; Guinea-Bissau; Madagascar; Mauritania; São Tomé & Príncipe; Senegal; Iraq; Laos; Marshall Islands; Micronesia; Palau; Philippines; Tonga; Dominican Republic; El Salvador; Haiti; Honduras; Nicaragua; and Suriname.

The Center for Reproductive Rights' World Abortion Laws Map 2018 shows the legal situation across the globe.

A further 37 countries ban abortion unless it is necessary to save the life of the woman. These include major economies such as Brazil, Mexico, Nigeria, Indonesia and the UAE.

indeed. Perhaps that is because the Third World is the most open to the gospel.
New York openly legalized murder. As Christians it is our moral duty to stand up against this evil. We must work together and do whatever it takes to reverse this and fight to end all abortion.
New York openly legalized murder. As Christians it is our moral duty to stand up against this evil. We must work together and do whatever it takes to reverse this and fight to end all abortion.

The gospel has done an incredible amount of good in the world.

The more influence the gospel has, the more good it does.

Unfortunately, the gospel has waned in the US. Today there have been over 60 million abortions with about 300 people dying a day from drug overdoses.

What did Marx say? Religion is the opiate of the masses? Funny, I don't recall it murdering 300 people a day.
25 Cultures That Practiced Human Sacrifice

Because historically child sacrifice was the status quo

It's just who we are.

And it is for the same reason, which is material gain. Most women have abortions due to financial concerns. Likewise, pretty much all ancient religions sacrificed their children to the gods for such things as victory at war or fertile crops, etc.
Nope. It's the woman's choice and governments must not interfere. It's not murder until the child is actually born, despite what the so called religious crowd says.
New York openly legalized murder. As Christians it is our moral duty to stand up against this evil. We must work together and do whatever it takes to reverse this and fight to end all abortion.

The gospel has done an incredible amount of good in the world.

The more influence the gospel has, the more good it does.

Unfortunately, the gospel has waned in the US. Today there have been over 60 million abortions with about 300 people dying a day from drug overdoses.

What did Marx say? Religion is the opiate of the masses? Funny, I don't recall it murdering 300 people a day.
What a crock

Christianity and abortion has a long and complex history, and there are a variety of positions taken by contemporary Christian denominations on the topic. There is no explicit prohibition of abortion in either the Old Testament or New Testament books of the Christian Bible. While some writers say that early Christians held different beliefs at different times about abortion,[1][2][3] others say that, in spite of the silence of the New Testament on the issue, they condemned abortion at any point of pregnancy as a grave sin,[4] a condemnation that they maintained even when some of them did not qualify as homicide the elimination of a fetus not yet "formed" and animated by a human soul.[5] Some authors, such as ethicist Benjamin Wiker, have contrasted the prohibition of abortion in later Christian societies with the availability of abortion that was present in earlier Roman society, arguing that this reflects a wider condemnation of pagan practices.[6]

The prohibition of abortion came from the Catholic Church (not Christianity as a whole) in the Middle Ages..ya know...right around the time they were burning witches (and Jews) and invading the Middle East

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